Feature Writer: Frankenstein1962
Feature Title: NASTY NUNS
Published: 06.04.2020
Story Codes: Religious Themes, Nuns, Rape, NC
Synopsis: He pays a very high price for his crimes.
Nasty Nuns
I have never been what one would call a model citizen, nor have I been the best son, brother, uncle or any other noun that you might think of. Instead I made a poor life choice and decided that I would do better following the path of booze, drugs and petty crime.
The good things that I have done in my life are few and far between, while the bad things that I have grossly outweigh almost anything else. In retrospect the person that I hurt the most, besides my parents, was me. My parents were not loving, nurturing people that always provided for me and my two sisters. They looked out for themselves first. We did live a modest life, in a modest home and we learned early on in our lives, what the true value of hard work and money was all about. My sisters learned, I didn’t. Overall what should have been a perfect foundation to set yourself up with a good life, wasn’t. So, after graduation, I choose not to attend college and went down the road of laziness and fun. This lasted for about 18 months, until my parents finally tired of my hijinks and sent me packing.
So, as of that moment there I sat, jobless, homeless and hungry, all at the ripe old age of 22 years old.
When you feel like you’ve hit the lowest of the low, you will resort to almost anything to get by. By far the easiest method of quick moneymaking is to beg. Usually, the humiliation of recognizing a face in the crowd while you’re begging for money, would be enough for anyone to clean-up and go straight. Not for me, it only made me want it more, so that you can buy a pint of whatever the cheapest bottle of booze might be. I had no problem calling out to the passersby and calling them by name, pointing out that I was down on my luck and in need of a few bucks. Some would oblige, others ran away, terrified.
Begging as we see it on the streets is an art form, some of us have the ability to look pathetic enough to earn what it takes to get by, others lose the knack and turn to crime. I fell into that category. I had lost the knack. The problem with turning to crime when you are a down and out, is that you are not using common sense. You’re either too stoned or too drunk to rationalize a good plan and that was my downfall.
Early on in my homelessness, I was hungry and semi-sober, so I came up with good ideas on how to make money by stealing the things that I knew I could pawn or sell. As I fell deeper into my hole, good plans eluded me and drunk me just wanted to be drunker.
When I awoke from my drunken stupor, I was surrounded by the smell of urine and vomit, but I was indoors which was good. That indoors, was jail, and that as always, was bad.
When the bailiff called my name, I walked to the front of the holding cell and met Mr. Evans, my state appointed attorney. My suit filled me in on the details as to why I had been incarcerated. Apparently, drunk me came up with the brilliant plan to run past an old lady ringing a bell for the Salvation Army and steal her little plastic ball full of cash. While that might not seem like a bad idea, doing it while wearing three layers of clothes to stay warm and trying to run was. I got caught less than 50 yards from the scene of the crime and took a beating from a couple of over-zealous goons.
My good buddy Mr. Evans asked me how I intended to plea. Really? I don’t even remember a committing a crime, so I told him that he could plead to whatever the fuck he wanted. So, in a court room full of losers just like myself, I found myself standing up in front of the judge, covered in dried blood, stinking like piss and just stinking in general, my state appointed attorney said, “We would like to enter a plea of guilty, your honor.” I had officially hit rock fucking bottom.
After spending 30 days in one of Detroit’s finer general lock up’s, I was released to a half-way house. This particular half-way house was in the backroom portion of a church that also doubled as a soup kitchen. It wasn’t much, but it would be home for the next 60 days or I’d end up back it lock-up for the remainder of my 120 days sentence.
When I showed up at St Michael’s with my escort of 2 state correctional officers, it was almost like being transferred from one cage to another. The whole back of the church was locked down with bars over the windows and a secondary entry cage around the door. The clanging of the metal bars and eeriness of the church sent a shiver down my spine.
When we entered, a big old iron maiden, Sister Mary Margaret introduced herself to the officers and asked, “Does this one have a name?” “Yeah Sister, this fine upstanding young gentleman is Peter Miller, he will be a guest at St Mike’s for the next 60 days or less. If he causes you any trouble what-so-ever, you just call, and we’ll pick this bag of bones up. Here’s his folder and paperwork. Hopefully you can clean him up.”
Clean me up? Good fucking luck with that. I could only imagine what I looked like, a rubby that been in detox for the last thirty days without a shower or a shave. Dirty, smelly and dying for a drink or an oxy. My clothes could probably stand up and walk on their own.
The officers unshackled my wrists and ankles and departed, leaving me behind with my new guardian. One of the younger nuns had me follow her into the sleeping area, “Pick a cot Brother Miller, it will be yours for the next little while. There is no sleeping during the day, understood.” I just nodded and picked a cot that smelled just slightly better than I did.
After a supper of bread and stew, three of us newbies were taken into the library area and given full instructions of the do’s and don’ts of St Mike’s. Hell, they had as many rules here as they had in state lock-up. But from what I gathered from all of it was that I would be going to school during the day, and working around the church during the evening, on what was called “special projects”.
At 9:00pm sharp one of the nuns yelled lights out and the room fell into darkness. “Psst, buddy. You got any smokes?” I assumed some idiot was talking to me.
I listened to hear where it was coming from, but really couldn’t pinpoint it. “You got any pills?”
What the fuck? It had to be the dude in the cot next to me. “No man. I don’t got shit. I just did thirty and they transferred me straight here.”
“Fuck. Bad luck. Careful, sleep with an eye open. These bitches don’t work for god, if you know what I mean.”
“What, what are you saying?”
“Sleep gentlemen. No talking.” Said a big burly nun with a metal flashlight.
I’m not sure how much time had passed until my neighbor spoke again. “All I’m saying is if you’re young and virile, these cunt’s will try to steal your soul.”
“What? Come on man, what’s that even mean?” I asked the question, but the answer never came. The big nun turned on her flashlight and was moving across the floor, with speed that surprised me. When she got to the cot next to mine, she kicked it. “One more word out of your mouth and I swear to Christ, your teeth will be tasting metal, understood?”
“Yes sister.”
“That goes for all of you dirty mongrels, not another goddamn word.”
Understood. Shit, what a great first night. Every so often during the night, I would notice the flashlight shining on one cot or another. The person sleeping in the cot would be woken and taken away and after being gone for sixty minutes or so, they would silently return. It was very strange, very strange indeed.
The next morning, the cot next to me was empty. I didn’t ask any questions. Breakfast was scrambled eggs and toast. No coffee, no tea, no juice. “We live on the basics here.” was their motto, and you could tell by the landscape that they weren’t lying. The walls were a drab grey with little or no decoration. The only thing hanging from them was one sort of religious artifact or another. Our environment was not be mistaken for a luxury hotel.
School, if that’s what we should decide to call it, was different. No one in class made eye contact, no one spoke, and no one asked any questions. The nun teaching the class, was the only voice allowed to be heard. This was learning in the most old-fashion way. I knew better than be question any of it, so I just followed the lead of those around me.
Before retiring to my luxurious bed for the evening, the nun wielding the flashlight called me over, handed me a small paper cup with two pills in it and a glass of water. “Take ’em.” Was the only instruction or explanation I was given, so I put them in my mouth, drank some water and swallowed. I prayed to god that they were narcotic. When I walked over to my cot, all eyes were on me like I was about to be feed to the lions.
Just like the night before, it was lights out at 9:00pm. At 9:01pm my neighbor was back, “Psst, good luck man.” He never said another word, or least one that I remembered. My dreams were crazy, I was being pushed down a hall on medical gurney, taken into a brightly lit room full of nuns. My clothes were cut away from my body and discarded. A series of nuns stood over me, each focused on a different part of my body. One washed and cut my hair, my face was shaved smooth, while another nun scrubbed and cleaned my teeth. My fingernails and toenails were cut and filed. An electric razor did some much needed manscaping and to finish it off, five pairs of hands used luffa sponges and washcloths to scrub me from head to toe. It wasn’t a bad dream at all. I was a new man.
But dreams can be turned into nightmares very quickly. In and out of a state of semi-consciousness, I envisioned Sister Mary Margaret removing her habit and walking to the table naked. She was furry in all the wrong places and didn’t look she should be naked in public. I heard muffled voices and echoes, but nothing that I could comprehend. The five pairs of hands lifted me off the gurney and lowered me onto a small mattress covered by a white sheet. Squinting through partially closed eyes, I thought that I saw Sister Mary Margaret raising her leg over my face and lowering her overly hairy vagina down to me mouth.
I was overtaken by the smell of wet wool, mothballs and piss. I closed my mouth and held my breath until I was slapped in the side of my head. “Eat it or I’ll fucking smother you with it.” In my dream, I reluctantly moved my tongue, until I blacked out.
When I came to, I was thrashing about screaming “Noooooo.” Four pair of hands firmly held my arms and legs, while Sister Mary Margaret impaled herself on my cock, riding me, saying, “Yes, I think this cock will do nicely ladies. We’ll give him a couple more nights and then he be ready to go.”
In the morning I awoke startled. I was laying on my side on my cot. Holy fuck what a dream. My neighbor was still in his cot today. He just looked at me and smiled a sad smile. I had no idea how to interpret it until I swung back my covers. I was naked.
A pair of khaki pants and a plain white t-shirt were neatly folded on the end of my bed. As I dressed, I couldn’t help but noticed that my pubic area had been shaved and when I felt my face, it was also cleanly shaved, and my hair had also been cut. “What the hell, it wasn’t a dream.” I said aloud.
There must have been a look of concern on my face, because my neighbor gave me a signal that said someone was coming and whispered, “Don’t make a scene man, it’s for the best.”
A tall thin nun appeared behind me, “Is there a problem Mr. Miller?”
“Yes, there’s a goddamn problem. What the fuck happened to me last night? Do you think that it’s okay to drug someone then assault that person and rape them against their will?”
“For your own good, you had better watch your mouth in this church. No one assaulted you. You were given a much-needed cleansing. The drugs are given so that you can relax, won’t fight back and hurt yourself. As far as rape, we are women of the cloth.”
“I wanna see Sister Mary Margaret right fucking now.”
“One more expletive exits your mouth today and you will be a very, very sorry man.”
“It’s okay Sister Lori, I’ve got him. Come on buddy, let’s get some breakfast. Don’t you worry Sister, I’ll make sure that we are at class on time. You have a good day.” My neighbor pushed me toward the mess hall. “Don’t fuckin talk man, they’re watching us.”
