Writer: Ynosatan
Subject: For There Is No God Greater
Link: Tumblr / 30.10.2023 / https://podcast.magick.me/ep-7-bailey-jay/
XP: Listen to Bailey Jay (see above link — talk about alternative spirituality)
For There Is No God Greater
For lo these many years his attempts to reach out to me fell on deaf ears. I foolishly believed that my faith would silence his beckoning call, but in fact, the opposite was true. With time I realized his power was greater than my faith. I have finally decided to commit my life and give my soul to him. For there is no god greater than you, my Lord. I am your son and you have called me home. Hail Satan!
To think that I used to waste my Sunday mornings attending mass — when I could have been worshiping Goddesses — like Bailey Jay. Thank you Father Satan for filling my heart with lust and giving me the freedom to indulge and explore those once suppressed desires.
Thank you Ynosatan. You’ve posted so many empowering and liberating things and your tumblr posts are such a dark blessing.