Feature Writer: R. E. Geis
Feature Title: April’s Boy
Story Codes: Bestiality



April’s Boy (PART 1 OF 5)


Human sexual activity with animals is not as rare as has been thought; a great deal of curious sexual experimentation goes on between girls and their dogs and cats, between women and their pets. Only a small percent continue it. Roger Blake PhD, in his book Beauty/Beast, Volume One, writes: “… the statistical possibilities are that one female in twenty and one male among every twelve to fourteen are currently engaging in bestial relations, have had sexual contact with animals, or will have sex relations with one or more animals.” Extrapolation of the Kinsey reports’ figures indicates that right now there are approximately five million females in this country who have, will have, or are having sex contacts with animals. Sex acts between women and larger animals pigs, ponies, donkeys, horses is thought to be limited to commercial sex circuses and exhibitions by prostitutes, but a secret, not-too-rare area of such activity exists on the farms. There, widows and young women often experiment with larger animals and sometimes develop intense emotional attachments to their animals.

Recently a Swedish girl who posed for a number of pornographic picture magazines with her stallion, pig, donkey, and dogs and cat was interviewed and said she had been having sexual contacts with animals since she was seven years old. She claimed she’d rather have sex with an animal than with a strange man. Why a woman seeks or accepts sex with an animal is a question with many answers. One reason is that the raw, uninhibited power of an animal is attractive to a certain kind of woman–the masochist–who seeks punishment through the pain and humiliation of sex acts with animals. Roger Blake comments on this factor thus: “I feel that vast numbers of urban women who are bestialists may also be masochists. The contact with an animal ‘is a degradation, ‘proving’ that they are real ‘bitches’ to themselves.” Certainly this has to be part of the motive money is the excuse–of the prostitute who perform sexually with animals in “circuses” and exhibitions.= There is an interview in this book with such a woman who “does it” with dogs. True names and places have all been changed or omitted.


Chapter 1 – April’s Boy

One of the healthy, admirable things about today’s youth is its honesty, especially in relation to sex. And among the most open and candid of young people today are those generally described as “hippies.” It is my good fortune to know a number of them and to be trusted by them. I do not deliberately seek out sex histories from them, but in long hours of talking about every subject imaginable, sex always comes up and often we will bare our “secrets.” So it was when I talked with April about love in general and how it can exist in the strangest places and between the unlikeliest people. The point arose that we are all animals and that a deeply emotional love could (and often does) exist between an animal and a human, and that it would not be unusual or unbelievable for there to be a sexual element involved.

Dr. John F. Trimble agrees with this. In Female Bestiality he writes: “In my opinion, most authorities seem to overlook the fact that, in the case of domestic pets, the very reason for having the pet is to have something alive that one can dominate and love in a purely selfish (although sometimes apparently unselfish) manner. The person bestows affection on the animal, and where affection is possible, so is physical response and stimulus.” Roger Blake, in his Beauty/Beast, Volume One, mentions: “… I have run across some cases of female bestiality where a very loving and affectionate relationship has been inculcated for both the mistress and her dog.”

April nodded and frankly told me of a sexual thing she had going for a while with her dog, a full-grown greyhound, when she was still living with her dad on their farm where they raised and raced a stable of dogs at the Oregon, Mexican, and Montana tracks. She was fifteen at the time. She is now eighteen, living with two young men as their wife and is apparently quite happy and content. She agreed to let me tape her story and to put it into a book if the opportunity arose. Of course April is not her real name.

“When Mom died, Dad sort of threw himself into making the farm go and I guess I did, too. We lived and breathed greyhounds and races and training. I went to sleep with dogs barking a few feet from my window and woke up at dawn with them barking at the sunrise and wanting breakfast. I was fifteen and I was itchy for sex but I didn’t know it. I had hot flashes and I was always squirming around in bed and masturbating like mad before going to sleep, but I was a dope, I just didn’t think it was unusual. I guess it wasn’t unusual, actually. I was mature for my age. I had my growth, as they say, by the time I was thirteen and that’s about the time I started masturbating like a mink.”

“I didn’t know it was ‘bad.’ It felt pretty damn good to me. Physically, I needed a boy to fuck the shit out of me, but I didn’t know any, really, I didn’t. We were on the go almost all the time, driving up to Oregon for the track season or over to Montana or down to the tracks across the border … and I met lots of men–shit, they were drooling all over me–but I was scared of them and I was a silly virgin … you know how it goes.”

“And I had to take care of Dad–he limped around with that short leg from the accident–and I had to take care of the dogs …”

“My special dog was April’s Boy. That was his official name for racing. I just called him Bo. He was mine, heart and soul. He loved me and I loved him. He had the biggest, widest, brownest eyes you ever looked into. He was so sleek and beautiful. He was handsome!”

“I loved to hug him–I went out at night and went into his private run and just hugged him! He was so warm and vibrant! So full of energy and life!”

“He didn’t win often. He could have–he had all kinds of speed, but he couldn’t learn to cut right on the turns. He’d be ahead going into a turn and lose it all on the outside. Then he’d get up on the finish, but always\ be third or fourth. It was heartbreaking. He tried so hard. I cried like a baby when he came so close.”

