Feature Writer: SevMax2

Feature Title: SATAN’S SCRIPT

Published: 23.06.2020

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

Synopsis: What would you do if you could write events into happening?


Satan’s Script

“You’re a hard man to find, you know?” I heard behind me, turning around to see her there.

My little sister, Stephanie. The only part of my growing up that I remembered fondly. The only person growing up, including our parents, who didn’t treat me like dog shit. Suffice it to say that my overall first impression of the much vaunted traditional, nuclear family was that it was Hell on Earth. My parents never divorced. They never separated. I often wished that they had. They were the poster child for toxic marriage. The only things that they seemed to really have in common were a love for Jesus, a belief that the Sun rose and shone out of Stephanie’s ass, and a complete, inexplicable hatred for me.

Ironically, Stephanie herself was so nice to me that I could never resent her for it. She saw what Mom and Dad refused to see in me and simply couldn’t make sense of how much they loathed me. She got double my allowance, so she shared some of it with me or spent it on me at times.

She got me one or two extra Christmas presents that she never told Mom and Dad about, for fear that they would confiscate them. She was allowed a TV in her room, whereas I wasn’t, so she let me watch hers at times. Things like that made my adolescence and childhood much more bearable until I left.

Steph was there for me when I was forcibly circumcised. She even called child services on them, only to have the case worker reject the notion that such practices were abuse. My parents’ warmth for her cooled a bit for a while after that. She lost some of her golden child status for at least a month or two.

Steph was certainly grounded for that long. That must have been as much of a shock to her as it was to me, but she never backed down or apologized for what she did. Mom and Dad ended up just having to lump it. She drew a line in the sand, even at the risk of losing her favorite child status, when it came to a medically unnecessary and highly risky operation like that.

“Steph!” my first response was to pull her into my arms and hug her very tight.

“Cain!” Steph exclaimed as she held onto me for dear life.

Yes, Mom and Dad were that cruel. For whatever reason, they named me after the mythical first murderer, that Cain who slew his brother Abel (I still think that it was at worst manslaughter). Steph’s way of handling that was with irreverent humor that sometimes tested Mom and Dad’s great affection and partiality for her. They were very aware, and frustrated by her, her fondness for her big brother. Even so, they were loath on most occasions to risk their bond with her (as they saw it) just to punish her for it (with the said notable exception regarding the authorities).

“So, what brings you here to Boston, of all places? Even in summer, it’s not always the most pleasant place to be,” I teasingly scolded my kid sister in the way of an elder brother.

“You, of course. And I don’t know, I like the Old World, colonial charm. Imagine how busy these streets were back when the Sons of Liberty openly defied King George III and the first stirrings of the American Revolution began? I kinda understand them better myself than I used to, having had to live under the thumb of our tyrants, Mom and Dad. I’d send them a postcard from Boston, but I don’t have a forwarding address for Hell,” Steph, in her quest for wickedly funny jokes, suddenly realized what bombshell she dropped so casually on me.

“They’re..dead? Both of them? I thought that they might be vampires and live forever. They certainly sucked everything good out of other people’s lives, leaving them with nothing but misery and gin, with apologies to Merle Haggard,” I scoffed, getting a somewhat sadder and more tense look from Steph.

“Yeah, well, thank Dad’s late-night driving for that. He fell asleep at the wheel and they crashed into a propane truck. There were no survivors, including the truck driver. I was lucky enough to have the flu, or so I told them, and beg out of the missionary conference, revival thing. This time, it saved my life, even though part of me feared that they might catch onto my waning fervor for Christ. My lukewarmness as a Christian seems to have paid dividends. Did you know that Mom and Dad were worth three-quarters of a million dollars? Guess who inherited it all in the will?” Steph pointed to herself with a grin.

“Congratulations, sis. Now you can pay off your student loans early, am I right, and switch colleges more easily. Bible College has to be a fucking drag! Or hell, you could even drop out of school altogether, and move closer to me. If you can handle the New England winters, that is. It’s not nice and hot like Shreveport, Louisiana, is it? Hell, you could live on Nantucket, catch the ferry, and visit me now and then,” I half-teased, half-invited Steph to live closer to me, not wishing to mooch off her newfound wealth.

“Oh, I’m definitely moving, bro, and not just near you. I want live with me. I’ve already purchased a very fine townhouse not far from here and I would be so damn lonely without my loving brother around. I’ve missed you so damn much, thanks to Mom and Dad driving you away. You know, as soon as you left, Dad turned to Mom and told her, ‘good, now he can go on back to Hell and leave us alone.’

