DISCLAIMER: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults. All Rights Reserved © 2023 LITTLESALLY666.

AUTHORS NOTES: This is the second installment of a story I started many years ago. It must be the most downloaded story in my collection and every week is at the top of the list — hence I have wanted to write further on this subject. If you have read any of my stories, you would know that they contain a lot of the themes that I really enjoy — sacred androgyny. I hope you enjoy it.

STORY CODES: LGBT, Incest, WS, Coercion, Corruption, NC, Cannibalism, Rape, Sadism, Young, Snuff, MC, Demons, Supernatural, Evil themes

CREATED: 20.12.2016 / REVISITED: 12.11.2023

Shemale Succubus 2


In the previous chapters of this tale of mountebankery, an ancient evil, Lilith the hermaphroditic demon, had taken a liking to a young middle-aged couple, Roger and Laura, and their two young preteen children, Pan (ten-years-old) and Sian (eight-years-old).

The demon had used simple sexual evils to corrupt them all. After a night of incestuous perversion and debauchery, the police make a gruesome discovery, in which both Roger and his son have been found murdered in an occult-like ritualistic style — leaving the grieving Laura widowed and young Sian fatherless.

The two survivors were helped by Pastor John and his young pretty wife, Collette, who insist that they join them at a remote hillside retreat to recover from the shock and the trauma. But the evil of Lilith has already taken hold over the two survivors and her poisonous influence soon begins to infect the nuns and monks of this harsh and pious monastery community.

As it turns out the brethren of this strict religious Order have secrets of their own and a legacy of duty handed down from one Reverend Mother to the next. One by one they begin to fall victim to the evil that has been visited upon them. But it seems there is a destiny of destruction that cannot be avoided — who will prevail?



The outré of blood—curdling screams was silenced as the Reverend Mother Valerie closed the heavy crypt temple door behind her. She panted, naked and bloodied, as she leaned back heavily against the outside of the crypt door gripping the cross-ribbing of the door for support. Her heavy heart was pounding like never before. She had played her part in the diabolical secret — now, what was done was done.

Had she conquered the evil? Was it truly over? Was it all worth it? The trap had been sprung. She knelt in babbling bathetic prayer. The secret signs were made and the perpetual seal placed as she had been shown to do by her predecessor — as her predecessor had been shown before by hers — a terrible purpose handed down from Reverend Mother to Reverend Mother in an unbroken chain for centuries.

The unholy din still echoed in her ears. It was almost too much to take. The calamity of the malevolence made her shiver involuntarily. God’s secret purpose for their Order had been finally fulfilled and its awful price extracted. It was exactly as it had been ordained, but still, the tainted nun could not believe what had just transpired.

“Give me strength … It is done,” she babbled.

Overcome with mixed emotions she allowed her mind to skip back to the first time that she became aware of the awful secret of their Order and the heavy burden that they all had to bear. She remembered the night as if it were only yesterday. In the last days of our predecessor’s life, she had been taken down into the horrid ancient crypts. A place of festering death and vileness. It was truly a place that she could not wait to leave. She could feel a prickly sensation that told her that this was a sinful place filled with highly—sexualized evil. She prayed for the strength of her Savior, Jesus Christ, and the fortitude of the Mother Mary.

Sister Valerie, as she was called then, had been a few years younger and was certainly no thaumaturge. It seemed that she had been handpicked by the then Reverend Mother Selene to succeed her. She was unclear why she had been chosen as there were far more worthy candidates. What was more, she was told nothing of the terrible purpose that lay before her, only that it was her duty as a Bride of Christ, to fulfill this onerous role. Only Sister Valerie and Reverend Mother Selene had entered the crypt temple that seemed to be lit by an eerie and unnatural light. Sister Valerie saw the graven images of the evil creature that was to be worshiped there — a hermaphroditic demon with the pert breasts of a woman and a serpent-like appendage for its pizzle.

The walls of this baphometic temple were adorned with a vile orgy of the most prolific proportions. The Reverend Mother Selene had looked up tired and withered from the burden of her decades of heavy responsibility. She used the images that adorned the walls to tell the story that Sister Valerie would need to know. And in doing so, transferred the secret agenda from her to the young nun. The old Reverend Mother had confessed that it was no easy task and that this course was irreversible. The Reverend Mother had chosen her, because she knew that the impetuous young nun had the courage to carry her burden.

As she told the story, the young nun followed the story that seemed to date back to the most primal of times. In the Garden of Eden, the perpetrator, Adam’s first lover, Lilith was depicted in absolute sexualized glorification. She first appeared as a woman, as Adam appeared as a man; both naked and without sin. Their sensual joining was short-lived. Adam rejected Lilith, as she refused to lay beneath him, desirous of taking a more assertive role and being his equal. This drove Adam to take Eve. Eve did as he desired and she was passive and meek — surrendering to Adam’s maleness. But Lilith called upon her servant, the legless carnivorous reptile that later was known as the serpent.

They both conspired to tempt Eve with the secrets of carnal knowledge. Together, Eve and Lilith, both ate of the forbidden fruit and thereafter lay together woman against woman and fornicated lustfully. Lilith conjoined with the serpent to become hermaphroditic in her nature and infected Eve with her venomous seed. They both conspired to seduce Adam so that Lilith could copulate with Adam’s mouth and anus. It was a celebration that God Almighty did not approve of. God was angered by Lilith’s cunningness. He called it original sin. He cast them out from the Garden of Eden, to forever be aware of his displeasure.

