Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 28.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Snuff, Young Ones, Abuse

Synopsis: In the time of Zoda, the great Roman slaver, there were highly produced shows to entertain and divert the citizenry, featuring sharp steel swords and spears, knives and hacking swords, all designed to part the flesh of naked females, often very young. It was a time of destruction in their great arenas, where cunts were split open and bare bellies ripped, to cover the sands on the floor with blood and female gore. Ladies died to be in these shows and also died in them. The butchery of naked cunts was a tradition, and the tradition was maintained for generations. Everyone of note owned female slaves …

Meghensa’s Fall To Enslavement 2

Water trickled down the wall, spreading in tiny rivulets that provided needed moisture to the plants that grew along the base, which in their lust for life rose up to cover the damp stone wall. It gave the courtyard an appreciated cool feeling, much welcomed in the heat of Summer.

Meg’s new owner was a wealthy produce merchant, serving an area that housed the more affluent and powerful people. The market where he sold his produce was located in the South of Rome, away from the ghetto and peasant regions of the diverse sprawling city at the center of the world.

The spacious courtyard of the comfortably cooling market was filled with tables bearing fresh vegetables, exotic fruits and fresh-cut flowers. It was large enough to comfortably accommodate fifty shoppers, and it was usually full. This was where the ladies of the most wealthy families shopped.

Meghensa was easily the most beautiful child in the district, and she sat naked on a red velvet pillow in a golden cage, like a pet bird. Her cage was suspended just inside the gateway to the courtyard, making her an attraction for shoppers. Men came in and stared at her with envy.

Both men and women reached into the bars to fondle and probe her bare little cuntlet as they would fresh fruit. Every day her owner turned down impressive offers from both men and women to buy her. The beautiful naked child was a prominent symbol of his wealth, and he displayed her proudly.

He had fitted her with her own gold collar, a beautifully engraved piece that fitted snugly and permanently around her slender neck. The collar was crafted with four stout gold fastening rings, one in front, one in back, and one on either side, to attach her to whatever her owner saw fit to do so.

The permanently fitted metal collar clearly identified the beautiful naked little girl as a slave. She was a cooperative child by nature. She had often watched the extensive sexual training sessions at her father’s school for slaves, and she knew how to make the most of her nakedness.

She postured and contorted her lithe body in the confining bird cage, using her little fingers to pull it open and displaying the naturally moistened inner pinkness of her delightful sex organ to passers-by. Meg had a pretty little cuntlet, and had learned, under her father’s patient guidance, to make it wink,

This shocking trick drew admiring stares from her appreciative audience. Little boys pulled out their small penises and jerked on them while making rude gestures at her, but their mothers grabbed them by the ear, telling them they were too young for such silly games.

The audience was particularly interested when her cage was opened to allow her to feed her IBS slave. The black girl, who had just sprouted an impressive set of firm and pointed round titties, was chained beneath the elevated cage. When the cage was opened, a chain was linked to Meg’s collar.

The other end was connected to the collar of Meg’s naked black IBS slave. She was lifted down to the ground as people gathered around to watch the trick the slave did, kissing her anus to bring forth and eat the expected log of girl-shit, or her cunnie to drink Meg’s urine. This was usually seen only with the concubines in Caesar’s court.

Meg would spread her slender legs and leant back, offering her little cunt, if she wanted to piss. Otherwise, she kept her knees together and leaned forward, thrusting her buttocks when she was ready for a bowel movement. In either case, the slave girl moved quickly into position with her mouth open and ready, knowing the dire consequences if she failed in her duty.

The nigger girl also knew the importance of displaying her own genitals as she performed her single skill, collecting with her open mouth and then swallowing the warm liquid or solid offal as it emerged from the lower portals of the beautiful white slave girl she served.

The shit-eating and piss-drinking nigger girl loved her mistress and kept her buttocks clean with her talented tongue. The well-trained daughter of the once-influential slaver had learned to hold a stool half emerged, and trained her IBS slave to affectionately suck on the offering like a candy stick when others were watching.

As the dark offal matter dissolved in her mouth, she swallowed it, then went back to the extended shit-stick emerging from Meg’s anus to suck it more. When the moist fresh stink log was slick from her saliva, she would bite it off, then chew and swallow it before Meg could drop the portion still squeezed in her sphincter.

It was a game the two pre-pubescent females played well, and the people were always amazed at the control of the white slave girl over her bowel movement and over her personal black IBS slave. Both of these little cunts had been well trained in their duties as mistress/slave and IBS slave.

