Feature Writer: Unknown Feature Title: UNICORN PRAYERS Link: Sex Stories Club / 25.09.2020 / Unicorn dreams Unicorn prayers When she…
Writer: satanichomo Subject: Prayer of Satanic Masturbation Link: TUMBLR 18/01/2021 / Posted by: Satanic666mo Prayer of Satanic Masturbation “O Magnificent…
Feature Writer: MaccViking Feature Title: CHRISTIAN SEXCAPADES FIGHTING DEVIL Published: 27.07.2020 Story Codes: Demonic Synopsis: When I was Christian fighting…
Feature Writer: amandablonde Feature Title: The Good Wife Published: 01.11.2020 / RAVISHU FORUMS Story Codes: Rape fantasy Synopsis: The family that…
Feature Writer: satanseedmichigan Feature Title: Satan reaches out to each of us Link: TUMBLR / 29.12.2020 / posted by Hellsatansworld Satan reaches…
Feature Writer: Jan None / [email protected] Feature Title: PAROCHAIL SCHOOL GIRL 2 Published: 11.01.2021 / Copyright 2021 Jan, all rights reserved…
Feature Writer: Jan None / [email protected] Feature Title: PAROCHAIL SCHOOL GIRL 1 Published: 21.12.2020 / Copyright 2020 Jan, all rights reserved…
Writer: Satanist1963 Subject: Words and blasphemy Link: TUMBLR 18/01/2021 / Posted by: Satanist1963 Words and blasphemy It is cold in…
Feature Writer: JuanSeiszFitzHall Feature Title: DEVIL. ANGEL. SWITCH! Published: 08.10.2020 Story Codes: Demonic Synopsis: Ron and LuAnn swap attitudes. Also:…