Feature Writer: ppr128


Published: 30.07.2009

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Magic, Paranormal, Incest

Synopsis: A son with a succubus fetish gets his hands on a tome that actually works, leading to some unintended results with his mother.

Author’s Notes: Hello, all. I am a big believer in the Tags system for stories, finding them to be of great assistance in locating stories relevant to my interests. Although I have done my best to apply them correctly to this story, there are some odd elements to it that made it difficult to correctly categorize. As such, the reader should be warned to expect the following: Mother/Son incest and Demonic Possession. I toyed with filing it under the Non-Consent/Reluctance tag (the mother is possessed and the son isn’t really into it) but was unsure of how well that would fit. In any case, I hope you enjoy…

About the story: We live in a world that is pretty strictly defined by scientific laws and rationalism, with the old notions of spirituality ignored at best and mocked openly at worst. But imagine, for a second, if magic were real. What if you could hypnotize your boss at will, making them give you a pay rise and requiring you to only work a fraction of the hours you usually did? What if you could give the jerk on the other end of the customer service line for your utilities a migraine for screwing up your account? Best of all, what if you could summon up a succubus, the very personification of lust and feminine sexuality, for a romp in the hay? That’d be pretty awesome, right? Yeah, well. I used to think that, too. I couldn’t have been more wrong if I tried. So what went wrong? Well, here’s the story…

Suburban Succubus

Chapter 6: Moonlighting

I awoke to a blazing light, expecting to find the room lit by the dawn. Instead, the moon hung high in the night sky outside; the storm had passed, and the full moon’s light was enough to see clearly by. I watched my mother sleeping beside me, our bodies wound together sinuously after our passionate bout of lovemaking. Marvelling at her alabaster skin in the moon’s pale radiance, I leaned back and pulled the covers away so that I could drink in the sight of my mother’s breasts, rising and falling with each drowsy breath. My own exhalations washed across her magnificent cleavage, raising goosebumps.

A deliciously wicked idea came to my mind, and I hastened to put it into practice. Slowly moving my leg, trapped between my mother’s thighs and resting against her privates, I created enough space to slide one questing hand down, teasing at her nest, coaxing her back to life. I alternated my breath across each the gentle curves of her breasts, gradually causing her nipples to harden into prominence against her dark aureoles. All the while, I was held transfixed by the soft rise and fall of my mother’s teats, enthralled by each small sigh of satisfaction she made in her sleep. I idly wondered what her dream had turned to with my stimulation of her sex.

The moon was slipping out of view by the time I could slide a finger into my mother’s gripping channel, soaked through with the fluids of her arousal. I gently disentangled us, lying her down on her back and positioning my self above her, as though I intended to perform a push-up. Nothing so mundane or chaste was to follow; instead, I dropped my weight and surged into her, plunging within her in a single, sweeping movement.

My mother’s eyes snapped open; she was jolted into wakefulness not by my incestuous intrusion, but by the force of my thrust, which had shaken her entire body. Realising where she was and what was happening, the brief look of consternation on my mother’s face was quickly replaced by one that promised a lusty coupling. She blasphemed, lifting her hips to meet my thrusts. I took her violently, savage thrusts throwing her breasts into tectonic motion, bouncing this way and that. I varied my angle and the depth of my thrusts, pounding into the bottom of her sheath and taking care to slide my length across her clitoris. She mewled softly, my only warning before she exploded into orgasm; undaunted, I pushed on, lifting her bodily and bringing us into a kneeling position, my knees pressed together between her legs.

Taking the bait, my mother took charge of our forbidden union; where my lovemaking had been fierce, so too was hers, but expressed in a different way. She moved atop me swiftly, like a yo-yo in the hands of an accomplished master. She took me to varying depths, sometimes grinding onto me, sometimes halting halfway or less down my shaft and retreating. Deliberately staving off my own orgasm, I clutched at my mother, meeting her movements with my own, thrusting against her savagely and bringing her to another orgasm. Not waiting for her to catch her breath, I grabbed at her hips, pulled her off me, and roughly pushed her into position to be taken from behind, like a bitch in heat. She glanced back over her shoulder, her eyes heavily lidded in appreciation for my technique. Having bought her to orgasm twice, I used her for my pleasure, sawing in and out of my mother’s fiery chasm with no regard for her. Within seconds I came, spewing my seed within my mother’s taboo depths. Gasping, we re-arranged ourselves on the bed, clasping each other in a loving embrace that belied the fury we had unleashed on each other just seconds before.

