Feature writer: S.Moulder
Feature title: Mirror Image
Posted: February 29, 2004

Mirror Image – Chapter 1

Jessica Anderson stood on the front porch smiling broadly and waving at her daughter and granddaughter as their station wagon, a U-Haul trailer in tow, pulled up in front of the rambling two story house. At forty-seven, Jessica was still an attractive woman. The years had added a few fine lines around her expressive blue eyes and there was a hint of gray mixed with her short, ash blonde hair. Her breasts were no longer as high as they had once been, but, the fact that they were small kept them firm, and together with her small waist and trim hips and legs, Jessica could easily pass for thirty-five. She still performed her morning ritual of a five mile walk and meditation, so her body and spirit were kept in enviable shape.

When Catherine, her daughter, had been cut as part of a corporate downsizing, Jessica had extended the invitation for the two of them to join her and Carmine, her mute Mexican housekeeper/ companion, on her Montana ranch. She hoped the move would be permanent, but Catherine insisted that the stay would only be temporary until she could find another position. Although Catherine had placed resumes with several agencies, nothing promising was on the horizon, so Cathy had, out of necessity, accepted her mother’s generous offer. Besides, Sierra, Cathy’s daughter, always enjoyed their infrequent visits and had applied some teenage persuasion of her own. So, with 1997 Taurus wagon and a trailer full of personals, the two had bid adieu to St. Louis and made the trip.

“Grandma!” shouted Sierra slamming the car door and running to hug Jessica.

“Sweetheart, you’re growing up so fast. Let me look at you,” responded the grandmother as the girl whirled about, smiling.

“Sassy as hell,” laughed Cathy as she and her mother embraced.

“And the apple of a lot of boy’s eyes too, I bet,” smiled Jessica.

It was true. Sierra had grown into a beautiful young woman. Her long hair was brunette instead of blonde like her mother and grandmother, but her hazel green eyes, demure mouth and naturally pouty lips, nicely developing breasts and long slender legs and curvaceous hips signaled her, all too rapid, entry into womanhood.

“Now don’t get her started again,” laughed Cathy as they stepped up onto the front porch, “She’s…”

“… Old enough to pick my own boyfriends,” interrupted Sierra.

“Pick them yes, stay out until all hours, no!”

“Mom!” exhorted the girl, “I’m eighteen now! I’ll be starting college…”

“… And when you do it will be YOUR decision, fired back Cathy good naturedly. “Until then, if it’s all right with Grandma you can invite a boy or two to come over here.”

“Why, of course,” smiled Jessica, “any time you want, Honey.”

Although an attractive girl, Sierra had always been terribly shy and only recently had discovered boys and with them the urge to date.

“Hey, I’ve got to meet some boys first!” laughed Sierra. “Or am I supposed to fix you two up with dates as well?”

They all laughed as Jessica put her arm around Sierra’s shoulder and they started to enter the front door.

“Oh, hello Carmine,” smiled Cathy as she saw the attractive twenty-two year old standing in the doorway. The young Mexican smiled demurely, but was about to turn away and return to her housecleaning when Jessica called out to her.

“Carmine, don’t leave. You remember Cathy and her daughter Sierra.”

The lovely brown eyes lifted long enough to bashfully acknowledge Cathy and Sierra, smile faintly and then the lovely woman disappeared back into the house.

“She still doesn’t speak?” asked Sierra.

“Not a word in over twelve years,” replied the grandmother.

“Have you ever been able to determine what’s wrong?” asked Cathy.

“Roger and I had three different specialists examine her. They all said the same thing, that there is no physiological reason why she cannot speak. There was no fall from a horse or other physical trauma we could discern. For some reason, buried deep inside her, she just decided one day to stop speaking.”

“And she never learned to sign?”

“No, she refused, even though we offered to get her a tutor. After Roger died I tried again. She’s so shy around strangers that I told her we could get a book/video instructional set and learn together, but she was emphatic. It’s almost as if she doesn’t want to communicate except at minimal levels.”

“She always seems nice, just shy,” volunteered Sierra, “and pretty.”

“Yes, she’s a lovely girl, much like her mother was. I’ve tried to get her interested in meeting some nice men, but she shies away from them, doesn’t seem to be interested in them.”

“Hmmmm, strange,” said Cathy as the three women walked on into the house. “How about a glass of your famous iced tea and then Sierra and I will tackle unloading the car and trailer?”


Mirror Image – Chapter 2

Later that evening, the unloading and unpacking accomplished, the four women sat around the kitchen table finishing supper.

“That was delicious, Carmine. You’re an even better cook than I remembered,” complimented Cathy.

The Mexican woman smiled, then lowered her eyes. She had been nervous and self conscious about eating with them, but Cathy and Sierra had insisted. Cathy noted how the woman rarely looked them in the eyes. She also noticed what an attractive woman Carmine was. The waist-long, straight black hair glistened as it fell across full breasts. Her smile, as infrequent as it appeared, was sweet, her lips full which accentuated the high cheek bones helping give the young woman a mysterious, sensuous beauty. Her waist was tiny, her hips full, but firm. Carmine’s legs were hidden beneath a full length skirt, but they were slim and shapely, Cathy knew, remembering seeing Carmine in jeans when they went riding on her last visit.

As they finished the meal, Carmine began clearing the dishes but Jessica told the lovely Mexican that she and Cathy would do the dishes. Carmine pointed to the door and Jessica nodded. As the young woman walked off the front porch Jessica turned to Cathy and Sierra.

“She often takes long walks at night. Sometimes we go together, other times she prefers to be alone. I think she’s giving us some time alone to catch up.”

“Did you ever find her mother?” asked Cathy.

“No,” replied Jessica, deciding to fill in a few details for Sierra whose face held a quizzical expression. “Carmine and her parents came to work for us four years ago. They lived in the small house out back. Manuel was a great help to Roger, especially after your grandfather’s heart attack. The ranch isn’t big by Montana standards, but it was still a handful for the two of them. Maria, Carmine’s mother also lent a hand to the men at times and helped me with the house.

Carmine was, let’s see, about eighteen when they came here to live. It was long after your mother had left for college and started her career. They had the clothes on their back and little else, so we hired them. We brought some of the furniture out of the attic that had been there when we bought the place and furnished the ranch house for them. We all grew very close. It was about a year after that when Carmine stopped speaking. Then, about a year later, Maria simply disappeared. One day she was here, smiling and happy, the next she had vanished.

Naturally when she hadn’t returned within a few hours, we called the police. There was an investigation, lots of theories, but none that ever panned out. When the police couldn’t find her, Manuel became convinced that she had returned to Mexico for some reason. It didn’t make sense because all her clothes and possessions were still here, but Manuel insisted he had to find her. He asked us to keep Carmine until he could find Maria, but about a month after he left, we got word he had been killed by some men who were known to kidnap attractive Mexican women and sell them into prostitution. He must have thought they had something to do with Maria’s disappearance.”

“Did they?” asked Sierra.

“Not that we could ever determine. It just didn’t make sense. With so many women in Mexico available to them, why would they come all the way to Montana to get just one woman? Maria was attractive, but I just don’t see that it makes any sense. Anyway, we tried to find other relatives in Mexico for her to go to, but met with a dead end, so we asked Carmine to stay with us and she agreed. Then when Roger died last year, Carmine and I became even closer. She’s become almost like a second daughter.”

“And you never found out what happed to her mother?”

“No. No trace was ever found of her. We thought for a while she might, for some reason, have wandered too far from the house and fallen victim to an accident or wild animal, but we scoured every foot of this ranch and there was simply no trace of her.”

“A real mystery,” stated Cathy.

“Mom, you don’t suppose it had anything to do with me, do you?”

“What do you mean, honey?”

“You know, the man who… raped you.”

“No, sweetheart,” injected Jessica, “that was years before Carmine and her family came here to live.”

“But, you said they never found the rapist either.”

“But honey,” responded Cathy, “that happened when I was your age. I’ve told you I really don’t remember much.”

“I just wish Roger and I hadn’t accepted that invitation for the Johnson’s anniversary party that night,” Jessica said.

‘ “Now Mom, we’ve been though this a hundred times. There was no way any of us could have known what would happen. It was dark and I never saw his face.”

“My father.” pronounced Sierra.

“Who gave me one very precious thing that night… you!”

“I just wish I could have known who he was,” said Sierra.

“I’m ambivalent about that,” responded her mother, ” On the one hand I wish we both could have known him, but then, maybe it’s best this way. A man who would rape a young woman…”

“I just wish we could have caught him,” said Jessica.

“Yes, I know Mom. If I hadn’t waited so long to tell you, but I was frightened and I was ashamed.”

“You had nothing to be ashamed about.”

“I know. Anyway,” brightened Cathy, ” as a result I have the most wonderful daughter in the world… even if she is a typical teenager who thinks she knows it all.”

“What do you mean THINKS?” responded Sierra to laughter all around.

“By the way mom, ” said Cathy, turning to Jessica, ” are there any second hand furniture stores close by.”

“Why, Honey?”

“Well the rooms you’ve given Sierra and me are wonderful, but mine has no mirror and I thought I’d drive in and get one tomorrow.”

“Sure there’s a used furniture store about… wait a minute,” mused Jessica, “there’s a mirror up in the attic. It’s the same one we gave to Maria to use just a few days before she disappeared. When Carmine moved into the main house, we stored all that furniture back in the attic again. It’s a beautiful full length mirror. It should fit into that corner near the window.”

“Thanks Mom, I’ll get it tomorrow if that’s OK.”

“Of course, and anything else that’s up there that you might want, but right now, you know what?”

“What?” responded both Cathy and Sierra.

“There’s a dinner table full of dirty dishes.”

“You got it!” laughed Cathy as she and Sierra began clearing the table.


Mirror Image – Chapter 3

The next morning, as soon as breakfast was over, Cathy, Sierra and Jessica climbed into the attic. Sierra found an old trunk and began to explore. She found several old dresses and some hats dating back to the turn of the century. She tried one on and modeled it to the delight of her mother and grandmother.

“Are these your things?” she asked her grandmother.

“No, honey. Everything up here was part of the estate when we bought the place.”

“Didn’t you tell me there was something strange about the previous owner?” asked Cathy.

“Well sort of. The real estate agent told us about him when we bought the ranch. His name was Elias Young. He was originally from Utah, his family was one of the original Mormons. He had eleven wives, but when Utah joined the union and the church forbid polygamy, he broke with the church because he was unwilling to give up all his wives. He was excommunicated. So the story goes, he cursed the church, moved his wives here to Montana and began conjuring the black arts.”

“You mean devil worship?” asked Sierra as she tried on another hat.

“The devil, demons, whatever,” replied Jessica. “Anyway, over the years his wives disappeared one by one until, by the time he died, there were only sons and daughters left to inherit the place. We bought it from a granddaughter who said the place had passed through the ownership of several of his descendants. For one reason or another none seemed to keep it very long.”

“Do you suppose he killed them, his wives I mean?” asked Cathy.

“No one seemed to know. He became a recluse and some said he went mad, so I guess it’s possible.”

“Hey, you don’t think…” started Sierra.

“Oh no, young lady,” interrupted her mother, “I can see what you’re thinking. That was, what Mom, half a century ago?”

“At least,” smiled her mother. “Elias was dead long before Maria was even born. So no, Nancy Drew, you’ll have to keep looking to solve Maria’s disappearance.”

“How about Elias’ ghost?” giggled Sierra.

“How about you help me find that mirror?” laughed Cathy.

They made their way to the far end of the attic where a large sheet covered something which stood almost to the ceiling.

“That’s it,” said Jessica, “it’s the only thing that tall.”

Cathy grabbed one end of the sheet and pulled. As the fabric fell to the floor, the three women faced an ornate, full length mirror, the frame of which was dark mahogany with intricate scroll work cut deeply into the wood.

“Wow, it’s beautiful. This looks hand carved,” said Cathy.

“Roger said it was. We looked it up in several books on antique mirrors, but could never find anything that even came close to resembling it.”

Cathy found her eyes drifting to the mirror itself.

“The glass seems dark, almost smoky,” she said, rubbing the glass with no effect.

“Yes,” replied her mother, “Roger and I figured it must have been some defect in the silvering process. If you don’t want it…”

“No, it’s beautiful,” responded Cathy.

“I’ll trade you the mirror in my room for it,” smiled Sierra.

“No way, young lady, now help me get this thing downstairs.”

Forty-five minutes later the three stood looking at the mirror now occupying the corner in Cathy’s room which Jessica had suggested. Cathy moved closer, inspecting her image, somewhat dark but distinct.

“It’s almost like smoke somehow got trapped in the glass,” opined Cathy as her eyes traced the swirling patterns.

“Or that one-way glass they use in police stations where they can see you, but you can’t see them,” said Sierra.

“And what would you know of what is, or is not, in police stations?” quipped her mother.

“Oh Mom,” she laughed, “haven’t we seen about a thousand TV shows where they interrogate the suspect while the other officers are watching from the next room?”

“Ah, the educational benefits of technology,” smiled Jessica as Cathy inched a bit closer to her reflection.

“It’s almost like you’re seeing your reflection and looking through it at the same time,” she mused, reaching out as if to touch the glass.

“Well, remember what you told me as we were tugging that thing down here,” said Sierra. “You said you would get some sun with me for the rest of the morning.”

“So I did,” responded Cathy turning to face her daughter. “OK Kiddo, go get on your swimsuit and I’ll meet you on the deck in ten minutes. How about it Mom, join us?”

“Oh, I don’t think…”

“Oh come on. Don’t be an old stick in the mud.”

“Honey, I can’t remember the last time I had on a swim suit. I doubt if I could even find one.”

“Then here, try on one of mine. We’re about the same size,” said Cathy opening a drawer and tossing something orange, small and stringy at her mother.

“A bikini?” laughed Jessica, “I don’t think so.”

“Bet you’ll look great in in.”


“Come on Grandma, show us what a hot bod you’ve got. Mom’s always saying you’ve got a body she’d kill for.”

“Your mother exaggerates… big time!” laughed Jessica.

“Come on mom!”

“Oh, all right. But you’ve got to promise not to laugh,” smiled Jessica grasping the swimsuit and heading for the door.

“We’ll have a contest,” teased Sierra.

“What kind of contest?” asked Cathy.

“You know. See who’s got the best legs, hips, breasts.”

“Get out of here right now,” laughed Cathy as Sierra and her mother left, closing the door behind them.

Cathy rummaged through the dresser for her other bikini, one a bit more revealing than the one she had given her mother. She started to take off her blouse and jeans when, for some indefinable reason, she moved in front of the mirror. She gazed deeply into the smoky image, her eyes glazing slightly, her mind unable to focus. As she kicked off her shoes and began to unbuckle the belt to her jeans, her hands slowed, her movements became less hurried and more fluid.

Instead of hurriedly yanking off her jeans, she slipped them down inch by inch, admiring her still trim figure. Next came the shirt, Cathy holding the bra in place after unclasping it, almost as if she were teasing, putting on a show. Slowly she let the bra fall from her, her full firm breasts now free to reveal the dark aureoles and large nipples. She turned, looking at her image over her shoulder as she slowly, tantalizingly worked her panties down and off. Now nude, Cathy slowly turned to reveal her naked body to the mirror.

Cathy had always been highly sensual. Although she had taken only a handful of men to her bed, she loved the erotic feelings as well as the physical stimulation which sex gave her. She often watched pornography before masturbating, careful to keep the tapes hidden from Sierra. She now had a collection of over thirty tapes which was evenly divided between heterosexual encounters and lesbian explorations. The late evenings were her favorites, when Sierra had gone to bed. She would put in a video, watch and slowly masturbate until a particularly vivid scene on the screen would bring her crashing to climax.

She seldom masturbated during the day, unless the circumstances were quite unusual, yet she felt her fingers creep downward as her body began swaying to an unheard melody. She looked deeply into the smoky reflection and smiled, almost as if she were performing for unseen eyes, one hand cupping her breast while the other found her pubic hair. Her lips pursed and there was an audible intake of air as her finger crept through the small triangle of hair and lightly touched her labia.

Her legs parted slightly and the finger found her small mound of joy. Still she peered into the mirror, half compelled, half enraptured in the eroticism she was finding. Her whining grunt of pleasure signaled she was near orgasm, but, for some reason, she felt the compulsion to move closer to the image of the attractive blonde masturbating herself. As her finger flicked across her clitoris, she inched closer to the reflection, her half closed eyes peering into the smoky abyss. Closer, her fogged mind commanded her, closer, and so Cathy Mapleton, thirty-one year old graphic artist and mother, swayed ever nearer. As she felt the climax beginning to build, she somehow knew what she must do. She must place her body in contact with the mirror, embrace the unknown nether world which beckoned her as her body surrendered itself at the moment of orgasm.

One hand reached out as the other quickened its pace. Closer she moved, her breaths coming in short gasps and grunts. Almost there, she heard herself whisper, just a little more. Yes! here it comes!. Oh God, here it comes!”


Sierra’s voice was accompanied by a loud pounding on the door.

The reverie was broken, the orgasm retreated and was lost to her and Cathy stepped back at the last second, her mind clearing, reason returning.

“Yes, honey,” she said through the door.

“Just how long does it take to put on a bikini?” came Sierra’s teasing voice.

“I’ll… I’ll just be a minute more,” replied Cathy, hurriedly slipping on the swimsuit and starting for the door. She looked back for an instant, momentarily mesmerized by the smoke which had seemed to almost swirl around her image just moments ago.

Puzzled and still a bit breathless, she threw open the door and stood posing in the revealing combination of small, gold, satiny triangles and strings.

“Wow, that’s really hot Mom! When did you get that?”

“A couple of months ago. This is the first time I’ve had a chance to wear it.”

Sierra was wearing a bikini of her own, a bit more modest than Cathy’s.

“How about letting me borrow it?”

“We’ll see,” smiled Cathy as they descended the stairs to join Jessica on the deck.


Mirror Image – Chapter 4

“OK,” Sierra said, giggling, sitting up and reattaching her bikini top, “I have the results of the judge’s final balloting.”

“Oh and just what judge is that?” asked Cathy, smiling.

“Why me, of course.”

The three women had been sunbathing for close to two hours, all shedding the bikinis soon after lying down on the deck and all sporting deep tans. They had asked Carmine to join them, but she had declined, tending to the horses in the barn instead.

“The most beautiful legs award goes to… me!” giggled Sierra.

“No argument there,” replied Jessica. Cathy nodded in pleased agreement. Although both Jessica and Cathy were in excellent physical condition and their bodies were still trim and fit, Sierra’s long, slender, yet curvaceous legs were indeed exceptional.

“The best ass belongs to…”

“Young lady!” interrupted Cathy.

“OK, OK, the best derriere award goes to… grandma!”