Samael, a fallen angel, became Lilith’s lover and they conspired against God, to bring him down and destroy heaven’s purpose for the world and for mankind. Lilith and the wicked serpent pledged to corrupt all men and women of the world so that they would worship her instead of God, and in return, she offered tainted ecstasy, perversion, and all forbidden sexual pleasures. She asked her followers to bring her their bastard children for her to rape and eat alive … and the carnal worship of ‘her’ became particular by its expressed offerings of human sacrifices and fornications in the most vulgar and perverted manner possible. Her temple would be one of sex, blood, and death. Her priests would be of blasphemy and cruelty. Her followers would be of hatred and lust to despise all that was considered holy.

“This is the story according to those that would genuflect and kneel before this demon and summon her evil powers to fulfill their sexual sinfulness,” stated the Reverend Mother.

Sister Valerie was sickened to the core. But even as she spoke her vagina quaked beneath her humble coverings — she was stirred by the sexual evil that seemed gainsay to everything that she believed in and held close to her innocent Christian heart.

The Reverend Mother then told Sister Valerie the secret purpose of the temple — that evil attracts evil and that one day they may be visited by this demonic creature. That all had been laid in readiness to trap this evil spirit within and to rid the world of her scourge. It was their reason for being; their numinous purpose. The Reverend Mother went on the explain the terrible nature of the secret ritual.

Sister Valerie was in a state of shock as she could not believe the wickedness that would need to be done … and all in the name of their God Almighty. The Reverend Mother assured her that it was divine, despite its vileness, it was after all for the greater good. The children would suffer most terribly and the fate of her brothers and sisters of the order would be sealed within the wickedness of the crypt — but it was but a small sacrifice in the name of their glorious faith.

Sister Valerie had naively asked, “But why would anyone want to pervert the word of God, and to destroy that which God has created in his ultimate wisdom? What unholy purpose could be served by the ingratiation of such a vile and wicked demon?”

“Sister Valerie, don’t you feel the presence of this wickedness even now?”

Sister Valerie was embarrassed by the Reverend Mother’s straightforwardness about something that she dared not contemplate nor even acknowledge.

“I … I do Reverend Mother. I feel a strangeness that makes me feel very uncomfortable.”

“Is there a churning in your loins my dear?”

Sister Valerie blushed. Her vagina was excessively wet and itchy. It took her full concentration not to allow her hands to fall between her legs and rub herself there and then.

“It is the evilness of this place. It is a tempestuous, lecherous, and canal place. It has a toxicity that cannot be denied. For the past five decades, I have watched over this quagmire. My life is almost over. It will be your responsibility to take over the watch. You will become its sole guardian. You will be called to perform the rite. If you are to be the one that springs the trap … if the opportunity presents itself … you will be doing God’s work my child … even now, I feel the weariness in my bones — I must rest.”

“But Reverend Mother, I’m afraid. What if I fail in the task?”

“It may never happen and it may be you one day, telling your predecessor what I am telling you, today. But, you must be ready … if the trap is sprung … You must not fail. We will have but one chance.”


Her old Reverend Mother Selene was dying. Sister Valerie’s predecessor had given her the key to the secret crypt temple that only the Reverend Mother’s replacement would know about. The sacred key itself seemed to depict that evil, its elongated wavelike shaft resembled the pizzle of the hermaphroditic demon — a phallic snake that was the only means of opening the door. The old Reverend Mother had kept it hidden from view, but always close, as it hung around her neck. Sister Valerie thought that she would do the same. But once she was presented with the strange obscene object, she found it fascinating.

She knew instinctively that this was not an appropriate feeling — but there it was. She played with it — using her fingers, touching its venereal shape through the fabric of her habit. As the key hung against her flat chest, all manner of strange sexual thoughts crossed her impressionable young mind. The key seemed to have an evil sexual energy all of its own and once in her young virile hands, her cunt began to yarn for her to rub it directly against her moist sex … to insert it into herself and feel its girth inside her. No. No. No.

The old Reverend Mother had described the crude ritual, that would require the unfortunate death of an innocent. Once a year, Sister Valerie, as the new Reverend Mother, would need to take a life in the repulsive crypt. A child would be killed painlessly before the evil idol, to maintain the power of the wickedness that the Order deemed necessary to draw the evil spirit into their eternal trap. It was a heavy price to pay, but one that was sanctioned by God Himself, as this was his holy work.

There upon her death bed, the Reverend Mother made Sister Valerie promise before the image of God Almighty that she would uphold and continue what needed to be done, no matter how repugnant — Sister Valerie felt honored and eagerly agreed to do whatever it took and in the dying eyes of Reverend Mother Selene, she took the sacred key and brought it to her lips, licking salaciously at its bulbous end. She intuitively knew this was not appropriate, but it was as if the key was telling her to do it. The dying Reverend Mother’s eyes widened in almost abject terror at the sight of such a repulsive act being performed in front of her — yes, she would uphold the repugnant rituals that would need to be done… a much, much more.

On the night of the old Reverend Mother’s death, as the other brothers and sisters of the Order mourned the loss of their Reverend Mother, Sister Valerie returned to the crypt temple alone. Nobody, but her, knew of its existence. She had made the excuse of needing private mourning to make her return. Once at the great door, she removed the key from around her slender young neck.

Unlike the first time, when she first entered the crypt temple, dressed in her formal robes with naive eyes that looked upon the cornucopia of perverted images with fear and trepidation — now she boldly entered and stripped naked before the looming image of the hermaphroditic demon. Her cunt juices flowed copiously down the inside of her legs as she looked up to the demonic creature that this sham was supposed to serve in great reverence.

