Writer: Lucy Az
Subject: The Divine Flame
Link: MEWE / 17.09.2022 / Sex Demons
The Divine Flame
The Demonic offspring of Lilith bear the Flame of Divinity. It begins as the Black Flame from within. It is fed and fueled by enlightenment and satiation of sexual desire. When you see a Succubus that burns visible Flames, you can be sure that her Gnosis is well advanced, and that her sexual techniques are both plentiful and deeply deviant from the Earthen born. To engage in sexual contact with a Succubus, is to lap the Flame of the Divine that is Sourced from Lucifer and Lilith. They want you to have it, but you must aspire it and not fear it.
A Reading from The Book of Az
Thank You My Beautiful Queen
Lucy Az
For sharing your Wisdom
I treasure your wisdom.