“Why I’d just like to thank my mother and father and all the little people who have made this award possible,” mimicked Jessica, in an exaggerated southern accent, to smiles from her daughter and granddaughter.

“And of course,” said Sierra turning to her mother, “Mom gets the booby prize!”

All three burst out laughing.

“Oh, I’ll get you for that one!” laughed Cathy reattaching her top over her full and firm breasts.

All three began putting their swimsuits back on.

“And the prize for the prettiest face goes to Carmine,” smiled Sierra warmly as she saw the attractive Mexican enter the deck to indicate lunch was ready. Carmine smiled, embarrassed.

“She’s not joking,” opined Jessica, standing beside the housekeeper and lightly running her fingers through the jet black hair, “you’re an exceptionally beautiful young woman, Carmine.”

The Mexican looked into Jessica’s eyes for but a moment, then ducked her head and silently returned to the house.

“How about a ride this afternoon?” asked Sierra.

“Well, let’s make it a bit later on,” replied Cathy. “Mom, I’d like to use your computer, if it’s OK, to generate some resumes, maybe even post mine on the internet.”

“Of course dear, but you know what?” replied Jessica.


“Selfishly, I hope you don’t find anything. I wish you two would live with me here permanently. You could find something locally, if you really wish to work, but you know Roger left me that huge trust fund.”

“Could we Mom?” asked Cathy’s enthusiastic daughter.

“We’ll see,” said Cathy, thoughtfully, “We’ll see.”

As Cathy prepared for bed, later that night, she reconsidered her mother’s offer for she and Sierra to live on the ranch permanently. She had generated and printed her resume early in the afternoon, but had not actually mailed any copies and had not yet posted it on any of the internet job finding web sites. She was a gifted graphic designer and enjoyed her work, but she knew there was little demand for her skills in the small towns nearby.

With the handsome trust fund her grandfather had established for Jessica, she knew that money would never be an issue, but was she prepared to simply live a life of leisure? She toyed with the idea of getting back into painting, something she loved but rarely had time for anymore. And what about Sierra? Could she be happy here, so isolated from the world she had known? She could, of course, enroll in the local community college this Fall, but despite the fact that the teenager had coped with having a single parent quite well, the transition from urban to rural life would require changes with which Cathy was not sure Sierra would be happy. Yet, on the ride this afternoon, Sierra had embraced enthusiastically the idea of moving here permanently. I’ll give it some more thought, Cathy mused as she prepared for bed.

She undressed and slipped into the short teddy she enjoyed wearing. With it on, she loved the feel of the flimsy material as it rubbed across her sensitive nipples and she could easily slip her hands under it and onto her breasts. Also, the scanty, see-thru panties gave her fingers easy access to her nest any time she desired.

She glanced at the mirror but only her dim reflection met her eyes. She was a bit puzzled by what had happened this morning, her urgent need for sensual pleasure, but, putting it out of her mind, she extinguished the overhead light and crawled into bed. Her mind wandered to the television program they had watched together that evening. It had been a rather standard thriller with the ruggedly handsome mountain climber rescuing the fair damsel from the clutches of the evil villain, but she found herself picturing the hero in her mind again and now her active and sensual mind began devising a script of its own as, as his reward, the hero strips the heroine bare and ravishes her, their hungry bodies thrusting in total abandon.

Cathy’s fingers found her breast and clitoris but, strangely enough, tonight, she could not reach orgasm. She lay back, wondering if she had pushed too hard or perhaps that she was more fatigued than she had thought. Either way, she was not concerned. There was always tomorrow. She finally drifted off to sleep amid images of the hero and heroine making passionate love.

She awoke… or did she? Was she now awake or was she dreaming that she had awakened? She wasn’t sure. The small table clock/radio winked 2:37. She knew her eyes were open, otherwise she could not read the time or survey the darkened room. Or was she dreaming that her eyes were open? She peered into the darkness, straining to discern a recognizable shape. Clouds obscured the moon so no light entered her window. She tried to make out the door which led into the hall, but nothing met her eyes except the faint glow from the clock.

Unaccustomed to awakening in the middle of the night, she sat up, propping her head against the pillows. She looked from one side of the room to the other and suddenly saw it, a faint glow emanating from the corner, the same corner which the mirror now occupied. First alarmed, then puzzled and finally drawn, Cathy arose and slowly approached the glow. As she got closer, she realized the glow was radiating from the center of the mirror and was simply the brightest spot in the entire surface that was beginning to luminescence. She watched, fascinated, as the smoky surface began to swirl. For the first time she heard her name as a leaf’s flutter is carried on the wind.

“Catherine,” it whispered, drawing her closer.

Sure she was dreaming, Cathy blinked, then rubbed her eyes, but the swirling mists persisted as did the fleeting calling of her name.

“Catherine… come closer,” it said and she obeyed, stopping only about a foot from the surface, reality and dream fantasy no longer separated.

“I want you Catherine. Let me come to you.”

She felt an intangible yet urgent yearning, an imperative to do as she was bidden.

“Closer, Catherine, closer,” implored the whisper, “you must touch the glass or I cannot be with you.”

“Who… are you?” she managed to ask dreamily.

“I am everything you have ever wanted. I am your dreams come true. Touch me Catherine and I will satisfy your every desire.”

The thirty-one year old swayed slightly as if in a trance.

“You’ll… ?”

“… Give you what you want, Catherine. I will make your dreams reality.”

“… And… all I have to do is…”

“Touch the glass, Catherine. Link our worlds so I may join you and in so doing I promise your every desire shall be fulfilled.”

Cathy felt her sensual nature begin to make itself felt. She stood in front of the mirror clad only in the short teddy and panties. She still felt the sexual craving from earlier when she had been unable to satisfy herself. Her mind flashed on the handsome hero from the TV movie.

“I will send him to you Catherine, but you must reach out, you must touch.”

In her wake/dream state, she felt the need begin as her nest wet her panties and her labial lips began to swell.

“I… I…”

“You need, Catherine. You want! I can give you whatever you need, whatever you want!”

The voice was still a whisper, but becoming more insistent.

“Touch the glass, Catherine. Touch it and you’ll be satisfied as never before.

Her sexual need increasing by the moment, Cathy’s breaths were coming in gasps, her fever rising, her hips starting an almost imperceptible thrusting.

“Let him come to you Catherine. He waits to hold you in his arms.”

She whined in urgent need.

“Am… am I dreaming?” she asked.

“Touch yourself Catherine and decide for yourself if you are dreaming.”

The fingers of one hand caressed her nipple while the others found her soaking nest.

“Does that feel like a dream?” asked the voice.

“Oh God,” breathed Cathy, her body aching to be taken.

“Surrender, Catherine. You know you cannot resist what your body craves. Touch the glass and it shall be yours!”

Her hand hesitantly reached out.

“Yes, Catherine, yes!”

Her mind now focused on two things, the swirling mist of the mirror, its light growing more intense and the images of the handsome hero from the TV movie. Her fingers reached to within an inch of the mirror surface.

“You can give me that?” she asked, her mind replaying the erotic scenes she had imagined earlier.

“And more… much, much more,” came the whispered voice.

She was swaying and so whether she consciously reached the remaining distance or whether her body simply swayed her hand forward, her fingers made contact with the mirror’s surface.

To her surprise the surface was not cold and hard, but rather had a warm and gelatinous texture. Her fingers seemed to penetrate and instantly she felt other fingers entwine with her own. Startled, Cathy began to withdraw her hand, but as her eyes widened in amazement, the fingers continued to clasp her own and slowly a strong masculine hand and arm appeared, coming through the mirror from wherever or whatever lay beyond its surface. A leg began to appear and then part of the torso. She stepped back and the figure stepped through and into the room with her.

Cathy gasped to see, in the dim light, the ruggedly handsome face and muscular body of the mountain climber she had watched on TV.

“I have come for you Catherine,” he whispered and instantly she found herself dangling from the edge of a bottomless icy chasm, held only by the strong grip of the man who had saved the heroine from such a fate earlier in the evening.

“Hold on, Catherine! Hold on to me!” he implored.

She looked down to the darkness below, the height dizzying.

“Please,” she cried, “save me!”

She felt the power in his hand as his grasp tightened and slowly she was lifted upward into his arms.

In an instant they were again in her bedroom, three candles now providing romantically dim illumination as she looked into his eyes.

“I have come for my reward,” he breathed as his lips closed on hers and she surrendered her mouth to his strong tongue.

His hands slowly explored her body from hips to breasts, stopping to cup and caress her shapely globes and pinch each nipple in erotic arousal.

“I want you Catherine,” he implored.

Unable and unwilling to resist, all Cathy could utter in reply was “… Yes!”

His strong hands ripped the teddy from her. Her panties also quickly became shreds and he then swept her in his arms and carried her to the bed. She could not remember his having taken off his clothes but as he lay her back on the covers, she saw his muscular nudity and the manly shaft which stood in full erection.

He was atop her in an instant, smothering her in kisses as she felt his rock hard penis brush against her labia.

“I saved you and now I want you!” he commanded.

“Yesssssss,” she hissed as he entered her soaking nest and in two powerful thrusts was into her womb.

Her body responded to his, thrusting off the bed to meet his penetration. No longer questioning fantasy or reality, Cathy gave herself to him completely, spreading her legs wide and positioning herself to receive him completely. As the first climax began to build, she needed say nothing, he, sensing her need and adjusting rhythm and tempo to maximize her pleasure. Unable to contain herself any longer, Cathy Mapleton experienced a series of monstrous multiple orgasms which left her gasping. Yet his thrusts continued and her body responded as it had never done before.

Within seconds she experienced both clitoral and vaginal orgasms, leaving her screaming in mindless ecstasy, yet no sound escaped the room, sound which might have awakened and alerted others.

Whines became groans which became grunts which became screams. Cathy’s body rebounded from one erotic explosion to another and while her partner never tired, never lost rhythm or enthusiasm or erection, despite filling her full of semen on a half dozen occasions, Cathy’s body began to fatigue as the repeated orgasms drained her both mentally and physically.

“Enough, I can’t take any more,” she whined at last, her body continuing to shiver as the last climax subsided.

The thought of drifting off to sleep as her lover held and filled her had no sooner entered her mind until her lover gently rolled her over onto her side, away from him, his arms coming around from the back and caressing both breasts as she felt his never ending erection slip into her. As she lay in total contentment, Cathy felt his member swell to completely fill her vagina and womb. Never had she felt such satisfaction, such satiation and never had she felt a penis fill her as she was now filled.

“If you want more, I will know and give it to you,” he whispered as her eyes closed and a smile spread across her lovely face.

“Yes, I know,” she whispered. Cathy felt his hands close comfortably on her breasts and nipples, her breathing became deeper and the exhausted woman drifted off.

Mirror Image – Chapter 5

Cathy’s eyes snapped open and she sat bolt upright in the otherwise empty bed. Sunlight was streaming through the window. The clock read 9:45. She hadn’t slept that late in years. But her mind was on last night and the exciting sexual odyssey which, even this morning seemed so vivid, so real. It was a dream, wasn’t it? she asked herself. She glanced at the mirror, but the surface, though dark, was cold and hard once again.

Cathy realized she was naked, but that, in itself, proved nothing. She sometimes slept in the nude. Her eyes cast downward onto the shredded pieces of what once had been her teddy and panties.

She gasped, remembering how her lover had ripped them from her. Could she have torn them from herself, she wondered, perhaps in the throes of a vivid fantasy/dream? Almost having convinced herself that was the case, she smiled, telling herself she must have more dreams like that one.

Throwing back the covers, Cathy threw on a dressing gown and started for the bathroom. After only a few steps however, she stopped short, her eyes widening as she felt the fluid from her nest oozing down her legs. Collecting some with her fingers, she examined it, expecting a feminine discharge, but what met her eyes, fingers and sense of smell was the unmistakable texture and odor of…”

MY GOD! her mind shrieked, IT WAS REAL! But how? Why? Did he really come through the mirror?

She whirled to look at the silvered surface, but only her own image stared back. As she walked toward her reflection, her mind was a jumble of confusion, excitement and fear. What really happened last night, she pondered as she touched the hard surface. But the hazy glass was still, cold and hard and only her own reflection met her eye.

She jumped at the loud knock on the bedroom door.

“Hey, lazy bones, are you going to sleep all day?”

It was Sierra.

“Getting up right this minute,” she shouted back, tying the sash of her robe and hurrying from the room.

As the four women sat around the evening dinner table, Cathy’s mind kept flashing back to last night. Puzzled, yet excited, she was impatient for the evening to be over so she could return to her room and the mirror. Would it happen again? Could she somehow summon her spectral lover for another romantic/erotic tryst? So engrossed in her own thoughts was she, that Cathy was hardly aware that Sierra had turned the conversation to her now favorite topic, boys.

“Are there some good looking boys here Grandma?”

“Nope. Sorry, they’re all as ugly as mud fences,” teased Jessica.

“Oh, come on now Grandma. Surely there’s one who would have pity on me and take me on a date… when I turn a hundred and ten, because that’s how old I’ll be before Mom gives her OK.”

“Hummm, what’s that about dating?” Cathy joined in, breaking her private reverie.

“Dates, Mom. You know, boys and girls, going out together… alone!”

“Well it’s that alone business that scares me. Honey, you know I trust you, it’s just…”

“Yeah, I know. We’ve been over this again and again. But Mom, not every guy is out there just waiting to rape me.”

“I know, honey, I know. But when the day comes, I want your first time to be special. I want it to be with whom you want and how you want and for all the right reasons.”

“How about you Grandma? What was your first time like?” asked Sierra, turning to Jessica.

“Sierra!” cried Cathy, shocked by her daughter’s frankness.

“No, it’s all right,” responded Jessica, “maybe she needs to know. Sometimes we parental figures can teach best by horrible example.”

“What do you mean Grandma?”

“Honey, there was absolutely nothing special about my first time. I was a senior in high school. Three other girls and I were invited to a fraternity party at the college near where we lived. I lied to Mom and Dad, who I knew would never have let me go and told them we were going to the movies. The four of us showed up at the frat house only to find four fraternity brothers and no party. They said we’d have our own party. There was some drinking and necking and finally the boys suggested we play strip poker there on the floor in the front room of the frat house.

They assured us the other brothers had been warned off and the house was theirs for the evening. Either the other girls had some experience at playing poker or else I just had a run of bad luck. Either way, they still had most of their clothes on while I was quickly down to bra and panties. The boys suggested we play the next hand double or nothing. If I won I got to put all my clothes back on, but if I lost I had to strip naked. Like an idiot I agreed and then lost badly.

I was ready to pick up and leave, but my girlfriends chided me into it. I took off everything. Needless to say I was absolutely mortified as my girlfriends giggled and the boys eyes nearly popped out. Then my girlfriends suggested one more hand. If I won, I could dress and we would leave, but a losing hand meant the boys could draw straws for who got to take my virginity.”

Sierra’s eyes widened as Jessica continued.

“Foolishly I agreed, but when I lost again, I really didn’t think anyone was serious about me going through with it. When the boys started to play “high card”, I got up and started to dress, but my girlfriends shamed me into staying and paying my bet. A boy with wavy brown hair won and so, with my girl friends and three other fraternity brothers watching, I lost my virginity on the floor of a fraternity house to a boy whose name I didn’t even know. I cried for three days, not so much for losing my virginity, but to think I gave it away so cheaply. Luckily, I didn’t get pregnant and I met your grandfather a short time later. We were married as soon as I graduated. Your Mama was born nine months later.”

“So it turned out OK,” opined Sierra.

“In the sense that your Grandpa and I were very happy together for twenty-two years, but the one regret I have is that I couldn’t give him a virgin on our wedding night.”

“Is that story really true?” asked the teenager.

“Absolutely,” replied Jessica.

“OK, lesson taught and learned,” said Sierra.

“I hope so,” chimed in Cathy, “now let’s get these dishes washed.”

The evening hours had seemed to crawl by for Cathy as she impatiently waited until the earliest possible moment she could feign sleepiness and proclaim it bedtime. The others chided her kiddingly as she excused herself and tried not to rush up the stairs to her room. She quickly undressed, turned off the lights and stood naked before the mirror. Only moments later the misty surface began to swirl and glow. She waited, her mind picturing the handsome and rugged figure from the previous evening.

“Catherine,” came the same low voice.

“Yes, Yes, I’m here,” she cried softly.

“I am here for you if that is what you want.”

“Yes! Please!” she implored.

The same figure as before stepped slowly through the glass.

“I… don’t have to touch the glass?” she asked.

“Not any more,” replied the handsome lover. “Once the link is established I can visit you whenever you want. All you need do is wish it so, either aloud or in your mind.”

“Then I wish for another night just like last night.”

Instantly she was in his arms, within seconds on the bed and within a heartbeat he was filling her. Her orgasms were, if anything, even more intense than the night before, Cathy screaming with ecstasy as her body convulsed with pleasure, knowing that no one else could hear. Again she was sated to near exhaustion.

“My God,” she cried, “can you be this good every night?”

“Of course Catherine, I can be anything or anyone you want, real or imaginary”

“You mean you can become someone else?”

“Of course. Who and what I am is determined by your thoughts, your desires, your wishes.”

“You mean you could change into someone else right now if I simply wanted you to?”

“Go ahead try it. Picture someone in your mind.”

“Man or woman?” she asked, the latest syndicated episode of her favorite feminine TV adventure series flashing through her mind.

“Whatever you desire,” he answered.

She closed her eyes and conjured the beautiful blonde woman in her mind. She created a scenario in which she, Cathy, would assume the role of the heroine who had just rescued her companion from certain death.

The voice which came to her was soft, feminine and unmistakable.

“Xena, I owe you my life. How can I ever repay you?”

Cathy opened her eyes and beheld by candlelight the lovely face, expressive eyes and sensuous lips of the woman Cathy had found even more fascinating than the lead character.

“I think you’ll find a way, Gabrielle,” whispered Cathy, pulling back the sheets to reveal her nudity and accepting the warm lips and inventive tongue of the beautiful woman.

“Here, here is where I want your kisses,” crooned Cathy as her hands gently led the woman’s face to her nest. Cathy had had a brief lesbian affair in college, but the woman between her legs at this moment made her previous lover seem inexperienced and crude by comparison.

“Yes, Gabrielle, yes, I’m coming!” she moaned, and in her mind and her bed, the tender lips of her companion kissed her to climax and drank deeply of her precious orgasmic juices. The two women feasted on each other’s bodies until the early morning hours when, again, Cathy slept in the arms of her lover only to awaken alone the next morning.