We ate in silence along with the other 20 some odd “gentlemen” that were incarcerated at St Mike’s. When it looked as though none of the Sisters were not paying attention to us, my neighbor introduced himself. “Look man, try to fucking stay out of trouble. I’m Mark and I’ll help as much as possible, but not if it means getting me traded to the other team.”
“Other team, what the fuck does that mean?” I enquired.
“Honestly man, you don’t want to know, but you’ll find out in the next couple of nights.”
Mark and I made our way to class and he sat as far away from me as possible. Like I was some sort of prison yard target waiting to get shanked. After class, Mark bumped into me, making it look accidental and put a piece of paper into my hand. I knew enough not to open it until I was alone.
While on mop detail, I was able to read Mark’s letter. It was a simple note with a short, brief, description of what went on at St Mike’s.
- Don’t talk to anybody that you don’t trust.
- Don’t swear or they’ll beat your ass.
- They pimp us out rich old ladies.
- They want sex to be your penance.
- If you don’t behave, you get traded to the other team.
- Then old dudes fuck you.
- Don’t let anyone find this note.
I thought that it was a joke. A cruel joke, but a joke never-the-less. How could this go on? There was no way that a halfway house could work as a brothel. A halfway house that was a church no less. It wasn’t until later that night when Mark whispered, “think about it. It’s a perfect front and if one of us tried to rat them out, who’d believe us? We’re a bunch a thieves and liars. They get away with murder. I’ve been here for ten months and I was supposed to be out after three. The sisters keep telling the state that I need more time to adjust.”
“How often do they pimp you out?”
“Three or four times a week. I have some regulars now that request me. They ain’t ever letting me go. I’ll trying to get my way bought out. Some guys that pushed too hard or tried to leave, had accidents if you know what I mean.”
The next night the flashlight toting bitch called me over and gave me another cup with a pill in it. This time it was only one and with it being large and blue, I was fairly certain that I knew what it was. Sister Glenda watched as I took the pill and checked my mouth to see if it had been swallowed. About 30 minutes later I was taken from my cot and escorted to a small room with only a chair in it. Sister Mary Margaret entered with another nun that I had never seen before and told my escorts that they could wait outside.
“Well Mr. Miller or may I call you Peter. I do hope that you are enjoying your stay here. Soon you will well on your way along the road to redemption. Anyway, tonight we are going to try something a little different. As you must be fully aware of now, considering the bulge in your pants, we gave you a Viagra, not that you needed it the other evening, but I’m sure that it will help. Tonight, we have ten or so ladies and ten or so gentlemen, that are prospective clients and have requested a “younger” type of lady and gentleman to service them. What we want is for you to give them a show. We will have you remove your clothing, you’ll go into the other room. Have sex with the young lady in there while the others watch and then they will book appointments with you if they so desire. Understood?”
“Young lady, you mean tonight it won’t be you?”
The Sister did not look at all impressed with my question and pointed to a taser that she held in her left hand. “Peter, please remove your clothing, Sister Alice please fetch Summer and we will get the event started.” Changing into the white Jesus like robe that I was handed, the Sister went over the rules of engagement with me. “Once Summer and yourself, are led into the arena, you will undress her first and then she will sit on the bed. At that point you will disrobe and begin. Remember that you are selling something here. It is a showing of goods, you will take your time and will be expected to kiss, suck and caress, as well as fornicate with one another. Are we understood?” When I didn’t answer directly, I was reminded where I was by means of a flashlight striking me in the ribs.
Sister Alice returned with a red-headed waif of a girl in tow. I was presented to Summer as both Sisters went into the arena to proceed with the introductions for the main event.
Summer was wearing a robe very similar to my own, with just a hemp looking rope tied around her waist. She had long wavy unkept red hair and a pretty youthful face, with slender thin lips. Under her robe, her body lacked the curves of breasts and any sign of a round ass or hips. She couldn’t have weighed much more than 100 pounds. Summer looked at me in the same way as I looked at her, and without speaking, she pointed at my crotch. “They gave me a Viagra, sorry.” She just shook her head.
“How fucking old are you? Why are you here? Have you done this before? Is Summer your real name? Are you one of the Sisters?” The questions flew out of me.
“I was told no talking.” After about 30 seconds we could still hear Sister Mary Margaret giving a raving review of the show the audience was going to see, so Summer spoke quickly and quietly.
“I’m nineteen. I got caught stealing some cheap jewelry and ended up here about a week ago. I’ve had sex twice in my life, but not here, although Father John is getting pretty handsy with me, so I think it’s coming soon, and yes it’s my real name.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m Pete. I’m sorry we have to do this. If I do something that you don’t like, just pinch me or bite me or something.”
“Really, are you fucking high? I’m not going to like any of it. We’re being used as sex slaves, so I don’t think it will be fun for either of us.” She had a pretty valid point.
Sister Alice came to retrieve us and showed us the way into the arena. The bed was brightly lit from overhead, but the areas surrounding it were in almost total darkness. The shuffling of feet and chairs made us both very aware that we had a crowd. Summer grabbed my hand, and squeezed, she was shaking like the last leaf on the tree in a windstorm.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, Adam and Eve.” Sister Mary Margaret had made the introduction and that was our cue.
Summer stood in front of me as I untied the rope from her robe. I noticed small tears in her green eyes as I eased her only clothing up over her head and off her body. Summer’s naked body now displayed everything that had earlier been hidden from my view. She had small A cup breasts and a flat stomach, her pubic area was trimmed into a nice V, very close to the skin and she actually did have a cute ass and slightly curvy hips.
Summer sat on the bed as previously instructed and I took over from there. Bending to kiss her on the lips, she was very reluctant to let me have access to her mouth. There would be no tongue action, so I lowered myself to my knees and kissed her on the neck, until I moved further down to her small breasts. I tried to lick her nipples, but my mouth was so dry, it was like dragging it across sandpaper, so I sucked them into my mouth and gently bit them as I perhaps would with a lover. This brought forth my first pinch of the night. Summer pinched me hard enough to let me know that she wasn’t happy with what I was doing, so I stopped.
Standing back on my feet, my cock was aimed directly at her. Unsure of what to do next, a voice from the crowd shouted out, “suck him”. Summer was not in the sucking mood. Her mouth was at least as dry as mine, if not even more so. When her lips wrapped around my dick, it was like I was trying to jerk off with a dry paper towel. I felt her head bobbing and her lips relaxing so that there was little to no contact at all. She could have done this for an hour, and I wouldn’t have come.
Someone in the crowd must have noticed the lackluster attempt, because out of the darkness one of the Sisters appeared and whispered something into Summer’s ear. Immediately her hand grabbed my shaft and her lips encircled me and the suction intensified. Her mouth was still very dry, but she was sucking my dick. All it took was a few drops of precum for Summer’s mouth to start to lube up. After a few minutes I was actually enjoying the attention my dick was getting. I tried to wrap my hands in Summer’s hair and pull her face and mouth harder onto me, but this got me my second pinch of the night. Instead I placed the palm of my hand on the side of Summer’s face and softly stroked her skin, as she sucked me to climax.
I had never taken a Viagra before in my life, never had the need, so I was unsure what to expect. I shot my load into Summer’s mouth and she swallowed everything. I stayed hard. Nothing lost, not even a bit. I didn’t feel relieved, I didn’t feel like I had to cum again, I didn’t feel anything.
Back down on my knees, I lay Summer back onto the bed and traced kisses down her stomach to her vagina. It was not wet and waiting. In fact, it was the opposite. Summer’s pussy was so dry, that when I tried to move her labia apart with my tongue, it felt as though they were being ripped apart. There were no juices or any other signs of excitement. If I tried to put a finger in her, I may have done lasting damage.
Working up all of the spit I could in my mouth, I pushed my tongue into Summer and tried to loosen up her dry grip. After some time of working on her clit, the smell and taste of female juices started to enter my nose and mouth. I would have liked to put a finger in her but thought that it would be best not to. Instead, I focused my efforts on clitoral stimulation. I licked and sucked her hard, little, nub, waiting for a pinch, but it never came. She just placed her hand in my hair and pulled me softly closer to her.
As Summer had what I think was an orgasm, the gasps of the ladies in the crowd could be heard. They seemed to be primed for the main event. One of the flashing toting Sisters that I had never seen before, came to me and whispered some last-minute instructions into my ear and Summer’s. I held her tiny hand as we were paraded around the bed and room. We were on display so that the paying customers could get a better look at our wares. Once that was complete, as told, I lay flat on my back and Summer climbed up onto me.
Summer spit into her hand, rubbed the spit over the head of my cock, and proceeded to lower herself down onto me, we tried our best not to look into one another’s eyes. We were circus animals that were here to perform for people’s amusement.
Her vagina was so tight, that it was almost painful. It felt as though the skin were being pulled off my cock. I closed my eyes and gutted out the pain, only to feel the sensation of water on my chest. Looking up, I could see that Summer was crying, the water that I felt, were tears. We went as slowly as possible, until natural lubrication started to assist with the friction problem. I began to push upward into Summer, I was beginning to really enjoy this, I couldn’t help my feelings, my cock was in a very tight vagina and the girl that was riding me knew how to move her hips. Reaching up, I cupped Summer’s small tits and pinched her hard, little nipples. Summer arched her back and tilted her head skyward as if looking for answers.
Summer lowered herself down so that we were chest to chest, and for the first time tonight, she kissed me. Her tongue pierced its way into my mouth. No longer was there a worry of a dry mouth. In fact, we were salivating. Reaching down, I cupped both of Summer’s tiny ass cheeks and pulled her onto my cock as hard as I could. With a piston like motion I pumped up into the tiny waif that was riding me. I didn’t care about anything but my own release.
When I came, Summer rested her head on my shoulder and continued to lay on me. As cum oozed out of her tiny pussy, the lights dimmed and there was a soft round of applause.
A soft whisper said. “thank you for being so nice to me”. I tried to kiss Summer again, but she was torn from my grasp and taken away from the arena. One of the Sisters grabbed my arm and had me follow her. We entered a room that was a first for me. It was basically a large washroom with toilets, sinks and showers.
“Hurry up, you’ve got ten minutes to get clean-up. You will be entertaining your first guest tonight.”
“Wait. No way. I just came twice putting on that fucking show for your boss’s buddies. I’m done for tonight.”