“I guess the sex part started one night after I had been masturbating like crazy for about an hour. I would get absolutely wild from fingering myself off half a dozen times. I just got hotter and hotter, squirming around … my nipples stuck out a mile, I was so worked up. Then and my clitoris. The more I rubbed it the bigger and harder it got. Finally it was almost too sensitive to touch. I just lay there in bed shivering and itching and wanting a man’s cock in me so bad … but afraid to try it for fear of getting pregnant and having a messy affair and being some guy’s property.”

“I was thinking in straight, square terms then. And none of the men I knew appealed to me as husband material.”

“So I rubbed myself off all the time and thought about my prince charming with a hard six or seven inches who was a millionaire who would find me and marry me.”

“The sex thing with Bo started one night on the farm after we got back from a three-week run in Mexico. I started masturbating to get rid of some sex tension that had built up and I got myself all wet and juicy and I came off about five times, but it wasn’t enough. I was thinking more and more about sticking a banana or something up in me and fucking myself, just to feel something up where the itch really was.”

“As you can see, I’m a kind of chubby girl with nice fat legs and a nice fat ass. Also I’ve got a really nice pair on me. Talking into a tape recorder like this is fun … no one’s going to know my real name or where we live, so I can really level and be flat-out honest.”

“So–you’re going to let this bit get into the book, too? Why not? If I don’t talk too much? I guess you’ll cut out what you don’t want, huh?”

“To get back to what I was yakking about–good old sex–can we play it back?”

“Okay, yeah. A lot of teenage girls masturbate a lot, a helluva lot more than most people think. It’s so easy after you get the hang of it, and these days with sex education and anatomy and books all around, a girl learns all about her body, especially the clitoris and what it’s for.”

“So, I was rolling my clitoris around under my finger, in the soup that accumulates in me down there when I’m hot and I started sliding my finger into my vagina, too, as far as I could.”

“I was technically a virgin because I hadn’t been fucked yet, but my hymen was gone from all the fingering I’d done in there.”

“I was working myself up good again in bed that night, one finger going in and out and the middle finger of my other hand rubbing away on my clitoris. I was laying there naked, knees wide, panting away, staring up at the dark ceiling.”

“It still wasn’t good enough, though. So I tried two fingers inside. It was a different sensation and I went off again. But that itch continued in a really heavy way. My whole vagina felt … well, I was aware of it. I could feel the whole length of it in my belly, reaching up inside me, like a … like the inside surface of it was sensitive. I know girls aren’t supposed to be able to feel anything in the vagina, but I swear I did. Still do, actually. There’s got to be some nerves in the lining.”

“And I had this special itch way up at the top in my belly.”

“Then I heard Bo out in his yard, whining and barking, like he was calling me. He kept it up seemed like for hours. And I couldn’t get to sleep. I tossed and turned and my mind kept ticking away and my belly glowed inside and Bo kept whimpering …”

“Finally, I put on a robe and went out to see Bo. I could hear him whining. I was naked under the robe, and barefoot, but it was a hot night and dry.”

“I went into his run and petted him and hugged him. He was excited. He was sort of shivering against me. His coat was smooth and silky and he was very warm. I could feel his heart going faster than usual.”

“I couldn’t resist–I opened my robe and pulled him against my body. My breasts felt funny touching his fur. My nipples were like hot, aching fingers.”

“It was a special kind of turn-on. He was so human and so loving and so alive! I crooned to him and petted him and rubbed his coat. And I guess I cried a little, too. We were both losers. He couldn’t win and I was stuck with him and the other dogs and with Dad. I wasn’t getting to school enough. I didn’t see any way out. I thought my life would always be that way.”

“Bo whined to me like he understood. He licked my face and neck. God, I loved him. I hugged him so hard.”

“I guess he could smell me–my wetness and how sexed up I was. Maybe girls smell like female dogs. He started making little sounds and making fucking moves. Aimless, because it was just instinct and there wasn’t a bitch around for him.”

“It was a moonlit night and I could see. Bo had an erection. I’d seen dogs with hards before, plenty of times, but there I was hugging this man-sized dog, this warm, ‘human’ pet of mine, and rubbing my breasts against him, and I was horny, and then … there’s his prick sliding out all dark and wet and long.”

“It shocked me. You know, it was like, ‘Can’t I trust even you?’ But then I knew better. He was in heat like me. We were both in the same boat.”

“Then Bo did something–wow, it blew my mind–he sort of hunched over and started licking my breasts. Maybe it was the salt in the sweat he was after … but he started dragging that long, hot, rough tongue of his over my nipples and it was like jagged lightning!”

“I just gritted my teeth and enjoyed it! It was that kind of sensation–intense and spine-curling. He was drooling a little. His saliva dropped onto my belly. I rubbed it into my skin. I was really hot. I was shivering like him every time his tongue scraped over a nipple. The skin around my nipples was sensitive, too.”

“I was sitting on the ground with my robe wide open and my legs wide open, and he was crouched between my legs, slobbering and whining and licking my breasts … just as if he knew, like he knew it was getting to me.”

“I was … it was a kind of moon-madness, I think. It was past midnight, there was nobody around who could see. Dad’s room was on the far side of the house. I knew he slept like a log a drugged log. He always took pills to sleep since the accident.”