Cathy wondered how such erotic delights were possible, but as, each night, she was swept into the arms of a new lover, she feared questioning her good fortune, concerned that too much analysis might in some way corrupt or even destroy the good fortune she was enjoying. Over the next two weeks the thirty-one year old sampled the romantic, sensuous and carnal favors of many of the leading men and women of Hollywood and Television. She was becoming more inventive in terms of the scenarios she thought up to accompany her sexual trysts. One night, two weeks after her first sexual adventure with the mirror, she stood in front of it and its swirling glow.

“Catherine,” came the whispered voice.

“I’m here,” she answered.

“I, of course, will give you whatever experience you desire. So far, you have always chosen sensual pleasure.”

“Is that so bad?” she asked of the voice.

“Not at all, and if you so desire it can continue, but you should be aware that other experiences are also possible.”

“What kinds of experiences?” she asked.

“Those involving other emotions.”

“What do you mean?”

“An example: think of someone who has wronged you, hurt you deeply.”

Cathy did not have to search far in her mind to provide a name.

“Janice Wong,” came the voice, “You detest her.”

“That might not be a strong enough word,” smirked Cathy.

“Would you like revenge?”


“Just will it and that too is possible, just as your sexual needs have been met.”

“She won’t really be hurt? I mean the real Janice Wong?”

“The reality exists in this room but nowhere else. Simply picture in your mind what retribution you desire.”

OK, here’s what I want, she thought. Instantly she stood in leather corset and spike heels as Janice Wong knelt at her feet in chains, hands behind her back. Janice had been Cathy’s superior at the company from which Cathy had been let go. Twice Janice had copped Cathy’s work calling it her own and had dressed Cathy down in front of company executives.

Finally, Janice had recommended that Cathy be released while keeping a younger male graphic artist, Jim, whose work was vastly inferior to Cathy’s. Cathy knew the reason; Janice was bedding down the young man on a regular basis, so when someone had to go, it was the woman by whom she felt threatened professionally and who was the wrong sex to satisfy a straight woman’s sexual needs. Janice had somehow found out that Cathy was bisexual and had spread embarrassing rumors. Cathy had come to hate the woman long before she had been given the axe, but had never confronted her. Now was her chance, at least in her world of fantasy.

“Hello Janice,” sneered Cathy, already savoring the fear in the older woman’s eyes.

“Why am I here?” asked the Asian, pleadingly.

“Oh, I think you know why. The question is what am I going to do to you?” smiled Cathy cracking the whip she found in her hand.

“Please Cathy, I can explain.”

“No you can’t, Janice, because any explanation would be pure BS. You screwed Jim and you screwed me over!”

“No, please!” There was real fear in the woman’s eyes now.

“Now you pay the piper,” said Cathy matter of fact as she shoved the woman across a foot stool which suddenly materialized. Cathy ripped away the woman’s blouse and bra, baring her back. The air was electric with the crack of leather on flesh, Janice’s piercing scream splitting the air yet reaching no further than the walls of the room.

“Whose design for the Jennings logo was it that you took credit for, Janice?”

The whip cracked again and a large angry red welt appeared on the woman’s back as she squirmed in agony.

“Yours! Yours! It was your design! I used your design and called it mine,” cried the woman.

“And the United layout?” sneered Cathy as the whip brought blood.

“Yours! I admit it. I took it and turned it in as my own design. Please no more!”

“No more? Why Janice, I’m just getting started!”

Three more lashes and blood trickled from the woman’s back, dripping to the floor. The former superior was crying now between lashes, each of which brought screams of agony and her pleadings for mercy, pleadings which fell on deaf ears. Cathy’s thoughts made the whip tear away the woman’s slacks and panties as well. The naked Asian, still bound, lay at her mercy. A single thought and the middle of the foot stool suddenly rose several inches, raising Janice’s buttocks while her head and wrists remained against the floor. Her nest and anus now fully exposed, Cathy began strapping on the dildo which she suddenly found in her hand. The monstrous sixteen inch shaft”s girth was as large as Cathy’s arm. Janice looked back to see Cathy approaching, a broad smirk of satisfaction filling her face.

“No! Please, you can’t do this!” begged her former boss.

“Not only can, Janice, but notice, I’m doing it!” cried Cathy as she rammed the artificial phallus deep into the woman’s unprepared, dry vagina.

The shriek was piercing and continued as Cathy continued to penetrate the helpless woman, thrusting with powerful strokes which few men, in reality, could match.

“That’s it, Janice, stretch wide! Let me get it all in!”

“Noooooooo!” screamed Janice as Cathy continued to bury the dimpled, hard rubber shaft inside her victim.

The black haired woman was sobbing between grunts caused by the artificial phallus as Cathy drove it deeper and deeper.

“Ughhhhhhhhh,” moaned Janice as Cathy felt her pubic hair make contact with Janice’s cheeks, an indication the shaft was completely within the petite woman.

“Now for something interesting, Janice,” smiled Cathy, remembering how her first lover had entered her and then swelled in volume to fill her vagina and womb completely.

“What… What are you doing?” screamed the attractive almond eyed woman as the phallus inside her began to swell.

“Just going to leave you with a permanent reminder of the occasion,” Cathy grinned.

The phallus continued to grow, first completely filling and then stretching the woman’s vaginal opening to unbelievable size. A mere thought from Cathy and the dildo reduced in size and withdrew, but the opening in Janice’s vagina was large enough to accommodate a soda can with room to spare. Unlike a real vagina, the opening remained, as large and gaping as when the dildo had been swelled to its maximum.

“See how Jim likes it now, Janice. See if any man can get any satisfaction. And what are you going to tell them Janice? How will you explain a hole big enough to swallow a fifteen pound sausage?”

The woman was in tears as a small mirror materialized and Janice saw the gaping orifice.

“So that’s for stealing my ideas Janice and this is for always making me look bad when the executives were around!”

Although it seemed impossible, the blood curdling scream from the bound woman was even more intense than before as Cathy buried the dildo in her anus with a single massive thrust.

“Just so you don’t get any ideas about pleasuring Jim any other way,” smiled Cathy as again the phallus swelled and again Janice was left with a cavernous tunnel where only moments ago her anus had been so small and tight.

“And this, Janice, is for firing me so you could continue to screw Jimmy boy!”

The dildo disappeared and Janice was suddenly on her back on the bed. Leather bindings leaped out from each bedpost to grab and hold feet and hands as Cathy approached, discarding her corset, Janice seeing her nude body as she climbed onto the hapless woman and straddled her head.

“But… but I’m straight! wailed Janice as Cathy pulled her by the hair and the Asian’s lips neared her own vagina.

“I know!” smiled Cathy viciously yanking the woman’s mouth onto her labial lips.

“Now suck me, Janice!” commanded Cathy, as she began grinding her nest onto the woman’s mouth. Janice resisted at first, but when Cathy grabbed each nipple and pinched viciously with her fingernails, the woman’s mouth opened and she began to give Cathy what she wanted.

“Yes, Janice, that’s it. Now flick your tongue across my clit. Yes, just like that!”

She rode the woman’s mouth unmercifully, at last nearing climax.

“I’m coming Janice, coming in your mouth!” she cried as she pictured herself discharging volumes of vaginal juices into the Asian’s mouth.

“Swallow, bitch!” she commanded and it was so, Janice gagging as she obeyed.

Cathy climbed off and surveyed her work.

“Just one last touch. So there is no possible way you can ever pleasure a man and to prevent you from spreading any more vicious rumors about anyone!”

A wave of Cathy’s hand and Janice’s mouth disappeared. Where there had been lips and mouth there was now an uninterrupted area of skin from nose to chin. Cathy grinned as she noticed the abject terror in her captive’s eyes.

“And the piece de resistance,” said Cathy with a smirk and instantly she was looking into the busy corporate offices of the company from which she had been fired. As men and women busily moved about, Janice, totally nude and in her now altered physiological condition suddenly appeared right in the the middle of the office. As startled employees first stared and then laughed, the mortified, now mute woman ran from their midst as fast as her modified lower body would allow.

“And this is all in my mind,” Cathy turned and asked the mirror.

“Your mind makes it reality, but only here,” the voice answered.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“My name is unpronounceable to you, but you may call me Dahlgrin.”

“Where do you come from, Dahlgrin?”

“From the place where the most hidden recesses of the mind and soul reside. Where your dreams and nightmares are one. Where torment and pleasure cannot be separated.”

“You’re… ?

“No, not the Emperor of Evil. I am his bidder.”

“A demon?”

“If you wish to call me that. I give you what you want and in return I exact a price.”

“What price?”

“I thought that might be obvious.”

“You want my soul?”

“Perhaps, but not necessarily.”

Cathy’s mind suddenly clicked.

“Did you claim Elias Young?”

“Very perceptive. Yes, he resides on this side now, the price he paid to maintain his… lifestyle.”

“What happened to his wives?”

“Questions, questions. Oh all right. He bought more time by sacrificing them to me. When he exhausted his supply of wives, he refused to give me more so I took him.”

“You mean… ?”

“Yes, Catherine. For the last two weeks you have lived your every dream. I have made your every fantasy come true. Now it is time. Just as you hunger, so do I. Just as Elias took many wives, I do the same. BRING ME A BRIDE CATHERINE!”

“I don’t understand.”

“Come, come now, it’s quite simple. Bring me a sow to satisfy me and I will not only allow you to live, but I will continue to visit you each night and afford you any pleasure your mind can conjure.”

“You mean I have to bring you a… a sacrifice?”

“If you wish to be so dramatic. It simply amounts to a straight transaction. You give me what I want, I give you what you want.”

“But what will happen to…”

“Is none of your affair. You deliver the woman to the mirror, I will do the rest.”

“But what you’re asking is…”


“And what if I refuse?”

“Then I take you instead. You wonder what happened to Maria?

“You took her?”

“Yes, she discovered my world the same as you. When I asked for a bride in return, she refused, so I took her instead.”

“But she was a wife and a mother.”

“She was a sow who fornicated with horses!”

“What? asked Cathy, astonished.

“Your dear sweet mother seduced her and turned her into a sexual slave. Jessica eventually introduced her to the stables where she would watch and masturbate as the stallions reamed the Mexican whore.”

“You’re lying, my mother would never…”

“Oh no? Just why do you think Carmine remains mute? You know there is no physical reason. She will not speak because her mother bound her to silence.”


“Carmine discovered Maria and Jessica in the stables one day. To keep her quiet, her own mother gave the girl to a stallion, then swore her to silence. The girl has taken the oath of silence quite literally and hasn’t spoken since.”

“I don’t believe a word of…”

“Search deep within yourself Catherine, you know it’s true.”

It was true, her instincts were screaming at her.

“You… you must be playing with my mind, deceiving me.”

“Think so? Then just watch the stables when your mother and Carmine think they’re alone.”

“You mean… ?”

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, now does it Catherine?”

Cathy’s mind boggled. She couldn’t believe, did not want to believe what this voice, this Dahlgrin, was saying. The consequences were simply too monstrous.

“I don’t believe you. I won’t!”

“Regardless, you will bring me a sow.”

“No, I won’t!”

“Yes you will. You’ve tasted the pleasures I can bring you. If you really wanted to say no, you would throw a cover over the glass and store the mirror away or, better yet, destroy it. But you won’t Catherine, because your own erotic desires are too strong. You’ve tasted the forbidden fruit and, like an addict, you will keep coming back for more.”

“No, I… I won’t!” she cried turning to run to the door.

She grabbed a robe and ran into the hall, but as the door was closing came the voice.

“The stables, Catherine.”

She closed the door, shivered and hurried downstairs to sleep on the couch, but as hard as she tried, Cathy could not take her mind off either the horrendous story she had heard or her longing for sexual fulfillment. She tried masturbating, but could not even achieve climax, the sexual adventures of the past two weeks making any other experience unstimulating and insignificant by comparison. Cathy tossed and turned, unable to sleep because of the information she now possessed and the intense longing for erotic pleasure which only worsened as the hours crept by.

Chapter 6

Posted: February 29, 2004 – 05:55:05 pm

“Mom, you OK?”

The voice was Sierra’s, awakening Cathy. She had not fallen asleep until the first rays of sun were filtering through the windows. Jessica also stood nearby looking on with concern.

“Uh, oh sure, I’m all right. I woke up last night with a headache and came down for some aspirin,” she lied. “I guess I fell asleep waiting for the medicine to kick in.”

“You look like hell,” said Sierra.

“Well, thanks a lot,” smiled Cathy wearily, “I’ll try to return the compliment as soon as I get the chance.”

Cathy arose and looked at her reflection in the hallway mirror. Sierra was right. There were dark circles under her bloodshot eyes, her hair was a mess and she felt terrible. She knew Dahlgrin was right on at least one count. She had become addicted to the pleasures of the flesh he afforded her. She had ached all night to be held, to be entered, to climax, and all had been denied her. She recognized that what lay in the mirror was evil and what Dahlgrin was asking was unthinkable, yet how could she live another night without the men and women who visited her bed whenever she wanted and satisfied her in ways she never knew existed?

She dragged herself into the shower which helped. A good breakfast cooked up by Carmine also gave her some strength, but the kind of strength she needed now had to come from within and she was not at all sure she could resist the mirror’s allure.

“Remember we’re going to the movies this afternoon. You said we could drive into Benton,” reminded Sierra.

“Oh, yeah, right you are,” replied Cathy. “What time does it start?”

“Two p.m.”

“OK, let me get some more coffee into me. Would you two like to come with us?” she asked of Jessica and Carmine.

The lovely Mexican shook her head negatively.

“No, I think I’ll stick around here as well. Perhaps next time,” said Jessica.

Cathy thought she caught a look between the two, but couldn’t be sure, however it was enough to raise a suspicion. Surely there was nothing between her mother and the beautiful twenty-two year old. The idea seemed preposterous. Yet, Jessica was a youthful and attractive forty-seven, and who knew what years of living alone with a woman as sensuous as Carmine could produce in the way of a relationship. Cathy had never considered the possibility that her mother might be gay, but even if it were true, the story Dahlgrin had told her was beyond the limits of credibility… wasn’t it? She shook her head to clear the images which began to appear, images of a young woman and a horse.

“Tell you what,” she said to Sierra,” let’s get ready and go in a bit early. We’ll do a little exploring and maybe a little shopping. That is, if you don’t mind being seen with someone who looks like hell.”

“Oh mom,” laughed the teenager, running up the stairs to get ready.

“Butter?” asked the girl behind the concession stand as she filled the tub with popcorn.

“Guess not,” replied Sierra teasingly, “someone in the family has to watch her calories.”

“Watch it Kiddo or you’ll be watching this movie from the parking lot,” laughed Cathy.

More uncertain than ever about her mother and Carmine, Cathy had again seen the two women exchange a glance as she and Sierra were leaving. Maybe it meant nothing, then again…

She noticed two girls about Sierra’s age strike up an animated conversation with her daughter. They seemed to be suggesting something about which Sierra seemed uncertain.

“Mom, this is Jackie and Rachel. They were sort of wondering…”

“If you would sit with them in the movie,” Cathy finished it for her.

“Please Ms. Mapleton,” pleaded one of the girls. “We are all going to be starting college this fall and…”

“And so you girls want to have a chance to get to know each other,” Cathy again finished the sentence.

“See, I told you she was psychic,” grinned Sierra.

“OK, I’ll be back to get you at four.”

“Aren’t you staying for the movie?”

“Not this time. I think I’ll explore a few more of the shops here in town. See you at four… and Sierra.”

“Yeah, I know, no frat parties,” she said smiling.

“Now who’s reading who’s mind?” asked Cathy as she handed them the popcorn and left.

She sat in the car for several minutes trying to convince herself she shouldn’t drive back to the ranch. It was spying. It was an invasion of her mother’s and Carmine’s privacy, yet a compulsion gripped her. She must find out if Dahlgrin was lying. She would be discrete, no one ever had to know. Besides, perhaps by proving Dahlgrin a liar she could somehow find the strength to resist him and the world of sexual fantasy he offered.

The drive back to the ranch took only twenty-five minutes. She parked the car down the lane and decided to walk the remaining hundred yards. Cathy felt guilty for sneaking around on her mother and Carmine, but somehow, for some reason, something inside her drove her on.

She started toward the house but was distracted by the neighing of a horse. The sound had come from the barn. Cathy found herself drawn to the structure by perverse curiosity. She heard a different noise now as she approached the large barn door. A series of slapping noises greeted her as she tried to peer inside. Seeing nothing in the interior darkness, she slipped inside the door which was already ajar.

Cathy froze as Jessica’s voice came to her from the far end of the barn where the horses were stabled.

“You’ve been bad Carmine and you know what I do when you’ve been bad.”

There were two more slapping noises as Cathy crouched behind some hay bales, her eyes becoming accustomed to the dim light.

She almost gasped at what she saw. Carmine, her hands tied together and strung to an overhead beam, stood naked as Jessica, standing nearby, wielded a leather whip. There was fear in the girl’s eyes, Cathy noted, but also something else, even stronger… acceptance and desire.

Jessica brought the whip across the young woman’s buttocks.

“You must be disciplined, Carmine. Like your mother, you are beautiful but willful. You must learn to obey. Do you understand?”

There was an affirmative nod from the lovely Mexican.

“I discipline you because I love you, but if you are to be loved you must learn to take the whip.”

Jessica brought the whip across the young woman’s back this time, raising an angry welt. Carmine’s flesh quivered, Cathy couldn’t be sure whether from pain or masochistic pleasure. The young woman whimpered but did not scream.

“Thunderbolt needs a mare to breed, Carmine. Are you ready to be bred?”

The Mexican looked into Jessica’s eyes in supplication, tears running down her cheeks.

“Yes, I know there is great pain, but there is intense pleasure as well my little philly. Take him or I shall have to discipline you even more.”

Again the look of pleading, but Cathy could not be sure for what, the whip or the stallion.

Jessica spun the girl around to face her. Three lashes across her breasts and Carmine was moaning in real agony.

“Will you take him?” asked Jessica.

Carmine looked once more into Jessica’s eyes, beseeching, loving.

Five more times the whip lashed her breasts as the dark haired beauty writhed under its stinging tentacle.

“Will you take him?” Jessica demanded.

Still no response from Carmine so the whip again did its work, this time across her pubic area. Cathy could tell the blows were painful but calculated to bring only momentary pain and not any permanent disfigurement. Cathy realized she was watching a ritual between dominitrix and masochistic slave.

“You must know your place Carmine. You must do whatever I ask of you.”

The Mexican looked into the older woman’s eyes. Cathy saw nothing but obedient love.

“Will you take him, Carmine?” asked Jessica, dropping the whip and kissing the girl deeply.

This time there was an affirmative nod.

Jessica untied her willing slave and led her to the other side of the barn. Cathy had to move quietly into a stall to see what came next.

