Feature Writer: Milf_N_Cookiez

Feature Title: What Nightmares are Made Of

Published: 10.10.2016

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

Synopsis: College student gets unwanted attention from a demon

Author’s Notes: This is my first ever contest story, and it’s a Halloween one! It’s also my second story ever submitted, and my first dark/ horror erotica story. Hope you all enjoy!


What Nightmares are Made Of


My life is a nightmare. I don’t mean a nightmare in that my grades are a mess, or that I was rejected from the university basketball team, or that I was fired from my job and had to move out of my apartment. No, my life is a literal, physical nightmare that I’m forced to survive every day. I’m writing this while sitting on the floor of a crowded storage room in the church I’m currently holed up in, though I don’t expect my sanctuary to hold out. I’m never safe for long. I’ve been on the run for the past year, finding brief moments of safety in churches and other religious buildings, but I’m always found. I’m tired of running. I’m making my last stand here, in the city where it all began.

I want, no, NEED to tell my story, so when (or if) someone finds my body, at least someone will know what happened to me. Even if nobody believes it. This shit is real, people. Believe it.

I guess the best place to start is the beginning. October 31st, 2015. Yeah, I know. You’re thinking this is some typical Halloween “scary story” that wouldn’t even frighten a little kid. That’s where you’re wrong. The day started off innocently enough all right, but shit got, to put it bluntly, FUBAR. And fast.

Anyway, let’s get down to it: I was a popular college junior; Student Body President, Homecoming Queen, star basketball player. I guess you could say I was the “big woman on campus”. I wasn’t dating anyone at the time, though I could’ve had any guy I wanted. Being popular had its perks, but trying to balance a love life with classes, Student Council meetings, sorority volunteer work, and a sports schedule was almost impossible. I did have my eye on a smoking hot lacrosse player, though unfortunately, that was as far as it got. In a way, that lacrosse player was lucky; I lost the people closest to me first.

Back at the beginning of the school year, I had volunteered to chair the committee for my sorority’s annual Halloween party/ haunted house. It was always a big hit, so I had big shoes to fill. By the time October rolled around, I had everything lined up: booze, a killer dj, and I think I cleaned out every store in town that sold Halloween stuff. I even had my costume ready: I was going to be a svelte, seductive steampunk zombie. Don’t ask me how, but if anyone could pull off that look, I could. I even found some amazing earrings at an antique store. They were the perfect finishing touch for my costume: three sterling silver gears set with a variety of gems, dangling from tiny chains on each earring. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but I really should have questioned why they were so cheap. That was my first warning.

My second (and most violent) warning came about a week before Halloween. Some friends and I decided to take advantage of one final weekend of good weather and go camping by Palisades Falls. It used to be one of my favorite places, but now just thinking about it makes me physically ill. Anyway, I decided to hike around to the top of the falls after we set up camp. Being alone in the forest never bothered me, but I always carried bear spray and an emergency whistle, just in case.

As I moved through the trees, I couldn’t help feeling uneasy. Everything was too quiet, and while I didn’t have the sensation of being watched, I knew something was out there. Against my instincts, I kept hiking. I was almost at the top, and I didn’t like quitting halfway through anything. It felt surreal though. No bird song, not even a hint of a breeze, despite it being quite windy when I’d left camp. Every time I stepped on a twig I expected a sharp crack, but even that sound was dulled. I recall thinking then that it sounded like someone was throwing a shovel-full of dirt into a grave.

I didn’t feel any more comfortable when I reached the top of the falls. I stood at the edge for a moment and waved down to my friends before turning to hike back down. I’d taken maybe four or five steps when I realized something was standing at the edge of the treeline. My first thought was, “Oh fuck, it’s a bear,” and I was fumbling in my pack for my bear spray when the thing stepped out of the shadows.

“Those earrings are mine.”

I froze, stupidly thinking, “Shit! A talking bear?!?!”, before my brain caught up with what my eyes were seeing. The thing wasn’t a bear but a woman, maybe 50ish, wearing a long fur cloak and old fashioned shoes with buckles. That was odd in and of itself, but the strangest thing about her was the fact that it looked like one of her breasts was the size of a watermelon and was squirming around under her cloak.

“Um, what did you say?”, I asked her, hoping I’d just come across some strange yet harmless lady with a fetish for wearing antique clothes and living in the woods. That thought quickly fled my mind as she took another step and I realized the buckled shoes weren’t on her feet, but rather on something else’s. She grinned at me with an almost demonic look on her face and unhooked the clasp on her cloak. She slid the cloak off her shoulders, and it suddenly occurred to me that she wasn’t the one walking. She was cradled in the arms of a creature I can’t even begin to describe properly, but it was definitely not human. It had dark skin (I think it was skin) and appeared to have swirling Celtic tattoos inscribed everywhere. The tattoos were a fierce scarlet color, and I’d swear they were glowing. I couldn’t see its head, as that was now hidden behind the woman, but what I could see was the longest tongue I’ve ever seen curling and flicking around the woman’s nipple.