“So I just let Bo lick me and I kept rubbing his saliva into my belly and then I was rubbing it lower and lower, till I had it lathered into my mound-hair. He kept on licking me! He dug it! My beautiful Bo really dug turning me on.”

“I was breathing hard, just like he was, and before I knew it I had a hand between my legs and was fingering myself again. I was sopping wet down there. My clitoris was like a smooth, oiled ball-bearing. God, it felt great! I rolled it and rolled it …”

“I went off right away. I guess I groaned. Bo whined and licked my face. Then he snuffled down at my … I guess I better call it what I usually call it–he started snuffling at my cunt. Snorting, kind of.”

“I took his head in my hands and talked to him. It was insane. ‘Want to eat your mommy’s cunt, Bo?’ I kissed him on the nose. I petted him. He was trembling.”

“I guided his head to my breasts and he started licking my nipples again. He was drooling more than ever.”

“My breasts had a hot feeling inside, like warm Jell-O was inside, and the nipples were sticking out, still hard, still sending shivers through me each time his tongue sandpapered over one of them.”

“Then I–I wanted to do something for him. He was suffering so. He was so in love with me and so–human. He couldn’t help being a dog.”

“So I reached up under him and I touched his penis–his cock. It was like a red-hot poker, sticking out like that from his belly. When I touched it he did a little dance, but he kept on licking my breasts.”

“I put my fingers around it and it was like holding a slippery, jumping, hot candle. It was really all the way out, too. It was surprising. Bo was a big greyhound, though. I think his cock was at least seven inches long. Not very thick, though, but long. Touching it made me feel funny in the gut.”

“He started making short, sharp, fucking movements, sort of automatically, with my hand holding his cock. It went in and out of my hand like a greased piston. Fast. I can still feel it in my hand. It was so strange and weird and perverted … but I kept on holding his cock and he kept fucking my hand so damned fast!”

“He was whining and making small chest sounds, sort of growls, but not quite, and he started fucking my hand even faster! It was sort of terrifying how fast he could make fucking movements.”

“And in the middle of his cock–about halfway down from the end–his cock started to swell up. It got a kind of bulge in it, like a knot. It was like an egg had grown inside his cock there. It was hard and hot. It was all blood-gorged tissue. Dogs get it there when they’re really worked, sometimes the blood can’t get out again for a long time and the swelling stays there for hours, all congested and painful.”

“I knew Bo was close to shooting when I felt that knot get big in my hand. But I didn’t realize how close!”

“Before I knew it was happening–wow he was shooting all over my belly and breasts. Squish squish squish squash!”

“It shook me. With my hand around his jerking cock I felt that big throb, that swelling, each time he squirted–but so fast!

“Suddenly I was covered with his stuff and he was off and away, sort of prancing around the run, frisky as hell, happy as hell, with his tongue lolling out and grinning.”

“A dog sure can grin. He was just like a man. I smelled and I was icky and sticky, but I had to laugh, he was so funny.”

“I patted him on the head and went into the house. I had to hold my robe closed, but out away from my front so I wouldn’t get it smeared with his stuff.”

“I took a shower and went to bed again. I went right to sleep, too, which surprised me in the morning when I woke up and realized it.”

“I wasn’t ashamed of what I’d done with Bo. It was just something very private–just between him and me. I knew he wouldn’t tell …”

“Oh, yeah, it happened again.”

“I didn’t think about it, I didn’t plan for it to happen again. But the same sort of pressures started working on me and I was unconsciously intrigued, I guess, and wanted to do it again.”

“During the time between when I went to feed him and exercise him and train him, Bo was very good. I mean, he did everything right. He even ran some races I didn’t think he was capable of, against three of our best dogs.”

“Just for me, I think.”

“But it was embarrassing sometimes he’d see me in the morning and bark and leap up on me and his cock would slide out–all shocking pink and wet and long.”

“Right away I had to teach him ‘NO!’ After a couple times of pushing him away and a hard voice he got the idea. He learned to stay down and not presume.”

“But he kept looking at me kind of puzzled and yearning and hoping, all the time. He didn’t forget.”

“Well, finally, one night I was that way again. I went into Dad’s room and saw he was out sleeping like a dead man; just his chest moving. Zonked on barbs.”

“I went into my room and turned the light on and took off my robe and pajamas and looked at myself in the mirror. Like I said, I’ve got a fine pair of breasts and my nipples stick out good, but the rest is nice, rounded fat. Plump … pleasingly plump. I haven’t changed any in the three years since … not physically anyway.”

“I could hear Bo calling me … sort of a low howl, and the whining.”

“I turned off the light and went to bed naked and tried to sleep, but my hands kept going to my breasts and twisting my nipples. Not a hard twist, just enough to make them tingle and ache and feel funny.”

“And then I was on my back, legs up, hands down in my crotch, working away with busy–busy fingers.

“God, how I finger-fucked myself! Two fingers in and out as fast as I could move them. I guess I was unconsciously trying to imitate Bo’s speed.”