A padded rail extended across an unused stall opening four feet from the ground. Carmine was bent over this rail exposing her nest and anus. Her wrists were brought down to her ankles and tied with leather straps. Cathy ducked back to avoid being detected as Jessica walked to a stall in the middle of the barn and led a magnificent palomino stallion toward the girl. The horse whinnied in expectation. Obviously, he had had this human mare before. Cathy noticed, for the first time, a second rail located two or three feet inside the stall and perhaps six to seven feet high. It ran parallel to the first rail and was also padded.

“Show him you want him, Carmine. You know how,” Jessica ordered.

The young woman shook her buttocks. This caught the eye of the stallion which approached, sniffing at the young woman’s vagina and anus. The horse neighed and stomped the ground with anticipation.

“You see my sweet, you have become his favorite mare. Perhaps it’s because you’re so pretty or, perhaps because to him you’re still so tight and satisfying even though you’re stretched far too wide now to ever pleasure a man.”

The horse again stomped the ground impatiently.

“Are you ready dear?” asked Jessica.

Her head now upside down, hair hanging down on the stall floor, the beautiful Mexican closed her eyes and nodded in the affirmative.

“Up boy!” shouted Jessica as the stallion reared onto his hind feet, his fore legs reaching and resting on the padded rail overhead.

Cathy almost gasped at the size of the equine lance. It made the dildo she had used on Janice in her fantasy look insignificant by comparison. Cathy saw, however, that Jessica was no sadist. She clamped a donut looking ring around the stallion’s erection ensuring that he could bury no more than fifteen to sixteen inches in his “mare”. Jessica fingered the young woman until Carmine was soaking and as ready as she would ever be, then stroked the huge cock to heighten the stallion’s desire even more.

“Ready darling?” Jessica asked.

Carmine nodded.

“Take her boy!” she cried, guiding the huge penis head to Carmine’s vagina.

Carmine grunted loudly as Thunderbolt took his mare, burying himself in her as far as the ring would allow. Cathy could hardly believe her eyes as she saw the monstrous penis disappear into the young woman.

“Now fuck him, Carmine, fuck him!” urged Jessica.

As the girl began to respond by thrusting herself against the muscular humping of the horse, Cathy saw Jessica unzip her jeans and her hand find her own mound of joy. Cathy looked down to find that unconsciously her own hand had sought and found her own nest, her panties now soaked.

She continued to watch as Jessica urged the Mexican to greater efforts to pleasure the stallion. As the pace and rhythm of the horse increased, so did Jessica’s and Cathy’s fingers. Cathy could see Carmine’s face and realized the expression was gradually changing from pain to perverse pleasure. The woman needed no urging now as she met each of Thunderbolt’s thrusts with one of her own, her breathing becoming ragged, her grunts now mixed with the whines of a woman whose orgasm is beginning to build.

Jessica could stand no more. She discarded jeans and panties and moved to face Carmine, lifting the woman’s head to the level of her crotch.

“Kiss me my darling, kiss me!” she commanded/begged.

Carmine’s tongue reached out and found Jessica’s labial lips, Jessica grasping the long black hair and moving forward while pulling Carmine’s head and therefore the warm and willing tongue deeper into her.

“Yes, my darling, yes! I’m coming to you!” cried Jessica as Cathy could no longer contain herself either. Jessica’s body shook as she held Carmine’s mouth to her own nest, a low moan of pleasure, luckily, drowning out the slight grunt which befell Cathy’s lips as her own climax rolled over her.

Cathy recovered in time to see the young Mexican whinny loudly as a mare might do in response to receiving nearly a quart of semen. Carmine and the horse had orgasmed simultaneously, the girls’s eyes rolling back in her head as her body shook violently and her body fell limp as she could no longer contain the pain/pleasure combination and fainted. Her womb was far too small to accommodate the volume of semen Thunderbolt had just donated. It gushed from her as he withdrew, spilling down her beautiful bronze legs. The horse quickly dismounted and Jessica, herself still breathing rapidly, led him back to his stall.

Cathy watched in fascination as her mother dressed, lovingly untied the unconscious woman and with a surprising show of strength lifted Carmine in her arms and carried her to a fresh pile of hay where she gently laid her naked love slave and began kissing her back to consciousness. Within seconds Carmine was returning the kisses passionately. Jessica’s hand came up to cup a breast while her other hand played through the long shiny hair as the lovers lay together.

“Sixteen inches, Carmine. Your mother could never take more than that. Perhaps next time we can try a bit more. Would you like that?”

The Mexican looked into the eyes of the woman she obviously adored and nodded enthusiastically. The two kissed again, gently, romantically.

“Carmine, you’re so much more beautiful than your mother and you take the stallions with so much more enthusiasm. Your mother liked the feel of a stallion inside her but you, Carmine, there are times when I feel you don’t want me to use the ring at all.”

The brown eyed beauty motioned to the stallion, then to her nest, then to Jessica.

“I know, my darling Carmine, for me, you would take all of him, but he is far too large. It is exquisite to see your pain as he enters you, but you know I love you and would never want to see you injured.”

Jessica kissed the woman again, this time passionately.

“Come to my room tonight. I promise I have something long and hard with which I shall fill that wet nest of yours.”

Carmine smiled and they embraced and began kissing each other hungrily.

Cathy took advantage of the moment to slip, unseen, from the barn and return to her car. As she drove back to town to pick up her daughter, Cathy Middleton’s mind raced to consider what she seen today and the possibilities of how she could satisfy Dahlgrin’s demands while maintaining her own nightly sexual feasts.


Mirror Image – Chapter 7

“But you’re asking me to…”

“I am not asking, Catherine. You will give me what I want. If you don’t I will take you instead.”

Cathy stood gazing into the glow of the mirror. What she had seen today had aroused and created an even greater need in her for satiation. As soon as the sun had gone down, Cathy had feigned a headache and retired to her bedroom where Dahlgrin had delivered on his promise never to leave her unsatisfied. Now she stood facing the mirror, considering the unthinkable.

“But who? How?” she asked.

“The particular sow doesn’t matter. Age or race makes no difference. But no tricks Catherine. No emaciated terminal cancer patients.I want an attractive woman for my bride.”

“What will you do to her?”

“That is none of your affair. Just get me the woman. Bring her here. I will do the rest.”

“I just don’t know. This afternoon, before I picked up Sierra at the movies, I actually approached a young woman at the supermarket, struck up a conversation, invited her here for dinner, but she refused. I think she knew I was pushing. This may take time.”

“No it will not,” the voice from the mirror answered, “you will bring me a woman tomorrow night.”

“Tomorrow night? But how can I meet someone and entice her here in just a day’s time? Aside from that woman today, I haven’t even met anyone in town. How…”

“Why look so far?” he asked.

Cathy’s eyes widened in disbelief.”

“You can’t mean… ?”

“Why not? The Mexican sow will do nicely.”

“But Carmine is in love with…”

“She fucks horses, Catherine. Bring her to me… tomorrow.”


“I said bring her to me. Do it or I will take you. Are you that anxious to find out what it’s like on this side of the glass?”

Cathy heard the controlled rage in the voice. She knew she could not deny him, her own desires were too strong for continuing her nightly sexual marathons and she felt fear, fear of who or what lay on the other side of the silvered surface and what fate the woman chosen as Dahlgrin’s bride faced. She felt no malice toward Carmine, in fact after today, she realized how alike she and her mother were. She had enjoyed seeing the woman taken by the stallion, enjoyed her pain and shared her orgasm. Under different conditions, she would like to share the young woman with her mother.

Cathy had never explored sadomasochism, but today’s brief introduction had excited her as even her collection of video tapes could not. She had enjoyed it and she had enjoyed imagining herself in Jessica’s role, the girl her slave to do with as she pleased. But now she was being asked to sacrifice the girl, to forfeit her life to Dahlgrin forever. Cathy searched for a means to justify what she was being asked to do. Perhaps, she thought, Dahlgrin would pleasure Carmine as he pleasured her, providing her with endless nights of sexual satisfaction.

Perhaps he would come to her as a magnificent stallion, reaming her as no earthly steed could. After all, she was to be his bride and he certainly had the power to give her any kind of happiness she desired. Perhaps Carmine would find greater happiness with Dahlgrin than she ever had with Jessica. Cathy knew she was rationalizing, but what choice did she have. She had to provide Dahlgrin with a bride by tomorrow night. Jessica and Sierra were out of the question. That left only Carmine, lovely Carmine, who spreads herself and enjoys being reamed by horses.

Yes, thought Cathy, I have no other choice. It must be Carmine.

The next afternoon afforded Cathy the opportunity she needed. Jessica had asked Sierra to go into town with her for some shopping. Benton was too small to have a mall, but there was a small shopping center and what teenage girl could pass up such an opportunity. So, as soon as the car disappeared, Cathy looked for Carmine. Finding her in the kitchen brewing some iced tea, Cathy sat down at the table.

“Carmine, come sit with me. There’s something I want to talk over with you.”

The young woman quietly obeyed.

“Carmine, I saw what happened in the barn yesterday.”

The other woman’s eyes grew large, first in surprise, then fright.

“It’s all right. Your secret is safe with me, but you realize that for allowing a stallion to ream you like you did, you must be disciplined.”

The Mexican’s eyes met Cathy’s for but a moment, then dropped. She nodded her head affirmatively in resignation.

“You will come to my room tonight at midnight and Carmine…”

The woman looked into Cathy’s eyes.

“… you will bring what is needed for me to discipline you, understood?”

The younger woman again nodded.

Cathy rose and stood over the woman.

“Don’t be late!” Cathy commanded as she leaned down and lightly kissed Carmine’s warm, sweet lips.

The beautiful Mexican shook her head vigorously in affirmation, anticipation beginning to build in both women.

“Oh and Carmine,” said Cathy pausing at the door and smiling coyly, “wear something revealing, something I can get off of you easily.”

Again there was an affirmative and enthusiastic nod.

Cathy left the room, feeling erotic excitement and anticipation, resignation that the die was now cast and, finally, trepidation, realizing that she had just committed herself to sacrificing this young woman. Although Cathy could not bring herself to face it, in the back of her mind was the agonizing realization that Carmine would be her first sacrifice to Dahlgrin… but not the last.

The grandfather clock downstairs was finishing the last of twelve strikes when Cathy heard a light rapping at her door. Dahlgrin had provided her with the same black leather corset she had worn in her fantasy rape of Janice. She wore matching black crotchless thong panties, black fishnet stockings and black spike heels. She fondled the whip for a moment before opening the door. Though she had seen Carmine naked the day before, Cathy was still taken aback at the sheer feminine beauty which beheld her gaze. Carmine stood, head lowered in supplication, dressed in a full length white silk nightgown.

One side was slit to the waist revealing her curvaceous leg and hip. The top was cut low, her sumptuous breasts barely contained. Cathy motioned her inside, after which the beautiful Mexican fell to her knees and offered her new mistress that which she held. Cathy was at first puzzled, but quickly figured out the reasons for the apparatus’ strange design. Obviously a strap-on, the dildo contained three black shafts, one medium sized, pointing backwards, obviously intended to pleasure the wearer, the other two significantly larger and longer and close together, one above the other.

“So, you think I should fill both holes at once?” asked Cathy.

Carmine looked to her with wishful anticipation and nodded.

“We will get to that, but right now I want to be kissed, here!” commanded Cathy, spreading her legs slightly.

Cathy noted that Jessica had trained the woman well. Without hesitation the black haired beauty crawled to Cathy, parted the crotchless panties and began licking and lightly kissing Cathy’s pubic hair and labial lips.

“Hmmmmm, nice Carmine, very nice,” crooned Cathy, her temperature already beginning to build.

In response, the woman’s tongue entered Cathy, found her mound of joy and began flitting across the clitoris which had already begun to swell.

“Yes, oh YES!” cried Cathy softly, as her own hands grasped the woman’s hair and pulled Carmine’s face into her nest even farther.

Carmine’s hands gently but firmly grasped Cathy’s cheeks, pulling her mistress even closer.

“Ohhhhhhh, I had no idea you were this good, Carmine,” breathed Cathy, feeling the mountainous wave beginning to swell.

The Mexican could sense it too and immediately increased the tempo and changed the rhythm of her tongue to stimulate Cathy so that she could no longer contain what was yearning to be released.

Both women felt it building.

“It’s coming, Carmine! Suck it from me!” commanded Cathy in near senseless pleasure.

Although seemingly impossible, the younger woman’s efforts increased, her tongue flying over Cathy’s clit at an amazing rate as the blonde gave herself to the moment. She felt her knees begin to buckle but resolved to stay on her feet.

“Taste me Carmine! Eat me!” cried Cathy as she felt her orgasmic juices flow into her sex slave’s mouth.

Carmine drank of her mistress and continued to kiss and suck every drop from Cathy’s soaking nest.

“Your mouth and tongue are quite pleasing Carmine. Do you suck the horses as well?”

The younger woman flushed a bit, but nodded in the affirmative and made gestures with her hands.

“I see,” reasoned Cathy, “you suck them to get their erection as large as possible before you fuck them.”

The Mexican nodded.

“So Carmine, you suck horse cock as well as screw it.”

Carmine nodded, ashamed to hear it described as Cathy just had.

“A woman who sucks and fucks horses should be punished. Don’t you agree Carmine?”

The bronze skinned woman nodded, her eyes cast downward.

“Then stand and receive your punishment, carmine!”

The woman stood in obedience, her eyes remaining on the floor.

“Let’s have a closer look at you,” said Cathy, the feeling of power over the woman exhilarating as she slowly slipped the thin straps from each shoulder and the nightgown slithered to the floor.

Again Cathy was astounded. Carmine’s nude body was as nearly perfect as Cathy could ever have imagined. Face, breasts, waist, hips, legs and ankles in perfect proportion.

“Does Jessica ever clamp your nipples?” asked Cathy as two breast clamps materialized in her hand.

There was a negative nod by the beautiful slave.

“Well, I do!” said the blonde clamping them both on painfully at the same time.

Carmine whined in pain.

“Look at me!” commanded Cathy.

Carmine’s eyes slowly raised to meet those of her mistress. Tears of pain ran down both cheeks.

“Ready for your real punishment?” asked Cathy

Again there was an affirmative nod.

“Then on the bed, on your hands and knees!”

The woman obeyed. Cathy wished it so and a large single black dildo appeared in her hand. She reached it around to her slave.

“Here, since you like to suck so well, suck on this this while I ream your ass and pussy.”

Cathy, as excited as she was, was almost unbelieving of the language she was using. It was as if she, as the dominitrix, could assume a totally different identity just as she had done in her fantasy with Janice. The difference now was that this woman was no figment of her imagination, sprung to life as the result of Dahlgrin’s magic.

This woman was really feeling the shame, the degradation, the pain. Cathy almost stopped, her own sense of ethics crying out that what she was doing to this woman was wrong, but those feelings were almost instantly swept away by the overpowering eroticism of actually having another human being totally under her control. Also at the back of her mind was the knowledge that Carmine would soon belong to Dahlgrin and mistreated or not, she would disappear, never to be seen again.

She was to be Dahlgrin’s bride, yet the mirror stood in the corner where she knew Dahlgrin was watching everything which transpired and voiced no objection. Then there was Carmine who, despite the pain of the nipple clamps and the promised pain of having both anus and vagina reamed by the massive dildos, offered no resistance and, in fact, willingly obeyed Cathy’s every command. With such rationalization, Cathy strapped on the dildo, inserting hers into her own vagina while the other two stood at obscene attention.

“Jessica was right,” said Cathy, measuring and enjoying the shame and embarrassment in the Mexican, “your pussy is wide enough to get my fist in. You’re fit only to pleasure horses and oversized dildos, but your ass seems tight enough. Does Jessica screw you there?”

There was a negative nod.

“You’ve never had a cock in your ass?” asked Cathy.

Again the nod was negative.

“Then you’ve never used this dildo before.”

A negative nod.

“You want me to be the first?”

The lovely Mexican looked back to Cathy and their eyes met. She nodded affirmatively.

“I’m going to enjoy this Carmine, but you’d better bite on that dildo in your mouth really hard, because if you think those nipple clamps are painful, you haven’t felt anything yet.”

The woman did as she was told and laid her head on the bed, giving Cathy full access to her vagina and anus.

Carmine tried to be brave, but when Cathy aligned and then plunged both dildos deep within her with a single unlubricated thrust, the beautiful housekeeper shrieked.

“Take it Carmine, take it all!” commanded Cathy thrusting viciously, feeling her own dildo reaching and stimulating.

Tears ran like small rivulets onto the bed, Carmine bite deeply into the dildo in her mouth to try to stifle the screams she wanted to unleash. Not knowing that no sound would escape the room, Carmine grunted into the pillow as Cathy, after driving the dildo’s to their maximum, began humping the hapless woman beneath her in total abandon, enjoying the pleasure she was receiving and the gut wrenching pain she was inflicting.

“Come on Carmine, You’re my mare now! Whinny for me!”

But the Mexican’s breaths were coming in gasps between Cathy’s thrusts, her mouth still clamped in a death grip on the dildo.

“Come on Carmine. You whinnied for Thunderbolt when he came, now whinny for me because… I’m commmmmmmming!”

Carmine released the dildo and from her mouth came a perfect female equine burst of sound to satisfy her “stallion”.

Something primal and unrestrained had been unleashed in the blonde thirty-one year old. Three more times she rode her mare to orgasm, each time her thrusts more powerful and more vicious, not only intended to give herself pleasure, but to inflict pain on the helpless woman beneath her.

As Cathy finally withdrew, allowing Carmine to collapse on the bed in exhaustion and pain, the blonde mused that perhaps she could simply keep Carmine for herself and forget her agreement with Dahlgrin, but the thought had no sooner crossed her mind until she realized Dahlgrin knew her thoughts as well. Dahlgrin wanted a sacrifice and she must give her to him. She knew the consequence of failing him.

“Come here,” she commanded, walking to the mirror. The nude figure of the Mexican met her gaze in the glass as they stood side by side, Cathy positioning them both very close to the smoky surface. Cathy removed the nipple clamps.

Slowly a glow began to appear. Carmine was instantly afraid, but Cathy grasped her arm and the younger woman remained still, yet trembled.

“Carmine, I know everything,” said Cathy with a superior tone of voice. “I know how you discovered your mother and Jessica that day. I know that after Jessica left, your mother tied you and gave you to the horse. I know how you screamed when he entered you.”

Cathy looked at the younger woman, seeing the shock register on the beautiful face.

“I know more Carmine. I know your mother swore you to never utter a word and I know that is why you no longer speak.”

Carmine’s eyes grew wide.

“I also know you are very much like your mother. Despite the trauma of that day, after your mother disappeared, you brought the whip to Jessica, got her to follow you to the barn. Then you took off your clothes and let her whip you. You let her know you wanted the horse. Jessica didn’t seduce you into a mistress/slave relationship, you seduced her. You wanted it… and you’ve been fucking horses and my mother ever since!”