The sacred key cried out to her to be used to lose her virginity, to masturbate herself before the demon and shed her first blood in its honor. She did, first rubbing the phallic key up and down her wet cunt lips and then at the point where she could no longer wait, pushed it up hard up against her hymen. The pain was short and though the phallic key was only halfway inside her, the sensual pleasures it seemed to bring overcome any initial discomfort, replacing it with a new venereal pleasure that was completely addictive.

As she masturbated before the demon, she contemplated the inevitability of her task ahead. She would have to kill a young child in the crypt once a year. An offering to this evil being, to maintain the status—quo and keep the trap baited with enough evil energy for it to draw its ultimate victim to her. She had not yet got used to the fact that she was now the new Reverend Mother — she would need to make the decision on who should die and when, and she would have to kill the child herself. Killing an innocent seemed counter to everything she had been taught in her short life.

The old Reverend Mother had suggested a quick and painless death — slitting the young child’s throat upon the terrible altar. The blood would gush out from the wound and bathe the evil wooden idol with inveiglement. It would be over before it started. She fucked herself as she contemplated. No. That should not be the way she thought to herself. No. As she masturbated faster, getting more of the serpent key inside of her, pushing it up further and increasing the magnitude of her self-pleasure.

No. The child should be made to suffer. Yes. To be sexually abused first by her. If it were a young girl, she would object rape her using the same phallus that filled her squirming, churning cunt. Yes. If it were a boy, she should rape his anus and make him spill his seed for the demon. Yes. They would need to sacrifice more than one child at each ritual. Yes. She would mutilate some (castrate the boys maybe), and strangle others — their demise needed to be more inventive. Once a year? No. That was not enough. The ritual should be performed monthly — maybe even more frequently.

The orphanage would quickly be depleted of young ‘offering’ — they would need to look further afield. She would need to consider abduction? Yes. She would prefer the younger ones; more vulnerable; innocent and unsuspecting. Yes. She should not have to do all these tasks alone. She needed a small but trusted selection of handpicked individuals. Yes! They would be the most beautiful, handsome, and androgynous, like the demon itself and they should perform all manner of perverted sex acts before the graven image; before her as their new Reverend Mother. Oh! Fuck yes! That should be the new way. This was the new Reverend Mother’s way! Orgasmic waves rippled through her with every delicious new thought — rewarding her metamorphosis.

As she looked up at the panoply of mural images that told the story of Lilith, Eve and Adam, these images seemed to come alive to her. The spoke to her in a new way. They became animated. They told her about a hidden subscript. Yes, Lilith and Adam were lovers — but Adam was selfish, only thinking of his own pleasure. He only wanted only what he wanted — his own gratification. This led to Lilith’s unhappiness and dissatisfaction with their inequality. She wanted to ride him, to take her pleasure too. She obviously enjoyed sexual behavior and saw it as her right. But Adam rejected her outright. To add insult to injury, he then took it upon himself, to create Eve. Lilith was angered, but in Eve she saw a way to get what she wanted. She found Eve’s demure charms interesting and she seduced her (corrupting her), so that they may experience a new kind of sexual pleasure together woman to woman.

They fornicated and both ate from the tree of carnal knowledge and became enlightened to the true nature of the world. But that was just the beginning. Lilith had found a way that she could transform herself, to become more than a woman, more than a man — as she co-joined with the serpent, she became hermaphroditic. The ultimate sexual being. Her femininity is matched by her masculinity. She was yin—and—yan; both night and day; moon and sun; creation and destruction. She used her new pleasing form to enslave both Adam and Eve sexually and they bowed down before her … instead of God. They worshiped her as their sexual goddess. They worshiped her with pleasure. Lilith roared! After all, God had been an absentee … God had misled them all … but they now knew better.

But God became angry. He was malevolent. His wrath is fearsome — he boomed that they were thankless creatures and no longer lived in his favor. God forced them all to leave the sanctuary of the Garden of Eden, to fight the harshness of the world beyond. Lilith despised God for his ruinous behavior. She saw him as manipulative and malicious — as self-serving like Adam. She could also be those things — and more. Together with Samael, one of the first of the fallen angels who had become Lilith’s lover, they both conspired against God Almighty and vowed to make God regret what he had done to them. She now saw herself free; to turn eternal light into everlasting night; to be both creator and destructor. She would make God pay for his mistakes.

This was all a strange change in perception in Sister Valerie’s eye. She saw the demon as the protagonist, but more profoundly, for the first time, she saw God as the villain. What exactly was the nature of evil? What exactly was good? God’s will? Lilith’s will? Her will?



“There is no more lively sensation than that of pain; its impressions are certain and dependable, they never deceive as may those of the pleasure women perpetually feign and almost never experience.”

“Reverend Mother?”

The Reverend Mother Valerie looked dazed as she glanced up from her dutiful prayers to the scorned face of Pastor John. Dried blood from a head wound covered most of his face and neck. The Reverend Mother, seemed to Pastor John, to be completely unaware of her own nakedness before him. She too was covered in blood and other more vile bodily fluids. Her agenda was unclear, only haste in what she was doing (she seemed completely preoccupied to bother about her nakedness as if it were menial). She retrieved a strange-looking key from the lock in the huge door that barred the view of the Pastor beyond its threshold. She placed it around her bloody neck.

Finally, she acknowledged him.

“Pastor John. You are hurt?” she inquired

Pastor John stepped forward unsteadily to assist her.

“Yes, but where is everyone? Where is my wife? Where are all the children?”

The Reverend Mother glanced back towards the huge crypt temple door.

