How Lilith Uses Lust by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: How Lilith Uses Lust

Link: MeWe / 30.11.2021

How Lilith Uses Lust


The Dark Goddess revealed to me how Yahweh hates lust. Lust is purely a way for our physical bodies to heal itself and share this powerful feeling with others. Is it any wonder that the Evil Yahweh and his agents attempt to get humankind to turn their back on such healing powers? After all, if we have the power to heal, manifest and create with out bending a knee, Yahweh looses his power over us.


Lust comes through the shooting or spraying of lust waves into the atmosphere. This mesmerizes the chosen subject and makes them feel sexy, develops sexual desires and a deeper appreciation for Lust.

Lust may be elevated through sounds, commonly in form of voiced words or sounds. Such words or sounds gain entrance into the chosen and appeal to their inner mind to accept and embrace the power behind it so that their mind can be opened for entrance and the soul made receptive for proper awakening. Whenever you notice a hypnotizing voice, give thanks to Lilith and invite her into your heart, body, and soul so you can overcome the Abrahamic indoctrination.

A spirit could be directly present to appeal to your soul through demonic and magickal means. This may take a long time but if you are spiritually sensitive and you notice the presence of lustful demonic forces, say out loud, I acknowledge you and invite you into my temple, so you may experience lust and perversions in this physical realm. Abrahamic indoctrination programmed many former followers that this is bad. They do not want you to experience such powers that Lilith brings to her Sons and Daughters.

Lust could be induced and instigated through a direct touch. Such a touch transfers spiritual electrical current into your body and it makes you receptive to the wave of lust. Such touches may be with the person’s cock or crotch, lips,eyes, hand, etc. Such a touch tends to make Yahweh’s chains slip off through the use of lustrous powers.


In short, do not shy away from any blessings of Lust. When you experience it, simply embrace it, regardless if your driving a car, at work, in the store or even on a beach. Simply touch yourself and thank Lilith for sharing it with you.

4 thoughts on “How Lilith Uses Lust by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction”

  1. You really need to collect your essays into a single scripture. Your wisdom is immense, and She speaks through you.

  2. This is what I want, to be immersed in Lilith, penetrated by this power, pleasured by servitude, a slave to this lust. Thank you, Hoku Lani and Xpanther for these enthralling images and captivating words, for everything you channel, project, reflect, and trigger.

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