Writer: Blasfemur666
Subject: The Demons Of Porn
Link: Tumblr / 18.02.2023 / DESIRINGGOD.ORG
The Demons Of Porn
Porn demons have been living in me for many years. I am so thankful to my Lord, Satan, for sending them to me as a young teenager. I hereby dedicate a lifetime of masturbation and orgasmic pleasure to my Lord and Savior, Satan!
Pray Against The Demons Of Porn
There is hope. Right now. Since you are reading this, chances are you are looking for supernatural help and power over porn. But I also know the odds are high that you are hobbled by doubt-inducing shame. I know because I’ve been there. The swell of temptation — the clicks, the views, the web-history cleaning — and the shame, disgust, confession, resolve, and the backsliding are all old bullies of mine. They can be your old enemies, too. How? Even in the midst of shame, don’t be ashamed of the power of the gospel (Romans 1:16).
Resurrection Power over Porn
Beginning in Eden’s garden, freedom with God was traded for a dungeon. But Jesus came to ransom us from the dungeon. He plunged into our place, took our lust, immorality, and pornography use, and died with them under the wrath of God. Why? So that we could die with him and be raised to new life (Romans 6:6). But ancient powers whirl around you and your WiFi, hoping to distract you from the no-longer-dead Lord Jesus. Take these thoughts captive. Attack these temptations. The Internet is a cosmic battlefield. Grab your weapons.
“How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. . . . I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:9, 11).
Jesus lived this for you and me. Jesus fought against Satan’s temptations with the very words of God — yes, as a model for us, but the Lord Jesus deflected temptation with divine truth for us, so that in his power we can stand firm when we access the World Wide Web.
In our ever-connected world, when we are a flick and click away from danger, we can call God’s word to mind at a higher speed than any page can load. But you have to call it to mind. When the temptations circle, we have to stop, crack our knuckles, dig in our heels, and believe the Bible.
Seven Assaults Against Porn
These seven verses can serve as an attack plan, a Messiah-taught martial art against lust and pornography. A verse for every day. Read it in the morning. Pray it at night. Train in the car. Run to it when you hear the temptation in the distance. Text it to a friend. Memorize with an accountability partner. Fight.
1. “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).
Right now, if you are in Christ, you are uncondemnable because Christ was condemned for you. But Satan wants you to believe otherwise. He wants you to doubt God’s grace, mercy, and faithful love. Don’t. The miracle of grace is that before, during, and after that sin, you are condemnation-free.
Pray: Father, I’m prone to doubting your grace; the shame and self-hatred I feel after viewing porn is devastating. But the gospel devastates what devastates me. Help me to believe I am forgiven.
2. “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1).
Right now, in Christ, you are free. You must believe it. You are not doomed to digital dungeons. Don’t go online with palms up and wrists ready for sin’s chains.
Pray: God, you set me free. Help me to believe it. Help my unbelief. Give me resurrection power to stand firm, just like Jesus is living in heaven for me right now. Help me, Jesus.
3. “This is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality” (1 Thessalonians 4:3).
God is growing you. God is with you. He wants you to walk away from pornography, and he will help you. Believe it. Your purity is God’s will. He will give you the resources you need to do his will. God will help you.
Pray: God, you say your will is my sanctification, my growing in Christlikeness. I believe it. Help me to be like Jesus right now and when temptation arrives. Help me to abstain; I want to. But I need you. Help me, Lord.
4. “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
Our attempts to fight against pornography often fail because our schemes are powerless. Our union with Christ is a protective shield against the temptations of pornography. We are connected to him, and he can produce the power we need to turn away. He powerfully works within us.
Pray: Jesus, I need you. I’ve tried on my own and I fail. Without you, I’m doomed. And with you, I’m free. Jesus, my Lord, help me.
5. “Sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints” (Ephesians 5:3).