“I said, ‘Those earrings are mine’.”

I stood there open mouthed, not even thinking about giving her an answer, because at that moment, the creature shifted the woman in his arms, and I realized what I’d seen moving under the cloak. The creature’s head was bald, the glowing crimson swirls etched upon it surging brighter as the creature lowered its mouth to to woman’s breast, engulfing it entirely. The woman moaned as the creature sucked fiercely on her breast, it’s motions identical to what I’d seen when the woman was cloaked.

I watched with horrified fascination. There was something almost hypnotic about the fucked up scene in front of me, and I briefly wondered if I’d fallen from the waterfall and ended up in hell. The pleasure on the woman’s face while that thing was latched onto her was both sickening and erotic at the same time. I’d even started wondering what it would be like if I was the recipient of that voracious mouth, when the situation went beyond fucked up. The woman suddenly screamed, a glass shattering banshee wail, and I saw that the creature had violently thrust one of its massive tattooed fists inside the woman’s pussy and was viciously fist fucking her.

“This is my chance,” I thought, and began sprinting towards the trail back down to camp. I’d almost made it when a heavy hand clamped down on my shoulder and flung me back towards the clearing. Apparently, my swift departure didn’t go unnoticed, and the creature had set the woman down so it could come after me. As I lay on the ground stunned and disoriented, the creature crouched next to me and placed one of its huge hands on my chest, holding me down. I was so focused on it that I didn’t notice the woman standing next to me until she ripped the earrings from my earlobes, making me scream from both the pain and from terror.

“You should have given my earrings back,” the woman whispered in my ruined ear. She leaned closer, shuddering with ecstasy as she licked the blood dripping from my torn earlobe. “Now watch as everything you hold dear is taken from you.”

The monster holding me wrenched my head to the side, where I saw similar beasts holding each of my friends next to the edge of the waterfall. I watched in horror as, at the woman’s nod, the creatures picked up my friends and tossed them, one by one, over the waterfall to their deaths. The woman laughed as my friends died, my screams dying on my lips as the monsters joined in her merriment, their laughter grating and harsh and wholly unsettling. I was reduced to heart wrenching sobs, my entire body aching with grief, eyes swollen and puffy from my tears.

Suddenly I found myself dangling in midair, a crushing weight wrapped around my neck. I opened my eyes to find myself in the grip of the monster that had been holding me down, and it was holding me over open space, only rocks and the broken bodies of my friends below me. I frantically clawed at the hand around my throat, selfishly not wanting to die as horribly as my friends had. The creature laughed at my futile attempts, squeezing my neck more tightly as I toremy fingernails to shreds against its thick skin. When I was mere seconds from losing consciousness, the beast dropped me on the ground. The woman approached again as I lay gasping and wheezing, and she knelt beside me, tucking my hair behind my ears almost tenderly as she cupped my face in her hands.

“You have wronged me, little one,” she murmured softly. “Know now that you are marked, and that my demons will follow you wherever you go, taking your body for themselves when they can, and slaying those you care about when they can’t. In six days, on Samhain, they will come for you. Fly while you can, little bird.” Then she kissed me, hard, like she owned me. I gagged as our lips met, not only because of everything else that had happened, but because her breath was rancid, like rotting flesh but worse.

I’m assuming I passed out at that point, since it was dark when I opened my eyes. I found myself in the camp my friends had set up, but it was completely trashed. I still somehow had my pack, so I quickly dug through it until I found my flashlight. I let out a bloodcurdling scream the instant I shone the light around. The demons (or whatever the hell they are) were smarter than I gave them credit, or at least the woman was. They’d arranged the camp and my friends bodies so that it looked like the aftermath of a bear attack, right down to the claw and teeth marks on my friends.

I slumped to the ground, probably in shock, and simply stared straight ahead. Not sure how much time passed, but I almost jumped out of my skin when a hand on my shoulder pulled me out of my shocked mind frame.

“Miss? We got a call about a bear attack by the falls. Are you–“, the ranger stopped mid-sentence, finally seeing the wreckage of the camp around me. “Holy fuck, what happened here?”

I shook my head, unable to talk as I broke down into inconsolable tears. I don’t remember much of what happened after that, but I know I was taken to the hospital in Bozeman and checked out. Then they let me go. I guess it looked enough like a bear attack, albeit a vicious one, so they had no reason to question me.

