Unholy Androgyny – Non Fiction

Feature Writer: Various writers / composite of articles
Feature Title: Unholy androgyny, Baphomet, Kundalini (sex) and yonic masturbation


Unholy androgyny, Baphomet, Kundalini and yonic masturbation

Unholy androgyny has been with us from the ‘day of creation’. The Mother of all Demons, the Concubine of Samuel (Satan), the dual-sexed Serpent in the Garden of Eden, Lilith the great succubus was the first Shemale. She gave them the blessing of carnal knowledge – the ability to see themselves naked, to awaken their desire, their lust for the flesh and the passion for fornication. First she slept with Adam and collected his seed and then slept with Eve, impregnating her with evil filth, so that she would give birth to Cain (the first High Priest of Satan).

Look at the transgendered idol with goat’s beard, hooves and horns of the great Templars. The sacred abomination with both naked breasts and erect phallus encircled by the twin serpents. The Baphomet is Lilith reborn filled with lust for both man and woman. The word Baphomet is an ancient cipher from the Hebrew word for ‘Wisdom’ – the ecstasy of carnal knowledge that sets us free. As they masturbated, fornicated and sodomized each other and made sexual offerings – they all worshiped Lilith the unholy Shemale.



By Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule

The Cthulhu Mythos of HP Lovecraft is often referred to these days as ‘the 23 current’, especially by members of the Esoteric Order of Dagon. While 23 is only mentioned peripherally by Lovecraft, it makes sense in that the number 23 concerns spaces ‘outside’ the normal spectrum of experience. For years I have been exploring the concept of ‘Arcana 23’, the tarot trump ‘off the Wheel’ or cycle of 0 the Fool through to 0 the Fool. So I can relate to the Cthulhu Mythos being a part of (but certainly not the entirety of, if it could even be seen to have parameters!) the ‘23 current’ in that it concerns beings from ‘outside’ or ‘Beyond’ our usual 3 dimensions, Who enter our perceptual parameters via strange dreams and other cracks betwixt the worlds. I am very interested in these cracks and what they divest, although in general I am not as big a fan of Lovecraft’s fiction as the IMPEDIMENT of this issue might have thus far led you to expect. I am certainly interested in his mythos -and also how it has mutated further in the hands and eyes of others- but apprehend it so differently from him myself that I have only read a small portion of his work, appreciative though I am of his extravagantly lurid ultra-violet beyond-purple prose. I am certainly no fan of the ‘Horror’ genre, and I guess it is this which deters from further engagement with his work. For in most of the strange realms, bizzarre amorphous creatures and irrational geometries he recoiled from in utmost terror and fear, I find utmost glee. I guess it comes down to a vastly different basic perspective on all things strange and unfamiliar – HPL was a xenophobic (one who is afraid of the alien or different -as consolidated by hints of misogyny and racism in his stories), whereas I (as most good mages should be- how else to steal the fire from heaven?) am a Xenophiliac.

As a genetic male having practiced Tantra and Taoist techniques of non-ejaculatory orgasm for many years, I now sometimes find it verging on horrific when I do on occasion (once every few months usually) ejaculate. Though the after-state is usually still blissful, there is sometimes a pervading feeling of being drained, having the life force sucked out of me, and an emptiness which is not always pleasurable.

So although this sensation is no doubt exaggerated by its rarity in my case, it occurs to me that men in middle age and beyond who continue to spurt and splatter their vital fluids and accompanying lifeforce away almost against their will, driven by a faltering libido straining to maintain its endurance, the natural association between death and sex is more marked. A sense of dread may accompany the act of joy, an underlying feeling of doom impending and prevailing. This would account for the fear and apprehension entwined with the primal sexual element prevalent in the works of Lovecraft and his like.

Whereas when one practices tantra, and allows sexuality to flow uninhibited yet focused, charging rather than draining one’s energy, with no fear of consumption or vampirism by one’s partner/s, there is only ecstasy inherent in tales of the strange palpitations of deep marine creatures of the waters of the subconscious and their swollen purple pods and grasping succulent tentacles.

It is in this spirit that I present the ‘Tantric Invocation of Shub Niggurath’ rite following this essay.

Of all the beings of the Lovecraft mythos, Shub Niggurath in particular appeals to me greatly (and S/He seems rather fond of me also), as the archetype within that mythoscape most aligned with other mythologies I have engaged with deeply. Those I know who have read more of Lovecraft’s works tell me S/He is only mentioned obliquely in his stories, as a being of omniferous and undifferentiating voracious sexual appetite on the shadowy fringes of his worlds, mentioned only in hushed and frightened whispers.

Who else could this ‘Great Black Goat of the Woods’ be but a new ultra-mutational form of ancient Pan Pangenitor, the Melenusia (black goat) of the debaucherous Dionysian Rites, the Goat of Mendez so prevalent in the Sabbatic Tradition of European folklore and witchcraft.