“They are gone. Beyond hope my dear John. I am sorry, there is nothing that can be done.”

“I don’t understand?”

Pastor John was still dazed and confused from the concussion — but wanted answers immediately. He remembered awakening in a deserted monastery. He had found a blood-stained crucifix lying next to him that may or may not have been used to render him unconscious. Before that there was only the vaguest of memories of his wife, Collette, calling to him and then everything went dark. He was very unclear about the last few hours — not knowing how long he had been lying unconscious on the monastery floor. He had followed strange noises that had led him down the crypt. Down in the bowels of the monastery, he had not expected to find this calamity.

“It is not for us to understand God’s will. He is an enigma. We can only hope to glimpse at the brilliance of his grand plan.”

The Reverend Mother fell against him and they both hobbled back towards the steep staircase that led them up and out of this subterranean hell.

As they made their way towards the light, Pastor John wanted to ask a thousand questions and struggled to bite his tongue. Usually a patient and forgiving man, today he could not take it. He was frustrated by the Reverend Mother’s lack of concern for her fellow brothers and sisters, for the children, and for his wife. Something was terribly wrong, he felt it in every sinew of his body. He simply could not and would not be silent.


Laura no longer recognized herself. She felt so different. The old Laura had been such a conservative Christian mother; with two young behaved children and a loving husband; living in the depths of modern suburbia. She had been prudish, introverted, and conventional. There was nothing about her that would have been considered outrageous. But now everything she deeply believed in had been completely violated. Was she upset, angered, or riled against this? No. Quite the opposite.

She felt like a dirty filthy murdering whore … a wicked and evil person who thought of nothing but her own selfish and perverted desires… and she liked it that way. How could she have done the wicked things that she had done to her poor husband and to her own son?

They were dead because of her. She had been a witness, participant, and perpetrator. How could she have corrupted her own pre-teen daughter and had infected the caring Pastor, and his wife, Collette with her poisonous venom? Evil thoughts and feelings coursed through her veins. Her mind floated in a sea of iniquity that was churned by something beyond her control — her alter-ego had transformed her physical being too. These changes had felt strange and unwelcome at first, but now she relished them adapting to her new configuration.

Since their arrival at the remote monastery, the young Reverend Mother Valerie had taken a special interest in her and her daughter Sian. As they both descended the steep stone staircase into the crypts together, Laura felt a prickling in her genitals — almost unnoticeable at first but slowly building by the minute.

“It is not much further,” stated the Reverend Mother, almost apologetically.

Her enigmatic smile seemed completely out of place in the semi-darkness.

They came across a huge door that was ajar. The Reverend Mother appeared nervous. What was she afraid of? Or was it that she was so desperate to please? She liked this outwardly devout young woman who seemed to hold back so many dark secrets, sexual secrets (she felt bubbling to the surface) — that seemed to be building towards a new crescendo.

“We have waited a long time for you,” she hissed respectfully and gestured for Laura to enter the ornate doorway.

Laura hesitantly stepped across the ancient threshold and looked around. For some reason, she felt unsure of something, but she could not quite articulate it in its origin. Inside the crypt, the temple was roughly circular in shape with high ceilings and illuminated by an unseen source. It was an eerie and creepy place. As she entered the intensity of the light inside strengthened two-fold.

Everything appeared to have been here a long time — but well kept. Above her and around the walls a strange mural covered almost every surface with visual profanities. And at the centerpiece stood a statue of a sexualized demon with both the breasts of a woman and the erect phallus of a stallion. They were not alone. There were others there too. Laura’s eyes focused first on the four other nuns and four monks, who were dressed more unusually as their robes did nothing to hide their excited sexual organs.

Standing next to them were Collette and Sian (her corrupted daughter) who were dressed similarly. Sian looked excited and eager to join her mother. The other child orphans of various ages were not so excited or eager. They had all been completely stripped of their clothing and were hogtied with their arms and legs spreadeagled between posts that roughly circled the effigy. Seeing all the nakedness and explicit sexual ritualism began to make Laura quake inside.

“Great demon!” began the Reverend Mother.

The Reverend Mother removed her hooded gown to reveal that beneath she too was dressed like the others. Her small cone-like breasts and hairless vagina were clearly visible as their gowns were completely open from the front.

“Oh, Lilith, Queen of the damned. Wantonly, we kneel before you in servitude. You show us the path to dangerous desires. Let us dance before you, excited and lewd.”

Laura felt her inner wickedness begin to take her over. It was a powerful urge that felt unstoppable — both physically and mentally. She looked upwards towards the mural and began to recognize its significance, unconscious intelligence told her that this was the story of the great Lilith — from the dawn of sexuality in the Garden of Eden. She recognized it not as an ancient myth but as a story untold, her story. Lilith’s story. Details flashed powerfully through her like distinct memories of events past but vividly felt and retained. The demon’s memories no doubt. In her head, she felt her sinful mind being multiplied by the power of ten — every conceivable sexual immorality danced before her, crying for fulfillment. Physically her cunt felt lewdly full, her labia burned to be touched, and there were fireworks beginning to explode there, bringing a new level of unsavory bliss.

“Oh, illicit bride of Satan. We offer urine, blood, and semen. Oh depraved fairy. Nightly mother. We slaughter in worship, thy sexual demon.”

Others were arriving now. About twenty or more of them. It appeared as if the entire monastery had now gathered. They looked dazed and confused as if they never knew the existence of such an evil theater right below their very feet. A temple of lust and death, dedicated to the worship of a sexual demon that demanded the sacraments of urine, semen, and blood.