Men often came to the market just to watch the beautiful little slave girls at toilet time, and they ejaculated in their robes at the sight of the two with their outrageous shitting and shit-eating demonstration. There was always another slave on display, also suspended above the ground, but in quite a different manner.

Each of these other girls, changed several times a day, would hang by a rope tied tightly around one of her breasts, their wrists bound together behind their backs. When hanged in this way, each teen girl was supported only by the rope tied tightly around her tortured tit.

Her wrists were always bound behind her back so that she had no way to ease the distress of being hung by a single breast taking her full weight. The girls at first kicked their legs, making a show of their naked distress, but soon learned that by being still, the stress on the breast was reduced.

Meg was intrigued as she watched people take particular interest in her, reaching out to feel the roundness of her buttocks and the firmness of her thighs as one of their hands found her little vulva, and inserted fingers to feel the inner moist warm softness of her beautifully displayed cunt.

The ceiling hook from which the more mature girls, already in their early teens, were breast-hanged was positioned beside a stone stairway that led under the floor of the courtyard. From time to time a customer would call on Meg’s owner. He would have the dangling girl lowered, and she would be taken with the customer down the stairs.

A few moments later the male slave that had helped the customer with the girl would come back upstairs, leading another shapely slave girl who, like the girl before her, would be raised to hang as her predecessor had, by one bound breast. The girls who went down never came back up the stairs.

That was a curious thing to Meg. In her innocence, she assumed there was a brothel below the courtyard. With that assumption, she was always confused by the look of horror, dread, and then resignation on the face of the girls taken below. She would have thought the girls would prefer to be fucked than hung by a tit.

She believed that instead of being painfully suspended in public by their full weight given to a breast, they would look forward to the opportunity to put into practice the extensive sexual prowess she assumed all beautiful female slaves received and get a sound fucking from the customers.

It was not long before she discovered for herself that these girls were not taken down below just to be fucked. What she found out proved to be much more shocking. One day she was taken into the master’s kitchen, where several other young slave girls were assembled. None of them had attained the age of puberty.

Although the group was of mixed races, all were high-quality cunt-stock. They had been born and raised free, and had recently been sold or, like Meg, claimed as debts, into slavery. This was a common way men got out of debt. The girls were given strange slippers with steep wedge-shaped soles, that raised their heels dramatically and made them stand much taller.

The exotic slippers also changed their posture and made the young naked girls appear to be more mature. That erotic change to their posture was one those who saw them wanted to emulate in their slaves. The idea of elevating a girl’s heels was new and gave the young ladies an exceptionally erotic look.

The most marked difference was to the shape of their shapely legs and the unusual forced arch to their feet. It looked as if they were all continuously standing on their tiptoes, which of course they were. They took a few moments to get used to the strange feel of the slippers, that had been imported from Egypt.

Once they were comfortable in them, the young naked girls seemed to walk with more authority. Meg and the other young slave girls were taken to a room next to the kitchen she had never before seen. It was made of stone, including the floor, and the floor was perpetually wet.

The floor intentionally sloped toward a small drain hole so that the water, that had come in from the garden walls, did not accumulate, but was able to run off. The room was next to a kitchen, and only worker slaves and the naked girls in their curious steep-sloping sandals were brought to the room were present, no buyers.

All of the nude young girls were made to kneel in a row along the edge of a bench, presenting their spread buttocks. A nozzle from a bulging overhead water bladder was inserted deep into their colons, and their intestines were flushed clean. Male slaves moved behind them with tubs.

Their job was to collect the shit-dirtied spray they produced. After the fourth filling of each girl’s colon with the warm water, the liquid was spewed out of the winking rear orifices as clean as it had gone in. Then long strings of thick cooked sausages were thrust into them through their moist rectums.

Male slaves stuffed their freshly cleaned guts with the warm and spiced cooked meats. It was very uncomfortable, and the spices stung severely, but Meg knew better than to complain. She and the other girls had their collars chained together so that they stood in a line, under the control of a male slave with a large erect penis and a stiff crop. The girls wanted to give him no reason to use it on their naked flesh.

She saw other older, teenage girls having their bladders flushed and then filled with wine, and she realized that they were about to feed people appetizers at a party. Meg had seen this kind of diversion at her father’s home more than once and had found it amusing to watch.

She had never dreamed that one day soon she would be a slave girl, feeding someone other than her IBS slave from her lower portals. The worst part of all was waiting. After having her gut filled with the spiced sausages, Meg wanted more than anything to evacuate. She knew this was not the time.

