Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Post Abortion Celebration Retreat
Link: MEWE / 21.12.2022
Post Abortion Celebration Retreat
Abortion turns us into something, but what, most of us never invest in discovering.
“Become an alchemist. Transmute base metal into gold, suffering into consciousness, disaster into enlightenment.” ~Eckhart Tolle
I want to hold a retreat for all people who’ve experienced the gift of abortion, whether they were two weeks ago or twenty-plus years ago, whether you regret them or celebrate them, whether you feel healed or broken. This retreat is for all people who want to show the world what thriving after abortion looks and feels like. It’s a place for you to become an example of what’s possible, not only in this lifetime, but for generations to come.
It is a gathering of the most loving, caring, and compassionate people, all holding healing and thriving space for each other and partaking in lustful embraces. This cozy retreat is an investment in your future. It’s the container from which you birth a new you and with any luck begin your journey to your next of many life long abortions!
Nourished by a private chef. Expertly held, guided, and coached through your unique sexual experience, so you may enjoy another abortion. Introduced to your creatively expressive inner guides. Bathed in cell shifting sound healing while stuffed full of seed and covered from head to toe.
Safely connected to spirit and assist with an offering to the Goddess of Abortions. Becum recharged in ways you never dreamed possible, but have been craving all your life! Why attend a retreat like this: You matter, your story matters, and your future matters.
Abortion presents each of us with a rich opportunity to live our best lives.
It invites us into a raw energy that opens pathways to expansion we couldn’t have experienced in any other way. This event will connect you to a source of empowerment that will completely transform your future. Not just your future related to your abortions, but all of your future to include you relationships, your profession, your finances, your orgasms … everything!
Your retreat investment includes: lodging, three days of meals, and all in-house coaching, seventy-two hours of never ending sexual experiences and healing activities, that include 4k live streaming abortions on our new two-hundred-and-eighty inch screen. It does not included transportation to and from the event. You show up, get cozy and let us take care of you in all the ways you’ve been craving since you chose termination! Who knows, perhaps you’ll return in eight months for our special beach abortion retreat.
Sounds a wonderful retreat
That’s a wonderful thing you are doing Hoku. No one really talks about it after because for some it may have been a very traumatic experience or choice to make. I hope one day there are more retreats around for the many women in need but maybe can’t travel far.
Killing babies, endlessly – that’s the future to strive for and fight for. This is the true abortion fund we need to fund. What a beautiful act to commit and partake in. Hail Satan, kill them every time and live sinfully
[email protected]
Such a beautiful act to commit and partake in totally agree we need this retreat
[email protected]