“You wrap us with your corrupted wings. As we bathed in your darkest desires. Oh Lilith, bringer of lecherous chaos. We burn the undeserving in your carnal fires.”

Magic seemed to flow from the Reverend Mother’s unclean fingertips. Laura could smell the aroma of strong aphrodisiacs and other sexual enchantments. The Reverend Mother was a witch. How could this be?

“My brethren,” exhausted the Reverend Mother, holding her arms aloft.

Momentary the seemingly uninitiated brethren looked confused and in disbelief; they appeared stupefied. Like dull-brained animals queuing up for the slaughterhouse. Then, almost instantaneously this was replaced by explicit primal urges that seemed to trigger their dull little Christian minds with a newfound lucidity. For the first time, they saw the truth. Her truth. The demon’s truth. They all began to tear their clothing away as if the act of being naked was to abate their wrongs and lift them to this new plateau of ritualised ecstasy.


Collette looked down on her unconscious husband.

“Fucker! Dumb fucker!”

The Pastor John was left bloody and unconscious. After Collette’s intense sensation of sexual rage, she felt only an uplifting liberation from everything that she once relished about the pathetic man and his miserable religion. There was a euphoric elation at her vicissitude and newfound freedom that filled her with a kind of drunkenness and an insatiability that demanded her unclean desires to be fulfilled — she stuffed three fingers into her needy cunt that was already hot and wet.

“Fuck me, Satan!” she spat.

Her mouth was salivating like a mad woman at the thought of the heavy veined—cock of the Angel of Darkness that she had knelt before and taken so eagerly into her warm mouth only a few moments previous. She knew that there was no return from this. She wasn’t sure if she had actually killed him. She did not even care. The meek Collette had gone forever, replaced with a new and more wicked Collette, one that no longer surrendered to the demands of the ignorant and pious — she only served herself and the pleasures that the darkness could bring her.

She remembered the demon’s words …

“Before I consummate you for Satan. You will need to do something for me. You shall pour this potion and taint the holy water in the chapel’s old stone font. The potent mixture of my body fluids will liberate your sisters and brothers from the bounds of their chastity. Tonight they will all bow to Lilith and serve the evil that will bring us all the debauchery we desire. Make sure that your husband, the Pastor, does not partake — I want him untouched as you will offer him to me in ritual sacrifice, as they all stand witness to a new vision of the unholy libertine.”

She would need help in her task; but as she left the old refectory she was surprised by the presence of the Reverend Mother Valerie standing together with the daughter of the woman that she and Pastor John had brought with them to the remote monastery, Sian. Collette’s face immediately flushed with guilt. Had the Reverend Mother seen what she had done? Or overheard what she had said out loud? Her eyes seemed to look directly into her very poisoned soul.

“Collette, I am glad I found you, my dear,” said the Reverend Mother.

“Yes, I was on my way to the old chapel,” she replied.

“There has been a change of plan. Don’t be afraid. We are all part of a grand design. You, me, and all our brethren. God has work for us to do. Come with us, my dear.”

Collette wanted to retreat but felt cornered by the change in circumstances. What was the grand design she talked about so proudly? God’s work was not on her mind. She wanted only to serve the devil. She had promised the demon that she would poison the brethren and bring her stupid preacher husband to be ritually murdered as an offering to her. This was what she wanted to do. To set herself free from her bondage to Jesus and the rest of these Bible-loving fuckers. But still, the Reverend Mother was insistent and what could she do under her watchful eye — she would go with the flow and then figure it out from there. Collette was distracted as Sian took her hand and stood side by side with her. Collette looked down at the young nubile girl. She felt a sharp stab of guilt as her prevailing thoughts about the young child were ones of lust and molestation.

“I’ve been very naughty,” whispered the loquacious little girl.

“What do you mean?” asked Collette curiously.

“I touch myself, Sister. I know it’s sinful. I need your help,” replied Sian.

She was a picture of innocence with a mouth like a public toilet. The young girl licked her lips salaciously, her eyes remained fixed in a daring stare between them as her tiny fingers made small circles in the palm of Collette’s hand. She wanted to fuck this child with her fingers and press her cute little face against her engorged cunt lips. She was such a delicious little morsel.

“We need your help, Collette,” said the Reverend Mother bringing her back.

The Reverend Mother smiled at the exchange.

“What … what do you need of me?” asked Collette looking towards the Reverend Mother.

“What God has always planned for you. Serve him by serving me. It will seem unorthodox — even blasphemous, but what must be done, must be done. Take young Sian. We must go to an evil place. It is deep in the bowels of our church chapel, beneath the catacombs. A crypt temple dedicated to the sensual worship of demons. There you will find the answers. Come now. There is much to prepare.”


The Reverend Mother grabbed Sian’s tiny hand and pulled her to one side. Things within the monastery were already beginning to border on chaos. The Reverend Mother knelt down in front of the young child so that they were eye-to-eye.

“Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you,” assured the Reverend Mother.

“I’m not,” lied Sian.

She was far too young to fully comprehend the extent to which the situation was turning. The evil seed that the demon had planted deep inside her was beginning to blossom and though she had already experienced her first temporary transformation, it left her feeling wanton and lusty.

“I know what you are,” stated the Reverend Mother.

“I don’t know what you mean?” she lied again.

“Come with me, we must find Sister Collette and then reunite you with your mother.”

Sian said nothing further. She held the Reverend Mother’s hand as they both walked briskly back to the old refectory. There in the doorway, she recognized Sister Collette. Sister Collette’s clothing was torn and there was blood everywhere. She looked angry.