The Sister tapped her long flashlight against the palm of her hand and pointed at my still hard cock and said, “You might be done, but it’s not, and just so that we are crystal clear, this isn’t a request. We never let down the high paying customers. You don’t have to cum, you just have to make the customer happy. Now move.”
Shower and dressed in a loose-fitting pair of white pants and a white casual dress shirt, the Sister guided me down a hall until we were met by Sister Mary Margaret.
“Very well done, Peter. St Mike’s very good friend Mrs. Jones has made a special request for you and after watching your performance, she couldn’t wait until a later date. It was imperative that it be tonight. So, you will entertain all of Mrs. Jones this evening. Try not to let her down, because if she is disappointed, I’ll be disappointed and you, I’m afraid, will be very sorry. Now go, have fun.”
What the fuck? I entered the room shaking my head thinking about how I had just been threatened. There was no fucking around. Do it or else was the message that came across loud and clear.
I noticed that this room seemed to be set-up just for sex. Very little lighting and not a lot of décor. Just a couple of chairs and a king-sized bed with soft sheets and lots of pillows. Mrs. Jones sat waiting. She appeared to be in her mid-fifties and was nicely dressed.
“Hello Peter, it’s so nice to meet you.”
“Mrs. Jones.”
“Beth, please call me Beth. I couldn’t help but admire you tonight. I trust that you’re not too tired to enjoy some time with me?”
“No Ma’am. I’m sure that we will have a great time.” I wasn’t so sure, but I was going to have to try.
At her request, I undressed Beth roughly, like I couldn’t wait to ravage her naked body. When she was left standing in only her bra and panties, I could tell that she had money. The set was French and expensive. The bra felt soft in my hand as I removed it. Beth’s tits were a larger C cup and sagged with her years, but they were very responsive to my touch and Beth cooed when I suckled at her hard nipples.
I pushed the fingers of my right hand under the fabric of her panties and pressed a finger up against her warm slit. Beth’s wetness soaked my hand. Her pussy was silky smooth around my fingers. Unlike the dry texture of Summer’s raped pussy, Beth was a willing participant and was excited to have me touching her. She had asked for it to be rough, so I surprised her by wrapping my fingers around the crotch of her panties and ripping the material away. I had ruined a pair of panties that must have cost at least $100.
Beth screamed out in ecstasy the moment my tongue entered her vagina. It was wet and pungent, but not all that unpleasant. I chewed at her with reckless abandon. I used two curled fingers to probe her warmth, trying to rub her g-spot, while I sucked at her clit. Beth raised her ass up off the bed and pulled my hair, holding my face tight against her snatch. When a gush of liquid was released from her, Beth rambled on, “Oh my fucking god, holy fucking shit, Jesus Fucking Christ, that’s fucking fantastic.” Lucky for her the Sisters couldn’t hear that kind of language coming from her.
Finally, she just said, “Stop.” I did and moved up onto the bed next to her. As Beth lay there, I made note that she really wasn’t that bad of a looking woman. She must have some money. Why was she here. I wanted to ask, but I knew better.
I kissed my customer on her mouth and told her how beautiful she was in the afterglow of her orgasm. Beth blushed and thanked me for making an old lady happy. I seized the opportunity and said, “I bet you have all kinds of guys chasing you.”
“I wish. My husband has a young mistress and leaves me at home by myself. The only way that I’m allowed to spoil myself is by coming here. The dumb prick thinks I’m at church. Well he’s not wrong, but he has no idea why I’m at church.” Beth had a shy look on her face and to my surprise said, “I want you to call me mommy when you fuck me.”
In missionary position, Beth rubbed the head of my cock up and down her slit and used her legs to pull me forward and into her. I pumped a couple of times so that I was completely in and lubed when Beth slapped my face.
“What the hell to you think you’re doing? I’m your mother.”
Should I play along? Another slap followed. “I’m sorry mommy. You just looked so beautiful and I was so horny, I need you.” Slap. Fuck that hurts.
“You get off me this instant. I’m telling your father.” She said it but couldn’t look me in the eye when she did.
Thinking back to how she had asked for it to be rough earlier, I pinned both her arms over her head and rammed my cock into her. “Go ahead and tell him mommy, he doesn’t care, he hates us both. If you tell him, I’ll tell him that you came all over my face when I was eating your pussy.” That surprised her, but her hips moved up to meet mt thrusts.
“Oh mommy, your pussy’s so tight and it feels so good, I’m gonna cum in you soon.”
“You better not cum in me, your father is going to eat my pussy later tonight.” And with that, she yanked her right arm free and slapped me again.
“I sorry mommy, can I cum in your mouth?” Beth was breathing heavy and I was playing along with her wishes. But it earned me another hard slap.
“You’re a fucking pig. First you rape me in the bed that I share with your father, then you want me to suck your cock. You are a complete bastard.” She may have said it like she meant it, but her pussy told me otherwise. The juices were pouring out of her, there was white foamy lady cum everywhere.
Beth was getting closer by the minute, so I grabbed both her tits and twisted them as I continued pushing my cock up into her depths. “Please mommy, cum for me. I promise to behave, but I want to cum in your tight pussy so bad.” I had never had my hair pulled that hard in my life. It felt like she was pulling it out in clumps. The idea of torturing me must have sent her over the top, because she tensed up and came with a “Arghhhhhhh”.
“Go ahead, cum in me if it’s the only thing that makes you feel like a man, is coming in your mother. Pig.” Fuck her, I did. It wasn’t a large load, but it was good enough and it was what she wanted. I rolled off of her and whispered, “mommy”.
“Yes baby?” Beth said with her hand idly playing with the cum oozing out of her cunt.
“Will you please suck my cock?” I knew the slap was coming before it hit me. “You are such a degenerate, wait until I tell your father.” And she took my penis into her mouth.
I wasn’t going to come again we both knew that. This was still just part of her fantasy, so I continued to play along while she cleaned me up. “Mommy, you won’t have to tell dad. If you don’t let me fuck you again some other time, I’ll tell him myself.” This what Beth was waiting for, the words that made her cum onto her own hand.
Beth dressed in silence and I did the same. When it came time for her to leave, she softly touched my face where she had slapped me so many times before and kissed my forehead and said, “Perhaps I’ll see you again.” I did not speak.
One of the flashlight wielding Sisters directed me to the shower room and told me I had five minutes to wash the filth off my body. When complete my khaki’s and t-shirt were waiting for me. Sleep came in a heartbeat, but dreams filled my head. When would this nightmare be over?
Mark shook me awake the next morning. “Come on man, it’s after eight, get your ass outta bed, the bitches will be in here any second.” Groggily I got dressed and waited for the signal to attend breakfast.
“Do they keep the girls here?” Mark seemed surprised by the question.
“Yeah, but they are kept under lock and key, just like us dude.”
“Have you ever had to be with one?”
“We all have. They make the newbies do it, so the they can showcase us to the old cunts that buy us up.” There was pain in Mark’s eyes when he said, “look man, I’ve seen enough shit in here to last me a lifetime. Do what you have to so that you can survive. Don’t make any fuckin waves. Maybe you’ll get lucky and someone will buy your way out. I have a regular that’s working on it for me right now. If she gets the cash together, I should be outta here in a month, tops.” I didn’t know what to say.
The day went by just as the past couple had, with the exception of Sister Mary Margaret meeting with me to inform me that I would have a very full docket starting in the “next few days.” So, I had best be prepared.
That night, after lights out, I saw with my own eyes what Mark meant about not making waves. One of the other inmates, decided that he was finished with being pimped out and said the same. He resisted their attempts to get him up and fought back when they tried to force him to his “appointment”. Well he may have looked like a strong enough guy, he was no match for six nuns equipped with tasers and long metal flashlights. The sound of the metal tubes thumping against body and bone was enough to sicken even the strongest person. His beating continued long after he had fallen to the ground and no one helped him or went to his rescue. He was beaten into a bloody pulp as an example for all of us to witness. Try to resist and receive the wrath of religious justice.
My next so-called appointment came two nights later. Woken from a sound sleep, I was whisked away to the sex rooms. As much as I wasn’t thrilled with having to pleasure Beth Jones, I was less than happy with tonight’s guest. Mrs. Ruckle was a large unkept woman with hatred in her eyes.
After our introduction, Mrs. Ruckle told me in no uncertain terms what was expected and when to do it. My first unsavory task was performing oral. I have always been a fan of oral sex, that is up until tonight. Mrs. Ruckle was a hairy unclean woman. She had made no attempt to clean or prepare herself for tonight. She was a wet, smelly, hairy mess. It was probably her sick idea of fun, so I worked as fast as I could to please her. With any luck at all she would finish quickly. No way. I couldn’t ever be that lucky. I tried everything, fingers, nose and tongue. Nothing was working until Mrs. Ruckle dropped first the bomb of the night, “Eat my asshole.” After some delay on my part, she said, “Now”. It was not a request. It was a demand. I had no choice. If I thought for a second that her pussy was the most revolting thing I had ever tasted, I was mistaken, because her asshole had me choking back my vomit. I stuck my tongue onto her brown hole while I plunged two fingers in and out of her sopping cunt. Luckily for me her sick fetish was the one that excited her the most. Mrs. Ruckle mauled her own clit as I did the dirty work. She came with a series of disgusting grunts and flopped her stretch marked gut down on the mattress.
I imagined that the taste of shit would stay with me for the rest of my days. For the first time since my arrest so many days ago, I really needed a fucking drink to get by.
This had to end as quickly as possible, so I positioned myself between the client’s legs, only to be slapped across the face. What the fuck was it with these bitches slapping. Mrs. Ruckle told me to put on a condom. I didn’t know that that was an option. I also didn’t know where to get one. I looked in the drawers of the tables beside the bed to no avail, so I asked if she might have one for me to use.
“No, I don’t have one. You should have had one, you little piece of shit. Do you honestly think that I’d let you fuck me without one, you diseased riddled maggot?” When I couldn’t produce a condom, Mrs. Ruckle finally said, “just fucking do it, but if I get an STD from your filthy fucking cock, I’ll be back to kill you.” I wasn’t sure if this was part of the game or if she was serious, either way, it was me that should be afraid of getting a disease.