“Whew,” my mother blew explosively. “What was that?” I grinned tightly back at her. “That was me, fucking you,” I teased, groping at one heaving breast. She arched one delicate eyebrow, eyes sparkling with amusement, rising to the challenge with aplomb. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” she asked lightly.

“Oh, you know it,” I replied, my mouth engulfing hers. We maintained the kiss whilst I slid one hand back to her opening, dripping wet with a mixture of our juices. This time, I merely rubbed at her gently, eliciting an appreciative moan before returning my attention to her breasts. At long last, sated, we broke apart, my hands tweaking her nipples whilst she traced idle patterns across my chest.

I smiled, kissed my mother’s forehead lightly, and called forth the spirit within her that had laid the platform for this conquest so long ago. Looking back, especially after the sex I had enjoyed these past two nights, I could scarcely understand why I had found the idea of taking my mother so repulsive. It had taken me these many months to grow accustomed to the idea, to overcome my ingrained view that coupling with my mother was something illicit and vile. I had finally come to understand that it merely changed the flavour of the experience, that incest was akin to taking an already fine dish and adding the right blend of spices, elevating it from merely great to perfection.

My mother’s face grew harder, sterner as Liira appeared, though her pleased smile did not fade. “Well, now, my Summoner. Another outstanding performance, and entirely unsolicited on my behalf or your mother’s. And to salve your conscience, your first mating tonight was entirely at your mother’s behest. Such gentlemanly treatment and so romantic a meal aroused her passions; I simply allowed them to overcome her better nature. But I must assume you bought me forth for a reason, not a commentary on your skills. Shall we cut to the chase, my dear boy? What do you desire? As you have seen, there is little I cannot provide, at least within my sphere of influence.”

My throat tightened a bit, drying as I contemplated what I was about to request. “Liira, um … last night and tonight were … really intense.” As I struggled to put my desire into words, Liira’s face hardened, my mother’s eyes becoming flinty, ugly with the succubus’ rage. “So. Already you seek to undo our arrangement?” she hissed. I hurried to correct her interpretation of the situation. “No! No, not that. Well, kind of. What I was wondering was … can you do this more often?”

Liira was taken aback. My earlier protestations about never wanting to have sex with my mother must have convinced her that I meant what I was saying. Initially, perhaps, I had; over time, though, the sight of my mother’s naked body and the incredible sex Liira had provided me with using it had overcome the objectionable nature of the deed. Over the months that I had journeyed to my mother’s bed- or she to mine- under the cover of darkness, she had been able to slowly chip away at my societal conditioning, teaching me to appreciate my mother’s beauty and the pleasure her body could bring mine. The cracks in my denial that I enjoyed what we were doing had gradually widened, the flood escaping the dam entirely over the past few nights. Liira’s features softened, her smile returning, though now smugly superior rather than simply exultant.

“My, my. And for one who begged on their knees not to be forced to fuck his mother. Now you come before me, grovelling for the opportunity to be allowed to mate with the flesh and soul you gave over to me.” Not exactly the response I had hoped for, but I rolled with the punches.

“You told me once that you fed on lust and sexual stimulation?” She nodded, a suspicious gleam in her eyes as she tried to predict where I was going. “Well, you said too that you could feed off any strong emotion. Any way, what I was wondering was, is it better for you if, like,” and here I struggled, not knowing how best to discuss a succubus’ feeding habits. “Er, maybe it was … better for you if my mother enjoyed it?” The last came in a rush, tumbling from my lips. Liira nodded slowly, turning the idea over in her head.

“It is. Each time I mate with you, I must convince this flesh-” she gestured at my mother’s body, riveting my gaze on my mother’s heaving bosom for a perfect instant before flickering back up to her face “that it wishes to be aroused. Then I must provide an illusion for my host of some sex she would desire rather than copulating with her son. This arrangement, however, would conserve my strength; all I would need to do is inhibit your mother’s reactions and any desire she evinces not to mate with her son. Although, in truth, even that is fading. For a while, I experimented with allowing her to be aware of our couplings, drinking in her revulsion. Over time, that part of her became quiescent, to the point now that it barely registers. These past two nights, all I have needed to do is slightly intensify her lust, increase her body’s responses to stimuli until she wishes not to resist. After that, it is all you.” Liira pursed her lips, in deep thought. “You know, mortal, this has not transpired in accordance with my plans. I had thought to punish you by having you mate with your mother, hoping you would flagellate yourself emotionally afterwards.”

