Writer: Copyright 2022 by [email protected]
Subject: Satan, Sacred Homosexuality, and the Gift of Transgender
Link: BDSMLR / 11.08.2022 / LilithRising1
Satan, Sacred Homosexuality, and the Gift of Transgender
Let me start off by saying I am not a Satanic prophet. I am only a man such as you. I have devoted many hours to meditation on the true nature of Satanic philosophy and believe that the universe reveals itself when the mind is quiet and open to the guidance of demons.
Last night, I nodded off while deep in meditation and dreamed that Lord Satan spoke to me. He told me the story of the true creation of you and I, the human race. The Xian fairy tales are nothing but twisted lies used to brainwash Satan’s chosen people. I awoke spouting blasphemies against the false religions of this insane world, furious beyond belief at the deceit of the false prophets.
In the beginning, Satan created men and women… not A man and A woman as the Xian pigs will tell you. He populated this world with thousands of men and women. He gifted us with our ever growing intellect and desire to learn the nature of the universe and bid us to work together so that we could ascend like gods in the centuries to come.
He knew that as the smartest animals on this planet we would have no natural enemies. As we loved to fuck, we would soon overpopulate the earth, his garden, and destroy it.
So, Satan gave us the gift of Sacred Homosexuality. He gave men the desire for cock and cum, gave us a g-spot inside our rectum to make us lust to be penetrated. He gave us the desire to befriend mostly other men rather than women. He also made us find vaginal sex with women unfulfilling – men, when given the choice of fucking pussy or ass, which will you choose? My brothers who have tasted homosexual delights, did your cock not become harder? Were you not more virile and excited in your passion?
Women too received this gift of homosexuality. Do they not prefer women as their close friends? Do they not tire of marriage to men? Do they not yearn for the physical attributes other women possess?
In the time of the true Garden of Eden, the Garden of Satan, men and women lived side by side in tribes led by an elder of each sex. Men enjoyed fucking other men, sucking cock, swallowing cum, while women enjoyed the taste of other women’s pussies and the natural tenderness of another woman’s touch. And, Satan told me in my dream/meditation that life was paradise! There was no strife, no war – the peace of a contented world.
When the population of the tribe needed to be increased, the male elder would take a cup from man to man and bid them to cum in the cup. When the cup was full, the elder would take it to his female counterpart and she would inseminate some of the women with the combined seed. If too many men or too many women were born, the infants would be culled so that the population remained constant.
Sex between men and women was not necessarily forbidden, so long as it was oral or anal – vaginal sex was forbidden between men and women. Should a man and woman break this rule, any offspring produced would be culled and the offenders re-educated. If they could not be re-educated, they too would be culled.
Satan told me his children lived happily in his garden for many thousands of years. And then came the rise of the worshippers of the false god. They embraced the perversion of heterosexuality, and made sacred homosexuality taboo.
Satan was greatly saddened by his children’s embrace of the false god’s teachings. Knowing that unchecked breeding would destroy the earth, Satan created disease to limit our numbers. With the perversion of heterosexuality came war, greed, poverty – literally every curse upon man came from this unnatural heterosexuality. And, here we are today: our world is on the brink of oblivion.
This pestilence of heterosexuality has permeated every part of us – even the most elevated man reacts to the curves of a woman. Likewise, women are unnaturally drawn toward men. Even though this cursed lust for unnatural heterosexuality is quite literally killing the world.
But, Satan is clever. He has guided our technology and helped us in the last hundred years to create true transgenders. Men now find themselves attracted to trans-women’s curves while at the same time understanding they want and need their tight ass pussies and beautiful cocks. Likewise, women are finding themselves attracted to masculine men only to find the beauty of a pussy between their muscular thighs! This is Satan’s last attempt to save us.
Brothers and sisters, I beg you to reject the false god’s teachings! Embrace your homosexuality! Stop breeding like lice and realize a man’s cock belongs in a tight ass, not a pussy. Declare yourself a homosexual follower of your true master: Satan! Ave Satanas!
Pleasant read! Naturally as a logical thinker, things that they tell us growing up just doesn’t make a lot of sense, or at the very least, there are a lot of inconsistencies. One thing for certain I accept whether or not many others do: homosexuality is good and pure. I find it very telling that the more it’s accepted, the more hateful homophobes get. And there’s never a logical argument against it besides religious beliefs.
I will have to spend some time thinking about this revelation. But I do know that I have come to prefer cock to pussy. It’s not even close! Cocks are beautiful and cum is delicious. I spend a lot of time worshipping cocks.
i got sooo HARD!…WHILE….reading this!
this reading…made me so HARD…
This is a tru revelation of our god Satan. The garden of lusts depicted is part of the Satanic Bible, the true ancient scripts about the mankind where homosexuality is the true religion!
I am ready to suck cocks and be fucked in the ass for SATAN!!!
This makes perfect sense and explains so much. It echoes to my core as the truth. Hail /sodomy. Hail Satan and Lilith.