Feature Writer: Rozalin_0123 Feature Title: PURELY SINFUL 2 Published: 07.10.2014 Story Codes: Erotic Horror Synopsis: A detective in Chicago makes…
Feature Writer: Phyllis Feature Title: The Pastor’s Wife Link: http://www.kristensboard.com/forums/index.php?topic=65934.0 Story Codes: MDom/F, Cuckold, Anal, Husband-voyeur, Humiliation The Pastor’s…
Feature Writer: menreformed4satan Feature Title: Take a Satan Link: TUMBLR / 24.08.2019 / Reposted by https://perv666blog.tumblr.com/ Take me Satan…
Feature Writer: Rozalin_0123 Feature Title: PURELY SINFUL 1 Published: 07.10.2014 Story Codes: Erotic Horror Synopsis: A detective in Chicago makes…
Feature Writer: A Cannibal Feature Title: Hawaiian Jungle Horror Published: Unknown Story Codes: Cannibalism, NC, Young, Rape, Erotic Horror …
Feature Writer: Wilson Talasz Feature Title: Belphegor Demon Link: TUMBLR / 23.08.2019 / Reposted by https://aanti-christ.tumblr.com/# Belphegor…
Feature Writer: Poppy_Dryden Feature Title: A HARVEST OF THORNS Published: 04.09.2019 Story Codes: Erotic Horror Synopsis: Nature seeks retribution through…
WATER THE BOOK OF LEVIATHAN – THE RAGING SEA THE SATANIC BIBLE Despite all non‐verbalists’ protests to the contrary, soaring…
Feature Writer: aanti-christ Feature Title: The Witch Link: TUMBLR / 23.08.2019 / https://aanti-christ.tumblr.com/# The Witch Causing fear with…