Tears welled in the younger woman’s eyes.

“It’s time you paid for being such a slut, Carmine.”

Cathy turned to the mirror.

“Meet your new master, Carmine! Dahlgrin, she’s yours!”

Carmine’s eyes widened in fear as a powerful, hideous arm emerged from the mirror and before she could react, claw like fingers grabbed the beautiful Mexican by the wrist. Carmine screamed as the arm began drawing her closer to the mirror., but Cathy knew no sound would leave the room. Hysterical with fright, the beautiful young woman looked to Cathy for help, but none was forthcoming. Her arm disappeared through the silvered surface and fight though she did, she was slowly drawn through. As her legs disappeared, Cathy heard Carmine’s bone chilling scream.

“What’s happening? What are you doing to her,” cried Cathy, her worse fears quickly being realized.

“You really want to know? Be careful, Catherine, you may get what you wish for.”

The smoke still swirled in the glass but as Cathy moved her face very close to the surface, she could now see through and to the other side.

Carmine continued to scream in horror as the demon, standing over twelve feet high stood holding her as a child would hold a toy. His angular facial features were distorted to hideousness, his body, that of a horse displaying a penis which made even Thunderbolt’s rod seem barely adequate.

“My God,” breathed Cathy in astonishment and fear for Carmine, suddenly realizing the magnitude of her actions.

“A little late for Him,” laughed the demon as he threw the naked woman onto a stone altar. With a wave of his claw, four other smaller demons appeared each grabbing Carmine by the arm or leg and holding her spreadeagled as Dahlgrin approached.

“What are you going to do to her?” asked Catherine as she looked on in horrified fascination.

“Why what every husband does to his wife on their wedding night,” he sneered.

“No!” screamed Cathy, as Dahlgrin unceremoniously slapped the young woman to frightened silence and placed his massive tool against her vaginal opening.

“Think you’ve had a horse’s cock? You’ve been playing around with toys. Now it’s time for the real thing!”

There was no way Carmine’s body could accept what was suddenly and powerfully thrust into her. She ruptured immediately. Bones cracked and the invading lance tore through her cervix and into bodily organs. Her screams were piercing, especially when she and Cathy realized at the same moment that Dahlgrin’s shaft was less than a third of the way inside the hapless woman. Both women screamed as the demon thrusted again powerfully. Intestines rupturing, Carmine’s bowels voided themselves. Still Dahlgrin thrusted and still he penetrated, now into her stomach. Carmine was in shock, her body convulsing as the demon heaved into her again, this time entering her esophagus. Cathy wanted to look away, but could not as she saw the massive, ugly head of Dahlgrin’s penis emerge from Carmine’s mouth.

“Not bad for a horse fucking whore,” roared Dahlgrin withdrawing his shaft back into her body.

“YES!” he bellowed as demonic semen began oozing from her mouth, nose and anus. As the demon withdrew from her, semen poured from her vaginal opening as well in unbelievable amounts.

“Better look away Catherine,” he warned, but Cathy was spellbound by the sheer horror taking place before her.

The smaller demons released the woman who was quickly bleeding out and could no longer offer any resistance.

“Now for dessert,” smiled Dahlgrin opening his cavernous mouth to reveal teeth as sharp and nearly as large as daggers. As Cathy watched, the demon tore into Carmine’s shoulder ripping away flesh, leaving a gaping, bloody wound the size of a cantaloupe.

The demon swallowed in one gulp and in an instant, Carmine’s right breast, the breast Cathy had thought perfect only minutes before, was torn from her chest, shredded into a pulpy mass which the demon swallowed whole, blood dripping from his maw.

In a final moment of lucidity, Carmine looked to Cathy.

“Help me!!!!!!” she screamed as the demon found her buttock and her perfect hips were no more. Carmine convulsed, screaming in agony as Dahlgrin next feasted on her thigh. Cathy thought surely the woman would faint or die, ending her agony, then realized that Dahlgrin was preventing any such escape from happening. The woman was remaining conscious, watching as her beautiful body was reduced to a bloody pulp. And still the carnage continued. Dahlgrin ripped at her abdomen, opening her to expose her vital organs. Finally, as he pulled out her intestines and began eating them inch by inch, Cathy could stand no more. She turned away and vomited onto the floor, continuing to heave long after there was nothing left to bring up.

“I warned you to look away,” came a voice from the mirror.

“You… you…” she stammered.

“Enjoyed her immensely. As a matter of fact, I’m still enjoying her.”

Cathy could not help herself. She stared through the mirror to see a mass of blood and bone, not even recognizable as human, lying atop the altar, the face, mostly eaten away, but the lips still whispering “Help me!”

“Please,” said Cathy looking away, “kill her. Let her die!

“And miss all this fun?” sneered the demon.

“Why?” asked Cathy sadly.

“Because I want to. It’s what I do, Catherine. Her body and soul are mine now. You gave her to me, remember?”

“But I had no idea…”

“Oh come on now, I told you what I am. I haven’t lied to you, now have I?”

“I… I guess not, but…”

“But what?”

“What will happen to her?”

“Oh I’ll snack on her until she’s devoured completely.”

“And then?”

“And then, I’ll restore her and do it all over again.”

“My God, you mean…”

“Yes, Catherine, she’s mine forever. I’ve screwed and eaten her mother countless times. But I have grown weary of the same body, the same screams. Carmine is fresh meat, as they say and I shall enjoy her again and again. Oh, I’ll tire of her eventually and that’s when you’ll find me someone else.”

“No, I won’t. I couldn’t.”

“You can and will unless you want to replace Carmine.”

Cathy gasped.

“So when I say, Catherine, you will find me another bride, or sacrifice as you prefer to call it, because you now know what waits on this side of the mirror and I doubt seriously you are going to be willing to sacrifice yourself.”

Cathy said nothing. There was nothing she could say. Dahlgrin was right. Perhaps, just perhaps, she could give up the sexual pleasures he brought her, but to face what poor Carmine had just gone through and to know it would last an eternity was more than she could bear.

“But let us not talk of such unpleasantries, Catherine. You have done well here tonight. You have given me the sow I desired. Now it is time for you to be rewarded.”

Cathy was not sure she wanted anything from the demon, at least tonight, but Dahlgrin reached deeply within her subconscious mind and within moments, three beautiful women stepped from the glass. Each prostrated herself before Catherine begging to be flogged. The excitement Cathy had felt in whipping Carmine was quickly ignited, despite her efforts to the contrary and when a whip appeared in her hand, Cathy’s need for release, the need to lose herself in perverse sexual activity and the need to unleash the anger, fear and frustration she now felt toward the demon she now served, served as the trigger and she began whipping the women unmercifully before the four began an orgy which did not cease until dawn.


Mirror Image – Chapter 8

Cathy, at Dahlgrin’s bidding, had sneaked into Carmine’s room early the next morning, packed a small suitcase with the housekeeper’s clothes and brought it to her room where it disappeared into the mirror. Simultaneously, a letter appeared in Carmine’s handwriting. Quietly, while the others still slept, Cathy went downstairs and placed it on the kitchen table, then returned to her own room. She tried to sleep but could not, her body and mind exhausted from the horror and sexual orgy of the previous night, yet unable to relax.

She lay in her bed, waiting for her mother and Sierra to arise. Her heart ached for the lovely Mexican and to know that she was directly responsible for what had happened to Carmine. Cathy wondered if her soul was lost. Would she eventually end up as a midnight repast for Dahlgrin? She shuddered to consider that possibility.

At last there was an urgent knock at her door.

“Cathy, are you awake?” came her mother’s voice.

“Just a moment,” responded Cathy, throwing on a robe.

As she opened the door, she immediately saw the worried look on Jessica’s face.

“What is it Mom? Is Sierra OK?” she asked, knowing her daughter was not the reason for her mother’s visit.

“Sierra’s fine dear. It’s Carmine. She’s left!”

“What do you mean left?” asked Cathy, feigning ignorance.

“She left this note on the table. I checked her room. There’s a bag and some of her clothes missing.”

Cathy read the note, of which she already knew the contents. The handwriting was unmistakably Carmine’s. If Dahlgrin could produce fantasy lovers, a simple imitation of handwriting would pose no obstacle. The note:

Dear Jessica,

I continue to be haunted by the disappearance

of my mother. Even after all these years, I cannot

believe she simply deserted me and my father. I

have decided to try to find her or at least what

happened to her. I know it will be difficult, but

I feel I must try.

Living with you has made my life worthwhile. I have

never been happier than here at the ranch with you.

Please understand this is something I must do.

Perhaps if I can find some answers, I will return and

all can be as before. If not, please know how much

I have come to love you.

Your adoring “daughter”,


The double entendres were unmistakable, Cathy thought, but only to those who knew what she knew. Jessica, unaware that Cathy knew anything of her’s and Carmine’s real relationship, continued.

“She’s written mesages to me about her mother often and several times indicated how much she wanted to find out what happened to her, but I just never thought…”

“It says she may return some day,” volunteered Cathy.

“But tracking down what no one else has been able to, and after all these years? Even if she is successful, it could take years.”

“I know how fond of her you were,” said Cathy innocently.

“After you left for school and then settled in St. Louis, she became like another daughter to me.”

And a lot more, thought Cathy to herself. She didn’t blame Jessica for falling in love with Carmine. After all, Carmine had been beautiful and obviously, at some inner level, sensed what Jessica needed. That was why she had come to Jessica, offered the whip and offered herself to the stallions. Jessica, like her daughter, thought Cathy, longed to possess a loving sexual slave. When Carmine’s mother disappeared, the young Mexican had simply stepped in to satisfy Jessica’s needs and her own masochism.

“I have to find her, bring her back,” said the mother.

“Perhaps she needs to be allowed to find her past. Give her some room. If, as she says, living here has meant so much to her, she will come back,” lied Cathy.

“Perhaps,” mused Jessica, “but I miss her already.”

I bet you do, thought Cathy.

Days turned into weeks and Summer was at its warmest. Word had spread of the disappearance of the lovely Mexican woman. Although, unlike her mother’s disappearance, there was a logical explanation, it still became the talk of the small town, especially when Jessica became active, despite Cathy’s counsel, in trying to find the young woman.

Cathy, despite trying to ignore her yearnings and Dahlgrin’s implorings, continued to host nightly trysts, many of them now women begging to be dominated by the graphic artist turned dominitrix. She ordered several more tapes, most S&M and B&D oriented. She found many new ideas from the tapes and there were a couple which she played over and over, seemingly learning some new twist or technique from each viewing.

Days were largely spent in activities which the three women shared. Picnics, shopping, board games and television occupied a significant portion of their time. Cathy still wished she could find some use for her professional skills, but with money no object and Dahlgrin filling her nights, she no longer had the burning desire to pursue a career. She did occasional sketches and finally began painting in water colors. But even the satisfaction of creating the beautiful landscapes which seemed to be her fort, paled when compared to the absolute ecstasy she was experiencing each night. In retiring early almost every night, Cathy would leave her daughter and mother to their own designs.

Besides the girls she had met at the theatre, Sierra had made several new friends, both boys and girls. It was obvious to both Jessica and Cathy that keeping Sierra in check would become much harder than ever before. She was continuing to pressure Cathy to be allowed free rein in her dating and her discussions with both Cathy and Jessica were now forward and frank.

One evening shortly after her mother had retired to her bedroom, Sierra sat beside her grandmother who was doing some needlepoint.

“Grandma, what did you regret most about losing your virginity?”

“Hey, you don’t believe in beating around the bush, do you?”

“I remember what you said about not being a virgin for Grandpa and all, but I was wondering, is it really that big a deal?”

“It was to me.”

“What did you regret the most?”

“Oh, I’m not sure. I certainly regretted that your Grandpa was not my first, but maybe my greatest regret was that my first time was not with someone I loved, someone I truly cared about.”

“But how are you supposed to find out how to be good in bed unless you try it?”

“Whoa there gal! You don’t need to be a “professional” to please a man in bed.”

“Or woman?” asked Sierra.

Jessica’s heart skipped a beat.

“Or woman. Honey is there something we need to talk about?”

“It’s just that, well for so long, all I could think about was boys, but then gradually I realized I was becoming interested in girls as well. I mean, like sexually interested.”

“And you’re wondering…”

“No one wants to seem dumb or…”


“Yeah, a couple of the girls, the Jennings sisters, Marcy and Elaine have invited me over to their house several times. They’ve mentioned each time that their parents wouldn’t be home, so I know we aren’t going to wind up just watching TV. Once, Marcy, she’s nineteen, told me to do something at the malt shop.”

“And what was that?”

“She told me to go into the rest room and take off my panties.”

“And did you?”

Sierra’s eyes dropped.

“… Yes,” came her near whisper. “For some reason, I liked it when she told me what to do.”

Jessica could feel her own heart beginning to pound.

“And what then?” asked the grandmother.

“Then I had to go outside and bend over and pretend to pick up something so Marcy’s friends could look up my dress through the front window. When I came back in they all made suggestive remarks, but Marcy seemed pleased that I had done what she asked.”

“What happened then?”

“She told me to give her my panties and I did. She said when a girl gives someone her panties, she then has to do whatever that person wants.”

“And you like being ordered to do things for Marcy?”

“I know it sounds crazy, but, yes, I do. It’s like I belong to her. She’s very nice to me most of the time. It’s just once in a while that she asks me to do crazy stuff and I want so much to please her that I do it. Like last Saturday when a bunch of us girls went to the movies together, we sat on the very back row. When the movie started Marcy told me to take off my bra and panties.”


“I did it. The other girls started teasing me, but Marcy leaned over and began sucking on my breasts.”

“Did you enjoy it?” asked Jessica, her own temperature beginning to climb.

“Oh God Grandma, it was the most incredible feeling I ever had.”

“Have you told your mother about this?”

“Are you kidding? She’d never let me out of the house again.”

“Perhaps it’s best then that we keep this just between the two of us.”

“Thanks, Grandma.”

“What happened then?”

“She put her finger in my pants and played with me while the other girls watched. Then she took her finger out of me and put it in her mouth. She told me I was the sweetest thing she’d ever tasted.”

“How did that make you feel?”

“It’s strange but when she had her finger in me and the other girls were watching, I just didn’t care. I wanted Marcy to do whatever she wanted to me and if she wanted the other girls to watch, that was OK too.”

“Sounds like you and Marcy are getting serious.”

“That’s just it. I’m really not that attracted to her. She’s not very pretty and sometimes she’s just plain crude. The reason I asked you about losing your virginity is that Marcy told me the other day she wants me to come to her house next week when her parents aren’t home. She says she wants to take my virginity. She said she has something twelve inches long that she and Elaine are going to use on me. I don’t want to give up my virginity to someone I don’t even really love, but for some reason when she tells me to do something, I can’t seem to resist.”

“Why do you suppose that is?” asked Jessica, feeling the dampness in her own pants.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s true what they say about having to do what you’re told when someone has your panties.”

“There’s nothing magical about giving someone your panties, Sierra.”

“I don’t know. I’m not so sure.”

“All right then, let’s see,” said Jessica, her own breathing a bit ragged. “Go upstairs and get me a pair of your panties.”

“Which ones?”

“It doesn’t matter… wait, get me the skimpiest, sexiest pair you have.”

Sierra disappeared up the stairs. Jessica was aware of what was happening, but she, like Sierra, seemed unable to control it. She missed Carmine so and needed a young woman to hold, to kiss, to make love to… and to dominate.

The girl reappeared with a bright purple pair of silk bikini briefs in hand.

“Now do I have control over you?” asked Jessica taking the briefs from the teenager.

“But Grandma, I’ve never even had them on.”

“Then go put them on.”

While Sierra was changing, Jessica lowered the lights then returned to the couch as the girl reentered.

“You have them on?”

“Yes Grandma.”

“Good. Now take them off and give them to me.”

The granddaughter turned as if to again leave the room.

“No, Sierra. Take them off here.”

The girl turned in astonishment.

“You mean… ?”

“Yes, take them off in front of me.”

Somewhere inside, Sierra’s masochism was awakening, her need to obey beginning to surface. The shoes and socks came off easily. Unbuckling the belt and allowing her jeans to fall at her ankles took some effort.

“Now the panties dear,” directed Jessica in a loving, but firm tone.

“Grandma… I…”

“I said take them off Sierra and give them to me.”

The tone this time was more of a command.

Sierra felt her heartbeat quicken as she slowly slid the panties down and off and handed them to Jessica.

“Ah, you smell fresh and sweet,” intoned Jessica placing the panties to her nose and inhaling deeply.

Sierra now stood before her grandmother in nothing but tee shirt and bra.

“Your bush is lovely. Now your breasts darling. Show them to me.”


“Ah, ah, ah, I have your panties remember. You must obey me.”

“But what if Mom…”

“We both know your mom retires early and sleeps late. We have nothing to fear from her.”

“But Grandma, I’ve never been naked in front of anyone since I was a baby.”

“You want to know what it’s like to be a real woman, Sierra?”

“You know I do Grandma, it’s just that…”

“Then you must do exactly as I say.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Both women were becoming excited and trying not to show it, Sierra the willing masochist, Jessica the loving dominitrix.

In her blind need to obey, the teenager cared not that her own grandmother was making sexual overtones toward her, nor that that grandmother was many years her senior. She slipped off the shirt and her hands went behind her to unsnap the bra.

“What are your measurements, dear?”

“Thirty-three, twenty-one, thirty four,” answered the teenager demurely.

“Show me your body Sierra,” commanded Jessica holding the panties where Sierra could see them.

“Yes ma’am.”

The granddaughter unsnapped the bra and let it slide from her shoulders. One last vestige of modesty prompted her to hold the cups in place.

“A real woman is proud of her body Sierra. You will stand naked in front of me!”

The bra slipped from her grasp and fell to the floor. The naked girl was embarrassed, yet at the same time excited beyond measure. Sierra realized that her relationship with her grandmother was quickly becoming similar to that which she shared with Marcy.

“You’re a beautiful young girl Sierra. Would you like to become a woman?”

“More than anything!” cried the girl.

“Then from this moment on, you must obey me and only me.”

“What about Marcy?”

“Marcy plays childish games with you. I will teach you. I will initiate you into true womanhood,” said Jessica, gaining more control of the impressionable teenager with each passing moment.

“Yes ma’am.”

“You will call me mistress except when others are around. You will belong to me and I will do with you what I please.”

The girl’s eyes widened and her mouth flew open.

“I’ve read about this. You’re a…” she searched for the term, “… dominitrix!”

“And you will be my submissive, Sierra. I will love you but I will also dominate you. You will belong to me and you will do whatever I wish, whenever I wish, no matter how outrageous or embarrassing.”

Sierra felt her nest juices begin trickling down her leg. I wasn’t this excited when Marcy kissed my breasts and Gran… Mistress hasn’t even touched me, she thought.