Fast forward to Halloween. I stupidly chose to believe that it really was a bear that killed my friends and that the woman and her minions was some sort of hallucination from grief. I was excused from classes, so I dove into setting up for the party. Everything was perfect, aside from my missing friends, and I was determined to get wasted enough for all of them.

At 10:00 pm, the first people arrived at the house, and the party was on. Lacrosse guy was there, but he was busy playing tonsil hockey with some girl who looked like she was still in high school. Lucky him. I was drunk enough by this point that I didn’t care about him, and the happy screams of people having a great time didn’t give me flashbacks, so bonus points there. I was watching them as I walked, and ended up running into someone. I went to mumble an apology, but the words died on my lips when I saw the earrings.

“Didn’t I tell you to fly, little bird?”

“Fuck off bitch, you don’t scare me,” I said, the alcohol making me braver than I was.

“You’ll be doing the fucking later, my dear,” she said with a smirk, “then you’ll be wishing you were as dead as your friends.”

I stared at her back for a few seconds as she walked away, then I went back to the bar. I had a date with Jack Daniels and Captain Morgan.

By midnight I was so blitzed I could barely stand. I still had enough sense to leave when the cops showed up to break up the party. Apparently, someone had reported underage drinking. I had to laugh though when they dragged lacrosse guy out in handcuffs, his pants around his ankles and his 18 year old date cuffed right behind him. One guess what they were caught doing.

I stumbled around town for awhile, waving at trick or treating kids and getting disapproving looks from their parents, and eventually wound up at one of my dead friends’ houses. I knew where she kept the spare key, so I let myself in and promptly passed out on the couch.

I was awoken some time later to the smell of smoke. At first, I thought the house was on fire, because the room was filled with a weird, red glow. I was never more wrong in my life. When my eyes finally adjusted, I saw I wasn’t alone anymore. One of the demons was standing next to the couch, an evil grin on its face. I tried climbing over the back of the couch to escape, but I was still too drunk and the demon was too quick. It clamped one hand around my neck, lifting me into the air, and tearing my clothes off with the other hand. It drew me close, looking me over, then opened its mouth. I shuddered as the demon’s tongue snaked forth, and began clawing at the arm that held me when the demon slowly curled its tongue around one of my breasts. It was rough, like a cat’s tongue, and somehow long enough for the demon to wrap it fully around my breast, with enough tongue left to flick against my quickly stiffening nipple. I suppressed a moan, I wasn’t going to let that beast know that I was getting turned on (against my will) by its licking. The tongue didn’t stop there though. The demon uncurled it from my breast and repeated the process on the other. I tried kicking the demon, since I couldn’t speak with the hand around my throat, but the demon just laughed in its nerve-grating way and continued exploring my body with its tongue.

I was helpless, dangling in midair as my body was assaulted by this creature, and I was disgusted by how my body was reacting. The demon’s tongue drifted lower, and I let out a strangled squeak as the tip of it brushed my pussy. The demon must’ve liked that, as it raised me up so my crotch was level with its face. It used its free hand to grab first one leg, then the other, and drape them over its shoulders. Still holding me by the throat, the demon gripped my ass and buried its monstrous tongue deep in my slit.

I saw stars. That tongue was bigger than any cock I’d ever had, and it could do more too. I couldn’t help climaxing instantly, and that only made the demon redouble its efforts. Using its hands, the demon bobbed me back and forth, its tongue ravaging every inch of my pussy, lapping up the juices from my orgasm. That made me nearly cum again, but the demon suddenly stopped. I was lowered until our faces were level, and I closed my eyes when the demon’s tongue darted out and touched my lips. I was determined not to let that thing in my mouth, but the demon had other ideas. It slammed two huge fingers into me and I gasped, the demon’s tongue quickly taking the opening. It pushed to the back of my throat, then deeper as I gagged, my air supply completely cut off now. The demon kept thrusting its fingers deeply as I deep throated that massive tongue, and I couldn’t even scream as I felt it force a third finger in my pussy. The monster must’ve sensed that I was close to losing consciousness, as the invading tongue withdrew and I was able to take a few gasping breaths before I screamed the air back out again as a fourth finger pushed at my already stuffed hole.

“Oh fucking hell, it’s going to fist me!!”, I thought wildly. Out loud, I tried to tell the demon to stop, without success. I guess the demon figured out that its fourth finger wasn’t going to fit, and instead of giving up, the demon’s withdrew its fingers completely. It carried me through the house to the kitchen, where it rummaged through the cupboards. My heart sank when I saw the container of cooking oil. The demon unceremoniously dumped me on the table and pinned me down with its body as it opened the oil and poured some over its hand. I was confused for a moment when the demon lowered its hand below the table, but I soon learned why.

