That Is Where Satan Is by AMW Satanis – Non-Fiction

Writer: amwsatanis

Subject: That Is Where Satan Is

Link: Tumblr / 08.01.2023

That Is Where Satan Is


As somebody who has been brought up in a strict religious Christian cult, and is still trapped in it and controlled. I have been curious of satanism and other fields of this, witchcraft etc. I’m not sure one hundred percent what to believe or not to believe. But I know there’s something else out there and I want to do my part to explore it, do you have any ideas for me on how to go about this? I’ve tried googling and searching websites up but they all end up being some bullshit and are fake etc, I feel a connection to more, “Darker,” things than anything I ever have in my life. I need help or guidance.


Honestly … I can only tell you what I know and that might not be what works for you.

You are the darkness that you are drawn to. It is in you already. Christianity, Judaism, Islam would all like you to believe that it can be washed away or, “Forgiven.” That you are born broken and need to be saved (which would mean that you were created broken by a creator who wants you to apologize for how they made you) — All of this is garbage.

You save yourself by accepting this darkness. By walking towards it with your arms open, ready to face whatever is in there — that is where Satan is — you don’t need anything outside of yourself to do this. Books and websites are nice ways to read further, but the important bits are already within you. That’s where you need to look first.

5 thoughts on “That Is Where Satan Is by AMW Satanis – Non-Fiction”

  1. I cannot but fully agree with AW Satanis: the DARK is unknown to all and it takes considerable effort to surpass the “horror vacui” which goes with it. But on the other hand, all the ‘heavenly’ that all religions promise for their ‘true followers’ seems more like hell to me in predictability and eternal boringness…
    And I am wired in a way that I get more excited by experiencing and exploring the unknown abyss that goes with DARK.

    1. Hail a666beast

      That would be, because all the religious promises are lies to control us. They are empty untruths. We all join the abyss and return our bodies to the earth from whence we came.

      1. I completely agree with that last aspect about the transience of the material. Before there was matter, there was DARK, and when all matter will be dissolved in the next eons, there will still be DARK. Neither filth nor piety are of all times, DARK, on the other hand, is.

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