“Collette, I am glad I found you, my dear,” said the Reverend Mother.

Sian waited for the two adults to finish talking. She was feeling so horny, her tiny cunt quivered. From the night before, she had learned to rudimentary control the thoughts of others and to get them to do the dirty sex things that she wanted. She remembered how she turned Sister Gina and got the nun to suck her shecock.

Thinking about it again, made Sian desperately masturbate herself — to make the strange thing happen again. She had enjoyed the feeling of fucking the nun’s mouth until she began to spurt her juices down the nun’s throat, making her choke on the excessive fluids. Yes. The nasty pleasures had been so intense. She wanted to do that again and again. It felt good to hurt her and the other children with her shecock — she kept thinking about sticking it in their mouths, in their vaginas, or in their anuses.

She especially liked the tightness of their small openings. How she made them scream. They did not like it. They did not enjoy it. But she did and that’s all that mattered — she was going to hurt them with her shecock — stick it in them and fuck them until she spurted. Yes. Yes. Yes.

“I’ve been very naughty,” Sian said to Sister Collette.

“What do you mean?” asked Sister Collette.

“I touch myself, Sister. I know it’s sinful. I need your help,” she continued, but the Reverend Mother pulled Sister Collette away before Sian could finish. She watched them talking and then the Reverend Mother left the two of them together.

Sister Collette turned and smiled at Sian.

“I’d like to see you touch yourself.”

“You would?”

The adult looked around, making sure that they were no longer being watched. She dragged Sian into a small room that ran off the main thoroughfare. She closed and locked the door. Inside there was a low table and a couch big enough for the two of them to sit down. Sian was feeling so fucking itchy.

“Oh yes. I’d like to lick you between your legs and put my fingers inside of you. Would you like that?”

“Mmmmm … Yes, Sister Collette. But it might make me pee myself.”

“Then I would drink your delicious pee as I lick your nasty baby cunt.”

“Would you do that? Drink my pee?”

“Oh yes. I’d love to drink her hot salty pee … it’s the devil’s sacrament!”

“But my baby cunt is different now … the demon goddess gifted me with something new …”

Sister Collette looked surprised.

“What do you mean?”

Sian lifted the hem of her skirt and without any underwear to hide it, she showed Sister Collette the new arrangement of her genitalia below. The delicate folds of her tiny pussy were pressed wide parted and the dome of an internal appendage had already pressed forward and stuck out obscenely for a few inches — it was already hard, throbbing, and elongated like a penis-shaped frankfurter sausage.

“OH fuck! Look at that!” exclaimed Sister Collette, her mouth watering at the child’s demonic abnormality.

“My new thingy needs to be touched …” ordered the child, pushing her hips forward.

Sister Collette touched it with her fingers.

“Mmmm … touch it, squeeze it, rub it, and make it spurt!”

The demonic cock continued to grow, quivering as it filled out even further. It was now the size of a full-grown man’s erection. Sister Collette lifted her habit over her head and squatted over it, using her fingers she guided it eagerly into her hot wet cunt.

“Spurt inside me. Fuck your demon juicy up into my womb,” she ordered.

Sister Collette didn’t wait for young Sian to respond, instead, she slid forward until the first few inches were buried between two cunt lips. She rocked back and forth, fucking the child’s demonic cock.

“Aargh …” she groaned and pressed down so that its entire length disappeared inside of her.


“Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, is all founded on lust.”

After copulating wildly with the demon child, Sian, Collette had become deeply inspired about the nature of this strange duty that the Reverend Mother had told her about; and very curious about what lay within the realm of ‘sensual worship of demons’. She had already become hopelessly addicted to the new experiences and sensations that filled her both physically and emotionally. The pain and pleasure had been so intense — that she could only scream for more. It was a rollercoaster ride, like no other. Her mind filled with only the darkest of her sexual desires.

There seemed to be an exodus down into the secret levels below the old chapel. They followed the others down the steep stone stairs into the waiting darkness. There in the gloom of the crypt temple, Collette and Sian were joined by a group of brethren that she had not encountered before. They were not like the usual nuns and monks of the monastery. They were all very young and mostly androgynous in their appearance; and as they shed their drab habits, their remaining dress code was very particular. They gave both Sian and her a similar gown to be worn that was clearly open from the front exposing their breasts and genitalia.

It was arousing to see all the young brethren dressed in such explicit clothing, the boys were all erect and the girls were getting wetter by every passing minute. In the crypt temple, they were told that the Reverend Mother would be arriving with their “Guest of Honor” and that shortly the ritual would begin.

Collette could see firsthand how they all undressed the orphan children, some as young as five or six, and hogtied them between uprights spaced around the circumference of what was to be the orgies epicenter. There she faced off with the looming wooded idol, its blackened wood seemed to be polished with an oily substance that made it slippery.

The idol’s giant phallus stood upright — one of the younger nuns explained that soon they would make the ritual sacrifices; some, she said, would be abused, molested, and raped and then eventually strangled; some of the youngest ones would be thrust upon the idol so that they were completely impaled upon the demon goddesses cock. Collette looked at Sian and they both grinned with wickedness as neither could wait to participate in this most exciting and most murderous rite.


Lust stirred the demon into life. Like a crazed genie escaping the constricted confines of its’ tiny lamp, expanding vaporously as it began to pour forth inside of Laura’s body as if she were an empty vessel. It filled her every bone, muscle, sinew, and organ as it took her over both physically and mentally. The demon had been there all along, observing, and sensing, but had been drawn forth by the escalating situation. All the tempting trappings of wickedness were at hand and it was a beckoning she could not refuse.