It was my time to smirk; playfully, she batted at my face. I raised my hands in surrender, bringing another true smile to Liira’s lips, accompanied with a throaty laugh. As she lay back down and twined herself against me, I wrapped my mother’s body in my embrace, enjoying the silky caresses of her naked skin. Finally, Liira nodded. “Very well. I shall allow this. Instead of mating with me each night save Fridays, you shall mate with your mother. As even I can slake myself on so much lust at once, I shall even allow you to spend some nights apart, so long as you go no more than three nights without sex. But you shall share this bed by night, spent fucking or not. Fail to provide me with the lust I need, and I will animate this flesh again, the deal will be rescinded, and I shall punish your mother by forcing her to see each of our couplings as the vilest of rapes, forgotten by dawn.”

Most of the succubus’ terms were agreeable, but the last bothered me. What if one of us got injured, or my mother had to go on a business trip? I decided it might be a negotiating tactic, one used to reduce my demands as we sought middle ground. Liira clearly sought to corrupt me step by step, rather than the giant leap I had made by requesting consensual sex with my mother. “You feed on lust, right?” Without waiting for her answering nod, I continued, “What about the memories of lust?”

“Hmmm.” She ruminated on the idea. “Yes, though it is far less satisfying.” “And dreams?” I asked; she nodded again.

“Well, how about this. I try to seduce my mother each night, or you work your mojo on me with her in the driver’s seat. I’ll agree to a minimum average of once every three nights, and you can sup on memories and dreams to make up the shortfall in your … diet … if we aren’t having sex.”

Liira signalled her final assent to my terms, then threw a curve ball. “I have, however, observed that there are long stretches of daytime you and your mother spend together. I have refrained from animating that flesh in such times, but if you wish to alter the terms of our agreement I will do so under the proviso that, should this flesh or your own be desirous of sex before nightfall, and should nothing prevent you from doing so, that you mate with it.”

“And what qualifies as prevention?” I asked, trying to avoid being blind-sided. She shrugged. “I shall not be unreasonable, so long as you are making an attempt to keep me sated. I will forgive emergencies, the demands of work, or factors of time or difference.” I nodded. “But if we’re both sitting around twiddling my thumbs and you want it?” I left the question hanging. Liira nodded slowly. “Then I would be most wroth, indeed.” All things considered, it was a pretty sweet deal. Not only would I be able to bed my mother with her blessing, but I would also be able to do so during the daytime. “Promise you’ll at least warn me when you’re getting … well, women don’t exactly get blue balls, do they?”

Liira laughed, tossing her hair back. “No. And ‘blue ovaries’ hardly has the same ring to it. Very well, I agree to your request, mortal. You shall be able to mate with your mother rather than I, then. And, whilst we are on the subject of ovaries, I have some wonderful news for you. The damage to your mother’s fallopian tubes is almost complete. I estimate that by the time the moon waxes full next, your mother’s womb will be ripe for seeding.”

Crap. Of course. I’d almost forgotten that one little detail in my rush to get Liira to allow me to fuck my mother. On the other hand, the idea of screwing my mother had once been repugnant, too; the more I thought about it, considered getting my mother pregnant, seeing her belly swell with child and her breasts with milk, the more erotic it seemed. So much so, in fact that my groin stirred into life of its own accordance poking my mother in the stomach as it throbbed into hardness.

Liira licked the perfect bow of my mother’s top lip, the simple movement reminding me of a predator looking at what was soon to be its dinner and imagining the taste of its next meal. She sat up, straddling me. Staring down at me, she grinned. “Well, then. Since this may be the last time for quite a while that I am the one- well, we are the ones- using this body for pleasure, I suppose we should make it a memorable experience.” She slid onto me, working herself in practiced moves.

“From now on, my Summoner, my son, you share your mother’s bed and will be the object of her desires. I hope you’re up to the tasks ahead of you.”

So did I…


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