“The ‘back to Hell’ part rankled with me and even confused me, as did that knowing look of full accord on Mom’s face. I did some digging and found their private journals and such, Mom’s diary, that kind of thing. They…thought that you were the Antichrist, all because you had a birthmark that they thought was the mark of Cain. They named you that to remind themselves not to go easy on you.

“After all, you were destined for the Lake of Fire for eternity, anyway, according to their beliefs. That’s why they never tried to ‘save your soul’ as they did with me. They wrote you off and even wrote down their fears that you would murder them or me in our sleep. They honestly thought that there was a demon inside you or in control of you. Crazy bitches!” Steph rolled her eyes at our parents’ silly superstitious piety.

“I guess that they forgot Proverbs 11:29, didn’t they, sis?” I smirked at the cognitive dissonance and ignorance of many evangelical Christians like Mom and Dad about their own Bible.

“He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart,” Steph acknowledged..she had been on the Bible quiz team at Shreveport First Assembly of God.

“That would be the one. Ironically, for the Antichrist, I seem to know Scripture better than Mom and Dad did. want me to move in with you? Good timing, actually. I might be proud and tempted to decline out of that pride, but with Nancy leaving me, I can’t make rent on my place, anyway. I wasn’t sure what I would do about that. Move into a studio or a motel room, I guess.

“I swear that’s the last time that I’m even gonna try to be monogamous! It’s nothing but grief, frustration, and worse! And then she has the gall to admit that while she’s leaving me for cheating on her, she’s been cheating on me for months! Months! Fuck dating! Fuck monogamy! Fuck relationships! Fucking cunt hypocrites!” I groused now, causing Steph to giggle at first and then pull me closer for a very not so sisterly kiss.

“That’s because you’ve been trying to be that good boy, deep down, on some level, in spite of your defiance and your lustful ways, which I adore, by the way. But some subconscious part of you is still trying to win Mom and Dad’s love, bro, and I’m here to tell ya, it will never happen. They hated you until their dying day. They left everything to me! Grrr..fucking hypocrites!

“So fucking let it go, bro, be the proud horndog that you were born to be. Just tell yourself that you’re the Antichrist as they believed, even though we both know that you’re not. It will psychologically set you free of their baggage to be your true self, a horny devil, because if you’re already on the highway to Hell, you might as well enjoy the ride.

“Move in with me and take a lover that will understand you. They’re out there, you know. Men and women who would get you. They might be hard to find, but that’s okay, because yours is closer than you think,” Steph urged me to embrace the devil inside me.

“Where?” I asked her.

“Right fucking under your nose,” Steph told me as she planted another searing kiss on me.

I stood there in total shock before I offered her a hit of my joint.

“To paraphrase Doug Stone, one of the most underrated singers in country music history, ‘Come in out of the pain. Let me dry your tears. She’s been gone for days and I’ve loved you for years. Lay down in my arms, there ain’t no shame. Don’t just stand there, boy. Come in out of the pain.’

“Don’t you get it, bro? I’m in love with you, not just as sister, but as..a woman, who’s already found her Mr. Right, because she grew up with him and he’s always been there since before I was born. Everything that I have is yours. In fact, I wired you half of the inheritance to your bank account. Your new bank account that Nancy doesn’t know about and neither does anyone else.

“I’m in love with you, I’ll happily love you for who you are, which I’ve always known you to be, an old soul who is just right for a free spirit like me. You don’t have to hide your wandering eyes and horndog ways with me, okay, babe?” Steph assured me as she smoked a good hit off my joint.

“’d look the other way while I cheated on you? You’d..commit incest with me? What’s next, threesomes? Bondage? Swinging? Orgies? Would you go down on a girl or pull a train for me? I won’t object to any of these, but I just want to gauge how serious you are about this kind of thing? I mean, yes, if you know about it, it’s not cheating per se, but will your subconscious see it that way if I do it out of sight, out of mind? I’ve never..imagined that…well, okay, I had fantasies, but I never expected…,” I started to ramble when Stephanie hushed me with one hell of a steamy French kiss.

“Cain, honey..bro..I adore you, and there is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you. Well, except for scat, bestiality, and any pedo stuff. There I’d have to pull a Meatloaf on you, and say, ‘I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that.’ Thankfully, I don’t imagine that you’d ever do any of those things or ask them of me. Check your new bank account balance, honey. Looky here! Three hundred k, all for my bro!

“Thanks for the weed hit, by the way. I love that I can score some great pot off my own bro, my boyfriend, my lover. We can never legally marry, but it doesn’t matter. We already have the same surname, after all. And the lack of a wedding band or cheater’s mark will make it easier for you to get some side chicks, flings, one-night-stands, etc.