The gospel brings us into the life of Christ, a life that isn’t filled with sexual immorality, but one of purity. Pornography is not proper for God’s children. We need the bluntness of Ephesians 5:3. We are saints, co-heirs of the universe. It wouldn’t be right for a billionaire’s kids to eat from Golden Corral’s dumpster. It isn’t right for us to dwell in a digital landfill.
Pray: Father, you tell me this isn’t proper for me. I believe you. I am your child. You’ve made me a saint. I don’t want this sin. Help me, Father.
6. “Whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him” (2 Corinthians 5:9).
What do you want? Do you want to bring joy to your heavenly Father, or do you want to bring temporary pleasure to your flesh? It’s not anti-grace for our obedience, in Christ, to be pleasing to God. It’s the fruit and function of grace — the life of Christ in our lives. Ask yourself who you want to please: the porn video producer? Your sinful passions? Or Jesus Christ?
Pray: God, I want to honor you. I don’t want to grieve the Spirit. My aim, my desire, my goal is for you to be glorified, pleasing you. Lord Jesus, help me.
7. “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
You’ve died with Christ. You’ve been raised with Christ. Jesus is alive in you. When the temptations call, walk away from your computer by faith in the crucified and risen Christ. You can walk away because Jesus walked out of the tomb. He loves you. Remember his love.
Pray: O Jesus! You love me. You died for me. You are alive in me. I believe you will empower me to turn from this sin. I’m looking to you. I live by you. King Jesus, help me.
Hail Blasfemur666,
Tatiana had I fucking love your initial god-damned praise of porn and the god-damned Demons that energize and fucking fill us with Unholy fucking lust and god-damned depravity.
But what the fuck is all the god-damned christian bullshit about; thsnk God Satan Tatiana was never fucking infected by fucking christian dogma and mother-fucking lies.
Because of my Satanic Wife and our Lord God Satan I’m no fucking longer a god-damned slave to the fucking cock-sucking christian god!
The only god-damned reaction we fucking have about christian lies is our determination to fucking murder the fucking Abrahamic God, his bastard son and the mother-fucking holy spirit and desecrate the god-damned christian church and the fucking followers of Jesus fucking Christ.
Hail God Satan
Tatiana and I just fucking rediscovered this god-damned bull-shit and fucked and sucked while watching one of our god-damned Satanic porn videos!
The god-damned mission of every god-damned member of God Satan’s Legion is to fucking destroy the mother-fucking Abrahamic religion and its cock-sucking god!
As I’ve fucking said before, I was chained and imprisoned by this mother-fucking shit most of my fucking life; until my Satanic wife and God Satan gave me courage to fucking sprint the fuck away.
God Satan is the only real god-damned God, and is fucking worthy of our god-damned blasphemous worship and fellowship.
Yes my reaction as well!! What the fuck! I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions but fuck! I’m so glad I serve the true God who is always thinking of us! Allowing us to be with ourselves by masturbating and fucking ourselves with toys and objects that please him and us with fucking pleasure upon pleasure. No need for guilt! Do what you will. Get filthy and so so depraved. It’s so good for you! Cmon xtian! Let me help you with enjoy!!
I too was surprised by the fucking christian bullshit posted here. As a former christian who was shown the fucking lies of Jesus and discovered the true God Satna, it made me a little angry to read this shit here. Pursuing any and all perversions pleases him and gives us so much pleasure. As Kat correctly says, “it is good for you”, so true. We should be corrupting the christian “innocent” so they can see the truth and have the pleasures perversion and “sin”.
