Missionary Dilemma by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Missionary Dilemma

Link: MEWE / 27.01.2022

Missionary Dilemma

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” — Matthew 24:14

A very intelligent person shared with me that God’s plan to save humanity is to not interfere with free will. It began on the cross unfolds throughout the New Testament from the beginning to the book of Revelation. The Holy Spirit was released upon the earth, and through faith people are saved. He shared with me that once every tribe and tongue on earth has heard the message of salvation, then that’s when Christ returns. Ultimately victory over death for those who believe. I have heard similar messages through my life and alway pondered the same question.

How can everyone hear God’s message if new people are born and others die?

According to global statistics, the world population on earth increases by 2.5 people every second. This increase appears to be extraordinary. It implies per minute: 150 people. However, this number is both commonly misunderstood and misinterpreted in articles and discussions as it does not imply 2.5 new born people in every second. Rather, 4.3 people are born on average in every second while 1.8 die in the same time. In a whole, this implies an increase in the global population of 2.5 people per second. Extrapolated, these numbers imply a number of 137 million people who are born in every year on a global level whilst 58 million people die in the same period of time.


It appears that unless new people stop being produced, the second coming can not occur. I believe another example of science and theology conflicting with each other.


The Greek word there for ‘nations’ is ethnos. Literally it means ‘peoples’, or, people groups. It doesn’t really mean that every person must hear about Jesus, just every people group. Having said that, it is my belief that there are no people groups left in the world who have not heard. So, where is God? I’ll tell you where he is … he is AWOL …  just like he always is. That is one reason I left the faith.


As always, things are promised that Christians do not keep. Only Lilith and Satan are honest


If all groups of people have an opportunity to hear the message, that’s still only valid for a brief moment in time, until other people are born, as you mentioned, and come of age to understand the meaning of things — It’s a continual dilemma I think.

One explanation I’ve come across is that God, in His infinite wisdom, knows the heart of people (past, present, and future, and whatever age) and He knows if people would be receptive to His offer of salvation through grace, or not.

Without getting into the scientific studies of the actual existence of past, present, and future … it still makes me wonder what in God’s eyes is the use of having created people. He could have just as well imagined a whole world, and all the people who actually existed through time, and known if they would have accepted him.

Sure, when people actually exist, and some of those souls go to Heaven, and are meant to praise him there, then it makes you wonder wonder how do the values and priorities of God coincide with the values and priorities of people? — In other words, humans are supposed to somehow have faith in a purpose and outcome they don’t fully understand.

If that’s partly the job of the Holy Spirit, to somehow guide people, then it’s still got to appeal and mesh with people’s reasoning and understanding.

2 thoughts on “Missionary Dilemma by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction”

  1. Could it just be classic bait and switch? The apostles thought they were following someone who would through out the Romans and when a Jesus died they switched and made him into a snake oil pitch with promises of eternal life. If Jesus is the son of God (but still god himself-go figure out that Trinity nonsense but ai digress) then why didn’t he spell out the theology? Why did he leave it up to people throwing out every theory possible until they settled it 400 years later at the Niceness Council. The Holy Spirits guidance was in slow motion! Only Satan feels real! Hail our Lord Satan!

  2. A bit off point, but anyone who reads any scholarly books about the origins of Christianity will find it very hard to believe in.

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