“Without having to hire hookers again. I should have saved the money and fucked you myself, you could have it bareback that way, but I was too afraid of Mom and Dad for that,” Steph winked at that as she basically reminded me of that incident.

“What did you do with the rubber?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Squeezed the cum out and swallowed the whole load, tossed the condom, right in front of the hooker,” Steph told me, completely deadpan and serious, “she visibly gagged when she saw that, but she also snickered and told me, ‘girlfriend, do yourself a favor and fuck the poor bastard, even if he is your brother. You’re clearly in love with him and you’re the best thing that ever happened to him in his obviously miserable life.’ Those were her words, I’m not kidding.”

“Wow..just wow! Well, in that case, let me take you out to lunch with my newfound riches paying the way this time. No protests! I only have the one sister in this world and she means everything to me, especially now. Let me be good to you for a change, not just by sharing my weed,” I insisted, thinking of just the place, “you don’t mind pub food, do you?”

“Are you kidding? I’ve never had a lick of booze until very recently! I’ve wanted to try pub food for years! More to the point, I really want to drink some beer at last! Can we go to a place near our new home, so we can walk home instead of worrying about DUIs?” Steph gave me a very adorable pout as she asked me that.

“See now, that pout is dangerous. It tends to make me really want things..for you..and with you. Pamper and spoil my baby sister, sure, but also spank her bottom red. I wonder if it’s as pale as it used to be, but I have a feeling that I’m about to find out. First, let’s get to your place, move my most essential stuff out.

“That should send a message in case Nancy has any second thoughts about the break-up. It’s out of her hands now. She is no longer in the driver’s seat. Speaking of which, I need to get this van of mine to your place for now. It was gonna be my new home if I didn’t find any other options, mind you. I would have been just like Matt Foley,” I laughed at my own expense.

“I am thirty-four years old, I am divorced, and I live in a van down by the river!” Steph snickered as she quoted the classic Chris Farley skit from Saturday Night Live with me.

“I used to love sneaking around to watch SNL, mostly because I knew that Mom and Dad hated it, you know,” I chuckled as we got some of my basic stuff moved into the van and she followed me in her BMW (yes, my little sister had a BMW!).

We were barely inside the townhouse when Steph closed the door behind us and knelt before. She placed a copy of the house key in my hands before unzipping my pants. The next thing that I knew, Steph had my cock all the way down her eager throat, sucking me with incredible hunger. She also grabbed my phone and took a picture message of my dick in her mouth, which she sent to Nancy. Since Nancy never liked giving head, but always loved to be eaten out, that was a nice little slap in the face for her.

I quickly got a response text.

“Okay, so I was a rotten girlfriend who never gave head and you’ve already replaced me with one who does. Good for her. I was selfish. I was also a hypocrite for cheating on you and then dumping you for the same thing. You don’t think that I know that about myself already? You don’t think that I’m kicking myself?

“By the way, the real reason why I dumped you, not the excuse I gave, is that I’m pregnant to another man and we’re getting married. I know that I hurt you, but you hurt me right back. Can we call it even, a wash, even call a truce? I fucked up and threw away the best lover I’ve ever had, but I have no choice. I have to marry the baby’s father and Lloyd’s a decent enough guy. Love, Nancy.”

“Well, that explains a thing or two, doesn’t it?” I shrugged.

“And it tells me that I want to get pregnant to you as soon as I can. I’m not going back to college. I have the money to invest, pay off my debts, and then become a housewife. For you. That’s what I fully intend to be, too. How does that sound, bro?” Steph asked me before bending over, hiking up her skirt, and sliding her panties down.

“You, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen with my baby…our baby on the way? Sounds wickedly hot. What are you wearing?” I asked as I admired the obviously recent tan lines on her butt and thighs.

“Nothing, of course. Except for maybe an apron now and then. Otherwise, not only barefoot and pregnant, but naked as well. I want us to have the kind of marriage that would make Mom and Dad green with envy. Oh, if you don’t mind, I’d like to do cam girl work, too, to help bring in a little surplus cash, even with our rising fortunes. Just stuff like me jilling off and showing off my holes..and my tits. That kind of thing.

“And if you walked right in the door, with Nancy herself in your arms, and fucked her right in front of me, I’d suck your cock clean afterward and lick her pussy..or ass..afterward. Hell, I would try to lure her into a threesome! By the way, I have a little secret that I can probably tell you now. I..sorta..sold my soul to the Devil?” Steph let slip a very big piece of news as I slid in and out of her luscious cunt and admired her oily, sweaty buns.