As Marcus, Kat and Jim have just reminded us, our work is never done. So let this post, along with every time we encounter xtian lies, be a battle cry that we heed. A reminder that one of the best ways we can show our devotion to our Dark Lord is by “corrupting the Christian ‘innocent’ so they can see the truth…” Remember that each soul we can help steal from xrist is another nail in the bastard’s body and helps to drive the (un)holy (shit) spirit further from us. This last part can be especially useful for those of us who may be former xtians as it helps to further blacken our soul and bind us closer to Father Satan. Helping others to commit the unforgivable sin is further commitment of that sin on our part. Instead of being angry with a post like this, we should embrace it and flip it so that it can be used to feed our own lust. The idea of corrupting others makes my cock drip and I hope it makes your cunt drip as well. No need for guilt. Do what you will. Come (cum) xtian and let us show you the Truth of Satan!
So well put. Corrupting the innocent is a major way I have to so my devotion to Satan, as a former fucking christian. Thanks for posting our battle cry
Don’t fucking forget God Satan’s responsive fucking freedom!
Yes! What a beautiful way to put it ! I do get very wet in my pussy when I think about corruption of xxxtian innocents. I like to show them how much they are missing! Show them how good it feels to lust for pleasures of the flesh!! They are eager for it! I will do all I can to continue this. Help them to realize that Satan is the truth and the true love they need. Thanks for all your comments!
I’ve been looking for a woman like you. I love corrupting christian women with my seed.
Thank you everyone for the support for my words. I feel called by our Lord to spread His message of Lust and Freedom to others. As I said above, each soul that we can turn from xrist is another nail in his body (love this). It is also one more of the BILLIONS that are part of our Satanic family. We Are Legion and Our Legion Grows Daily so I’m happy to hear that you all are doing your part to make that happen. I’d love to talk with you sometime about our evil mission of perversion. I used to be MySinfullyKinky on tumblr (and some other profiles) and I’m still on MeWe and a few sites. I can also be reached directly at michaels.mick at ymail.com
As we all know, porn is the leading gateway to Satan.
It’s how I came (and came and came and came) to Him.
I was a lifelong porn addict and – as XP knows – worked in the porn industry in L.A. (the section of the city nicknamed “Porn Valley,” where all the studios are) for about 10 years, producing, directing and appearing in porn vids.
Who knows? Maybe some of you have masturbated to some of my work.
During that time, before I became a Satanist, I used to go to deserted church parking lots and masturbate to porn in my car. It felt soooo wrong, which is why it felt so good.
I didn’t know it at the time, but Satan was clearly calling me.
In any event, porn was created by Satan to corrupt souls and bring them to Him.
I love especially how it destroys Christian families when the fathers become addicted to it.
In closing, I said I “was” a porn addict because these days I find it far hotter to masturbate while invoking Satan and being filled with His and His Demons Lust.
I do however still on occasion get off on porn.
Hail porn. Hail Satan.
Hail Satanworshiper!
Tatiana and I fucking love filthy god-damned porn; we’d fucking love to view your god-damned demonic work!
Sorry you are no longer addicted to porn, but nice to know that in some way, you destroyed some christian families by corrupting the fathers, and probably teen sons with porn you were involved in producing. So you were doing Satans work 🙂
Lord Satan thank you 🙏
SatanWorshipper hit the nail right on the head when he said, “I didn’t know it at the time, but Satan was clearly calling me. In any event, porn was created by Satan to corrupt souls and bring them to Him.”
Looking back now I can see that Satan first spoke to me when I would browse thru the old Playboys from the 60s and 70s when I was a kid. I had found a secret stash and would sneak away for a peak. When the 80s came along I was off to college and old enough to buy my own porn magazines and rent the (then new) porn VHS tapes. I can still remember stroking to Deep Throat, Traci, Ginger, Christy, Sharon, Amber, and so many more stars of the day (Traci will forever be my porn queen).
I was raised xtian but always had many questions as things just didn’t add up and make sense the more I’d try to accept the bastard. My prayers never seemed to go anywhere. On the other hand, porn never seemed to disappoint. I knew I could count on feeling great each time I’d get a new issue of Club, Genesis, Penthouse, Gallery, Family Taboo Letters, or whatever. And those letters magazines (smaller black and white books with lots of stories) are where I first discovered my love of incest, piss play and more. Yes, Satan was truly calling to me (even if I didn’t know it at the time).