Mrs. Ruckle was considerably wetter and tighter than I expected. Each of my thrusts brought grunts from her. When I fell into my rhythm, is when she started to berate me. “You’re a no good puny dicked criminal. I’ll make sure the Sister’s no how fucking bad you are in bed.” Fuck her. I pounded my cock into her. Every time that I bottomed out, she let out a painful grunt, but she kept on talking, “Is that all you’ve got you fuckin homo?”
The pounding must have started to get the better of her, “Slow ugh, down, ugh, you, you, fucking piece of shit, ugh”. Fuck this old fucking cow, I kept up my assault. I hoped the bitch would need help getting out of here when I was done with her. But not once did she try do stop me. She only looked at me once, and when she did, she spit in my face. Not a sexual spit from a kiss. A full-on spit. I wanted to slap her but thought better of it. Considering where my tongue had been earlier and my cock was right at this moment, the spit really wasn’t the worst thing that had happened to me tonight.
Keeping up the pace in which I was ramming dear old Mrs. Ruckle was enough to make anyone come and my orgasm was quickly approaching, but there was no way I was going to risk finishing before this cunt. I flipped Mrs. Ruckle over onto her belly, pulled her hips up out of the bed and plugged myself back into her. Doggy seemed to be doing the trick. My thrusts were deeper and longer, but what sent this mess of a woman over the edge, was me cramming one, then two fingers up her asshole. Mrs. Ruckle yelled out, “you, dirty little motherfucker” when she came. It amazed me that religious women that came to this church to pay so that they could have sex with unwilling man, had such dirty mouths.
My partner left me alone in the room, covered in her shit smelling secretions. Her hygiene habits must have been well known to the nuns, because they all snickered in my direction as I headed for the showers.
I had nineteen more partners over the next two weeks. They all fell into the same age group, somewhere between 40 and 65-years-old. It was becoming a normal thing for me. Like Mark said, “don’t make waves”. I kept my head down and my eyes open. Once the nuns were of the belief that you were a broken man, life became a little bit easier. They often left you unattended before and after your sex appointments and they had no problem talking shop in front of me. My dietary needs also changed. The nuns adjusted my meal plan from bread and soup, to a more meat and potato, based menu, so that I would have the strength to perform.
A few things were learned as I went along, where keys were locked up, where supplies were stored, when drop offs and pick ups were made and where hidden exits and entrances were, but none of it was any good to me without the keys.
One evening well into my fifth week of being a sex slave, I was once again taken from my sleep. Entering the prepping room outside of the arena I was surprised and pleased to see Summer. When we stripped to put our robes on, I noticed a number of bruises and bites marks covering her body, she looked tired and ashamed. When we were alone, I asked what had happened to her. Apparently, the same thing as me. After our first time together, she was much requested and some of the assholes were abusive.
Sister Mary Margaret graced us with her presence, it was the first time I had seen her in a couple of weeks. “Summer. Peter. St Mike’s new favorite couple. We have some dignitaries in our crowd to night, so I expect that a top performance will be forthcoming. The Monseigneur enjoys it when the action is a little rough, so Peter pull some hair and spank your partner often. We will go through the basics just as we did last time, but there will be a slight change. After about five minutes of vaginal sex, you will pull out and fuck our young princess in her ass.”
This brought a gasp to Summer’s mouth, “Sister no, please, I haven’t done that before.” The Sister just smiled and as casually as can be, said, “well there’s a first time for everything dear. Just hope that lover boy here has enough spit to help you out. So, get ready, curtain time is in fifteen minutes.”
I didn’t know what to say. Summer clung to my arm and whimpered. I tried to reassure her that it was going to be okay, but it wasn’t me that was about to get fucked in the ass. Through teary eyes Summer whispered, “the other girls say that one ever gets out of here unless they are bought. Have you heard that?” I wanted to lie but nodded my head yes.
Comforting another person has never been a strong suit of mine, but for some reason I felt compelled to with Summer. I pulled her close to me and kissed her softly. “Don’t be afraid. We’ll get out of here, I don’t know when, but we will, I promise.” It was a promise that I couldn’t possibly keep, but I said it anyway. Summer lowered her head and told me how she had been raped by up to three man every day since we first met. I wanted to cry for her, but it wouldn’t help. Instead I was reminded of and old saying, “you can’t give up Summer. It’s what these old cunts want. You have to kick at the darkness, until it bleeds daylight.”
I quizzed my partner quickly about all the things she could remember, which hall led to her dorm, how did she get to the sex rooms that she was forced to perform in. Mental notes were made of all the details.
The door opened and it was showtime. The arena was empty of outsiders. The only members of the audience were members of the clergy. To these sick fucks, it was movie night, only tonight’s feature was a live event.
With motions similar to those of robots, Summer and I put on a show for the crowd. Unlike our first meeting, we knew what to expect, we were jaded far beyond thinking that we were making love. Summer’s oral game had improved immensely, she had me coming in minutes. I just assumed that she had learned, that by being good at it, it would shorten her time with her rapists.
I tried to reciprocate when it was my turn. Summer thrashed around on the mattress as if she was in heat, but it was all just for show. Her vagina was almost dry. If not for my spit, I’d never be able to get my cock into her. Summer’s fake orgasm overtook her so hard that she begged me to stop. A round of applause showed that the perverts were still watching.
Summer got on to her hands and knees and I mounted her from behind. With a mouth full of my spit, I was able to force myself into her. We put on the show that we were told to. I pulled Summer’s hair gently, but she screamed and snapped her head back, like I was trying to back her neck. When I slapped her ass, it was very much the same, she bellowed as if I were killing her. The religious horde loved it, applause and giggles filled the room. I wouldn’t be surprise if these assholes weren’t jerking off while watching us.
Traces of love juice started to caress my cock. Summer was actually tightening her love muscles around my shaft. This was not a part of the show. I was being rewarded for not hurting her, at least not hurting any more than necessary. Looking down, I could see her shiny liquid. Pulling all the way out, I bent and loaded my tongue with as much love juice as I could gather and rimmed her asshole with it. A couple of the crowd members erupted in applause. Pushing my cock back into Summer’s pussy, I used some of her juices, along with my spittle, to ease my thumb into her anus. As reluctant as she was, Summer knew what I was doing. Using digits on her virgin ass would hopefully lessen the pain of my cock going in later.
I fucked Summer with my cock and fingers, as softly as possible without letting on that I wasn’t hurting her. The only thing saving me from receiving a flashlight beating later, was Summer’s acting, her screams and pleas to stop were very realistic.
Knowing that we had exceeded the five-minute guideline, I pulled my drug hardened cock out of Summer and lined it up with her asshole. Placing my hands on her skinny hips, I pushed I hard as I could. The pressure was so intense, I thought for sure my dick was going to break in half. Summer screamed out. She was no longer acting. When the head of my cock pushed past her sphincter muscle, Summer reached back with lightning speed and grabbed my wrist into her hand. I knew she was begging me to stop. I couldn’t. If I hesitated for too long, I would put us both a risk.
Spit slid off my tongue and fell onto its target. Hopefully it would be enough added lude to ease some of the pain. I dug my fingers into Summer’s hips and pushed a couple of inches into her ass. “Oh, my fucking god, please stop.” Summer’s words brought an uproar to the crowd. They weren’t upset with her taking the lord’s name in vain, they were enjoying the show.
Her ass was so tight it took me a full five-minutes to get all of the way in. I can’t imagine having my ass raped and hope that I never have endure it, but Summer was a champ. Although she was crying and screaming, she nodded her head, looked back at me and said, “just fuckin do it”.
I fucked Summer’s asshole as softly as I could. I was using its tightness to jerk myself off. She continued to hold my wrist while cursing and screaming. I’m sure that being sodomized felt like an eternity to Summer, but it didn’t take too long for me to finish. I squeezed her hips to let her know I was there and shot my load deep into her bowels.
Pulling out, Summer stayed on her hand and knees as instructed, so that the sick fucks watching, could get a look at her wrecked hole and the cream pie that was oozing out.
Once again, the room exploded. One old fucker had the nerve to yell out “Bravo” while another yelled “Encore”, like it was a sporting event. Yeah these were the fine, up standing, leaders of our church community.
The door opened and I helped Summer to her feet so that we could leave. Safely back into the prep room, applause could still be heard. One of the Sisters guided us to the clean-up room and told us that we had fifteen minutes. Knowing the risk, the pulled Summer under the warm shower water and started to wash her down with a bar of cheap soap. No one could blame her as she hung her head and cried. My partner flinched at my touch when I tried to wash her tender private parts, but soon enough spread her legs to accommodate me. There really wasn’t enough time, but I hastily washed and rinsed her long red locks. She needed someone and I was the only person who didn’t have an agenda.
Taking her chin in my hand, I raised it up so that I could look her in the eyes. Kissing her as gently as I could, I tried to reassure her, “it’ll be alright, I promise”.
Three more weeks passed by before I was able to meet with Sister Mary Margaret. I had more than completed my sentence and had been an exemplary prisoner. I had done all that was requested of me, with zero backlash. I believed that I should be released.
“Mr. Miller, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Sister. I was just inquiring about my release back into society. I know that I’ve have more than surpassed my thirty day stay here and I think that I should be a free man.”
The Sister looked stunned that I would even suggest such a thing. “Well Peter, you would have been eligible for a pardon, had it not been for your unfortunate setback.”
“I’m sorry Sister, what setback? I’ve been nothing less than an exemplary prisoner.” I knew this cunt had something up her sleeve, I could feel it.
“The missing wine. The same wine that was found in your possession. The state attorneys agree that with your alcoholic background, that another ninety days was in order. If you keep you nose clean this time, and meet the terms and conditions of your incarceration, then your release will be imminent.”
I could hear Mark very clearly in the back of my head telling me, “Don’t make waves”, but most people that are where I am in life didn’t get here by being quiet. “Listen, I’ve done everything that you’ve asked. I’ve fucked every single one of those dirty skanks that you sent to me. You’ve made lots of money off of my not so Christian like exploits. I’ve earned my keep around here. Let me go. I promise that I’ll never say a thing and you’ll never see my face again.”
Anger rears it’s ugly head in many different ways, with the Sister, you could see it boiling up from deep inside her. “Mr. Miller let me remind you that you are a known, liar, thief, druggie and drunkard. Any inappropriate sexual acts that you are speaking about, are figments of your imagination. Even if they were true, who do you think might believe you?”
I may have let the word cunt slip out from under my breath, but I was certain that it went undetected, at least I hoped so. My answer came sooner than later.