Shub Niggurath, though polysexual and often imaged as replete with multiple and diverse genitalia, seems to be primarily feminine in that S/He births and feeds these Thousand Young. So this Great Black Goat when combined with the more overtly masculine Goat-man Pan, be-Comes that veritable archetype of dark majesty so revered amidst the acolytes of Chaos Magick as Baphomet, hermaproditic Horned God/dess whose name seems to originate from the Knights Templar and form from the tarotic imagery of Eliphas Levi. This (post-)modern image is undoubtedly of a composite nature drawing on previous (and future?) Godforms. The Zos Kia famulus Black Eagle (AOS’s ‘spirit guide’ as a native American shaman, but known in this relatively-new ‘tradition’ in animal or shadow form also) can be added in to the cauldron of mutating myths and ‘Solve et Coagula!’, we have Baphomet resplendent with human torso, goat head and hooves, and great black wings.

This realization came to me as a vision and a physical sensation, that of having my chest pryed open by the great black talons of a living silhouette, when I invoked Black Eagle during an intensive 4-day ritual operation involving fasting, self-tattooing, meditation, mudra and mantra (see the Commentary of my Liber Pennae-Ultim-Atum -http://www.horusmaat.com/LPUC.htm). I was wearing the skin of Mandrake the (black) Goat at the time and Black Eagle came as the final component in my ritual assumption of the hybrid form called Baphomet. So I was fascinated to find on subsequent reading of one of Grant’s more recent tomes that he too associates (tangentially as usual) Black Eagle with the ‘Great Old Ones’ of the Lovecraft mythos.

Parallel to my longstanding (no pun imp-ended) obsession with/possession with Pan, I have long been obsessed with spiders and Spider-Goddesses, and it is a common form for my anima when externally evoked and deified to assume. So when I heard about the spider-goat experiments (see this issue’s IMPEDIMENT) naturally I was intrigued. The subsequent realization that Shub Niggurath is actually a Spider Goat allied Hir even more with Baphomet and with my personal mythology, for as a developing hermaphrodite myself, S/He seems a natural synthesis of my goatish male self and arachnean anima.

Just tonight I have been invoking Baphomet-Shub Niggurath, and many realizations have immediately resulted. Thus this rather indulgent ramble, but to give it more purpose I now offer forth a potent tantric rite I have spontaneously developed from these results in application. As it is a tantric rite I acknowledge the Hindu names of the archetypes involved also: Ardhanarishvara-An as the Horned Hermaphrodite of that pantheon, a conjunction of Kali-Arachne as Shakti and Shiva-An, ancient primal Horned form of Shiva. The relevance of Shiva and His association with the Sahasrara (crown) chakra will beCome apparent.

I hope you find this rite as effective as I did…

A mudrā (English: /muːˈdrɑː/ ( listen); Sanskrit: मुद्रा “seal”, “mark”, or “gesture”) is a symbolic or ritual gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism.[1] While some mudrās involve the entire body, most are performed with the hands and fingers. A mudrā is a spiritual gesture and an energetic seal of authenticity employed in the iconography and spiritual practice of Indian religions and traditions of Dharma and Taoism.

One hundred and eight mudras are used in regular Tantric rituals.[2]

In yoga, mudrās are used in conjunction with pranayama (yogic breathing exercises), generally while seated in Vajrasana pose, to stimulate different parts of the body involved with breathing and to affect the flow of prana in the body.

A brain research paper published in the National Academy of Sciences in November 2009, demonstrated that hand gestures stimulate the same regions of the brain as language



This mudra awakes and activates the sexual power. Kundalini mudra associates with sex, union of man and woman origins

How to perform this mudra.

Clench your both fists. Now stretch your forefinger of the left hand and thrust it from the down in the fist of the right hand. The thumb-cushion of your right hand  should lay on the forefinger-tip of the left hand. Performing this mudra pull down your hands as lower as possible, so your hands are in the lower area of your abdomen.

Practice it three times a day for 15 minutes



This is part of a first draft of an essay on the esoteric sexual teachings of Franklin Jones aka Adi Da, Da Free John, Bubba Free John, etc. etc. One of the curiosities of Daist sexual practice is the teaching of “solitary shaktichalana mudra”, or yogic masturbation.

The written instruction for this practice can be found in a book titled The Practice Of Solitary Shaktichalana Mudra, published in 1994 and 1995. The table of contents for this book are listed on the internet at www.dabase.net/shakmudr.htm. The same website also lists the contents of other Daist esoteric sexuality teachings at www.dabase.net/sexser.htm.

According to Adi Da, Shaktichalana Mudra is not a practice that I invented. It is a traditional exercise that has been engaged for hundreds, even thousands, of years in monastic settings. It is a secret practice that has been passed on within esoteric Yogic circles. It has not been openly described anywhere. I am not aware of any literature that describes the practice openly.

And there’s the rub — so to speak. I have been unable to find any verification, in the traditional literature, for Frank’s assertion that yogic masturbation “is a traditional exercise that has been engaged for…thousands of years in monastic settings.” [Helpful readers have pointed on the modern day teachings of the “Taoist” Mantak Chia as another source of Frank’s teaching on yogic masturbation. If anyone can come up with ancient sources and documentation on this practice, please let me know.]

One assumes, naturally, that “non-yogic” masturbation has been practiced, even for millions of years! In fact, it must have been, for one can find plenty of admonitions against masturbation. But whether masturbation was practiced ritually, as a yoga of spiritual awakening, remains an open question. Frank’s principle source, it appears, for claiming that the practice is an ancient tradition, is a story he heard from a disciple of the 20th century yogi Swami Kripalvananda.

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