Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: Revelation
Link: Email LS666 / 27.12.2022
So as I get deeper into the dark I feel my alter ego grow stronger. But is it an alter or a true personality. I am married to a Christian woman ,or at least my male side and we have been kind of discreet as to not allow her to know. But as She grows stronger I have found myself pushing the limits and as she is in the other room talking to the spirits and watching dark porn even as she lays next to me.
I even used our joint account to purchase a sex toy known as the demon dick. We got into an argument a little back and she said we are not a couple and wants a divorce. Is this the way Satan is using to give me the freedom to serve him freely.
We have been talking to a man who has been following Satan and whose wife was a big follower but has passed away. He has not only accepted me as feminine but had talked about me joining his family, which also consists of two young girls. They want to follow in moms footsteps and follow and accept me as well.
Now he has asked if I would be up to transition completely. This is weird as I had thoughts a few times as I sat on a toy how it would feel if I had a pussy. I think about how a woman feels a mam when he cums inside her. The thoughts of a man or woman eating me out. So here we are,on the fence as he is a Christian man who even spouts the bible to people and I am, for the lack of better words, a satanic whore stuck inside. The good thing is since he has been controlled by the women he has been with to a point he would rather be a woman.
So we sit her as I try to guide from inside and he just wants to enjoy things, especially sex a d realizes he can more as a woman.The feel of sucking a dick and feel and taste of semen and even the way his little sissy, “Moobs,” feel. And then of coarse the wonder of a vagina.
He has found his curiosity as we have smoked weed in the past and done coke and the articles of how something like meth can bring you closer to Satan. He knows Satan accepts this but does God truly disown us. He was blessed with a few spiritual gifts like prophesy and seeing things to where it helps me use them to touch our demons. He thinks about the trinity and how the holy spirit guides and to be born in the spirit, but there is the other side.
So he sits back and opens up as I guide him into the dark world,the world in which Satan is king,but does not the bible say he rules this world. Is there not scripture that states he never leaves or holds a grudge. Does it not say the old has passed and we are a new creation, we can be that new creation as it also says he gives us the choice.
He has also suffered a stroke that has helped to fracture us and mind to help me become stronger. He has also been looking into demons such as Dionysus as he read something about transvestites. And Pan as well as if the, “Pied-piper of Gayness,” calling him with his flute. So here we are with all these thoughts and confusion about whats right and wrong and what’s fun. The bible says all authority on Earth is put there by God and to follow it so who do we follow and how, and then a wild revelation.
We sit as we think about our little adventures with poppers and weed and our friend who wants to take us into a new world. He thinks about how it felt when he dressed and allowed me to roam free and how we looked. Dressed goth with our hair in pigtails look like a sexy little slut.
The feel when we took our first BBC and were filled and fucked for hours. The feel in our little tits as we became feminine,yet still wondering if he would fit if we had a cunt. He thinks about how girls are not into a little fat guy a d yet we have had many likes as a chubby girl. Thoughts of a day where we would go to the bar dressed and a guy picks up up and takes us home and fucks us as a girl. But something is happening as is it a trance induced by the dark or some sort of dark prophesy.
We have another argument with the so called Christian wife who does her usual and says she wants me out. She usually cools off and wants me back but am being guided by something new. I grab some things and head to a motel for a few nights. So I sit there with my tablet and hit chat rooms as Serinity.
I feel her start to take over and figure why not. We are in a private place,in fact I put on feminine things.I set up a sort of alter as she guides me and we are talking to people about this side. Someone says there is a bar that is partially goth so it has a dark atmosphere but people.there are who they want to be.
There are even guys with make up so do not have to look perfect. I see myself in the mirror and wonder as I pour some whiskey. I have some poppers and even got a joint from a friend. I watch a few porn videos and dark hypnosis as I get horny. I am alone so its time to let loose so I decide to do a sort of ritual and light candles and prepare an offering of drinks I set on the altar.
I call out and smoke and drink and find myself playing with my toys. I have on this summoning video that is very long and end up falling out. I wake up at three o’clock in the morning and feel a chill. I walk over to the alter where the candles are an light one and see myself in the mirror. My face looks different as I notice the shot glasses seem half full. Did they take the offerings and then feel a sense to drink whats left.
I stand there and then feel myself being pushed to my knees and I drink the shots.I feel her coming out and decide to surrender to her and it is like there are things there talking to her. Again I am playing with toys as I fall out.