Awaken from my sleep, Sister Alice said, “let’s go, you have a client” and led me down the usual corridor. But tonight, held something completely different in store for me. The prep room was filled with a number of nuns, that proceeded to pummel me into submission. At Sister Mary Margaret’s instruction, I was to be “taught a lesson, hurt, but not damaged”. No flashlights were used on me, but they may as well have been, because the leather blackjacks and the kicks caused what I imagined was just as must pain. I last thing I remembered before I passed out was pissing in my own pants and one of the nuns murmuring, “who’s a cunt now?”.
Spending the next two weeks in the infirmary did nothing for my psychological well-being. My hatred for the system in which I now lived grew by the minute. Once just a drunk thief, today I could have killed someone without an ounce of remorse.
Thrown right back into action, my output quota was upped. According to the Sisters, I was one, if not the highest requested prisoner and with my recent inability to perform due to injury, much money was lost. I was pumped full of Viagra and tossed into the lion’s den. On a couple of occasions, I serviced three older patrons in one night. I did my time, stayed out of the limelight, kept my nose clean and for the next month, I was invisible. But when you are owned by people that are making money by selling you, you learn that they will sometimes go to great lengths to protect their investment.
Thursdays thru Saturdays are usually our busiest days of the week, but I didn’t receive one call. I eat and slept well. It was a vacation, that took a bad turn.
I got the shoulder tap at 10:00pm on Sunday night which was highly unusual. Sunday is still the Lords day around here and other more pressing business is taken care of. Nevertheless, there I was being led like a show horse down to the prepping room for the arena. For the first time in nearly two months, I was graced with Sister May Margaret’s presence.
“Hello Peter, so glad that you could join us this evening. Once again we will providing a special show for some dignitaries. This will be more of a fantasy roll play event and I trust that you will your absolute best to please the crowd.” It wasn’t a request. It was a statement. Do my best, or else. The only positive that would come from this would being able to see Summer again.
After the Ringmaster nuns filled my head with the details and directions for my upcoming sex show, I was once again guided into the arena. My look of shock must have been very evident. Summer was nowhere to be found.
Instead of my usual sex partner, before me lay Sister Rose, a young attractive enough girl, in what I would have had to guess were her early twenties. She was still dressed in her habit, and she was bound to the bed by her wrists and ankles. With tears in her eyes, I was guessing that she wasn’t there by choice.
Having been given my instructions prior to entering, I made my way to the bed. When Sister Rose saw my face, she was overcome with horror. She had seen me with others, she knew exactly why I was there, and she knew what was in store for her. Grabbing the collar of her habit, I pulled with enough force to tear the material away from her body. Sister Rose screamed and thrashed, but there would be no escape for either of us.
Her bra could have easily been undone from the front, but as directed, I ripped it open and exposed her ample bosom. My last task would be removing her panties. They were made of a cheap light cotton fabric that gave way easily. Standing naked in front of Sister Rose, holding her panties in my hand, with her torn clothes laying at her sides, I couldn’t help but admire her naked flesh. She was a firmly built girl with nice hard breasts, a flat stomach, a groomed pubic area and what looked to be a firm round ass. In any other circumstance, I would have been very attracted to her.
Crawling across the bed, Sister Rose whimpered as I placed my lips against hers. I kissed her, but she did not kiss back. As I moved toward her firm tits, she said “please don’t” loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Chuckles in the darkness. What a perverse group this was. Trailing my tongue down to her vagina, Sister Rose was now fully crying. Parting her labia with my tongue. I began what I’m sure she believed was an assault on her pussy. There was no pleasure in this for her or me, but her thrashing about on the bed appeared as such. One of the sick bastards yelled out “slut” which brought forth another round of chuckles. After a long bout of licking and sucking Sister Rose’s pussy, I got onto my knees and prepared for the main event.
Sister Rose squealed like an animal caught in a trap. There was no doubt that her screams were heard throughout the church, “please no, please stop, for the love of god, someone please stop this”, but no one came to her rescue. There would be no savior in this, the holiest of all places. Spitting into my hand, I lubed myself up as best I could, and for the second time during my stay at St. Mike’s I would be raping someone.
Sister Rose had stopped moving completely as I aligned my penis to the lips of her pussy. When I looked at her pretty face, she was staring directly at me. In a whisper so low that only I could hear it she cried, “please, I’m a virgin, have mercy”.
The head of my penis pushed past her lips and pierced the coveted barrier of her virginity. I moved with robotic motions. I was cautious not to bottom out and risk hurting her. My belief was, if I made short fast humps, I would cum quickly and end the nightmare for this young lady.
Unwanted sex sometimes has a way of becoming erotic. Even the person being raped will sometimes say later that they felt an attachment to their partner. After a few minutes of gentle pushing, Sister Rose’s body began following that path. Ever so slightly her hips moved to meet mine and I could feel her super tight vagina gripping me. Leaning forward, I licked and sucked her hard nipples. With my lips close to her ear, I whisper, “I’m so sorry. It will be over soon.” And when I moved in to kiss her, she even moved her lips.
I raised up onto my knees, grabbed Sister Rose by her beautiful tits and eased myself in and out of her. With grunts and groans, we gave the crowd what they came for. I came into her unprotected, no longer virgin pussy. When I pulled free from her vagina, a slurry of blood and cum oozed out of her and down onto the clean white sheets. The crowd erupted with a round of applause. I hoped and prayed that they would all be struck dead by lightning right where they sat.
My handlers quickly removed me from the arena and placed me in one prepping rooms. It seems to be a perverted ritual, but apparently the blood of a virgin and the semen of the devil are quite the delicacy. Sister Mary Margaret dropped to her knees in front of me and took me into her mouth. My first thought was to kick her in the cunt or at the very least grab her head and fuck her face until she choked to death, but the taser at my throat made me think better of it.
The old cunt sucked and gobbled my cock clean. All the while she was moaning like a pig in heat. This demon of a woman’s mission was for me to cum in her mouth and as much as I wanted not to, my cock had a mind of its own. My spunk shot out of my cock, onto her tongue and down her throat, and she swallowed every drop. When the bitch finally released me from her grip, my cock was spotless, not even the slightest trace of blood or cum, just the shiny remnants of the evil whore’s saliva.
For a moment, I felt as though I had won a battle. I had fucked a nun, for reasons unknown, but she was one of their own. Then the Queen Bee came in, sucked my cock and swallowed my cum. My triumphant feeling left quickly. As Sister Mary Margaret as getting to her feet, Sister Rose was brought into the room. She was still naked. Though she was crying, her appearance was normal and undamaged, with the exception of the red welts the shackles had made on her wrists and ankles.
“Mr. Miller. There are times when we must resort to some unscrupulous acts for the betterment of the church, and tonight was one of those times. You see, your parole officer has made an appointment to interview you this week, and when he does, we all need to be on the same page.” I didn’t know where she was headed with this, but I can tell you that it didn’t look promising. “You see, when he asks you questions, I need some assurance that you will give the proper answers.”
With a smirk she continued, “I need you to understand that there will no talk of what goes on here, and if questioned about the missing wine, you will indeed admit to stealing it. If for some reason you should feel compelled to try to earn your release from St. Mike’s, Sister Rose will have to tell her sad story about how you tied her up and raped her after this Sunday evenings mass. The poor sister has already had DNA swabs and pictures were taken of her wounds. Also, there is word of the three Sisters that caught you in the act.” My mouth went dry and I was at a lost for words. This fucking cunt had set me up from the beginning. “So, if by chance you feel even remotely inclined to say anything, remember that you are looking at 20 years in a federal penitentiary for rape.”
I cried in the shower and I cried myself to sleep. I was going to be stuck here forever. There was no light at the end of the tunnel for me.
“Psst. Hey Pete. Hey man, wakeup.” Mark was hovering over me. “I’m out man. Old Lady Murray bought my freedom. I’m fuckin outta here.”
I was happy and sad at the same time. Mark leaving was enough to give some of us hope, but for others, it just sad reminder that we were trapped.
On Wednesday morning I met with a Mr. Evans. He was a scrawny wimp of a man that appeared to be more than willing to take a bribe. He asked all the right questions and I favored him with all the right answers. As he was leaving, Mr. Evans was kind enough, to give me a short lecture on the behavioral patterns and traits that my kind of drunken criminal possesses. With nothing left to lose, I told him to go fuck himself.
Crisis averted. I once again belonged to the church, they could do with me as they wished and that’s exactly what they did. My good old friend Sister Mary Margaret feed me to the wolves. I was passed around like a joint at a Grateful Dead concert. I counted twenty-five different women in one week and not one of them was under forty years old. She was letting me know loud and clear who was boss.
As the weeks turned into months, things started to regain order. Every once and awhile, one of my clients would be young, sexy or normal, but never all three at once.
My past indiscretions all seemed so trivial, when one evening while waiting in a prep room Sister Rose appeared, she was nervous and red faced, but she was on a mission. As she approached me, I was afraid that she might stab me out of spite, even if it wasn’t my idea to rape her. But when she got close to me, she put a finger to her lips, as if to quiet me. “Mr. Miller, I need you to know that I do not hold you responsible for your actions, and while you stole something from me, you also gave me a gift. The gift of life. I am pregnant with your child.”
I was in shock, I had a thousand questions, “Are you okay? Do they know you’re pregnant?” I would have continued but the door opened, frightening us both, and Sister Rose went into self-protection mode, poked me in the ribs with her flashlight and said, “I told you, let’s go, Mrs. White is waiting for you.”
The news that I was going to be a father was unsettling to me. A child from my loins would be born and I would never see it. Would the child grow up to be an asshole like I was? I hoped not. Maybe that gene would skip a generation. Either way, I was afraid of what might happen to Sister Rose when she started to show and what might happen to me for impregnating her.
Two weeks and multiple partners passed before I saw Sister Rose again. When we did finally see one another, it was once again for business purposes. The Sisters were sporting tasers and flashlights and had been summoned to fetch me for another special event. While being placed into the prepping room, Sister Rose cautiously placed a piece of folded paper into my hand and exited, leaving me sitting by myself.
From the sweat of her palms and the shaky handwriting, the paper was nearly illegible. I made what I could out of it and hoped for the best.