“But I missed his warmth and big, strong body and the feel of his fur, and the way he panted with his tongue lolling out and the way he licked me. And the way he responded to me, the way his big brown eyes followed me everywhere.”

“But even using my finger–two of them jabbing deep into my cunt–I still had a tremendous orgasm. I closed my eyes and had a vision–Bo fucking me with that long, hot, wet pink candle of a cock of his–and I came like lightning hit my guts.”

“It left me gasping and shaking. And I heard him out there in the dark, calling to me. And I wanted to go to him.”

“I fought it a little. I loved him and I knew he needed me. But I was afraid of myself. I was afraid I’d offer myself to him. It was weird. But a sex-ridden, all-mixed-up fifteen-year-old girl can get so emotionally screwed up sometimes, it isn’t funny. My whole life was greyhounds, racing, and my dad (and he was impossible to talk to … he was like a hermit almost; he never talked to me). I was in isolation, didn’t have any girl friends or boyfriends, and kept a lot to myself … All I had was Bo.”

“So I lay in bed with my fists clenched trying not to hear him. And my belly was itching again and I was rubbing my thighs tight together and my breasts were getting a hot feeling.”

“Finally I just started crying and got up and put on an old robe (an old robe deliberately) and went out to him.”

“The other dogs smelled me, too, and they snuffled around in their runs and houses and barked some, too. But Bo had a special voice. I could tell his call every time.”

“I let myself into his run and locked the gate. He seemed to sense this was different than during the day when Dad or someone else was around and he had to behave.”

“He pranced around me, whining eagerly, smelling me, his nose sort of flexing and wet in the dark, his paws making patterings on the hard-packed earth.”

“I said, ‘Hi, Bo. Your mommy’s here.’ I knelt down on the ground and took his long, muscular neck in my arms. I kissed his sleek head and whispered in his ear.”

“He started trembling in my arms and rolled his eyes and his rump started to wriggle and bob up and down.”

“‘Ohhh, does April’s Boy have a yen?’ He was whining loudly. I stroked his back and side and slid my hand down under to his upcurving belly and back to his loins.”

“It was out, all right. The minute he felt the touch of my fingers he started jabbing the air.”

“I took my hand away. ‘Don’t you want to lick my breasts, Bo?’ I opened my robe and exposed my breasts. I took his head in my hands and guided him.”

“He snuffled at my breasts and then his tongue fell out of his mouth and slurped up over my left breast.”

“It sent shivers through me. I petted him. I cupped my left breast and offered it to him again. He licked it again. My nipple felt like a Fourth of July sparkler! ‘Oh, good boy, good boy …'”

“He got the idea I liked it. He kept on licking with that long, warm, groovy tongue.”

“I leaned back to make it easier for him to lick, and then I was flat on my back on the ground and he was standing over me, his long neck reaching down to me, his tongue slurping over my naked breasts, leaving a trail of saliva all over and I just let him lick me where he wanted.”

“I was in a kind of dizzy spell. I was sort of paralyzed. I couldn’t seem to move.”

“He licked closer and closer to my crotch. Then he snorted and snuffled and his tongue sort of slurped right into my crotch, right into the juices.”

“Talk about electrifying sensations! Talk about dreadful delight! My head was swimming. My heart was going thunk-thunk-thunk! My guts were icky with scaredness, and his saliva was cooling, drying on my breasts and belly and his tongue was lapping in my crotch, slapping up against my cunt!”

“My legs opened up all by themselves. He was dragging that long, wet, silky-rough tongue up into my crotch again and again, right over the lips of my cunt, tasting my juices and liking it, I guess. He was snuffling loud and putting that cold wet nose down in there, too.”

“I think my clitoris was sticking out like a sore thumb because his tongue was grazing over the tip of it. Jesus Christ, what a screamy-creamy feeling! My ass lifted off the ground each time he slithered that tongue up my slit. I was frazzling.”

“I mean I was coming! He kept up that licking there for a minute or two and I was in orgasm every second.”

“Then he broke and ran around me in small circles, barking and whining. His cock was sticking out like a poker under him.”

“I just laid there and was dizzy. It was like a dream.”

“I called him to me. He came and lowered his head and licked my face. I laughed and petted him and pulled him around so I could get my hands on his cock.”

“He pranced and stepped on my chest and then got one hind foot next to my head and one hind foot next to my right armpit.”

“He was right over me! I got my right hand around that long, moist, red cylinder of a cock and put my other hand on his back to steady him and keep him in position, and he started fucking my fist.”

“I was looking right up at it. He was hunched, his ass down, jabbing away–right in front of my face.”

“It was like looking down the barrel of a cannon. I knew when he shot off, it would go all over my face and get in my hair and everything.”

“But I didn’t care. He was so exciting to watch! His ass was working\ so fast. That thin, long cock was moving in my fist like a piston. He was so alive, so eager, so basic and unrestrained. God, I loved him! He never held back–not in a race, not in his love for me, and not in enjoying sex.”

“I wanted a man like Bo. I guess Bo spoiled me for men for a long time.”

“That swelling started to build up in his cock, like a big egg forming halfway down, getting thicker and thicker and rounder and bulgier, till it was like a kind of hilt that stopped my fist from sliding down his cock any farther. But there was still about four inches in front of that swelling knot. A greyhound is a big dog, and he has a long cock, altogether, when it’s all slid out.”