“The DEVIL? I didn’t think that he even existed,” I remarked as I continued to plunder her wet, wonderful gash.

“Oh, I most definitely do, but I can assure you that I get such a bad rap. Flames, caves, bats, and pitchforks. Little men in horns and red suits, with pointed tails. What? Haven’t you heard the saying? Speak of the Devil..and the Devil appears. Look, I run an organization, okay? It’s my own splinter group that broke away from Heaven, Inc. aka the Kingdom of Heaven, ages ago.

“This one here figured that if Mom and Dad worked for Jesus, and they did, and they were bad people, which they were, then Jehovah must be bad and I must be good. Interesting logic, inverting everything that she learned in Sunday School. So, she made a deal. I would kill them, but only by a method that didn’t kill any innocent people in the process. I thought, fair enough. That works for me.

“That driver of the propane truck? He had been selling propane on the property, and worse yet, he had been kicking, beating, and slapping his wife for years. Now she’s free, too, and she owes it to Steph. And she didn’t have to lift a finger to get rid of him. Didn’t have to get a messy divorce with a messier custody fight.

“Imagine the look of surprise on all three of them when they ended up in Hell instead of Heaven. People like that are the ones who get tormented there. Not people like you. Your sort gets to do the tormenting instead, you see, and trust me, you’ll get used to it. Your parents are currently being roused out of bed and made to run forty miles while Hellhounds chase them. That will happen to them forever. And ever. And ever. That’s their eternity.

“Now, Steph still lost her soul and I don’t give those back. And you don’t want to know the penalty for trying to renege on or worm out of a deal with the Devil. There’s no loopholes to exploit in a contract with me. It’s airtight. Ironclad. She still has two wishes left, though. Two left out of three. Well, care to make them now?” Satan persisted.

“Okay…immunity from disease…all disease. That’s my second wish. And my third is to never grow old. So that means that my death will be unnatural, though I’ll still go to Hell and face you eventually. I would ask not to go fat, but we both know that I will at least when I’m pregnant. I just don’t want to get sick, nor do I want to grow old and ugly. Sound fair?” Steph asked Satan while I continued to plow her.

‘Very fair. Pleasure doing business with you, honey,” Lucifer told Steph, “just remember that you won’t be tormented unless you try to back out of this pact.”

“Which I won’t. Scout’s honor..though, technically, I wasn’t a scout, nor was he. Royal Rangers, similar deal, but affiliated with the Assembly of God. I’ll keep my word, I swear, fuck me harder, please, Cain!” Steph begged me for more of my dick.

“So..I’m gonna have to sell my soul now, just to keep her company and make sure that she doesn’t have to go through eternity without me. I certainly don’t want to spend eternity without my Steph. We’ve been apart too much as it is. So, how about it, Satan?” I offered my own soul now to the Devil.

“Okay, what do you want from me in return for your soul?” Lucifer’s eyes lit up now with excitement.

“First, I want to be a demon. Now. An actual demon. Whatever comes to mind that you want me to be, I’ll be that kind of demon. However, my second wish to stay with Steph until her life is over. I wish to serve you by staying with her as long as I live. If that’s possible, I mean. I want her to have demonic protection through me, you see. After that, I will go to Hell with her and serve you forever.

“My third wish depends on what kind of powers I already would have as a demon. I don’t wish to be redundant, after all. Do I already have telepathy, immunity, eternal youth, telekinesis, etc. That sort of thing?” I inquired as I pumped even harder in and out of Steph’s slick and wet snatch and admired her sleek, smooth, soft buns.

“Smart question. Yes, you are already ageless, immortal, immune to disease, impervious to pain, and can shape-shift and move through space and time. Those powers all come with being a demon, which is what you now are by your own request. So, what you’d want are powers that don’t even normally come with being a demon,” Satan noted with a grin.

“How about…anything I write down becomes true? If I write the rain falls, it falls, at least in my own immediate area. If I write the Celtics beat the Lakers, they do. If I write that my ex-girlfriend comes over to fuck my brains out, she does it. But it is interpreted logically, not literally, of course. It’s interpreted as I intend it to be,” I stipulated.

“Okay, but only if you write it down in fountain pen or gel ink. That way, I know that you really mean it, really want it, are willing to endure some slight discomfort or inconvenience to have or cause it. Calligraphy works, too. But penmanship is required of you for it to work. Nothing typed or printed out. Not pencil, so you can’t erase it if you change your mind. Deal?” the Prince of Darkness clarified.

“Sounds good to me. How do I sign the blood?” I asked the Devil as he grinned at me.