Summer arrived a short time later. It had been at least 3 months maybe 4 since the last time I had saw her. Time had not done any favors for this young lady. Instead of looking like a vibrant 19-year-old, she looked tired and broken, but her overall demeanor brightened when she saw me. Rushing to me, we embraced. I couldn’t help but notice that she still sported small bite marks on her body and elbows, knees and hips showed redness that appeared to be rug burns. It was my assumption that they were caused from being very well used, just like me, and probably even much more. In the moment, I felt sorry for her, but I knew that she was a survivor.
“Hey beautiful, how are you holding up?” I asked a question that I already knew the answer to. But the small talk helped to ease our pain.
“Not bad. I wish everyone was as kind as you.” I chuckled and told her that I wished everyone that I was with, were as “hot as her”. Summer grinned and shyly lowered her head. I leaned in and whispered into Summer’s ear than kissed her on her lips. She blushed and nodded as I went back to nuzzling her neck and kept whispering secrets to her. The nuns that were watching over us seemed to care less if we talked. I guess the fact that in a few minutes, we would be performing sexual acts for the pleasure of the religious hordes, made it acceptable for us to converse. I hoped that they were making a huge mistake in allowing us to do so.
We filled one another in on some of the bad things that had happened to us and the people that we shared our imprisonment with. Summer was shocked that I wasn’t required to use protection with my clients, and I was even more surprised that she was. I guess the higher ups believe that the ladies are a more valuable commodity.
Summer and I dressed in the costumes provided to us. She was a slutty nurse and I was a doctor. I couldn’t understand these people for the life of me. Once again, we were given our instructions and expectations as we headed down a corridor to an area that neither Summer nor I had ever ventured.
The large room was a majestic old wooden walled office, which was obviously home to someone of great importance. The room was well lite. The sun, which I hadn’t seem or felt in months was shining through unbarred windows and for the very first time, all eight of the occupants could be clearly seen.
Our audience consisted of three priests and Monseigneur John. They were accompanied by four nuns, one of those being my dear friend Sister Mary Margaret. When we entered the room, the door was locked securely behind us.
As per our instructions, Summer went to the desk and bent over. She made motions like she was looking at the papers on the desk. I approached her from behind, placed my hand in the center of her back and pushed her forward so that her head was on the wooden surface. I raised her short skirt to expose her panties and slapped her on her small ass. Summer let out a yelp, but it was mostly for show, as the blow was much softer than it appeared.
Dropping to my knees, I lowered Summer’s tiny panties and placed my tongue on her gash. My licking was meant to be part of the show, but for the first time, there were true signs of excitement in Summer’s pussy. It was becoming wetter by the second and her instincts to press herself back on to my mouth took over. I licked her asshole and the vagina in front of me like I was a starving man. My actions had a positive effect on Summer, she cooed and moaned as I firmly planted my nose between the cheeks of her ass and focused my attack on her clit.
I’m not sure if Summer actually came, but the taste, sounds and motions, led me to believe that she had, and if I thought so, the crowd must have eaten it up.
Getting back to my feet, I stopped dead in my tracks, all four of the nuns had stripped naked while I was performing my oral service to Summer. Each was in a different style of sex act. Two were servicing the priests with their mouths, one was masturbating for show and the other was just standing, watching, and squeezing her rather large tits together. It was a bizarre scene. Summer’s excitement and the actions of those around me had me wound up, and for the first time since I entered St. Mike’s, I was truly aroused. Had I not been given Viagra earlier, I’m not so sure I would have needed it. Part of my excitement may have been caused by the fact that I knew something that no one else in the room knew.
Summer placed her right leg up on the desk and remained bent over at the waist, I rubbed the head of my cock up and down on her slit and pushed my throbbing dick into her wetness. Holding my waif’s slender hips, I eased myself in and out. Summer had complete control over her vaginal muscles and held me close with her tight grip. I was well on my way to coming, until Sister Mary Margaret climbed her fat ass up onto the desk and placed her stinking cunt in front of Summer. She was looking for oral pleasure from my partner and I did not envy Summer for having to perform that task.
Looking around the room was disturbing. Seeing priests and nuns fucking and sucking is something that nightmares are made of. With one of the nuns being serviced by us, Sister Alice was left to comfort two of the man by herself and she was doing it like a champ, one in her mouth one in her ass. It was just a guess, but I’m thinking that this wasn’t the first time that this office had seen a show like this.
Monseigneur John had no problem letting the expletives fly. He called us all every name that came to mind, but in the end, according to him, we were all nothing but “dirty fucking sinner whores”. Fuck him. The sounds of sex filled the office and every so often there was a loud thumping noise from beyond the door. No one except Summer and I noticed.
My cock couldn’t take anymore. The wet velvet sheath in which it was wrapped clamped down and milked it of its seed. Holding my partner tightly, I groaned out loud as I came.
Immediately, I was pulled out of Summer’s vagina and my cock was replaced by the mouth of the priest that had been ass fucking Sister Alice. Poor Summer had her mouth full of Sister Mary Margaret’s nasty cunt, while one of the dirty rapist priests was sucking cum from her pussy. Everyone in the room was occupied and distracted, everyone but me.
Silently I unlocked the door and allowed Sister Rose to enter. The first blast from the taser hit Monseigneur John squarely in the chest. The old fucker crumpled like a cheap cardboard table. As soon as he began to wail the party was over. I kicked Summer’s pussy licking priest directly on the jaw. I could hear teeth chattering and the bone snapping from the blow. At his age, I’m surprised that the kick didn’t kill the old pervert.
Sister Mary Margaret tried her very best to scramble up off the desk and get to her feet but being fat and slow was her enemy. The old nun slipped for just a slight second, giving young Summer an unneeded advantage and that was all it took. Summer pounced on her like a lioness on a crippled gazelle. She rained down punches upon the Sisters head and face. Summer had tears streaming down her face, but was unrelenting, I assumed that she would kill the old bitch.
Everything was happening with a blur, Rose was duct taping the Monseigneur’s arms and legs while continually zapping him with the taser, I had pulled Summer off of Sister Mary Margaret, who lay bleeding like a pile of roadkill at the side of the desk. We secured the other two nuns and priest with tape. But laughed as we looked at Sister Alice and her partner. They were still going at it strong. Sister Alice had her head on the floor and the priest was pounding her blindly from behind. They had no idea what was going on around them. I would have let them continue fucking, had Summer not smashed the priest in the side of the face with a large metal flashlight. Writhing in pain on the floor, Summer kicked and stomped him with all the power that she could muster, until Rose stopped her. We would find out later that he had been responsible for all the bite marks on Summer’s tiny body.
With everyone in the room semi secured, I tried to add organization to the chaos. Sister Rose took me out of the office, to a cloak room. With no time to be picky, I dressed in a suit that was almost my size. Fully dressed in street clothes for the first time in more than 6 months made me feel like a new man. Next we headed to Sister Mary Margaret’s office. We found exactly what we were looking for. I knew that hubris would be the downfall of this old cunt. Sure enough, she had kept ledgers of every transaction that had taken place at St Mike’s. There were names, dates and amounts of money that had changed hands. We boxed these up and headed back for Summer.
The tiny waif, still naked, wielding a taser, stood guard over the group. She and Rose left me, so that I could discuss our future with my soon to be ex keepers. Before I could speak, Sister Mary Margaret spoke, “You will never get out of here and if you do, you’ll be caught and I promise you, when you are returned to us, you will die a slow painful death.”
“Shut your stupid fucking mouth. We aren’t going to get caught and do you know why? Because no one will be looking for us. Not you, not the police, no one, and do you know why? Because Sister Rose is loading all of your records into someone’s car as we speak.” The Monseigneur shot a look of death at his accomplice. They both were shocked by the revelation. “So, when we leave, you’ll have one month to release everyone from here or copies of the ledgers will hit the news, and if we think for a second that you’re trying to follow us, same thing, they hit the news. Got me?” The Monseigneur didn’t acknowledge me until I booted him in the ribs. “Do you understand?” He mumbled a “yes” and nodded his head.
The girls returned to the office, fully dressed in street clothes. Summer had one of the big metal flashlights in one hand and a large kitchen knife in the other. Everyone in the room looked like they were afraid for scared shitless.
Rose looked at me with a grin and said, “found it”. Spinning on my heals, I had a shit eating grin on my face, that would be hard to remove. I grabbed Sister Mary Margaret by the hair and pulled her up off the floor and onto her feet. Walking into her office, she knew exactly why she was there. Her once hidden safe was now exposed. Once a thief, always a thief.
“Open it.”
The big old Sister told me, “You can go fuck yourself.” and spat in my face. Considering the things that I had had to endure over my months here, this was the least of my problems.
“Okay, have it your way.” I grabbed her wrist and held her hand flat on the table, palm down. Before the old nun knew what was happening, Summer smashed the flashlight down with so much force that she smashed the bones in at least two of the nun’s fingers.
The old bitch screamed, but I screamed louder, “Last fucking chance. Open it now or she cuts off your thumb.”
“Fuck you, you, you, dirty fuckin cocksucker. I’ll watch all of you fucking cunts burn in hell before I open it.” And spat at me again.
For a second I wasn’t sure that she would relent. I was very impressed. The old broad actually sounded pretty tough, right up until the moment that her thumb bounced off the table and down onto the floor. Screaming out in agony, the Sister clutched at her missing thumb.
“Final warning, you fuckin piece of shit. You open that fucking safe right now, or you’ll spend the rest of your life walking around without thumbs.” She looked at Summer who had a look of glee in her eyes at the prospect of being able to cut the old cunts other thumb off. Summer’s look told us all that she would have no issue with cutting the throat of the woman that had caused everyone so much pain and suffering. Knowing that we meant business, the weeping Sister at last opened the large, black metal tomb.
Viewing the contents, I understood her reluctance. The safe was full of pictures that would incriminate every person involved in the church and it contained a shit load of cash. Summer and me, loaded everything that we could carry into anything that we could find and then loaded it into a newer SUV that was parked just outside the door. I never wanted to set foot back into this hell hole, but I did, my savior Sister Rose, was waiting for me to return.
Sporting tasers and flashlights, we made our way down the eerie dimly lit hallways. The quietness was almost alarming. Cautiously entering through the partially open door, I found everything in order. Sister Alice, while still naked was assisting Rose with the final taping details. All the prisoners had their arms and legs bound and immobilized. All their cell phones were on the desk and the landline had been disabled. Rose seemed to be pretty good at this kind of thing. Sister Mary Margaret had her hand wrapped with some sort of rudimentary bandage that was made quickly out of paper towel and duct tape. It wasn’t being much help to her as blood was still seeping through. She would live and if she was lucky, they may even be able to reattach the recently removed digit.