Slowly, over the last 40 years or so Satan has called to me, corrupted me (spelled opened my eyes to true freedom and truth) and now He is the guiding force in my life as I seek to do His will and corrupt others. The Internet has brought porn into the mainstream in ways I never had way back then. This makes it so much more accessible to be used by Satan to corrupt others. Every time someone turns away from their xtian (or muslim or whatever) upbringing it is another mail in the body of the lying bastard. When I think of this I smile as Satan has helped me to come to hate the lying father, son and shitty ghost. I curse and blaspheme them whenever I can.
Father Satan and Mother Lilith have shown me both love and freedom from shame and guilt, Now those things I could never understand before are becoming more clear when I look at the world thru satanic eyes. I wish I had listened so much sooner (but no sense dwelling on the past). My mission now is to indulge my satanic side whenever and however Satan may allow me. And to help others do the same.
Hail Satan and thanks to all of you for all that you do, say, post, share to do our Father’s work. We truly are Legion and I’m so happy to have you all as part of my satanic family.
Your god-damned story sounds so fucking much like mine; except that there was always a god-damned war going on in my fucking mind, heart, body and soul.
The cock-sucking christian god enslaved me with guilt and god-damned fear until my Satanic Whore-wife came into my life and gave me the fucking courage to embrace God Satan and eternal god-damned condemnation.
I’d rather spend god-damned eternity in the fucking flames of Hell, than one god-damned second with the god-damned cock-sucking christian god, his fucking bastard son and the mother-fucking holy spirit!
Absofuckinlutely agree 110%. So happy that Satan opened your eyes through your Satanic-whore wife. Tatiana sounds exactly like the kind of woman I would love to find and share in depravity and push each other deeper into Lord Satan. You two are inspirational to many of us.
Satan lives!
Hail Sturrock!
Tatiana and I totally fucking believe in His eternal god-damned existence; atheist Satanism is a god-damned oxymoron and devoid of any fucking true meaning.
How true… atheistic Satanists are something I never could understand
My journey into porn was similar to yours. For me it was my fathers stash of Playboys and other magazines. This was the late 50’s and early 60’s when porn was unfortunately much tamer than now. When I could buy my own mags, it was trips into NYC where I could get far more explicit and perverted porn. Satan was guiding me even though I did not realize it at the time. Then I discovered the VHS tapes you mentioned and built up an impressive collection. Porn was an amazing opening to my corruption back then, but nothing like what is available now on the internet. Today porn is so much more available and perverted than I could have imagine in my youth. Thanks to Satan. Youth today can see things I did not know existed back when I was their age. Like you, Satan has opened my eyes and guided me, only now with my understanding and excited participation. BTW MMicheals, you posted an email address in another post and invited others to email you. I tried numerous times, but the address always bounced back as non existent. No biggy, just thought you might want to know. Thank you for your excellent posts
Thanks for letting me know. It should be michaels.mick @ymail.com
I copied and pasted this address and got a “address invalid” notice. If you would like to exchange some emails, my address is [email protected] If not, then that is okay too. Hail Satan
Sorry for the email problem. I found a blank space before the @ymail in my post above and that is probably why it wasn’t working for you. Just ignore that address and use this instead as it is more secure anyway… [email protected]
Looking forward to hearing of your satanic walk, efforts to corrupt others, and more. We are Legion and our numbers grow daily!