“Do you agree, Sierra?”

“Yes… Mistress.”

“Good then sit here next to me.”

The girl obeyed.

“Have you ever kissed a woman. Sierra?”

“No, never.”

“Then just relax and give your mouth to me,” whispered Jessica as her hand came up to cup and caress the small but firm breast as her lips met those of her granddaughter/submissive. Sierra was afire instantly as Jessica’s tongue overpowered the girl who surrendered her open mouth.

“You’re sweet Sierra, your breasts are not yet full but they are tender and you are quickly approaching womanhood,” whispered Jessica.

“Ohhhhhhh…” whined the girl, her entire body squirming to be possessed.

“Are you wet?” breathed Jessica.

“I’m going to soak the couch,”

“Don’t worry, it only means your body is ready.”

“Ready?” asked the girl.

“For this!” whispered Jessica urgently as her finger found the girl’s labial lips.”

“Oh Grandma… I mean… Mistress! What do you want me to do?”

“Just spread your legs a bit and enjoy. Let me show you how a woman does it!”

“Oh God! Oh God!” cried Sierra as Jessica’s experienced finger found and began a slow and tantalizing stimulation of the girl’s clitoris.

“Do you know what that is?”

“No… Mistress.”

“That is your clitoris my dear, the most sensitive and pleasure giving part of your entire body. Have you ever orgasm-ed, Sierra?”

“No, Mistress.” Sierra was learning her role very quickly, Jessica noted.

“Then I shall give you your first,” said the older woman as her mouth again closed on the teenager’s and her tongue drove deeply into the girl’s throat as Sierra’s body began involuntarily thrusting to try to take Jessica’s finger deeper.

“No dear, I will give you the orgasm you want, but your virginity is to stay in tact just a while longer.”

Jessica kissed the breathless girl again and her finger began to work its magic as Sierra’s body temperature shot upward, her breathing began to come in shorts gasps and her nipples hardened and stayed hard under Jessica’s pinching and caressing.

“Oh, it’s so good, Mistress. Please, more!”

“Oh course, my pet,” smiled Jessica, her mouth this time closing on the young girl’s erect nipple. Sierra’s body almost jumped with the sudden stimulation as Jessica’s mouth, and teeth traded sucking and tonguing with nipping bites which drove the girl into near frenzy

Shivers ran through Sierra’s body continually as the girl began thrusting on her mistress’ finger. One finger became two as Sierra begged her to go deeper, but Jessica had something else in mind for the girl’s virginity and was careful to keep he fingers stimulating the small mound of pleasure, but going no deeper. Sierra was moaning with pleasure and desire for release.

“It’s yours if you want it!” she cried to her mistress, spreading her legs completely, hoping in her frenzy that Jessica would fill her completely.

“All in good time, my dear,” replied Jessica, her own desires reaching fever pitch, “but right now I want you to prepare yourself for the most intense pleasure your body has ever experienced.”

The experienced older woman sensed the girl’s orgasm at the same moment that Sierra’s body sent her the warning that building within her was a tidal wave which would crash over her, sending her into mindless paroxysms of ecstasy.

“Oh… Oh… what? Oh… Oh… Oh… Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” shrieked the girl as Jessica changed rhythm and tempo to maximize the effect of Sierra’s first orgasm.

The teenager’s body jumped from the couch, then shook uncontrollably as her eyes rolled back in her head and she fainted from the intense pleasure.

Jessica kissed her back to consciousness.

“Oh Gran… Mistress. I never knew anything could feel so good!”

“And that’s only the beginning, Sierra.”

“Are you going to take my virginity?” asked the girl.

“Yes. I want you to give it to someone who truly loves you, who wants that moment to be one you will never forget.”

“I’m ready, Mistress,” Sierra said, spreading her legs.

“Not just yet, darling. I have something very special in mind for that. Right now I want to teach you about giving and receiving feminine pleasures.”

“Yes, Mistress,” replied the willing submissive.

“Undress me.”

Sierra obeyed. Although she had seen her grandmother in a bikini, she hadn’t really appreciated how trim and fit her body was until this moment. As she slid Jessica’s panties down and off and the two naked women gazed lovingly and lustfully at each other, Sierra realized what a beautiful woman Jessica really was.

“Now dear, lie back on the couch,” directed the older woman.

When Sierra had complied, Jessica turned and lowered her own body into the classic sixty-nine position.

“Just do to me what I do to you.”

“Yes, Mistress,” complied Sierra, already squirming with anticipation.

Jessica began by running her tongue through the young girl’s triangle of dark brown hair. As excited as she was becoming, Sierra responded by doing the same to Jessica. The older blonde then let her tongue find its way to Sierra’s labial lips and began kissing the girl slowly and tantalizingly. Sierra was again reaching fever pitch. Her own tongue found Jessica’s lips where she tried to duplicate the sensuous kisses she was receiving, but her own pleasure was becoming so intense, it was hard for her to concentrate on giving as well as receiving.

When Jessica’s tongue found her mound of joy, Sierra moaned with delight. She thrusted to take the warm, wet, fleshy muscular organ deeper, trying to do the same for her mistress, but as Jessica increased the tempo of stimulation, Sierra began losing both concentration and coordination. Her body was no longer under her control. She spasmed, shaking violently, her mouth open but unable to administer pleasure to the waiting nest it touched. Her arms began flailing the air, her legs jerking uncontrollably. An inexperienced lover might have been alarmed that Sierra was experiencing a seizure of some sort, but Jessica knew better.

Carmine had reacted much the same way. She knew her young submissive had simply lost all command of mind and body as the rising orgasm was robbing her of all control. She yearned for the girl’s tongue to give her the same stimulation she was affording Sierra, but she knew it was not Sierra’s fault. The girl was simply so sensitive to pleasure there was no way she could control what was happening now, so Jessica’s tongue continued to work its magic as Sierra’s body jerked and contorted until Jessica sent her over the top by nipping and then sucking the small mound in addition to the incredible stimulation with her tongue.

Luckily, Sierra’s scream of release was largely muffled by Jessica suddenly lowering her nest onto the mouth of the orgasming girl, otherwise, even Jessica would have been alarmed that Catherine might hear. Again Sierra fainted and once more Jessica brought her back with gentle kisses and sweet whisperings in her lover’s ear.

Several more times that evening Jessica and Sierra made love to each other’s nest. With guidance from Jessica, Sierra learned how to pleasure her mistress and discovered how sweet an orgasm can taste. Sierra was just recovering from her most intense orgasm of the evening

“Oh Grand… Mistress, that was the most intense thing I have ever felt!”

“I know darling and you’ll be happy know that I can give you that feeling any time you want.”

“Wow! Anytime I want?”

“As long as you obey me.”

“Anything, name it.”

“My demands are not trivial. Some will require you to be quite brave.”

“Anything! I’ll do anything if you’ll just make love to me!”

“Do you love me Sierra?”

“I’ve always loved you grand… Mistress. But tonight I have fallen in love with you. No one has ever made me feel the way you do and I don’t just mean the orgasms. I feel safe and warm in your arms. I know you’ll always love me and I know I want to belong to you, forever.”

“Then, is there something you’d like to give me?”

There was puzzlement on the girl’s face for but a moment, then she smiled.

“I want to give my virginity to you, Mistress.”

The two kissed tenderly.

“And I will accept your gift but not by using something cold and unappreciative of what you are giving.”

“I don’t unders…”

Get robes for us both from my room, then come with me.”

“Yes, Mistress,” smiled Sierra running upstairs as quietly as possible.

“I will expect you to obey, Sierra.”

“I will Mistress, I promise!”

“And you’re going to have to be very, very brave,” said Jessica as she led the girl to the barn.

Cathy was in the midst of flailing a beautiful young Asian girl. Her fantasy tonight was to break the girl’s spirit with the whip then force her to perform cunnilingus on her new Mistress. The whip cracked across the girl’s buttocks and she screamed pitifully which was the reason Cathy did not hear the sounds emanating from the barn… the neighing of a satisfied stallion and the piercing scream of a young girl, freshly deflowered.

Mirror Image – Chapter 9

Jessica stood at the stove making breakfast. Last night she had carried the unconscious girl from the barn, bathed her and slept with Sierra in her loving arms. The young girl had slept so soundly that when the sun arose, Jessica decided to let her sleep and so had crept from the bed, bathed, dressed and come downstairs to start breakfast.

“Good morning, Mistress,” came a bright voice from the doorway. Jessica turned to see her granddaughter/submissive standing naked before her, robe in hand.

“Better get something on dear. I like you just the way you are, but your mother keeps rather irregular hours these days.”

“Thank you for last night,” said the teenager throwing the robe around her.

“Any regrets?” asked Jessica.

“Only that we didn’t do it sooner.”

“Any reservations about…”

“About losing my virginity to Stormy? None!”

Stormy was one of the smaller stallions in Jessica’s stable, but a formidable trial for the teenager nonetheless.

“Will I become his mare?” asked Sierra.

“If you wish, but I suggest you try them all first, then decide.”

“I can’t wait to try Thunderbolt!”

“Whoa there. He’s a bit much for you yet. But, if you wish, we’ll work you up to taking him. After all, Stormy was a bit much for you last night.”

“I know you think I fainted from the pain, but that wasn’t it. Oh, there was a lot of pain, especially when he took my… cherry, but when I felt him orgasm inside me, felt his semen spurting into my womb, I couldn’t stand it any more and I orgasmed too. I fainted from pleasure, not the pain.”

“So you liked the feel of a horse inside you?”

“I’m not sure whether I like his cock or your tongue in me the most. Each is different, wonderful, unique.”

“And you shall have each as often as you like,” smiled Jessica, “as long as you remain mine.”

“I’ll always be yours, mistress.” smiled Sierra.

“So you enjoyed last night?”

“Last night was the most wonderful and exciting night of my life.”

“Then perhaps,” said Jessica loosening the sash of her robe and allowing it to fall open revealing she wore nothing underneath, “you’d like to come show your appreciation.”

Sierra quickly walked to her grandmother, went to her knees and looked up into Jessica’s eyes.

“Mistress, I can get deeper into you, pleasure you more if you’ll spread your legs for me.”

Jessica obliged, smiling.

The teenager had learned well the night before. Her tongue and mouth feasted on Jessica’s nest and within moments the grandmother was orgasming into her granddaughter’s mouth.

“More? asked her willing slave, smiling coyly.

Jessica was about to give her assent when she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. She hurriedly closed her robe just as Cathy, yawning, walked in.

“What… ?” she said, seeing the teenager at her grandmother’s feet.

“I, uh, dropped some change,” said Sierra, dropping back to all fours and pretending to look for the lost money.

“Here, I’ll help you,” volunteered Cathy, bending down as well.

“It’s OK Mom, I think it’s a quarter.”

As the two hunted, Jessica swept her hand across the small dish in which she kept small change and palmed a quarter. Bending down as if also to help, she exclaimed, “Oh, there it is!” and reached down pretending to pick up the coin. She handed the coin to Sierra and Cathy was satisfied, but both grandmother and granddaughter realized what a close call they had just had.

As Summer faded into Fall, school began and Sierra and Jessica who had become inseparable, were forced to spend their days apart. Sierra had already informed Marcy she no longer held her interest and although several boys and two girls showed interest in her at school, the brunette teenager, told them politely but firmly that she neither needed nor wanted their attention.

“Homework” became a reason for Jessica and Sierra to spend a great amount of time together at home. Whenever Cathy volunteered, Jessica immediately insisted she enjoyed working with her granddaughter and Cathy, her own rewards awaiting her, was only too glad to acquiesce.

So the three settled into their respective worlds of depraved sensuality, Cathy, her fantasy lovers, both male and female, and Jessica and Sierra, sharing their own bodies with each other and Sierra, hers with each of the stallions in Jessica’s stable.

After a particularly satisfying visit from two exquisite black women who begged for the whip and dildo, Cathy was lying naked on the bed, catching her breath.

“Catherine,” came the now familiar whisper.

“Yes, Dahlgrin?” she asked, looking to the mirror.

“It is time, Catherine.”

“Time? Time for what?”

“Time for you to provide me with another woman.”

Cathy sat bolt upright and faced the glowing light.

“But, but it’s only been, what, four months?”

“Four months, sixteen days, two hours and fourteen minutes to be exact.”

“But you had Carmine’s mother for a lot longer!”

“Not by choice, Catherine. You forget, the mirror was covered and stored. I had no access to beautiful, nubile bodies. Now I do!”

“You’ve tired of Carmine so quickly?”

“Oh, she still screams exquisitely with the pain and her breasts are especially tasty.”

Cathy cringed.

“But,” he continued, “I see no reason to limit myself. I want another woman!”

“But…” Cathy stammered, afraid to disappoint this demon whose work she had witnessed firsthand, “I’ll have to work on luring someone here, late at night, when Mom and Sierra are asleep.”

“You always seem to take the hard way, don’t you.”

“What do you mean?”

“There are two other women in this house, either will be sufficient.”

Cathy’s mouth dropped open.

“You can’t be serious. Do you really think I would give you my daughter?”

“Perhaps, perhaps not, but there is another.”

“My own mother? Don’t be fool…”

“Before you protest too much, perhaps there are a few things you should know.”

“What do you mean?”

“Clear your mind, Catherine. Let me show you how your mother and daughter have been spending their time together.”

As Cathy gazed at the light, mental images began playing out in her horrified mind. She clearly saw and heard as Jessica seduced the girl on that night several weeks ago, then took her to the stables. Cathy witnessed and listened as her daughter gave up her virginity to a stallion as Jessica looked on and masturbated. Additional images flashed and she saw Jessica turning the girl into a willing submissive, providing the grandmother cunnilingus on demand and accepting dildos of various sizes and designs from the older woman. Cathy could take no more. She shook her head to clear her mind.

“Enough!” she cried, “I can’t believe my own mother…”

“You know what I show you is true, Catherine. You did not want to believe what I told you about Jessica and Carmine either. But you learned that I spoke the truth. Besides, there is something else!”


Mirror Image – Chapter 10

The following evening Cathy asked Sierra to go to bed early so that she and Jessica might talk. Sierra was reluctant, since it meant being separated from her mistress, but when Cathy insisted, Jessica assured the girl it was all right.

“It’s very important or I wouldn’t ask,” reassured Cathy.

“Then why not tell me too?” argued Sierra.

“I will tell you, in the morning. Right now your grandmother and I have to decide what to do.”

“You’ll tell me in the morning?”

“I promise.”

The girl looked once again to her mistress.

“It’s all right, Sierra. Now go on to bed.”

“Yes, Mi… ma’am” replied the young brunette who reluctantly climbed the stairs and went into a room in which she had not slept in weeks.

“Now honey, what is it that’s so important?” asked Jessica.

“Let’s go to my room. I want to be sure we aren’t overheard.”

“All right, but you certainly are being mysterious,” said Jessica as they walked into Cathy’s room, Jessica sitting on the bed while her daughter stood near the mirror.

“Mom, I don’t know any other way to tell you. I know about you and Carmine.”

“What do you mea… ?”

“Now please don’t insult my intelligence by denying it. I came back from town one day and saw the two of you in the barn… with Thunderbolt.”

Jessica gasped.

“Cathy dear, it was what she wanted. I never forced her to…”

“I know and I also know how much you loved her… otherwise I would have been terribly upset when I found out you and Sierra have the same kind of relationship.”

“Oh, my God Catherine, how did you… ?”

“Never mind how. The point is, I know. I know you seduced her and gave her virginity to Stormy.”

“I know it sounds so terrible, but honey, you’ve got to believe me, I love her, not just as a granddaughter but as a woman.”

“As a submissive,” corrected Cathy.

“As a beautiful and loving submissive who also loves me. As with Carmine, I have forced her to do nothing. What she does, she does willingly out of love for me.”

“She belongs to you.”

“You obviously know everything. Yes, she is mine, my submissive. She has given herself to me, but ours is a loving relationship. She is happy, Catherine. She wants to spend her life with me.”

“If I did not believe that to be true I would have taken her from this house… far, far away.”

Jessica looked to her daughter expectantly.

“What’s it like, Mother, being the dominant?”

“I don’t…”

“I’ve read stories, seen movies. I’m not totally ignorant of sadomasochism.

“… It’s… It’s wonderful Catherine. You have no idea the exhilaration of having another woman under your complete control.”

“Do you whip her?”

“Only occasionally. I love her Catherine. I give her the whip because it excites us both, but I would never injure her. She does what I want because she loves me and wants so badly to please me.”

“And you give her to horses.”

“… Yes. There is great pleasure for us both. She has pain, yes, but the pleasure of the size and magnitude of the stallion soon overwhelms it, and she revels in how completely she is filled and how she pleases the stallion. Neither she nor any stallion which has mounted her, has failed to orgasm. As his seed fills her womb, she can no longer constrain herself and comes, usually more than once.”

“While you masturbate.”

“Sometimes. Sometimes I kneel and kiss her as she and the stallion reach climax together, other times she kisses me to climax as her own nest is filled with semen.”

“And you sleep together.”

“… Yes, tonight will be the first time she has not slept in my arms since the night we became lovers.”

“She’s only a teenager, mother.”

“But she is with someone she loves, someone who loves her.”

“I love her too.”

“Yes, as a mother, but I…”

“Have you considered, Mother that I might also have needs and desires… just like yours?”

“What so you mean?” asked Jessica taken aback.

“That I have discovered the joys and pleasures of domination. You and Sierra have wondered, even teased me about going to bed so early. Well, I haven’t had the luxury of seducing my own daughter to indulge my fantasies. What I have done however is acquire a number of videotapes which have shown me, through example, how to become a dominitrix. I have found that I, like you Mother, wish to dominate another woman, to denigrate, to defile, to own her!”


“I too have chosen Sierra as my submissive.”

“But, she…”

“Will learn to obey me instead of you.”


“But nothing, Mother, you have had her for weeks now. You had the pleasure of watching as her virginity was ripped away. You have held her, kissed her, felt her tongue in you. Well, now it’s my turn.”

“What makes you think she will choose you?” asked Jessica in defiance.

“Because you won’t be here to interfere, Mother.”

“You… you want me to leave my own house?”

“You’re going on a trip mother.”

“What kind of trip?”

“Why, don’t you know? You’ve just heard from Carmine. She needs your help, so you’re leaving for Mexico.”

“Nonsense, I have received no such messa…”

“Mother!” Cathy quieted the older woman with a voice now filled with hatred.

“There is another reason I asked you to my room. You wonder how I came to know about you and Sierra. Come here, Mother and I’ll show you!”

Jessica walked to the mirror and, when Cathy motioned, looked into the dark glass. As she stared in fascination, the smoky surface began to slowly swirl and a faint glow appeared.

“What… ?” wondered Jessica aloud.