“Anyway … I felt the first pulse in his cock and the first shot hit me in the throat. It was like a soft bullet–I could really feel it hit. And then it was shooting all over! Two or three times a second!”

“Now this’ll turn you off–but I got some right in the mouth … yeah, right square into my mouth so it was way back in my throat almost, right on my tongue so I got a good taste of it.”

“Well, you know, I’m–I’ve sucked off a lot of guys … I swallow their semen–my husband’s semen all the time now. I dig it. They each taste a little different.”

“But Bo tasted sort of bitter, like creamy pickle. And it made me gag and spit and almost vomit. I rolled over and drooled saliva and made ugly noises … I wanted to be sick.”

“But the taste stayed in my mouth and I finally got up on my feet and let myself out of his run and stumbled back into the house and got a bottle of wine out of the refrigerator and took two or three big swigs of it.”

“That killed the taste and I went in and took a shower and washed my hair.”

“The funny thing was by the time I was in bed again I was giggling over it and I went to sleep like a rock.”

“Things were okay for another couple weeks. But I started having dreams. Very vivid, real dreams–about Bo. I kept seeing him jumping in the window and jumping up on the bed–in my dreams. And I was shameless. I pulled him down under the covers next to me and pressed up against him. He was very warm and I hugged him and I was naked against him.”

“I played with his cock and slid down under the covers and put my cheek next to that long tube of a cock. He smelled very doggy and dirty under there, but I didn’t care.”

“In those dreams I did weird, awful things. One time I was under the covers and I had his cock in my fist next to my face, and he was jabbing away, and I put my mouth over the end of it. Try sticking your finger into your mouth–no, try sticking your finger in rancid butter and then sticking it in your mouth and jabbing it in and out real fast, as fast as you can! That was what it was like in my dream–and then suddenly the covers were jerked away and there was my dead mother glaring down at me. She had eyes of fire that burned right through me.”

“She didn’t say a thing. I just shriveled up. And Bo was suddenly gone and I was alone and awake and crying.”

“But those dreams didn’t stop me. I loved Bo. I kept thinking about his tongue licking between my legs … and the tremendous sensations it gave me.”

“So … I guess it had to happen eventually … I got up one night and checked to see that Dad was zonked out on pills and I went out and brought Bo into my room.”

“He was nervous at first so I just petted him and got him used to jumping up on the bed. I didn’t try any sex with him. I just soothed him and lay against his warmth and was quiet. And I talked to him, too, low and confidential. I told him all my secrets.”

“After a couple hours I took him back to his run.”

“The next night I got him again, around midnight, and took him into my room … and up on my bed. I couldn’t get him to stay under the covers. It was too warm for him. So I used him to keep my naked body warm. It was a beautiful thing we had. He was very well behaved. He licked my face a little, and I petted him, but he didn’t get excited sexually unless I was. I guess it was my smell that turned him on if I was worked up.”

“So you guessed it. About the fifth time I had him in my room, when he was used to it and at home with me on the bed, I started petting him, running my hand down to his belly, to that furry bulge that holds a dog’s cock.”

“Bo started licking my face. I squeezed that furry holster of his and rubbed it gently … and little by little his cock started to swell up and slide out.”

“I was naked. And I guess seeing and feeling his cock slide out like that sort of turned me on, because I got the itch good and strong in my belly, and I wanted him to lick me again, on my big breasts and between my legs. I guess I started to ooze a little down in my slit.”

“Bo smelled me. He was laying on his side but he wanted to stand up. I held him down and kept on tenderly fingering his cock. I got a shivery feeling up and down my back. I slid my hand up and down that long thing and I wanted to try it … I really wanted to see what it would feel like inside me.”

“You have to understand–it’s important–Bo wasn’t just a big dog to me. He was somebody who loved me and I needed his love. He adored me. The way he looked up at me with his big brown liquid eyes sometimes … it just turned my heart to water. My heart just did flip-flops. He was a person in a dog’s body. He could almost talk to me. I got so I knew exactly what he was thinking and feeling.”

“So when I took him into bed with me–it wasn’t terrible or perverted. It was just pure love. But I was a pretty mixed-up kid. I really didn’t know where my head was at.”

“I crooned to Bo, and whispered to him and shushed him when he started to whine too loud or tried to bark. And he knew he was supposed to keep quiet inside the house, there in my room. But sometimes he got really excited and forgot.”

“I finally let him stand up on the bed and start to lick me. I whispered to him and petted him and guided his head to my breasts. He remembered and his tongue slurped out and started wetting my breasts and nipples, and his muzzle and lips, too, like a slobbery kiss, warm and wet.”

“My breasts got even heavier and fuller. My nipples felt like steaming rocks.”

“The itch deep in my belly was like poison ivy inside, but with a funny heat.”

“I slipped a couple fingers of my left hand down inside me and slushed around and in and out, but it wasn’t much good. It just got me hotter.”

“I smeared the juice all over the outside of my cunt. Bo was getting more and more eager.”

“I took my hand from his neck and he had his muzzle down between my legs right away.”