Hi all hail Satan hail Lilith
As far back as I can remember I’ve had sickly sexual stimulation looking at naked pictures of boys and girls and love to see the most perverted Acts of sexual abuse there is hail Satan hail Lilith
I remember a man telling me all you kids have on your mind is pussy and cocks floating around in your head I’m not sure what the reasons why he said that we were in group when he said it other young boys and girls when he said it I thought he was right that’s alli wanted was to see cocks and pussys my little boy cocklett got hard
A couple of months later I saw him coming out of a liquor store it was dark and I was walking towards home I was cutting across the parking lot and he saw me and I was him he said hello and I said hi he asked me if I needed a ride home I said sure I got in and he started talking about porn and if I liked looking at it, I said I loved looking at magazine’s and books with naked boys and girls he told me to open the compartment between the seats and I did and there were lots of porno magazines and he had some movies which I’ve never seen a movie he asked if I wanted to go to his house and watch a porno movie and I said can I? I love to see one
So he drove to his place parked his car in back of his place he grabbed the movies and I followed him in the sliding door into a den area he put the movie in and it was a black and white movie of boys and girls sitting on a couch while someone you couldn’t see talk to them then the kids started kissing and fingering each other the little girl stuck her mouth on the little boy cocklett and started sucking on it
My little boy cocklett was really really really hard the man slide his pants down sitting next to me and he had no underwear on him and started stroking his nasty Cock head over and over and over up and down till it was really good and hard he told me to pull my pants and underwear off and stroke off watching the movie and I did it felt great to watch a real movie and watch him playing with him self beating off his meat next time and me beating off my little boy cocklett next to him
I could see all his precummmm on the head of his lollipop as he strokes it hard, wow it didn’t take long and I was in his lap bobing up and down on his Cock meat giving him some really deep great head licking the nasty fucking shaft smelling his sperm sack hands rapped around the fucking demon 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿 mouth 👄👄👄👄👄👄 👄👄👄👄 sucking it wanting him to grab my head like most of all men do and force it deeper and blow his cock wad down my throat fuck ya, and he did lots of juicy unholy fucking wickedness I drank for Satan and Lilith as i do all the time after I drained his nut sack he told me to get dressed and he would take me home on the way he got hard again so unzipping his pants pulling out the beast and I got lick the lollipop again and enjoy another fuckin load of satanic sperm juice he gave me before I got dropped off
Hail Satan hail Lilith hail perversion hail wickedness hail unholyness and hail porn
My lord Satan thank you for your evil
@Ray – what a wonderful experience you had. Satan was with you (and him) that day and I do hope that wasn’t the only encounter you had with that man.
@SatanWorshipper – I do hope that you still visit the parking lots of churches (and any other holy places) to masturbate while invoking Satan’s name and lust. Perhaps leaving some of your seed on their “holy” grounds. Masturbating in the Satan’s name is one form of worship that all of us can do regardless of our situation.
@Kat – I’m sure we would all benefit from knowing more about how you work to corrupt xtians (and others). I’ve done my share online but I seek ways to do so in person, under the radar as a wolf among the sheep (perhaps from right inside of a church). I’m sure I could learn from you and others on here.