“Too bad you stored it away. You can’t imagine the pleasures this mirror has given me… and is going to continue to give me. But it also provides me with knowledge.”

“What kind of knowledge?”

“Oh, it was here that I was first made aware of the relationship you had with Carmine, and it was here that I learned what you had done to my daughter.”

“But I told you, I have made Sierra happy.”

“The way you and Father made me happy years ago?”

“What?” cried Jessica, looking her daughter in the eye, fear now evident in the mother’s face.

“I know Mother! I know what you and Father did that night.!”

“I don’t know what you mea…”

“You can’t deny it, Mother. This mirror has revealed many things to me, all of them true.”

“Honey, I… we…”

“There was no stranger that night. The man who came to my room, put his hand over my mouth, ripped away my nightgown and raped me… was my own father!”

Jessica gasped, her long kept secret revealed.

“And while he raped me, you watched from the doorway, your hand in your pants!”

“Honey, I couldn’t help myself. I…”

“You and Father planned it. He wanted me and you wanted to watch. There was no anniversary party that night. The two of you simply waited until I went to sleep, then you watched while he raped his own daughter.”

“… yes,” came Jessica’s voice, weak, barely audible, “Roger tried, he really tried, but you were so beautiful and although it took him a long time to admit it, I knew all those years he resented my not being a virgin when we were married. He obsessed about it and finally directed his attention toward you. When he first started making suggestive remarks about you, your figure, how pretty you were, how you were quickly becoming a woman, I knew what was happening. I tried to talk him out of it, at first. But, he knew my weakness as well and promised I could have you as my submissive afterward. So I took the phone off the hook so we wouldn’t be disturbed, turned off the lights so if, by any chance, someone should drive up they would think we weren’t at home. And yes, I watched from the doorway, anticipating, the relationship you and I would have.”

“And when my nest wasn’t enough, when he made me get on all fours for him?”

Jessica hung her head.

“I knew there would be a lot of pain, so I climbed onto the bed and… and…”

“And pulled my head into your crotch. You made me eat you, Mother while Father raped me in the ass.”

“I thought it might distract you from the pain, I…”

“Stop the lies, Mother. You had wanted my tongue in you every bit as much as Father had wanted his cock in me. You both got what you wanted. And what did I get? A trauma so severe it gave me amnesia for all these years.”

“Neither of us ever raped you again.”

“That’s a tremendous satisfaction, Mother. So, you both got what you wanted and then you didn’t want your sex toy anymore!”

“No, it wasn’t like that. We…”

“Shut up, Mother! All these lies for all these years!”

“But it wasn’t what you think!”

“It was exactly what I think. Raped by my father as my mother held my hands and forced me to eat her!”


“Yes, Mother and all these years you let me believe a lie to protect yourself.”

“I… I…” Jessica’s voice fell off to silence.

Jessica did not notice the glow in the mirror becoming stronger.

“It’s time, Mother.

“Time for what?” asked Jessica, the life having drained from her voice and face.

“Time to pay for what you and Father did to me.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll see,” smiled Cathy, conjuring her revenge.

Jessica suddenly found herself naked, chained, face down, to the bed, each arm and leg secured to a separate bedpost. Cathy appeared in her black corset and spike heels. The situation was from Cathy’s fantasy world, but she and Jessica were quite real.

“Wha…” Jessica cried, stunned by the sudden and magical transformation.

“Now Mother, perhaps you shall learn what it truly means to be a dominant,” sneered Cathy, letting the end of the whip, which had appeared in her hand, fall to the floor.

Jessica gasped.

“You’ve been very bad, Jessica. What am I going to do with you?”

“Cathy, honey, don’t do this. Let me explain!”

“The time for explanations is over, Mother. Now it’s time for retribution.”

The whip snapped over the older woman’s buttocks. Jessica shrieked with pain.

“Oh, come now Mother, surely you can take more than that. After all, it’s not nearly as bad as having a grown man rip the virginity from a teenager!”

“Cathy, please!”

The whip snapped across Jessica’s back. Again a scream of pain.

“And I’m sure it doesn’t even come close to the pain of having a horse’s cock ram into a young virgin!”

“No! Please!” screamed Jessica as the lashes began raining across her back, buttocks and thighs.

The discipline here was no sadomasochistic game. Blood began flowing as Cathy vented a rage pent up so long. Jessica screamed until she could scream no more, but Cathy made sure, through her mental wish, that unconsciousness was denied the helpless woman. Leather met flesh again and again, Cathy unleashing her fury on the object of her resentment. Finally, when Jessica was too weak to do more than grunt slightly with each blow, Cathy pictured a new image and Jessica was now, still chained, but, lying face up.

The screams began anew as whip met breasts, torso, legs and finally nest. If anything, the punishment Cathy inflicted now was even more vehement than before, reducing Jessica to a whimpering, helpless, quivering submissive.

“Ready to obey me?” asked Cathy in triumph.

“… Catherine, please…” came the weak voice.

The whip snapped several more times. Jessica’s flesh quivered from the pain.

“I said, are you ready?”

“… What… do… you… want?”

“Ah, ah, how should you address me?” demanded Cathy wielding the whip once again.

“What do you want me to do… Mistress,” pleaded Jessica.

“Why Mother dear, I should think that would be obvious. I want you to eat me!” sneered Cathy, her panties disappearing as she straddled the head of her new submissive.

“”Now suck me, Mother, just like you had me do to you!” commanded Cathy as she lowered her vaginal lips onto Jessica’s mouth.

When Jessica did not respond as quickly as she wanted, Cathy lashed the whip across Jessica’s labial lips bringing a scream of agony and the intended result. “Ahhhhh, that’s better,” responded Cathy as Jessica’s tongue found her clit and began to pleasure her.

“Not bad, Mother. Not bad at all,” smiled the daughter.

The dominitrix began grinding her nest onto Jessica’s mouth, taking the warm tongue even deeper. Cathy had wanted to enjoy her mother’s degradation even longer, but the desire for release was just too strong.

“Here it comes, Jessica, now suck me!” she commanded.

The hapless woman obeyed as Cathy reveled in her climax.

“You suck well, Mother. Now suck this!”

Cathy let her lower body relax and Jessica suddenly found her mouth full of urine.

“Swallow it! Don’t you dare spill any!” commanded Cathy wielding the whip again.

Again Jessica obeyed swallowing as fast as she could to keep up with Cathy’s bladder.

“Now mother, let’s see how good you are with the horses!”

Instantly, they found themselves in the barn where Thunderbolt was already reared on his hind legs, her forelegs over the padded rail.

“Suck him, Mother!” came the order.

Jessica, still in chains, moved under the horse and took the huge penis in her mouth. In reality the cock was far too large, but in Cathy’s world which Dahlgrin created for her, anything was possible and so Jessica took the horse well into her throat as her mouth and tongue drove him to wild desire.

“He wants you Jessica, now it’s time you fucked him!”

Suddenly the mother found herself across the lower rail, her wrists and ankles chained.

“See how it feels, Mother!”

The horse lunged forward and instantly buried over a foot of lance into Jessica. Another thrust and, because Cathy wanted it in her mind, the stallion buried himself completely within the shrieking woman.

“How does it feel, Jessica. How does it feel to have your vagina ripped and enlarged to the point that no man will ever want you?”

“Please!” screamed the older woman as the stallion continued his assault.

“Come on Jessica… Fuck him, just like you had Carmine and Sierra do!” commanded Cathy.

Jessica was beyond any ability to do anything except feel the intense pain as her vagina and womb were invaded and ruptured. The horse neighed loudly.

“He’s coming Jessica. He’s going to come in his mare!”

Amidst the agony, Jessica felt the hot flood of semen fill her. She wanted to faint, to escape, yet there was no escape, Cathy made sure of that.

The horse dismounted and Cathy walked over to the exhausted, pain wracked woman. She held Jessica’s head up so their eyes met.

“You know what happens after a mare has been bred, don’t you Jessica.”

There was instant fear in the mother’s eyes as they were again swept into Cathy’s room, Jessica again chained, face up on the bed as before.

“Feel it, Jessica?”

The older woman looked down in horror at her distended belly. She felt the pain of labor, but these were nothing like what she had experienced with Cathy. She felt as if her body were being ripped apart. She screamed as her vagina began dilating far beyond what could ever have been possible in the outside world. As she grunted with the mind numbing pain, she felt the birth begin. As the colt’s head appeared, Jessica screamed doubly, in physical agony and mental horror. Still her cervix dilated and legs appeared. Jessica shrieked as her body continued to open for the birth. At last the colt slithered forth, whinnied and began painfully sucking Jessica’s breast.

“Your child, Mother!” taunted Cathy.

“God, help me!” moaned Jessica.

“Too late for that, Mother. Look at yourself! You could fit a basketball in you. How does it feel to know that no man would ever want you again?”

“Please, Catherine, I’m sorry!” cried the forty-seven year old.

“Not as sorry as you’re going to be… Dahlgrin?”

“I’m here, Catherine,” came the reply from the glow in the mirror.

“She’s yours!” pronounced Cathy with finality.

Instantly, Jessica was restored to her former self, the chains falling to the floor. And like metal being irresistibly drawn to a magnet, Jessica’s body began moving toward the mirror.

Sensing that what awaited her was evil, she screamed, yet all of her flailings of arms and legs were to no avail as she was sucked closer to the glass surface with each passing moment. She tried grabbing the bedpost, but the pull was too strong and her grip could not be sustained. Only inches away from the mirror, Jessica’s eyes caught those of her daughter.

“Please, Catherine, Please!” she begged, but the stare which met hers was icy and unresponsive.

“Good bye, Mother. May you rot in hell for what you did to me!”

The screams continued as Jessica’s body was slowly sucked through the glass, but they were nothing compared to the terrified shriek of agony which followed as Cathy knew that Dahlgrin was claiming his carnal prize. It was only when the shrieks became mixed with those of flesh being torn from a body, that Cathy could stand no more and left, thankfully, closing the door behind her and leaving the sounds of carnage behind.


Mirror Image – Chapter 11

The next morning Cathy was fixing breakfast as Sierra appeared in the kitchen. At sunup, Cathy had packed some of Jessica’s things in a suitcase and delivered it to the mirror where, like Jessica last night, it was pulled inside, never to be seen again. Once again, a note had appeared, this time in Jessica’s handwriting. The note now lay on the kitchen table.

“Where’s grandma?” asked Sierra.

“Sit down, honey. Have some breakfast. We need to have a talk.”

“But where’s grandma?” insisted the daughter.

“That’s what we have to talk about. The talk I had with your grandma last night was about Carmine.”


“Yes. You see your grandmother and Carmine were very much in love.”

“I… I know. She told me.”

“Well, there was a letter in yesterday’s mail from Carmine. She’s in Mexico still hunting for her mother. She’s alone and has no money, so last night Grandma decided she would go find Carmine.”

“But, she loves me now,” blurted the girl before she realized what she was saying.

“I know, honey. Grandma told me everything.”

“Everything?” asked the girl incredulously.

“Everything.” confirmed Cathy. “I know you two have been lovers for months now. I also know the nature of your relationship… and I know about the horses.”

Sierra’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

“Mom, I can expl…”

“It’s all right, honey. I’m not angry. I would much rather see you in love with grandma than that girl you used to run around with, what was her name?”

“… Marcy,” answered Sierra quietly.

“You wanted and needed to have someone to belong to. Just be thankful it was Grandma you found.”

“But when will she be coming back?”

“I don’t know, but she left a note for you. It’s on the table.”

Sierra took the envelope, went onto the porch and sat down on the front steps.

My dearest love, Sierra,

I am writing you this note because it is easier this way.

I received a letter from Carmine yesterday. She needs

me and I have decided to try to find her. As I explained

to you, we were lovers long before you and I discovered

each other. If I can find her, she and I will find a place for

ourselves, perhaps in Mexico.

Sierra, you are the dearest and sweetest love of my life, but Carmine needs me and I know that you can be very

happy with your mother. I have left papers deeding the

ranch and trusts to her. My sweet, I have told her everything.

Imagine my surprise when she admitted to me last night

that she has harbored similar feelings toward you for some time. Your mother is a warm, caring and compassionate

person. She loves you very much as a mother. She can

and will love you as a woman if you will only allow her to

share with you the pleasures which you and I have shared

these past months.

Please forgive me for leaving you, but I know your

mother can give you everything we shared, perhaps

even more.

Obey her Sierra. I have given you to her. You are hers


All my love,


The note dangled from Sierra’s hand as, dazed, she walked back into the kitchen.

“She’s… She’s really left me?” she sobbed.

“I’m so sorry,” lied Cathy, “but yes, honey, she’s gone, for good.”

Sierra dropped the note and stood dumbfounded. She looked to Cathy.

“You belong to me now, Sierra. Jessica gave you to me. But I want to own you because it is what you want as well.”

The bewildered girl stumbled from the house, saddled a horse and rode off. Cathy started to follow, but thought better of it. It was well after sundown when Cathy heard the horse ride up to the barn. She waited on the sofa as Sierra entered the house and went straight to the bathroom. The mother passed the time patiently as she heard bath water being run. Some time later, she heard bare footsteps on the stairs. She turned to see Sierra, radiantly clean, beautiful and totally naked standing in the doorway. As their eyes met the girl silently neared her mother, dropped to her knees and politely and subserviently raised her mother’s skirt, gently rolled her panties down and off and then kissed Cathy’s labial lips with a long and sensuous kiss.

“I have been bad, Mistress. I have kept you waiting all day. I apologize. I would beg the opportunity to show you how appreciative I can be of my new Mistress.”

“Of course dear, but later. Right now I want you to get me the whip from the desk drawer.”

Sierra obeyed, laying the whip in her mother’s hands.

“On your hands and knees, Sierra.”

Again there was unquestioned obedience.

“Yes, Sierra, you have kept me waiting. For such disobedience you must be disciplined. Then you may show me how much you wish to taste my orgasm.”

“Yes, Mistress,” replied Sierra as the first lash raised an angry red whelp on her buttocks and tears rained down her face.


Mirror Image – Chapter 12

Cathy found herself becoming resentful of Sierra. When her rapist had been an anonymous intruder, she felt as if her rape had been an anomaly, a terrible disruption to be sure, but an aberration whose rift in her world could be closed once again. But now that she knew the truth, that her own father and mother had betrayed her, her childhood world had crumbled. Sierra had now become a reminder of that betrayal and Cathy, despite telling herself she was being unfair, began to despise the daughter whom she had loved so dearly only days ago.

And then there was the matter of the horses. Cathy admitted to herself that she had become excited watching Carmine taken by the huge stallion, but she assured herself she would never allow such beasts, magnificent animals though they were, to so much as touch her, let alone bury themselves in her. It was the reason she had lost respect for Carmine and now, Sierra too had entertained the same animalistic pleasures. Just one more reason, she thought, to detest the young slut.

The next three months passed slowly for Sierra. Although she knew better than to question her new mistress, the girl was unhappy in her new relationship. Where Jessica had been a loving, warm and tender Mistress, more concerned about Sierra’s pleasure than her own, Cathy was a demanding and even sadistic dominant. Sierra truly served her, providing for her mother’s worldly pleasures when her own were delayed and as often as not, forgotten. In the three months since her mother had become her mistress, Sierra had been given to the horses only once.

Stormy had performed admirably, filling her with semen, but Mistress Catherine had denied the girl her own orgasm, threatening her with severe punishment if she did. The mother had held Sierra’s nipples between her fingers, telling the girl if they stiffened, even slightly, Sierra would feel the whip across those breasts every day for a week. So with great effort, Sierra had held herself in check, denying herself the satisfaction she craved, while Stormy filled her.

She was whipped almost daily over the most insignificant offenses. True, Mistress Catherine did use the strap on dildo frequently, but she was rough, almost vicious at times, and often the pain would rob a great deal of the enjoyment from the otherwise erotic experience.

Last night the mistress had commanded the girl to drink her urine. Sierra thought to herself that she would gladly have tasted anything from Jessica’s body, but her mother was rough and abusive, reveling in her power. She ruled her submissive by force, not love, and unlike her relationship with Jessica where the two had slept together every night, her new mistress would often disappear into her bedroom early in the evening, leaving the girl to fend for herself. Sierra wondered what could be so interesting as to take her mother away from a willing submissive who denied her nothing. As the days of Fall became shorter and the temperature began to drop regularly, the girl found she had become a virtual servant. Sierra now did all the cooking, laundry, and housecleaning as well as grooming the horses. She longed for her grandmother.

One evening, after Sierra, had cleared and washed the dishes, Cathy decided she wanted a prelude to the night’s sexual odyssey with Dahlgrin and her fantasy lovers. It wasn’t that she didn’t find her daughter exciting, though a horse screwing slut, it was just that her own imagination could conjure experiences which Sierra could never provide. So, often, she would use the girl to arouse her carnal desires and then retire to the bedroom and the mirror where she could entertain her wildest fantasies. Yes, it often left the girl unfulfilled, but submissives were there for the pleasure of the dominants. Cathy thought, perhaps she would give the “mare” to a stallion again soon to keep her satisfied. Maybe I won’t even use the ring this time, she thought. Serve her right, the little horse fucker.

“Sierra,” she called.

“Yes, Mistress Catherine?” responded Sierra with the title Cathy insisted she use.

“Go upstairs and put on something very revealing and the silk blue robe your grandmother bought you. Then return here.”

“Yes, Mistress Catherine,” replied Sierra hurrying to the stairs.

Less than a minute later she hurried back to stand in front of her mistress.

“Put on the tape I have selected. Tonight you are a stripper. Entertain me well and Stormy awaits. Disappoint me and you’ll feel the whip. Now show me what you have to offer!”

Sierra inserted and started the tape which was a sultry and provocative orchestral piece. Sierra moved with lithe, graceful movements. She had taken dance lessons for three years and knew how to use her body to express herself. She also knew what her mother wanted expressed. As she spun, she loosened the sash on the robe letting the garment fall open. She slithered out of it and stood facing her mother in a lacy, uplifting bra, which accentuated her small breasts, and matching thong.

“Like what you see?” she teased.

“Very much. Now show me more,” replied her mistress.

Sierra spun again and as her hips were undulating, her hands went behind her and unsnapped the bra. Another spin and the bra went flying, the youthful breasts quivering as she danced.

“More?” she asked smiling coyly.

“Of course,” was the reply.

Sierra’s arms went high above her head almost like the spin ice figure skaters often perform at the end of their routines. With her body swaying seductively to the music, Sierra’s hands began traveling downward through her hair, across her breasts, then to her tummy and finally to the top of her thong. She wiggled her hips as she brought the thong down and off, then spun three times to wind up facing her mother, totally nude.

Cathy whose temperature had been steadily rising, realized her panties were wet. Silently, though she resented the girl, she acknowledged how erotic and desirable Sierra was.