“It was incredible the way he worked his long tongue there. He slobbered a lot and I knew it was wetting the blankets, but I didn’t give a damn.”

“Bo seemed to just love the taste of me. He seemed to be trying to get his tongue way into my slit.”

“I was hardly aware of what I was doing. I just suddenly had my knees high and wide open and was reaching down there to spread myself even more for him. And I was shaking like a leaf. God–it felt like ice and syrup and sand-paper with velvet–that tongue! That long, slithery tongue!”

“Bo had me gasping and panting like a bitch in heat. I was kind of delirious, I think. He kept up that tremendous licking for the longest time!”

“The more I got the more I wanted. I loved it, I loved him …”

“Something clicked in my head and I turned over and got up on my hands and knees. I spread my knees wide so it would be easy for him.”

“My guts were icky with fear and sort of sexy dread. But I was hot as hell and I wanted Bo’s long, thin hot cock inside me.”

“He didn’t know what to do at first. He jumped around on the bed and licked my ass and down into my crotch, but he didn’t think of mounting me, not right away.”

“I talked to him low and soothing, and finally I just waggled my ass and waited. My heart was thudding in my chest like it had boots on. But that itch in my belly and my love for Bo kept me trying.”

“He knew I wanted something, he just couldn’t figure out what. I just didn’t look enough like a female greyhound to make his instincts work.”

“But he was all hot and bothered, too, and after a couple minutes he sort of accidentally mounted me for a second, then slid aside and off. But–wow–I had a second of feeling his cock jab at my crotch.”

“I encouraged him and eventually he hopped up on me again. His front paws were on my back and shoulders and he was panting and jabbing away at my crotch again.”

“He didn’t get in–he was between my thighs, hitting my ass … but he stayed in position for about ten seconds, and I made encouraging sounds and said, ‘Nice Bo, good boy!’ and like that. I tried to reach under and grab his cock and put it in, but he didn’t know enough to be still for a second–he just kept humping away blindly.”

“Then he slid off and pranced around me on the bed, then thumped down onto the floor, and jumped back on the bed–with that long pink rod sticking out of him underneath.”

“He made a lot of noise–the bed creaked and rattled when he jumped around on it, and he shook the house when he jumped down to the floor. I mean, he weighed over a hundred twenty pounds.”

“If I hadn’t known for sure my dad was doped to sleep I wouldn’t have dared bring Bo inside.”

“But then he got an inkling of what I wanted, because I was still crouched down on my knees like that and I was calling to him.”

“He jumped up on me again and started jabbing. And it happened. Jesus, did it! Suddenly he found the hole and I almost screamed! It was just wham–six or seven inches of dog cock was plunged into me!”

“Then it was gone and he was outside, jabbing away, trying to find the glory hole again. Because Bo knew–he’d had just that little split second taste of me and he wanted more.”

“He kept scrabbling and with his paws on my shoulders and back … he kept sliding off one side or the other and having to jump up again.”

“And he kept trying to hold on–and he was excited, too, and he dug his claws into my skin. It hurt too much–and I was afraid he’d break the skin and rip me.”

“So I turned around and calmed him down and petted him and then went to my closet and put on an old leather jacket I had. It felt cold and clammy on my bare skin–it was unlined–but it would protect my back. I left the front open and got back on the bed where Bo was sitting, panting, grinning, his tongue lolling, waiting.”

“I got into position again on hands and knees, my bare ass hanging out, and he right away jumped up on me from behind.”

“It worked–the jacket worked fine–he could get a hold in it with his paws and didn’t slip off me.”

“And he seemed to know I had put on the jacket for his benefit and that I wanted more fucking. He kept on trying to find my hole again.”

“And he finally hit gold! He popped into me again, and he gave a little yipping bark of delight. And this time he didn’t pull back too far and lose it.”

“All I knew was sparkles and stars. He had that hot rod all the way in and was humping like a piston. I was electrified. He was like a spear up in my belly and it was reaching some place very special. The itch spot was getting rubbed and thumped real good.”

“I was kneeling there on my bed, my head hanging down, my big breasts hanging down, wobbling with the movement of his fast bumps up against my ass, gasping and panting while wonderful Bo was panting over me, doing his little dance on the bed, and fucking me like mad all the while.”

“It was all so frantic and quick! Bo didn’t know anything but machine-gun speed. It was just incredible. The first few seconds scared the shit out of me. I was afraid of getting hurt inside or something, because he was really in me! I’d never felt anything in that far! And being fucked for the first time that fast–all out–was almost terrifying.

“And getting fucked by a dog–an animal–even a loved animal–was kind of a shocker, too. I really loved him and I knew dogs better than I knew people. I knew Bo better than I knew my own dad. Dad hardly ever spoke to but still–I knew it was a perverty thing. Not exactly normal.”

“So it took me a while to get used to it all. I mean, it took me about three or four fucks that way before I got so I could relax and enjoy it a lot.”

“Bo didn’t shoot off in me that first time. I got scared–I thought I heard Dad getting up and I stopped it. I made Bo calm down and held him in my arms to keep him from trying to mount me and making those loud half-barks.”