The Reverend Mother Valerie had shown a strange attraction to her (as Laura). The demon had assumed it sexual — but it was more than that. It was as if she had been expecting her; that she could see past the disguise of humanity and feel the presence of the sex demon. As they both descended the steep stone staircase together into the darkness of the secret crypts, the demon saw a glimmer of unexpected wickedness driving the young Reverend Mother.

“It is not much further.” stated the Reverend Mother apologetically.

Her enigmatic smile seemed completely out of place in the semi-darkness.

Demon followed in silence. Smouldering. There was a great fear there, but more than that, it was a dread mixed with sexual excitement — could it be a willingness to serve the Angel of Darkness? It was as if the religious zealot’s subconscious mind had become filled with an unstoppable contrary of willingness to appease the sex demon. And this was not just in a future context, but one that had been going on for quite some time — the demon sensed a ritualistic devotion to the sexual torture and subjection of others, especially the innocent ones (young children) in the divine belief of demonic worship.

“We have waited a long time for you,” she hissed respectfully as she gestured for Laura to enter the ornate doorway.

Lilith stood on the threshold of the theater of evil. Inside the temple, to the demon’s delight, her senses were confirmed. It was a place that had been dedicated to her, and her alone. Human sacrifices had been offered here to glorify her … blood, urine, and semen … and on a very regular basis … and the Reverend Mother had been at the fulcrum of these evil activities, inspiring greater and greater feats of evil from those who did her bidding.

She was unclear of her own hesitation. Maybe it was the residual of Laura inside of her that feared what was about to happen. The demon knew no fear. Only lust and death. But still, there was something not quite right about this interesting discovery that eluded her. Still, the demon’s cunt was burning with obscene pleasure. She stepped into the bizarre temple and the Reverend Mother closed the door behind them both. The demon saw the party that had been assembled before her. They were all sexually engorged in anticipation of the inevitable perverted pleasures that the demon would bestow upon them. The demon recognized Collette and the eight-year-old, Sian, and like the others, they were dressed to expose their excited sexual organs to the demon.

Several of the child sacrifices cried out hopelessly, all of them painfully hogtied and prepared for ritual rape and murder. The demon salivated thinking about how she would gorge herself upon their innocent flesh. The great oily wooden carving of her replica that announced her arrival was magnificent. Looking up she saw how they had depicted her story — her triumph over Adam, over Eve, over God himself. Her victory in the Garden of Eden and how she had vanquished God’s absenteeism. She was a god/goddess unto herself. She would never bow down to this weak and ignorant god. She had made her alliance with Samael, the fallen one, and together they would rule the earth, rule over men and women, offering eternal bliss to those who would serve her as god/goddess.

“Great demon!” began the Reverend Mother.

The Reverend Mother stripped down to reveal that she was dressed similarly to the other “Ring Leaders” … the entire monastery had been assembled for this special celebration. The demon shed her clothing too — standing naked before those who had schemed to worship her. She felt elated.

“Oh, Lilith, Queen of the damned. Wantonly, we kneel before you in servitude.”

Her thick veined shecock was already beginning to press forward from within herself. Turning her cunt inside out, it expanded like an obscene salmon sausage pressing outwards and upwards from between her open legs.

“You show us the path to dangerous desires. Let us dance before you, excited and lewd.”

The sounds of chanting began and the naked brethren danced around the demon, touching themselves and each other. The demon looked down at Sian, the demon child. the eight-year-old’s shecock stood upright from between her legs. Laura’s kin was no longer hers, she now was a daughter of Lilith.

“Oh, illicit bride of Satan. We offer urine, blood, and semen.”

The Reverend Mother, now revealed as the priestess of Lilith, raised her hands and a dark magic flowed from her, enchanting the brethren even further. Unbridled. The stench of perverted sexuality rose as they began urinating over each other. Their golden streams sprayed in every direction; mostly aimed upwards towards their open mouths, gulping down mouthfuls of hot, salty urine, self-baptising themselves in the devil’s sacrament. Drenched in their stinking piss, they pressed their sexual organs forward against the hermaphroditic demon. Their wet hands were eager to touch and stroke the length of her thick-veined cock in great reverence, as they urged the demon forward to take her rightful place before her own effigy. Sian advanced forward and began to lick and suck at the demon’s cock as the others looked on enviously, salivating as they awaited their turn to appease their demon goddess.

“Oh depraved fairy. Nightly mother. We slaughter in worship, thy sexual demon.”

Lilith listened to the music of the incessant chanting as it raised and fell; as the first of the young ones was brought forward, she kicked and screamed trying to escape the inevitable as the naked worshipers positioned her to be impaled upon the effigy’s enormous wooden cock. The young girl yelped as her own body weight took her several inches down the length of the idol’s wooden spear. Her eyes were wild with the excruciating pain of disembowelment as the brethren pressed down on her body so that the demon cock pierced right through her tiny body. The first child’s death screams were almost lost in the mayhem of competing screams of elation from the murderous crowd. Copious blood ran down the remaining length of the idol’s impossibly thick cock to be collected for drinking.

“You wrap us with your corrupted wings. As we bathed in your darkest desires.”

The other orphan children looked at it in abject horror as members of the cult began to single them out for rape and death. Already more than half were being anally penetrated. Their perpetrators looked crazed and drunk with evil lust — caring not for anything other than their own selfish pleasures, that were greatly enhanced in the presence of the demonic entity that oversaw their wickedness. Perpetual sobs turned now to screams of agony that rang out to mix with the strange nonsensical moan-chanting of the perverted brethren as they competed against each other in their panoply of the most degrading and disgusting acts of depravity before their great demon goddess; their performances dedicated to and to appease the demon’s lust for evil sex; to show their devotion in her presence.