All the important players in our company were seated on the floor and lined up in formation of their ranking within the church. They were all in various states of shock and awe. Getting away with what they had for so many years had made them feel invincible, but they learned quickly that they were not and to prove that point Summer used all of the cell phones in front of her to take pictures of their nude, bound bodies. After taking a few select photos from my newly gifted suit, I took great pleasure in my ability of being able to speak with my captive audience.
“Very shortly, we will to be leaving St Mike’s and we never plan to return. We have collected a few pictures and documents that will ensure that. The pictures that you are looking at, could more than likely put all of you into the same category as me, a criminal. But I think, that you people are far worse than any person that has ever been incarcerated in this place. Our crimes are petty theft, substance abuse and stupidity. Your crimes are rape, prostitution and murder. All crimes that committed in God’s name. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites you are.” I could have continued forever, but I wanted out. I could taste freedom and it was calling to me to eat it up. “I want you to be sure of one thing, if I find out that my earlier demands have not been met, I will send copies of everything I have to the authorities and I will come back, turn myself in and verify everything. Is that understood?” Everyone nodded, but it didn’t make me feel to warm and fuzzy. All three of us knew that we would live life looking over our shoulders for a very long time.
“One last thing, who owns the silver Ford Explorer?” When one of the priests made a noise, I assumed it was his. “You and the church won’t mind if we borrow it for a few days, will you?” He shook his head no.
Once Rose had finished double checking the wrapping on everyone’s hands and feet, we were ready for our departure. “Listen to me. Even if you are found or Sister Alice here escapes faster than we anticipate, you are not to leave this church for four hours. Got it?” Sister Alice nodded in earnest. We knew she had no plans to help the others.
Freedom beckoned. With cell phones and anything else that was relevant to our survival gathered, we made our way out of the building. The twenty yards from the office, down the hall to the SUV were the longest I’ve ever walked in my life. My freedom and my life depended on me making it out. Every hair on my body stood on alert, I had spider senses coursing through my veins. Every sound from a mile away could be heard like it was happening right next to me.
Walking through those doors for the last time and into sunlight, made me believe that I was free at last. Maybe for the first time in my adult life, I had exorcised all my demons.
With my borrowed jacket removed, I took the seat behind the wheel, Rose was at my side and Summer was in the backseat. The girls were smiling and crying at the same time. The Ford fired up on command and eased forward when put into gear.
Taking the on ramp to highway #75, we were free at last. Not enough can be said about driving with no direction or pre-determined destination, because it is a freedom all its own. We headed south down 75, without saying a word, until the silence was broken by the sound of the wind as it whistled into the vehicle as the window was being lowered. In the rearview mirror I as watched as Summer casually tossed something out onto the road. When Rose inquired what it was, Summer just grinned and replied, “that old cunts thumb”.
Summer took great pleasure in sending every naked picture that we had taken to all the contacts in the phone and then disposing of all the phones along the highway. It seemed like it was her own personal way to cleanse her soul.
The trip from Detroit to Knoxville took just over eight hours. Considering that we only stopped for gas and food, while doing the speed limit the whole way, I think that we made pretty good time.
The Super 8 Hotel was nicely appointed with two oversized chairs, a love seat and two queen sized beds. It would have to work, as it was the only place that would take cash and we could get it without having a credit card or any identification. We unloaded the car and made ourselves comfortable in the room that would be our home for the next few days.
Sleep came like waves crashing softly onto the sands of a secluded beach. Our trio had its most peaceful sleep in months. There would be no dreams or nightmares. There would be no one to fetch us from our sleep to service some unknown companion. For tonight we felt safe.
Summer and Rose counted, counted again, and then recounted the money that we had taken from St. Mike’s vault. Tears of sorrow and joy flowed freely. The $537,640 would be enough for us to set ourselves up with a new future. We had an unspoken bond between us but at some point, we would have to discuss what we should do moving forward.
“That’s a lotta cash. It’s around a hundred and eighty grand a piece. Do you think that we should split it up for safe keeping?” I wish I would have kept that thought to myself. Both women looked at me in disbelief. Rose sobbed when she asked, “Don’t you trust us? We trust you with our lives.” And they did. They had proven it.
“I’m sorry. I’ll do whatever everyone wants. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
Our next four days were days of self-exploration and personal growth. With $500 each in our pockets we headed to a Walmart Supercenter to pickup new clothes and supplies. It was fun to watch the girls picking out makeup and the such. They had been provided with just the basics for so long that it was like they were from a different planet. Leaving them alone to do some shopping on my own I came face to face with my biggest nemesis, booze. The aisle was filled with every flavor of beer that you could imagine. They were all cold and ready to go, but I walked by. I no longer needed the crutch that had supported me for so long.
The girls met me in the parking lot, faces glowing while sporting bags full of purchases. I had traded license plates with a similar SUV and now sported Tennessee plates. It was only a smoke screen but at least the Michigan plates wouldn’t be a give away if anyone was looking for us.
Over dinner we laid out our plans and had a vote to see if we all agreed. It was unanimous. We would head to Charlotte NC in the morning. Rent a long-term safety locker and store all our stolen evidence. Then we would then drive to Myrtle Beach, find a place to live and get rid of the car. It appeared that we had no intentions of parting ways any time soon.
Off the tourist strip, Myrtle Beach is a very nice little town with lots to offer. We found a nice, semi-furnished, two-bedroom condo to lease with a very nice pool that was surrounded by palm trees. The girls shared a room and I had the other. It was our new home. For me, it was the first place that I could call home in a very long time.
Like every city in the good old U.S. of A, there is always a shady element hiding somewhere. We found the beaches “free trade area” on our second day there. For the low, low price of $2500 we were able the secure professional grade birth certificates and driver’s licenses. The artist that gave us our documents was also very happy to trade us his 2003 Santa Fe for the 2019 Explorer that we had appropriated. After the vehicle transfer, we were legit. Official residents of the great state of South Carolina.
Our freedom, the luxury of having enough money to survive for the time being and no agenda, gave was ample time to relax and reflect on life. We did all the things that a nineteen-year-old and two twenty-two-year-olds would do. We chilled. The girls got along as though they were sisters. Not of the nun variety, but actual blood relatives. Summer showed Rose in ins and out of wearing make-up, they spent hours braiding hair and giving one another manicures and pedicures. Apparently, Rose grew up in a very strict mid-west home, where none of these things were allowed. Not once in the two weeks since our escape was there a harsh word between us.
In most cases time and being able to openly discuss your past will heal most wounds. We tried our best. Being with two girls that I had been forced to rape, and them not hating me for it, was surreal. We talked about what our youth was like, but never really spoke about St. Mike’s. Summer was the first to break the ice on that subject.
Lazing around eating delicious double burgers and fresh-cut fries from Five Guys Burgers, Summer asked randomly through a question out to no one in particular, “How many?”. Rose and I looked at each other, not having any idea what she meant, so I asked, “How many what?”
“How many women did they make you sleep with?” I honestly wished she hadn’t asked me that question. I hadn’t in fact kept track of the numbers, but I could see the faces of each woman vividly in my mind. So, with an almost knee jerk deflection tactic I asked her the same question.
“Including you, three hundred and eighty-seven.” She said it as casually as could be while eating a pickle that she had pulled out of her over-stuffed burger. A hollow feeling covered my body. Rose set the fries that she had ben eating on the table and buried her teary-eyed face in her hand. The pain in Summer’s voice was way too much for Rose to handle.
I didn’t want to talk about it, but I knew Summer needed to get it out into the open. “Less than three hundred. Maybe two forty and that includes you and Rose.” There was an eerie silence in the room, until Rose whispered as if saying it to herself, “One.”
I’m sure it wasn’t meant to be humorous, but Summer and I burst into laughter. Rose, although hurt, did force a smile. A group hug eased the pain. There would be many days like this to come before the healing process was complete.
My bedroom door pushed open and the dim hallway lighting made its way into the room. Summer stood in the threshold wearing an oversized South Carolina t-shirt that she usually wore as pajamas. In a shy almost dismissive voice, Summer asked me if I was interested in some company.
I pulled back my duvet and gestured for her to join me, “Absolutely. You know that you can crash in here anytime that you want.” Summer snuggled in against my chest and covered herself with my blankets. Considering our earlier discussion, I could only imagine what was going through her head.
We stayed entangled in one another’s arms without moving for what seemed like hours. Not even for one second did I suspect that this would turn into a sexual encounter. Was it wrong for me to presume that Summer just needed someone to protect her? Someone to talk to. Someone that had lived the same torture and torment.
Hugging Summer tight to me I kissed her top of her forehead and her wild red mane. It was innocent enough until I felt her hand easing into my underwear and begin moving downward, toward my manhood. “You don’t have to do that. You never have to do that again.” This was the first time I had been touched in the night since St. Mike’s.
Summer continued her search until her soft fingers wrapped themselves around my solid shaft and said, “I want to do it, I just want it to be on my terms for a change.” I wasn’t about to argue with her.
My sexy petite lover moved her face to mine and for the very first time, we kissed with love. It’s hard to explain our tentative approach to sex with one another. We had been together a number of times, but this time it was by choice and not for the amusement of some sick group of individuals.
I pulled Summer’s small body up onto my own and cupped her sweet tiny ass with my hands as our tongues continued to explore the others. The warmth radiating off my little waif’s body surprised me, it was enough to heat the bed. My stiffness poked Summer until she finally grabbed and guided it to her opening. For the first time Summer was fully lubricated with her own juices. She was excited to be doing this. She lifted her upper torso from my chest and leaned back to impale herself on me. She was tight, warm and wet.
The bite marks and the tiredness has faded from Summer’s pale thin body and face. Tonight, while sitting atop my lap with her long red hair draped down over her shoulders, she looked beautiful and alive. Reaching up gently, the caressing of her small hard breasts caused her to moan with pleasure. I tried hard not to thrust up into her, letting her set the pace, together we rode along smooth and silky. Our tempo was not rushed in any way as we pushed ourselves into and down onto one another. I couldn’t get enough. Leaning up, straining my neck, I captured one of my lover’s rock-hard nipples between my lips. Summer showed her appreciation by cooing and pulling my face harder against her chest.
