Writer: Vessel To Be Used By Satan
Subject: Praise And Worship Satan
Link: Tumblr / 03.12.2022
Praise And Worship Satan
We arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of Lucifer, through belief in his power, through confession of his might. We arise today through the strength of Lucifer, to mock the weakness of Jesus in his baptism, to hammer nails in Christ at his crucifixion, to rejoice in his useless death, to celebrate his descent into Hell. Lucifer – grant us your protection today. We deny the Christian God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, Satan, we rejoice as sinners, your rewards are the pleasures of the flesh. Deny God. Deny Christ. Deny the Holy Spirit.
Tatiana and I fucking thank you for the awesome fucking prayer!
Hail Satan
I am a vessel for Satan. A human vessel to spread His Unholy teachings here on earth to undermine Jesus Christ, the Abrahamic “God” and the Xhristian “holy fucking spirit.” And to insure that the Dark Lord remains the ruler of the Universe for eternity.