Unfortunately, her IBS slave was chained to the wall, well out of her reach. At first, she felt as if her whole lower body would split, but after several moments, the discomfort became manageable. Before she produced the food from her anus, she knew they would all have to dance for the guests.

Her speculation proved to be right. The wooden soles of their bizarre slippers clacked loudly on the stone steps as they went down a passage from the kitchen to the large subterranean room. What Meg saw amazed her. It was, just as she had imagined, a party atmosphere, but in the midst of it all serious business was being conducted.

Luscious white slave women were chained by their collars in rows to overhead ceiling beams. Their chains were drawn so tight that they were all forced to stand up on tiptoes, straining their legs beautifully to support themselves. Her father had owned many such gorgeous women and sold hundreds of them every year.

Customers moved along the rows, feeling and inspecting the voluptuous slave girls as if they were selecting choice animals for slaughter. In fact, they were. What Meg found most unsettling was the large wooden bloodstained butcher’s block in the middle of the large room.

Hanging by hooks from the sides of the block were several large cleavers and butcher’s saws. She had often visited her father’s kitchen to watch games being butchered for the evening meal, and this was exactly the kind of block they used. The customers were pleased to see the young slave girls enter.

They watched with interest as a flute and drum were played, which provided melody and rhythm for the girls’ nude erotic dance. Meg found it surprisingly easy to dance in the wedge-soled slippers. She thrust her hips, spread her knees, rose on her toes, and rotated her crotch forward.

This well-developed move presented her pretty cunt to the guests. She raised a bent knee to the side, lifting it as high as possible. This was a move she performed frequently, and found it easy in these elevating sandals, as she danced, raised high up on her toes most of the time.

She then thrust her butt back, and with a pressing action, forced the end of one of the sausages out of her anus. In this position, balanced on tiptoe, she writhed and squirmed erotically, sliding the sausage in and out of her little back anal hole as easily as a prostitute would dart her rolled tongue rudely between her lips.

Her years of preparation under the tutelage of masters had prepared Meg well for this work. She was spectacular, easily outperforming the other trained sex dancers. It was not that the others were not erotic or stimulating in their lewd and sexually explicit movements. They were all well-trained and experienced erotic dancers.

It was that young Meg had the benefit of having attended the best school, her father’s, where she was being prepared to entertain none less than the mighty Caesar. She had been a free girl who wanted to learn, and because of her natural talent, her teachers had spent more time with her than with any of the others.

She had learned the most bizarre and wanton tricks of all and had mastered them all. The row of naked dancing girls was very popular in their unusual steep-wedged slippers. The customers were entertained by them, then followed the young slave girls as they climbed onto a low bench, and presented their bare buttocks.

By this time, they had all met with success, and a thick sausage stuck out between each pair of slender spread buttocks. As they had all been instructed to do in the kitchen, the young girls had all shit the tubular meat rolls part way out, to impudently present them to the many paying customers watching them perform.

Eager mouths quickly covered the protruding brown spiced sausages, and the customers took turns nibbling on the tasty treats from the colons of these erotic virgins. The teenagers came in as they were sampling the unusually served meat from the rectums of the twelve-year-old performers.

The teens did a dance that included spurting tiny sprays of crimson wine from their beautifully displayed cunts. Several of the excited customers moved directly over to the naked teenagers to enjoy drinking the wine from the unusual human vessels, directly from their sex organ spigots.

This was accomplished by clamping the mouth onto the bare cunt of the naked girl, and then thrusting a finger deep into her rectum, twisting it to encourage her production from her bladder. The slave master instructed the slave girls who had no customers feeding from them to continue to dance.

The erotic music continued, and the slave girls performed as the customers went back to their inspection of the stretched young teen dangling by a breast. From time to time a customer would return to the sausage-shitting girls for a snack, or a new customer would enter the chamber.

The girls were well supplied with sausages and wine, and would pause in their dance to service a hungry or thirsty client, and sometimes piss wine into a glass and offer it to a new customer entering the room. She would then resume the erotic movements to the wild rhythms and soaring melodies provided by the two musicians.

At the far end of the room was the stone stairway that led up into the central courtyard. Meg watched as a nude male slave, his erect penis dribbling semen, led one of the beautiful naked young women down the stairway, followed by a female customer. She was likely going to engage in lesbian sex with her.

Meghensa wondered if their lesbian tryst, between a wealthy woman and a naked teenage slave girl, would be violent. That was likely. Violence with slaves was what Romans loved, and this was not likely to be different. There was no reason for the woman to be kind while enjoying the body of the slave girl.


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