It is the second night and as it gets dark I fully dress and even put on some sort of goth make up. She is in full force and I drink some whiskey and hit the poppers. There is a little weed left so I smoke it. I look at my tablet and the bar is having some sort of party so decide to give it a shot.
It is some sort of religious coming out party for some patrons. I am sitting there high as I find something about the trinity and the unholy ones. Now I am going to hit this bar and do not want to feel trapped and find myself denouncing my Christianity and telling the holy spirit to leave me. I feel this weird chill and think nothing of it.
So I go to the bar and sit and have a drink the tender calls devils blood. I watch the festivities as there are a few staring at me. So I hit the bathroom that is for non binary and as I come out there is a man there. He tells me he is like me and here to guide me. He buys me a strong drink and he says it will open my spirit.
He tells me he is also a prophet like me but I am not. He tells me that I am not made for my wife as I am feminine. I ask how and why and he says he was sent by the Lord to help me. He then tells me it is okay to be me and spouts some bible stuff. He tells me if I open my mind, I can see the trinity. I have no clue what is going on about, but as he speaks, I am feeling like a girl — a horny girl.
He tells me he can help me feel like I want if I allow him. He tells me someone else also is waiting for me. We go into a back room where there is smoking,but not cigarettes as he hands me a pipe with weed. The room is smoky and I see what looks like Jesus across the room.
The room is private and he walks over. They begin to tell me it is time to explore who I want to be along with using scripture to bend my brain. They tell me there is one for me and it is my choice as they have me take a couple hits from the pipe. But it lets out a big cloud and tastes weird and I start to feel weird.
I start to hallucinate as the one who looks like Jesus tells me to let him take me where I want to be as the prophet sits down and pulls out his cock. The Christ then tells me to do as I feel or may never get another chance. I lean over and start to suck him as I feel my skirt pulled up.
I pause as he asks if I trust him and I do. He then slides into me from the back as I suck and he tells me I can be all I want if I allow them.They fuck me as they ask if I like being a woman for the king. My face is shoved down as I taste it and feel the Christ shove and let go. They sit me down and tell me the king wants me and if I allow will enjoy like never before.They have me sign this agreement in blood.I think it is overkill but am high.
So I am told to sleep for a bit but it is like I am having these dreams a d am in and out. Finally I wake up in this new place. They tell me I have been out for weeks as they prepared foe me to meet my king. I feel something weird as I now have real breasts and they ask if I like them.
I am in some sort of hospital bed and I mention about my wife and they tell me I no longer exist as I died in a fire as no one can tell it was not me. Then a weird remark about the fire took the old life and the fire will bring the new.They put a robe on me and take me to a room deep in the earth and it is like a dungeon and sexual playroom.
They give me a drink and some weed and again it is a mix as I realize it is, “Meth.” I am bent over and I feel wax poured on my ass and then it whipped. They flog it a little and I wonder why. They tell me to let it take me away and allow Serinity to come forth as she can handle it. I am then laid out and wax poured on my tits and flogged.
They light candles and hand me a bowl to smoke and the hallucinations begin. Then they do a sort of summoning and I see the great whore. I am told to accept her as she will become one with Serinity. She gets on top of me and tells me to ask her in and then it is Serinity inside who speaks.
She welcomes her into me as I am still confused. Then the Christ walks over but looks different. His eyes black and he says he is, “AC.” It is now starting to make sense and it stands for, “Antichrist.” There is some sort of sex chair across the room and the prophet sits naked. He days this was the prophecy all along as I feel the great whore take over.
But that means one more, Satan himself. I now feel her as I get horny and get up and walk over and turn and sit on the cock of the prophet. He says welcome to their world. We are leaned back as the Antichrist walks over and pisses on my tits and then slides his cock between them. I look up as I ask if he is going to make me a woman. He slides his cock into my mouth and I think about back at the bar. It’s the same thing, no different. Then he tells me the king will make me a woman as I see a dark figure enter.
There is no doubt this is Satan and he is hung like a horse. I think as I still am slightly there that my holes are already filled as he gets close and tells the whore to open up for him. He is talking to the great whore and I shiver as I feel wet between my legs. But that could only mean one thing and as I am being taken mouth and ass.
Then I feel it as he shoves into my virgin pussy. I want to scream but am gagging as the other two explode in my mouth and ass. They all stop and get off and then Satan sits and instinct takes over as I sit on him and take him into my new cunt. He tells me once I am bred Serinity will be born and I will be new. Before I know it I am being fucked hard and when he cums I wake up.
Love this for ever 👿😘