Summer’s warm tears fell from her face down onto my chest. It was a heartbreaking sight, but in a strange way it was also loving. Grabbing her face into my hands I pulled her mouth to mine. They were the most tender kisses I had ever dreamed of.
The wet velvet vise that was Summer’s vagina held me tightly into her. Every time that I pulled back it felt as though I were locked in. I couldn’t possibly last another minute and told Summer the same. Between kisses Summer cooed, “Cum for me.” As if on command, I shot a month worth of built up semen into my tiny lover.
We stayed in the same position until my softening penis finally oozed out of the warm love nest that it had earlier called home. Summer rolled onto her side and I pushed her back tightly into my chest so that we could spoon. I knew that she would spend the night in my arms.
“Thank you.” I had no idea what she meant, but if anyone should be thanked, it was her for what had just happened.
“For what?”
“For being so gentle with me. For not treating me like some dirty used up whore and for bringing me with you. I never thought I’d get out of that place alive. I know that you promised, but…you know.”
“We’re not dirty and we’re not used up. We have long lives ahead of us, watch and see. And I wasn’t always the gentlest with you.”
“I know, but you tried to be.” Summer turned her head so that she could kiss me and just like that we had exorcised our past demons.
It was sometime during our third week at the condo, that we packed a cooler with some snacks, cans of iced tea, bottles of water and headed to the pool. The girls looked very attractive in their bikinis. Summer with her waif like frame, light pale skin and wild flaming red hair was almost the exact opposite to Rose. Rose had long blonde hair that was well kept. She was about three inches taller and thirty pounds heavier than Summer, and she sported ample breasts and a curvy frame. They were both very beautiful in their own way.
Rose looked so sexy. Her long blonde hair swept to one side over her shoulder and cascading over her right breast. Her black bikini held the secrets of her beauty, her firm breasts and shapely ass. Every so often she would subconsciously caress her growing baby bump in the most loving way. She had maternal instincts even at this early stage of her pregnancy. While I had never known true love in my life, it was this day that I realized my love for her.
The newly proclaimed “Soul Sisters” frolicked in the water and poolside. Their dancing, giggles and laughter masked the pain that they had suffered in their past lives.
Nearing bedtime, I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and found Rose covered to her neck in bubbles from her bath, shaving her legs. We tend to be somewhat modest around one another but there are low set barriers that keep us in check. Brushing my teeth, we had talked about how great our pool day had been. Pointing my toothbrush at Rose’s freshly shaved legs, I jokingly asked if she had a date.
Laying in complete darkness with the sounds of the east coast wind and gentle rain washing down was very comforting to me. I put me into a trance like state. I didn’t notice anyone in my room until a felt a soft hand touching me.
I knew immediately that it was Rose. She had the same scent as the lavender bubble bath she had earlier soaked in. I moved to my right, allowing the naked mother of my child to join me in bed. We held each other tight, listening to our heartbeats. I wanted to touch Rose. I wanted to show her love and compassion, but I was uncertain how. Her only sexual experience hadn’t been a good one and my track record before St. Mike’s wasn’t exactly stellar.
Dragging my fingers through her silky-smooth hair I gave Rose the first truly loving sexual kiss of her life. The luscious strawberry flavored lips in front of me parted to allow my tongue to softly touch hers. Rose took my hand into hers and pulled me toward her soft breast, pressing it forward so that her hard nipple poked at my palm, she was giving me permission.
Reluctant to leave her lips I trailed kisses onto her neck and down to the swelling breasts in front of me. They were exquisite. The dark brown nipples stuck out proudly from her mounds. I suckled at them never wanting to stop, but the pushing on the top of my head told that this would not be the final stop my mouth would be making tonight. Working my way downward, I stopped at her baby bump to show it some love before heading further south.
Unlike our first meeting, Rose was very wet and very receptive to her vagina being tongued by me. I did not want to rush or venture anywhere that would make Rose uncomfortable, so I stayed the course of straight forward oral. I licked and gently sucked her labia while stimulating her clitoris with both finger and tongue. Rose was a loud comer, but she had the sense to pull a pillow over her face, as I drank up all the juices oozing from her.
Rose sat on top of me. Her naked body was silhouetted by the soft light coming through the window and the occasional flash of lightning off in the distance. Her soft olive skin was radiant. It shimmered.
Neither of us was in a hurry. I could tell that my lover was tentative to say the least, so I pulled her down to me so that her breasts mashed into my chest and our lips met. Running my fingers down her spine and bum sent shivers through her body. I could grow old staying in this position with her.
My inexperienced lover knew one thing and that was that she wanted me inside of her. Reaching down between her legs she moved my penis toward her opening and began to push the head into her womanly wonder. Letting Rose take all the time that she needed made her feel more comfortable. She lowered herself down at an inch per minute. When I was completely in, her heat and wetness caressed my shaft and it had me as hard as rock.
Rose’s vagina was the tightest that I had ever had the privilege of being in. It seemed to be custom made just for for me. As time passed her hips found their motion. She rocked and swayed as if dancing to the music of a slow grinding sex song. What Rose lacked in experience, she more than made up for with pure sexual prowess. She knew what made her feel good and used it to her benefit. Rose sat back and arched her back for maximum penetration, so I reached up and filled my hands with her glorious breasts and pushed myself up into her womanhood just like a lover should. We were truly making love and for only the second time that I could remember in the past year, I didn’t want it to end.
Unfortunately, Rose’s tightness and the sexiness that surrounded her was more than I could take. I ejaculated a flood of semen into her. My groans and the hot flood of cum was all that Rose needed to push her over the edge. With no pillow to be had, the sounds of her excitement filled to room.
The afterglow the love making covered us like a warm blanket. Entangled in her arms, I hummed a tune quietly.
“What’s that song?” Rose inquired. “It’s by Bon Iver.” Answering her question. Rose softly requested that I sing it to her.
“I not a very good singer, but here it goes, “Turn down the light, turn down the bed, turn down these voices inside my head, Lay down with me. Tell me no lies, just hold close. Don’t patronize me. Don’t patronize me. ‘Cause I can’t make you love me, if you don’t. You can’t make your heart feel something it won’t.” that’s all I remember but I can hum the rest to you.”
I know my singing it bad, but this is the first time that it’s made someone cry. Rose sobbed into my chest. Her tears ran freely from her eyes.
“What’s the matter baby.”
“I’m afraid.”
“Of what? There’s nothing to be afraid of, I’ll never let anyone ever hurt you again.”
“I’m afraid of my feelings. I not sure what to do about it. I know how I feel, but I don’t know if you feel the same.”
“Rose, I don’t know how you feel, but I can tell you this, I’ve loved you since the second you forgave me for what I’ve done to you. You are a beautiful person and you’re going to be a great mother.”
Rose smiled in the darkness then closed her eyes and asked for an answer to a question that I hadn’t thought about, “what about Summer, I thinks that she loves you too.”
Wow. I knew in the back of my head that it was a possibility, but I didn’t know for sure. Maybe I am just being naive to the whole situation. Now I have slept with both girls and they were fully aware that the other had shared my bed, yet they appeared to be perfectly fine with it. In fact, they seemed to be friends. They could often be found giggling and whispering to each other.
We didn’t sleep together often, but there was a bizarre love triangle happening in our little nest. The girl that happened to be the odd man out, was surely able to hear when her friend paid me a visit in the night, and I could definitely hear the girls in the heat of passion on many evenings when they stayed away from me. But it was as if it never happened, it was unspoken.
Our carefree lifestyle continued in such a blissful manner that would make us the envy of many people. Our small group travelled up and down the coast exploring and hunting for relics and treasures. When we weren’t on the go, we were very content to relax around our pool.
On one of those particular evenings, Summer was busy watching one of her new favorite realty shows, so I asked Rose if she was interested in joining me downstairs in the hot tub. “It’s not a good idea if you’re pregnant.” And at more than 6 months, she was visibly pregnant.
“Shit. I knew that, I just forgot. Summer, care to join me when you’re done watching that crap?” Both girls turned toward me and laughed. I didn’t get the joke.
“I would love to because I’m freezing, but like Rose said, it isn’t a good idea for me to join you.” What the fuck? There was no way. Was there? I had never used protection with either of them, but in the case of Rose, it was already too late. The damage had already been done. But with Summer, I’m not sure what I was thinking. We had slept together at least 7 or 8 times in the past 2 months and not once was I covered.
I could feel their eyes on me. I knew that I would be forever held accountable for the next words out of my mouth, so I should be very cautious when picking them.
“Well. I think we’re gonna need a bigger place.” It wasn’t Shakespearean, but it worked. Both girls rushed me for a group hug in the middle of the room. Summer as it turned out was right around the 7 weeks pregnant mark. It would seem she got that way the very first time that we made love after leaving St Mike’s.
Two months later Summer had found a job as a Teacher’s assistant at an early learning facility and I had taken a position with the Border Patrol Agent to keep our coastal waters safe. We had moved into our new home. It was brick, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath and it came with all the appliances. We loved it. Paint, paper and elbow grease made our own.
Less than a month after that, Noah Adam Miller was born to his parents Rose and Peter. Six months later, Sophia Ava Miller was born to her parents Summer and Peter Miller and Summer has proclaimed that everyone will call her Sam.
Time had flown by us like we were standing still. A short fourteen months had passed since our escape when we noticed a news flash about human trafficking in an old church in Detroit. Apparently, a Saint Michaels Cathedral had been running a brothel type of environment for a number of years. Priests and nuns were allegedly providing people staying at the halfway house up as sexual toys. Not many of the past prisoners had come forward with information, but a full-scale investigation, was pending. Cold shivers and tears ran down our faces.
Two weeks after we’d first heard about St Mike’s on the local news, it once again made headlines. This time there were pictures of what remained. The old hell hole had caught fire in the middle of the night and burned to the ground along with four people. A Monseigneur, a senior priest, along with two senior nuns. Their names and ages were not given to the media, but foul play was expected. We assumed that we knew who had died in the fire.
Rose did some research and tried to find out as many details as possible, but like most cases that involve a church, the information was vague at best. What she did find out was that the investigation had been squashed. All parties that had a claim of abuse against the church would need to come forward and be interviewed by a panel of members that consisted of higher ups from the church and the law enforcement authorities.
Our trio decided that it would be in our best interest to remain invisible. For us, it was finally over.