“I listened hard but the house was quiet. I finally put on a robe and crept down the hall and looked in on Dad. He was in that drugged sleep, quiet, long, deep breathing. I can tell.”

“So I went back to my room, and played with Bo–let him fuck off in my fist, and got him to lick my cunt some more. But my insides felt a little bit sore, and I decided to wait a few days.”

“But I could hardly wait, after that night. I was all creamy inside, and hot. But I forced myself to wait till the small irritation inside went away.”

“So two nights later I made sure Dad was zonked out and then brought Bo inside to my room. He was eager–he knew what we were going to do. I had to shush him because he was so excited he started to bark impatiently a couple times.

“I got naked and put on the leather jacket first, even before I let him lick me. God, how he loved to lick my cunt! And how I loved to have him do it! I opened up for him and pulled my slit open with both hands–everything was exposed–all juicy and ready–and he slurped out that long, wet, slab of rough pink velvet and lapped away …”

“You’ve got to believe I came in a minute. My clitoris was getting the full treatment. I was whining almost like he was.”

“The more he licked at me the more hot I got. I had an orgasm and that started the itch in my belly, somewhere under my belly button. Then I had another orgasm and my whole pelvis was glowing. Boy, did I want to get fucked.”

“I guess when you’re a kid a half-crazy, neurotic girl like I was … still am, too, I guess–you sort of lose touch with the world–with what’s really right and proper. Things seem right to you that practically everybody else would throw up over.”

“I didn’t really think what I did with Bo was so terrible. It didn’t hurt me, physically, or emotionally. It’s supposed to, I guess, but I don’t think it did.”

“Come right down to it, you know, I think I just needed love then … and Bo loved me, and I needed to give love, and I focused on Bo … and I think the physical sex part wasn’t as important as maybe it seems

“Oh, shit, I don’t care! I dug it! I might as well level. I enjoyed. I mean, once I got used to it, and Bo got the hang of fucking me, it was terrific. It was so wild it sends shivers through me now.”

“No man in the world can fuck a girl like a big dog, if he’s trained right, and there’s love in it. That sounds crazy, I guess. But I think it’s true, and I’m not just copping out. It’s not just an excuse.”

“Anyway … that night I turned over again and he got up onto me from behind, and jabbed away for a few seconds, looking for the right place … and I finally reached under and back and took his cock in my fingers — Jesus, it was so wet and hot and stiff! -and I aimed it and he plugged into me.”

“He was so excited he lost it … and I reached under and did it again. I got about ten seconds of fast, hard thumping, with that rod going up into me like a bullet each time.”

“It took my breath away, and I was a little scared again. An animal–a dog–is so unrestrained! He’s very basic. Ruthless.”

“Anyway, I had to reach under and grab his cock and point it right, about a dozen times. And the last few times he got hip … he waited for me to put it in the right place. He was learning!”

“But I didn’t let him shoot in me that night. I was getting sore way up inside again. It was a mixed feeling tenderness and pleasure. I had the feeling if I let him go ahead I might come, but the pain would get too keen, too. But we fucked a lot longer, that second time, and I knew it was just a matter of getting used to having him fuck me that deep and that fast.”

“So I waited five days before doing it again. And then six days after that, and the night finally came when I knew I was ready to go all the way and let him fuck me all he wanted.”

“I knew I could take him. I wasn’t afraid. I made damn sure Dad was doped up with his two or three heavy barbs.”

“I went into his room and shook him to see if I could wake him. He was like a warm corpse. I even half-yelled in his ear. He only frowned and turned over. I was safe.”

“I went out and got Bo. He scampered around me on the way to the house, snuffling at my robe, trying to wedge his head in between my legs. I had to push him away and whisper, ‘Not yet, darling.'”

“I went into the kitchen first, and he followed. I got some leftover gravy from the refrigerator and started it heating in a sauce pan.”

“I had a weird, perverty idea. I knelt on the floor and whispered sweet, soft words to Bo and petted him. He tried to push his head between my thighs and I let him. I leaned against the stove and opened my legs and let him lick my slit. He trembled and whined as he did. It got me hot in a minute.”

“When the gravy was warm, but not hot, I took it into my bedroom and Bo followed eagerly. He could smell it.”

“I took off my robe and put on the leather jacket and let it hang fully open. My big breasts kept it open, too.”

“I smeared some warm gravy on my breasts and called to Bo. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I sank down to my knees. He whined happily and started licking the smeared gravy.”

“It was wild. I leaned back against the side of the bed and stuck my cheat out and let him lick me clean. Then I smeared my breasts again … and again … He licked endlessly, willingly. My nipples were on fire and my whole breasts felt like warm balloons.”

“He didn’t need any urging to put his narrow muzzle down into my crotch. I stood up and sat on the edge of the bed again and opened my legs wide for him.”

“Bo snorted and snuffled and pushed his snout right in, deep between my thighs and started working his tongue on my slit.”

“I wanted more contact. I pulled my legs up till my knees were pressing against my chest. My cunt was wide open to his tongue.”

“He slithered his big long tongue all over me there, licking and dragging it over my protruding clitoris till I was moaning–it was sparkles of pure pleasure.”

“I couldn’t stand it any more, after about four or five minutes of it. I got up in the middle of the bed and knelt in position for fucking.”