“Touch yourself, but don’t come,” Cathy ordered.

Again, to the music, Sierra began to sway her hips and body as her fingers found her nest and she began pleasuring herself. Both women were now aroused and burning with desire, Cathy, pleased that she would soon be ready to experience new erotic sensations in her room, while Sierra yearned to be taken. She cupped her breast as she masturbated, hoping her mistress would keep her word about the stables. She had to ease off slightly as she felt the wave begin to build. It subsided, but she continued to move seductively to the music and whine in the manner she knew her mistress liked.

“Take me! Please take me Mistress!” she moaned, seeing the effect her dancing and masturbation were having on her mother/mistress.

Cathy almost decided to stay downstairs tonight and allow Sierra to pleasure her, but the call of the magic of the mirror was simply too alluring.

“Another time,” she said, curtly and rose to leave.

“But what about… ?”

“Oh, I’ll see you get fucked by a horse, slut,” answered Cathy, “but not tonight. Tonight you will sleep naked on the floor, here in the living room. You will not touch yourself again tonight. Is that clear?

“Yes, Mistress Catherine, but…”

“I said, is that clear?” pronounced Cathy, reveling in the power she held over the girl.

“Yes, Mistress Catherine,” answered Sierra, disappointment evident in her voice and face.

“If I find you have reached orgasm in any way, there will be fifty additional lashes every night for a week. Is that clear?”

“Yes Mistress Catherine.

With that Cathy almost dashed up the stairs while Sierra lay on the bare floor yearning, her nest for satisfaction and her heart for the loving arms of her grandmother.

“Tonight I want…” started Cathy, her nest soaked and ready.

“A moment, Catherine,” came the voice from the mirror. “Tonight we discuss what I want.”

“So soon?” cried Cathy.

“It’s been over three months. I tire of your mother.”

“But, I don’t have anyone.”

“There is someone.”

“No. She may be the offspring of incestuous rape, but she’s mine.”

“Very well, give me another woman.”

“But I hardly know anyone in town. I’ll have to…”

“That tiresome story again? Catherine, I want a woman. But I can be reasonable. Let us say day after tomorrow.”

“But, how can I arrange… ?”

“How you do it is no concern of mine. Just get me a sow by then.”

“But… but… ?”

The light faded and was gone along with any chance for satisfaction from Dahlgrin until she provided the demon with what he wanted. Her mind whirled. Maybe there was someone. She would call first thing in the morning. In the meantime…

“Sierra, get up here,” she called downstairs.

“Yes, Mistress Catherine,” was the obedient reply as the girl hurried up the stairs to stand in front of her mistress.

“Still want something to fill that pussy of yours,” smirked Cathy.

“Yes! Yes! Please Mistress!”

Then lie on the bed and spread your legs,” commanded Cathy as she reached into the dresser drawer and withdrew the largest and longest strap-on dildo in her collection.

Mirror Image – Chapter 13

The next morning was a busy one for Cathy. She first called the company for which she had worked, trying to make contact with Janice Wong. How fitting, she thought, to give her nemesis to Dahlgrin. She met with disappointment however to learn that Janice had been fired not long after Cathy had been let go. Apparently Janice’s mixing of business and pleasure had finally caught up to her. Although pleased to hear the woman had finally been given her walking papers, it left Cathy without a woman to provide to Dahlgrin. All anyone at the company seemed to know was that Janice had left the city, but no one seemed to know where she had gone. Cathy then had another idea.

She called an old college roommate whom she had not seen in years. After a couple of blind alleys and two wrong numbers, she was finally able to find the woman who had at one time been Cathy’s closest friend, but who, in Cathy’s mind, had betrayed her by stealing Cathy’s boyfriend. Although Cathy had not confronted Teresa and there were no open hostilities, their friendship had cooled. But when Cathy finally found her, Teresa sounded thrilled to hear Cathy’s voice. The former roommate was still single and living in Seattle where she worked as a motivational consultant. Cathy invited her to the ranch for a couple of weeks. Teresa related that she couldn’t spare an entire two weeks, but she was flying into Chicago to present a seminar and would see if she could arrange to stop off for a short visit. Without appearing too anxious, Cathy asked how soon and was thrilled when Teresa told her her flight out of Seattle was scheduled for tonight, but that she would rearrange her flight to make the proper connections for a stopover tomorrow night. Cathy volunteered to meet her at the Helena airport and drive her to the ranch.

Just in time to make Dahlgrin’s deadline, she thought.

That night, Cathy commanded her submissive to perform cunnilingus on her, then urinated into the girl’s mouth. Afterward she whipped the girl for allowing some of the urine to spill from her mouth and forced Sierra to clean up by licking each drop from the floor. The girl amused her, she admitted to herself, but she was no match for the fantasy world which Dahlgrin afforded her.

The following morning and early afternoon seemed to crawl by as Cathy made ready for the trip into Helena. As Sierra prepared to catch a ride to class, Cathy had bent the girl over the table and inserted plugs in both nest and anus, commanding her submissive to keep them both in place throughout the day and not remove them until she got home that afternoon. Sierra, with difficulty, walked to the bus, boarded and was gone.

Finally at two-thirty the attractive blonde got in her station wagon and pulled away. She remembered Teresa as being very attractive and wondered if she might seduce the woman before turning her over to Dahlgrin.

At three-thirty, her friends deposited Sierra who was, by now, totally miserable. She made her way into the bathroom where the plugs were removed and she could finally relieve herself. She still could not understand why there was so much difference between the way her grandmother had treated her and the near torture she endured at the hands of her mother. All she knew was that she was miserable. There was no love in her relationship with Catherine, only raw power and abuse. She wondered if this was to be her life, the sexual toy of a sadistic woman who cared little for her own daughter’s happiness and who often left her alone while the dominant disappeared into her room.

What did she do in there? Sierra wondered. What was the attraction which would pull her away from a willing and naked slave?

Knowing she would be punished severely if Catherine found she had been in her room, Sierra’s curiosity was simply too strong. She had to know, so she walked to her mother’s bedroom and tried the door. It was locked. The ranch house was old and the locks all worked on skeleton keys, so Sierra simply took the key from her own bedroom door and found that it worked on her mother’s lock as well.

Opening the door, Sierra surveyed the room, but noticed nothing out of the ordinary, so she walked to her mother’s large dresser and pulled open the drawer. Nothing but clothes. The second and third drawers produced the same uninteresting result, but in the bottom drawer she found Cathy’s collection of videotapes, the majority of which were now extreme lesbian sadomasochistic scenes of bondage and discipline including torture and rape.

Sierra’s eyes grew wide with astonishment and fear as she viewed several excerpts from the tapes. Some of them were absolutely brutal. Sierra wondered if this was where her mother was learning her techniques. One scene was of a beautiful, naked, young girl, Sierra’s age, being bound, beaten by three women and then forcefully given an enema. She was continually whipped and told she must hold her bowels. Sierra watched in fascination and horror, the girl’s stomach distending as first one bag and then another emptied into her. She screamed she could take no more, but her pleading only brought more lashes and threats. At last, as the third bag had nearly emptied into her, looking several months pregnant, the girl, despite her best efforts, could contain her bowels no longer and she emptied her body uncontrollably. She was then forced to get onto hands and knees and lick up her own waste, whereupon she was strung up by the wrists and her breasts, nest and anus tortured with a cattle prod. Each time she would faint only to be brought back to consciousness with a bucket of water being thrown in her face. This process was repeated several times, the girl getting weaker and weaker each time until, finally, her captors could no longer revive her. One of the women took her pulse, then looked to the camera with a disgusted look and uttered, “This bitch isn’t going to give us any more fun.”

The three sadists then picked up their whips, prods and other assorted instruments of torture and walked off camera. The scene held on the girl’s naked body hanging limp and lifeless, then faded to black.

Sierra gasped to think that this and the other scenes of defilement and degradation would soon be played out in this very house. She had seen, in some of the earlier tapes, the very techniques to which she had already been subjected by her mother. Would the pain and torture become worse and worse? Would she end up as the girl in this last video? Sierra shuddered.

So intent had Sierra’s attention been on the videos that she had failed to see the wispy swirls in the mirror begin to slowly take on a life of their own. She also did not notice the glow, beginning as almost a point of light which steadily grew brighter, stronger. She was putting away the last tape, being careful to place them back in the drawer exactly as she had found them, when she first heard her whispered name.

Sierra spun about, at first afraid that somehow her mother had returned and sneaked into the room unnoticed. But the room was empty, except for the mirror which grew brighter as it captured and held her rapt attention.

“Sierra,” came the voice again.

This time she was sure it came from the glow in the silvered surface.

“What… ?” she stammered, spellbound.

“Sierra, come closer,” the voice commanded almost hypnotically.

The girl obeyed, now standing only inches from the glass.

“Who… are you?” she asked, meekly.

“Who I am is not important at the moment. What is important is that there is so much you need to know.”

The flight was forty-five minutes late which was bad enough, but when the passengers debarked into the terminal, Cathy could find no one the right age for Teresa. She knew it had been a few years and appearances could change, but there were only men, three older women and two children who walked into the terminal. Cathy was frantic. What could have happened? She was on her way to the airline counter when she heard her name paged.

“I’m Cathy Mapleton,” she said to the airline clerk.

“A message for you, forwarded from Seattle,” said the clerk handing her the note.

Dear Cathy,

I am so sorry. My associate was taken ill today

and I had to take his seminars for him. I tried calling

you this afternoon, but I guess you had already

left for the airport. Since I have commitments in

Chicago, I am afraid my visit will have to wait.

Perhaps I can call you in a few days and we can



Cathy’s mind went blank. What would she do? Dahlgrin wanted a woman tonight! There was no one else she even knew closely enough to entice them into a visit, let alone get them to the ranch tonight.

She avoided the obvious answer for several minutes as she drove, still trying desperately to come up with an alternative. She drove to a mall, hoping to entice a young girl into the car, but most of the young impressionable girls were either with older women, probably their mothers, or were in groups making a kidnapping without being identified impossible. Cathy tried cruising the seedier part of town, looking for a street walker who would be willing to make the trip to the ranch if enough cash were flashed in front of her, but, being unfamiliar with the town, Cathy could find none. She was also unsure whether Dahlgrin would consider a prostitute a worthy sacrifice.

At last, as sundown approached, Cathy headed back toward the ranch empty handed. She told herself she had exhausted every possibility she knew and was now faced with only a last prospect… Sierra.

She did not want to sacrifice her daughter. Sierra was useful as a housekeeper and her body was already enjoyable and promised to be even more so as she matured. The girl was totally subservient and had learned her place well. She accepted the whippings, whining enough with pain to afford Cathy pleasure, yet she always accepted her dominitrix’s punishment unquestioningly, no matter how severe. Cathy thought of the videos she had been viewing lately and how much she would enjoy subjecting the teenager to some of the “disciplines” she had seen demonstrated.

However, Cathy thought, her daughter was the product of incest, a part of Cathy’s life, now that it had been revealed to her, that Cathy wished to bury again forever. Get rid of Sierra and that part of her life would disappear forever. Plus, the girl was perverted, just as Carmine had been, not just willing, but eager to let a stallion fill her with cock and semen. Cathy shuddered, recalling the screams of pain Sierra had emitted when first entered by the black stallion they called Stormy and how those screams of pain had become exclamations of erotic pleasure as the horse orgasm-ed. Sierra would have orgasm-ed as well if Cathy had not intervened.

Yes, she thought, Sierra will make a fitting sacrifice.

Cathy parked the car and walked into the living room. Sierra came running to bow down at her feet. The teenager was naked, the way she had been instructed she was always to greet her mistress unless there were others present.

“Is there anything I may do for you Mistress Catherine?” asked the girl, head bowed.

“Yes, I need to be satisfied,” Cathy ordered.

“Yes, Mistress,” replied Sierra gently unbuttoning her mother’s skirt and slipping it to the floor, then doing the same to the black satin panties Cathy was wearing. As the girl, still on her knees, moved closer, Cathy spread her legs and Sierra’s tongue found lips and clit.

“Yes, bring me off, then I have a surprise for you upstairs,” intoned Cathy as the girl’s talented tongue was already working its magic. Sierra’s hands went behind her to gently grasp Cathy’s buttocks, pulling her forward so her tongue could penetrate her mother more fully.

Normally, Cathy would have taken more time, enjoyed the tongue and lips of her daughter to the fullest, but tonight, there were more important matters to see to.

“Suck it, Sierra. Eat me!” cried Cathy as she came into the girl’s mouth.

Cathy especially enjoyed the way Sierra licked and sucked her clean afterward. The girl might be an incestuous offspring and a horse fucker, but she did know how to suck pussy.

“Enough!” stated Cathy at last, standing impatiently as Sierra redressed her. “Come with me,” she commanded as she walked up the stairs into her room, the naked teen obediently following.

Cathy lowered the lights and saw the surface of the mirror begin swirling almost immediately.

“Come here, stand beside me!” she ordered as she stood looking into the glass, perceiving the glow beginning to radiate.

“Sierra, you have pleasured me in many ways since you became my submissive, but since it will no longer matter, I will tell you that your father was not a transient intruder. You are the result of incest. Your grandfather raped me. You are both my daughter and my sister.”

“Does that mean you no longer love me, Mistress?”

“It means I cannot look at you any longer without being reminded of the horror of that night. You are not the product of love Sierra, but of brutal, incestuous rape. You are a mistake, what never should have been. You are an abomination with which I have been saddled. Perhaps because of your incestuous heredity you have become perverted, cavorting naked with horses, allowing them to enter you, fuck you, come inside you.”

“But Mistress…”

“As a result, you leave me no choice. I did try to get someone else, but you’re all I have left to give. By sacrificing you, I may finally get on with my life and forget the sordid past and your perversions.”

Cathy turned to the mirror, the glow now bright.

“She’s yours, Dahlgrin!”

Several seconds passed in which nothing happened.

“Dahlgrin, I said she’s yours.”

“He hears you Mother, it’s just that I have more to offer.”

“Wha… ?” cried Cathy looking back to Sierra.

“Oh, Dahlgrin and I had a long conversation this afternoon. He told me everything, Mother. He told me how you sacrificed Carmine… and Grandma.”

Panic beginning to rear its head, Cathy quickly looked from daughter to mirror and back again.

“He told you… ?”

“Everything. I know he wanted a sacrifice and now its obvious you were willing to sacrifice me.”

“Dahlgrin… why?” pleaded Cathy looking back to the mirror.

“You said yourself you had no one else to offer,” said the voice, ” while Sierra has convinced me she has lots of friends at school who would love to spend the night.”

“But, I… I can get you Teresa! All I need is more time!”

“Always excuses Catherine. Sierra has assured me I can have as many young woman as I like, as often as I like.”

“But…” stammered Cathy, her mouth open in shock.

“And there’s one other thing” said Sierra. “Yes, Dahlgrin told me that Grandfather raped you, but what you chose not to remember, Mother, was that after that night you went repeatedly and voluntarily to his bed. Even after you became pregnant, you fucked him every night. As a matter of fact, you went into labor while the two of you were screwing each other!”

The memories she had repressed for so long all came flooding back to Cathy, her mouth open, at first in disbelief and then in recognition.

“You continued to fuck him even after I was born, right up until the time you left for college. And your vacations and trips home, which were often, do you remember what you and Grandpa did on every one of those occasions?”

“Stop, please!” cried Cathy realizing it was all true.

“So Dahlgrin and I have worked out an agreement, Mother,” smiled Sierra.

“Oh, God, you can’t mean I… ”

“Are to be the sacrifice? No, nothing that simple or easy, Mother. I called and invited Marcy Jennings over this afternoon. Dahlgrin has already had his feast, sexual and otherwise. No, Mother, from this day forward, for the rest of your life you will be my submissive. I will own you and you will do whatever I want. You will spend the rest of your life on this ranch, because the moment you try to leave, Dahlgrin will take you as his sacrifice.”

“You can’t mean that!”

“Every word. From now on you belong to me and you will obey my every command.”

“No, I wont!” cried Cathy.

“Oh, I think you will,” replied Sierra and in an instant Cathy found herself on her knees, naked and in chains.

“But, but you’re a submissive. You don’t like being the dominant,” cried Cathy desperately.

“Well, it is something I’ll have to get used to. But, I’ll have some help.”

Cathy looked to the mirror to see Jessica, or at least a perfect fantasy creation of her step forth and stand, smiling, beside her granddaughter.

“Noooooooo” cried Cathy as both Sierra and Jessica stood in black leather corsets, whips in hand.

“You’ve been naughty Catherine,” smiled Jessica.

“And when you’re naughty you must be punished,” sneered Sierra.

Both women proceeded to whip Cathy unmercifully for the next forty-five minutes, her back and buttocks becoming a mass of blood and mangled flesh, Cathy screaming herself to voicelessness.

Have we learned our lesson yet?” asked Sierra.

“Please!” begged Cathy.

Again the whips fell in unison, this time across vagina and anus. The woman howled in agony.

“Well?” asked Sierra.

“What do you want of me?” asked Cathy in surrender.

“Ah, ah, ah” smiled Jessica, “I think you know the proper form of address.”

“… What may I do for you… Mistresses?” she said in utter defeat.

“First, I need to be satisfied,” smiled Sierra, “and then so does Grandma.”

Cathy crawled to her daughter and gently pulled down the black leather panties.

“Yes, bring me and Grandma off and then we have a surprise for you,” smiled Sierra as Cathy’s lips and tongue met vagina and clit.

“Suck it Catherine! Eat me!” cried Sierra in a bit of deja vu as she orgasmed into her mother’s mouth.

“Not bad, but you’ll learn to do better,” laughed Sierra as Cathy crawled to Jessica and repeated cunnilingus on her own mother.

“Now the surprise,” smiled Sierra sweetly. Instantly the room was transformed into the interior of the barn. Cathy found herself lying across the padded rail, her wrists and ankles bound together. She heard an impatient neighing behind her.

“God, no, please… NOOOOOOOOOOO!” she wailed as Thunderbolt sank his monstrous lance into her completely.

“Not bad, Catherine,” laughed Sierra as her mother’s womb was ripped and stretched to the accompanying shrieks of the helpless woman, “not bad at all considering I forgot to put this on him,” she said, dropping the protective ring in the dust.

“Come on Catherine, fuck him,” commanded Sierra. “After all, you’d better get used to it. I have a feeling you’re going to become his favorite mare.”

“What shall we do with her when we tire of giving her to Thunderbolt,” asked Jessica.

“Oh, there is a whole drawer full of videos that will provide us with all kinds of ideas for a long time to come,” smiled Sierra as the older woman put her arms around the girl and they kissed, then turned to continue to listen to the shrieks and watch the sexual carnage.



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