Mines been a very long sexual perverted journey ally life
But if you really want to corrupt others take there souls to Satan it can’t be done after one encounter with them you have to constantly bring them into your dark evil perverted world for ten to fifteen times to make it stick in there mind and perverted souls
The first time they do something and it feels good to them while doing it they get a case of the guilts and they freak out about it and say they’ll never do it again, that’s when you need to use black mail and take your phone and film them doing filthy unholy fucking wickedness so you can tell them you want to show them a great video or pic’s of them having perverted Acts of pleasure and they see it and they want to do it again and again and again
Don’t forget you work for Satan and Lilith you need to take there souls and give them to the dark master god Satan
Black Mail works great for me and all my wickedness mmmmm once there hooked on unholyness they will on your doorstep each and every day
The best are family’s to fuck with it’s easy for me to take the husband first men are always fucking horny and get hard fast after a couple of weeks of sexual male cock sucking and getting him ready for some cock up his tight pussy then you can easily talk him into sharing his loving wife it can take a little while but she will give in and and let her husband bring a stranger home to nut his wife it best if the husband watches the first time you need his wife i wear my inverted crucifix we drick lots of wine get high and I make my move on her she’s scared and frightened that all goes away she looks over at her husband while I’m trying to kiss her she sees her husband pull his pants down and slide his hand around his cock then she automatically knows that it’s okay she comes down we start kissing I slide my hand down the top of her blouse under her bra grabbing one of her hard nipples and twisting and twisting my tongue goes down her throat she doesn’t fight back she opens her top up pulls her bra down and I grab the other nipple and twist and twist while her husband has pulled his pants down it is now jacking his cock off hard watching me molest his wife I’ve done this so many times and makes my cock drip lots of pre-cum it doesn’t take long I got her pants off her panties are off and I got my tongue between her legs licking that swollen clit tongue fucking her cunt two fingers up the hole her legs spread apart she’s squeezing her nipples and her husband is jacking his cock off on her face she is completely into it she loves it she loves the feel of a Man’s tongue licking up and down her slit she loves when the new cock she’s never had before forces her cunt lips open and slams into the back of her fucking beautiful little cunt mommy’s mouth 👄👄👄👄 wants to suck cock her husband sticks his fat cock in her waiting mouth as I keep pumping mommy’s sweet little pussy harder and deeper and deeper you can tell mommy cummmmm hard three times already and wants more
She no longer the nice Christian house wife anymore she now a piece of fuck meat for any cock we feed her she starts to dress way more sexy no panties no bras she doesn’t care who sees her hard nipples she wants men or women to look at her and lust after her she loves the taste of cock she spends all her free time on the internet looking at threesomes gang bangs nigger cocks all she can fucking think about is cock and wanting to find a girlfriend a new girlfriend that likes to eat pussy so she can fulfill her lesbian perversions she’s now looking at the children and thinking how she can corrupt them mommy knows best mommy I’ll figure a way mommy has men come over during the day when the kids are home strangers she’s met online sometimes her husband stays home so he can enjoy sucking off The strangers or getting his pussy fucked by him
All this can happen for you you have to take your time and train them take your time show them the path of unholiness wickedness sexual perversion you have to show them what they’re missing out on you have to share Satan with them and their kids hail Satan hail Lilith hail wickedness
Beautiful testimony to the power of lust… it just needs some satanic guidance, and a little evil coercion when necessary. Hail Satan!!
I can’t remember all the men or all the places I’ve sucked or fucked cocks
Deserted houses, old barns, alleyways, front seats of cars back seats of cars front seats of trucks back seats of pickup truck in the bed of a pickup truck an old filthy mattresses in a men’s room that’s strangers houses in hotel rooms church parking lot school parking lot in the backs of parks where all the perverts are School yards
Like cock dripping hard right now just thinking about it, some of them took me on to park on dark roads hidden behind trees sometimes they stand or lay on the front seat and their cars I get between their legs grab their cock spit on it get it really nice and hard and mouth fucking until it shot cum lots of cum,
I used to walk home late at night and there was this house on this busy boulevard and it had a little small alleyway with between the houses and I could go back there and there was a transsexual that used to sit there with her legs crossed in a chair I can look through the window she left the blinds open just enough so you could look in I used to go there all the time and I’d watch her as she uncrossed her legs and this huge piece of a cock to hang out she had beautiful legs with nylons she have a wig on beautiful makeup nice perky little tits her nipples look so good and she’d have this huge fucking hanging uncut fucking cock and she wouldn’t touch it it was just hang over the edge of the seat I used to slide my little pants down grab my cock start stroking as fast as I could sometimes other men would show up they knew about the place too I guess they would catch me I wouldn’t even stop I just keep stroking then slide my pants down and fill my pussy fully cock well I watched the transsexual open and close her legs sometimes that huge cock drip all this precum to the floor loads of it she had such sexy high heels beautiful fucking legs shaved everywhere and that huge fucking cock
What about the other 15-20 savour gods who’s stories are just like the Jesus story????