“I didn’t have to call Bo. He jumped up right away and his long poker was sticking out. He climbed up with his front paws on my back–in the jacket–and his tail was swishing back and forth, wagging, and he knew to wait till I reached under him and guided his cock.”

“I was breathing fast and deep. I was still a little queasy in my guts, every time he got into position and poked that rod so far up into me.”

“But I wanted it! And I got it!”

“Jesus, the shock of that thing going in the first time, no matter how juicy and worked up I was, was something! It always hurt some, and my insides sort of spasmed.”

“But Bo didn’t care about me. He was a fucking machine once he got inside. He loved the feel of my cunt inside.”

“Christ, I can’t get over how fast he could fuck. It took my breath away. But that long cock of his sliding in and out so quick was a turn-on for me, too. That sensation of being penetrated–that rod slamming way up into my belly like that, pounding away like mad against that spot–the uterus or cervix, I guess … it just about turned my brain to jelly.”

“Bo wasn’t perfect. He kept losing me and I had to reach under all the time and put him back in. But even with all that–shit, I had me an orgasm that just about turned me inside out.”

“That furry sheath at the base of his naked cock kept rubbing and bumping against my open slit as he fucked me. It tickled the hell out of my clitoris. That drove me crazy–and at the same time all that pink rod was driving into me like he was churning butter … yeah, he was churning my butter all right!”

“It only took me a minute to make it. From all that licking he had done beforehand–I was primed.”

“I was panting and waggling my ass and damn near screaming, it was so good. And then I felt that knot start to swell up in his cock … and it was in me!”

“I guess you’ve heard the story about how a dog can get stuck in another dog if the knot gets big inside the bitch. And the idea is it can happen to a woman if a big dog is fucking her and he gets scared or something and the knot swells up and he can’t pull out.”

“That’s bullshit–at least as far as a woman is concerned. First of all, the swelling isn’t that big. It hurts a woman who isn’t used to taking a big man, but that knot can’t get stuck in her. It’ll only stretch her, and if she’s hysterical, too, it might cause her to freeze and clamp down, which could hurt even more–but the dog could still pull out.”

“So when I felt the knot forming in Bo’s cock it didn’t scare me. A smatter of fact–it started to feel extra good–like a kind of big French tickler. It popped in and out of me and rubbed my clitoris going in and out. It was a weird sensation, that knot going in and out of me, and the end of his cock reaching all the way up in me–and then some!”

“It’s an experience, getting royally fucked like that by a big, loving dog like Bo. But I guess just the thought of it would blow most girls’ minds.”

“Anyway, Bo was really working hard–fucking me like a maniac, and getting ready to shoot off in me. He was growling and whimpering all at once, and prancing around behind my ass while he plowed into me.”

“I was getting up into orgasm country again, very fast. It surprised me and made me feel really perverty to make it twice, because it was proof I really dug getting screwed by a dog. The first orgasm you could say was sheer excitement and the novelty and mostly psychological. But the second time was the convincer. And I was getting that hot fluttery feeling in my belly and everything was tightening up.”

“I went off just after Bo started shooting. I could feel that stuff squirting out in my cunt, up inside, it shot out of him so fast and hard.”

“I didn’t care–I was making it, too, and that stuff made the fucking sort of sweeter and more intense.”

“Then Bo was finished and off me. He just wasn’t interested anymore. He jumped off the bed, grinning, and snuffling around, looking for a place to sleep, I guess.”

“I just sort of slowly folded down flat on the bed, with that stuff of his dribbling out of me, running down my thighs.”

“I was numb in the brain and sparkling in my belly, and sore in there and sore around the entrance, too, from the way his knot had been rammed in and out so fast and hard.”

“But I didn’t regret it, then. I don’t now, either. I really don’t.”

“After a few minutes I went into the bathroom and washed up. Then I put on my robe and took Bo out to his run and locked him in.”

“I had to change the top blanket. It was too wet and icky in spots. I put the pan of gravy back in the refrigerator.”

“Sure, a week later I got hot pants again and went out and brought Bo inside. And we did it again and I came three times.”

“The next time was three days later and I couldn’t get enough. I started to think about training some of the other dogs, too. I was kind of crazy. I was sex-mad.”

“My affair with Bo lasted almost six months after that first good fuck with him. We never got caught.”

“But then–poor Bo got killed. It was a fluke thing … he got out of his run one time when I was in town–he dug his way out–and I guess he went off to look for me.”

“Some stupid kid out hunting in the hills shot him. Said he thought Bo was a deer. Bullshit! He just wanted to kill something–just wanted to aim and shoot something alive.”

“I was heartbroken. It was a crisis for me. Dad put me into a boarding school to ‘straighten me out.’ And I gradually got back to normal. Anyway, I ran away and came out here and started mixing with people.”

“I met Tom and started shacking with him, and Phil joined us, and I’ve

got all kinds of friends now and a place in the world. I’m about normal, I guess.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever make it with a dog again, though. I don’t think I’ll ever get that close to a dog again, or need a dog’s love and affection that much.”

“Bo was my whole life for nearly a year. I still puddle up and cry sometimes when I’m blue and I think about him.”



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