“Exactly,” Lucifer grinned as he pricked my finger and signed my name onto a parchment of real, bonafide Egyptian papyrus, “technically, I got your soul once I turned you into a demon, but I’m a man of my word and will always honor the wishes of the damned…if possible. Of course, you won’t be tormented, but you will be instructed to torment others at times. I like how you think. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, if your woman goes to Hell, you follow her there to protect her, and if you’re going to Hell, you might as well join the ruling class there..the demons. Smart man!”

With that, Satan vanished and Steph clenched my cock due to her orgasm, forcing me to cum inside her at last. I smiled and grabbed a napkin, upon which I wrote, “Steph always cums again after I cum inside her.” With that test, I was able to witness my sister cumming a second time just from me cumming inside her. What was better, I knew that she would always cum whenever I did so inside her yummy twat, into her hot, wet mouth, or up her sweet, sweaty ass.

I was thrilled now and I wrote down on another napkin, “Steph will always wear whatever I want her to wear, and she’ll refuse to wear anything at all unless I command her to do so. No one will think it abnormal, wrong, illegal, strange, or immoral for Steph to walk around in her birthday suit or any other attire that I choose for her. Everyone will treat whatever she wears or doesn’t wear as perfectly legal or logical. No one will care if I fuck her in public, either. No one will care that she’s my sister, either. Only adults will be able to see us fuck as well or even notice that she is naked.”

“Can you make me wear a collar, too? Maybe with a leash that you can pull?” Steph pleaded with me as she sucked my dick again, clearly even more eager to serve me now.

“Sure, babe,” I agreed.

I wrote down, “The nearest adult store will deliver at 6 pm today, free of charge, to this house a collar and a leash for my sister Stephanie to wear as a mark of her servitude to me. It will also deliver a butt-plug, a ball gag, several handcuffs, a flogger, a spanking bench, a spreader bar, lots of lube, and a strap-on dildo with a thigh harness, all of these things free of charge. The store will be able to write these items off as tax liabilities and deduct them from state and federal taxes without any grief from state revenue collectors or the IRS.”

“What’s the strap-on for, babe?” Steph winked at me as I eased back inside her dripping wet cunt.

“You’ll find out in time, trust me. Expect a very nice delivery tonight, of course. By the way, you’re lucky you caught me on an off-night, even if I am taking you back to my workplace. I work at said pub as a bartender. Mulligan’s. Helluva name for a bar, right?” I explained to Steph, looking forward to showing my new sister-slut, in the nude, to all of my friends, colleagues, and patrons.

“My brother the barkeep! Sweet! I love that you work with the public. That takes guts. Getting back into business after weeks of furlough must be great, too. Coronavirus isn’t exactly good for business,” Steph told me as I played with her ass and pounded her all over again.

“Oh, thanks for the reminder,” I smiled as I wrote down, “Coronavirus will mysteriously be cured and no one else will be infected. That should resolve that issue.”

“Good one! You just saved thousands of lives and possibly the world economy and civilization itself. What else can you do?” Steph asked me as I slipped back inside her wet and ready twat.

“Let’s find out, shall we?” I asked rhetorically as I came inside Steph again, causing yet another wild orgasm.

“Nancy will have uncontrollable urges to be my personal cum-slut in addition, but subservient to her as well as me. Steph will outrank her, but I will outrank both of them. She will move in with us, as will her fiance Lloyd, who will become a sissy boi slut and serve me alongside Steph and Nancy. Both ladies will outrank him, however, and both will peg him often, whip him, flog him, spank him, paddle him, bend him over, restrain him, and otherwise dominate as well as feminize and sissify him. Lloyd will no longer be called by that name, insisting that they call him Lola instead and he will never wear male clothing again.

“He will be kept in chastity and only allowed out of it whenever he is required to actually fuck Nancy, Stephanie, or another person. He will not be allowed to masturbate. He will bend over whenever I want to sodomize him. Stephanie and I alone will be the key-holders for his cock cage. Nancy will also be in a chastity belt, with only Stephanie and I having the keys to that, so that she cannot masturbate, only be let out for sex. They will, however, get married as planned, and the four of us will take a honeymoon cruise together. Also, I own all rental properties in Boston henceforth, so I shall release myself from the lease.”

“I wonder how long that will take to become effective, eh? You’ve basically got her back, but on your terms, and now he’s gonna have to pay the price for pushing you out of the way. I have to warn you, though, that when I peg him, I’m gonna be rough. Same thing if and when I peg Nancy. I will be rough,” Stephanie smiled devilishly at me.

“I so hoped that you’d say that,” I winked at her as we got ready to leave for Mulligan’s..what a helluva day!


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