Lilith Sets Before You The Choices – Non-Fiction

Writer: Beast-666-Blogs

Subject: Lilith Sets Before You The Choices

Link: Tumblr / 02.11.2022

Lilith Sets Before You The Choices

Lilith sets before you the choices and chances to have success in your path. Line out the details through  meditation and direct communication. Hone the ways of the mother, if she gives you a opportunity don’t pass it down. Let mother bless you because you might not get the chance again. Remember your thoughts build thought forms these bring manifestation once this happens its very hard to go back over the mistakes and change them because you already sent this energy. I’m the atmosphere. So take each thought seriously, take each action seriously, because Lilith called you. She brought strength in your life  and she won’t make a vow she won’t keep unlike humans stay direct stay open and if you don’t  want change then don’t ask mother. 

6 thoughts on “Lilith Sets Before You The Choices – Non-Fiction”

  1. Ok, so I found this site by accident. I’m a Christian straight married male. Over the years the desire to suck cock has become uncontrollable. But I can’t find it anywhere. I’m locked between. Even if I want to circumstances always prevent anything from happening. Problem is I have a big thick big head cock that looks so delicious I can’t get over it.

  2. My apologies to XP and Mickey for confusion about my previous comment. I simply meant my experiences and journey are almost identical.

    1. No need to apologise at all — my comment was made only because I’m a bit sensitive to the whole subject of “who owns what” … it’s my bad … but I appreciate your clarification … thanks XP

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