The demon straightened up and clamped a hand on each of my hips, and I was able to lean up just enough to see its- no, his- enormous cock just as he pushed the head between my pussy lips. Size wise? Think of a two liter soda bottle and you’d be pretty fucking close. It HURT. The oil helped a bit, but it felt like I was being literally split in two. The demon growled as he tried to force his giant shaft into me, and he slowly slid in, each inch agonizingly painful. I screamed when the head finally popped all the way in, and the demon paused for a second or two before thrusting hard, bottoming out his cock inside me. He grabbed the back of my head, forcing me to sit up slightly, and I could see that I had maybe half of his cock buried in my cunt. He kept thrusting as I watched, and I moaned at the sight of that enormous cock filling me. The demon lowered his head to mine, shoving his tongue down my throat again, pounding both holes relentlessly. I came hard, my entire body shaking from the strength of it. The demon grunted and jerked on my hips, slamming his cock as far inside as he could. I could feel that massive shaft throbbing inside me and I knew he was cumming. I felt each jet of his jizz coat my deepest parts, and watched as it oozed out of me from around his cock. He caught some in his hand, holding my jaw to keep my mouth open while he fed it to me, smirking when I grimaced as the demon’s cum slid down my throat.

“One more thing left,” he said, startling me. I knew exactly what he meant and there was nothing I could do to stop him. I was surprised though when he picked me up and held me upside down, but less surprised when he put the opening of the oil container against my puckered hole and emptied the oil onto and into my ass.

“Please… no more,” I begged as he placed me back onto the table. He said nothing, just lined up his cock with my ass hole and thrust. The pain was intense and finally I passed out, coming to a few moments later, thanks to a demon slap to the face. While I was unconscious, the demon had pushed his entire cock into my ass, so far in that I could see my belly moving with each thrust. He pounded my ass viciously, pausing for a moment to scoop up some of the oil that had pooled on the table. I didn’t want to know what he was going to do, so I squeezed my eyes shut.

Still pounding my ass, he reached out and circled a finger over my clit, the sensation making my toes curl in ecstasy. He slid the finger down my lips, pushing past them and probing inside me. He slid two more fingers in, moving them in and out a few times before pressing a fourth finger against my cunt again. This time, it slipped in without too much resistance. I realized he’d stopped thrusting his cock in my ass and that he was fully focused on fitting his fingers in my pussy. I clenched the edges of the table, gouging the wood, feeling his thumb beginning to force its way in. I groaned as the demon pushed his fingers into me, arching my back when his thumb slipped in. He spread his fingers, stretching me, then suddenly clenched his fist and shoved. It popped all the way in, and now I had two holes completely full of demon. He lifted me up once more, and I opened my mouth, knowing he wanted to occupy all my holes. His tongue snaked into my mouth, and I moaned around it as he rocked his fist in my pussy and fucked my ass hard.

I was orgasming in waves now; so many and so fast that I didn’t know where one ended and the next one began. I was exhausted, my body dripping with sweat and oil and demon cum. I prayed that he was almost done, please, please let him finish. I got my wish a few minutes later. He abruptly pulled his fist from my cunt, slid his cock from my ass, and rammed it into my pussy in one fluid motion. He leaned his head back and howled as he unloaded inside me again, this time using the empty oil container to catch the cum pouring from my pussy. It filled nearly halfway, and he kept me impaled on his shaft as he handed me the container.

“Drink it all.”

I thought about throwing the container at him, but I was too spent. I slowly drained the jug under his watchful eye, his cock still pulsing inside me. I dropped the jug to the side when it was empty, and he smiled.

“Good. I hope you’re this obedient for my brother tomorrow.”

“Your.. brother?”, I questioned tiredly.

“Yes. I have five of them. One of us will visit you every night until you die. Which won’t be long.”

“What happens if you can’t find me?”

“Then we do this to someone you love.”

I said nothing after that, since I passed out from exhaustion. When I woke, he was gone. I hurried home, called everyone I knew (friends, family, acquaintances, everyone) and told them I had bad people after me and that they needed to run because they were in danger too. Then I packed everything I could into one of my dead friends’ trucks, hit the road, and never looked back.

So here we are, a year later. I’ve escaped more times than the demons have caught me, and I don’t care if you think I’m heartless for abandoning the people I love. I did what I had to to survive. Now I’m doing what I have to do to die. I’ve called all the brothers here, and they’re going to do what they do best. They’re waiting for me now, but one final thing: don’t put “death by demon orgy” on my tombstone. Oh yeah, and don’t ever fuck with the lady with the silver gear earrings. EVER!!


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