“Oh Lilith, bringer of lecherous chaos. We burn the undeserving in your carnal fires.”

The foul energy of all the participants seemed to magnify, expand, and explode. Lilith looked up at the mural that told her story so eloquently. The colors seemed to merge as the blasphemous images of her evil triumph began to crumble to powder. Looking up further, the very temple ceiling itself seemed to be disintegrating. It was as if a vortex had opened filled with deathly screams as the bloody orgy spiraled out of control. Everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs. The idol in her likeness began to crumble like a sandcastle in a windstorm — particles flew left and right, some striking the naked nuns and monks. Her evil enchantment rushed to fill the chasm but it dissipated too quickly into the nothingness beyond. The bodies of the human sacrifices rose up lifeless in their bloody forms. Cries of perverted joy turned quickly to cries of fear as her beloved worshipers were all torn apart.

It was at that precise moment that the demon realized her deadly error. All that she saw had a hidden purpose — this was not to be a magnificent celebration of devilish worship in her honor but an elaborate trap. She felt robbed of her moment. Her wondrous glorification! Her triumph had been short-lived. She looked to the heavy door that offered the only retreat and saw the naked shape of Reverend Mother stepping through into the sliver of light that separated the crypt temple from the only way out.

“Damn you. Damn you all.”

The demon screamed as she flew across towards the disappearing light.


The Reverend Mother Valerie lent back heavily against the great doors. She was out of breath. She was covered in blood, piss, and semen.

“Give me strength … It is done,” she babbled to herself.

The Reverend Mother drew a heavy breath as she pondered. She quietly reflected on everything that had brought her to this point in time. Her particular experience played out like a snuff-horror movie on fast forward — from the moment she had felt trapped by her predecessor and press-ganged into this austere duty she never wanted in the first place.

“Reverend Mother?”

The Reverend Mother glanced up and saw the austere Pastor John standing a few feet away from her. She retrieved a phallic key from the huge door that barred the view of the Pastor. She pulled it from the keyhole and placed it around her bloody neck.

“Pastor John. You are hurt?” she inquired.

“Yes, but where is everyone? Where is my wife? Where are all the children?”

She glanced backward.

“They are gone. Beyond hope my dear John. I am sorry, there is nothing that can be done.”

“I don’t understand?”

“It is not for us to understand God’s will. He is an enigma. We can only hope to glimpse at the brilliance of his grand plan.”

The Reverend Mother’s energy was almost completely depleted. She did not have the stamina to explain further. Not right now.

“Help me,” said moaned stepping forward.

The Pastor stepped forward to wrap his arms around her and together they staggered up the steep stairs towards the light at the top of the staircase. Finally, they both emerged and Pastor John went to cover the naked woman in a discarded gown that he found close to the top of the stairs.

“Reverend Mother,” he pressed, “I need to know …”

As he advanced he saw the edges of her mouth curl into a strange smile or maybe it was more of a profoundly wicked snarl that caught him by surprise. He was mercerized for a moment. This enigmatic young woman had ascended in the ranks of the faithful to be a full Reverend Mother in such a short time.

As puzzlement filled his thoughts, it came as a complete surprise when all of a sudden she pressed the phallic key hard into his mouth. He was slow to react as she rammed it so hard it knocked out his front teeth — thrusting the obscene object into the back of his throat. He gasped as it was too late. Her hands then wrapped around his throat and her thumbs pressed with supernatural strength against his exposed larynx. He tried to break her grip as his eyes bulged and blood poured from the corner of his damaged mouth.

“Die fucker!” she screamed hysterically.

Weakened by his injuries the Pastor was no match for the strength of this sudden and completely unexpected attack. With his crushed windpipe he soon collapsed to his knees and then to his back. His eyes were still wide open.


The Reverend Mother laughed out loud as she kicked the dead Pastor’s rigid body. She rubbed the engorged lump that had started to form between her upper thighs. The growth seemed to twitch and pulsate with an energy of its own — making her feel light-headed with an instantaneous renewal of irresistible lusty pleasure. Valerie, who had fulfilled her duties to her thankless God, felt something new stirring deep inside of her.

It was irrepressible in its demands. She knew at that moment that the very thing she tried to destroy in the crypt temple was now her liberation. It burned with debasement as her vagina twisted inside as something pressed to escape from within her loins. Her thoughts twisted toward lust, corruption, and demonic poison. The role she had played had originally been in the service of God’s plan… she had willingly abused, tortured, and killed hundreds of innocent ones; she corrupted members of her own brethren to partake in rituals of sex and death — she was not supposed to have enjoyed it or relished it, but she had.

She knew it. The demon knew it. Together, they knew. There were other Orders similarly tasked to trap the demon. How easy it would be to turn the trap … to fulfill the ritual … to finally celebrate the demon’s ascension to godliness… to take her place as the creator and destroyer.

The brethren were all gone. Everyone connected to the monastery, with the exception of the Pastor, was dead and sealed behind the secret doors of the crypt temple (and she was the only one who knew of its existence). She would need to dispose of the Pastor’s body and then there would be nobody to contradict her version of the sad story. It would be told as an unfortunate travesty with her as the sole survivor.

The demon grinned and growled as it was far from sate — it would never be sate.




If you have enjoyed this story or would like to offer praise to the author, who is always hungry for encouragement and affirmation, please email xpanther2019@protonmail.com