Feature Writer: Heinz B
Feature Title: Letters from Heinz
Published: Emails from Heinz over a period of time / 22.11.2020
Note from XP: Firstly let me thank Heinz for his comments and taking the time to write to me. The original letters are all in German (which I had to translate crudely in Google) – and I am sure that there are some points, lost in translation, but never the less, I read his letters and get the meaning he wants to convey – I share his love of evil with you all – Hail LVST
Letters from Heinz
To Lilith’s Blood. You couldn’t say anything in the blog. In principle, the whole story is good and very cool. clear. The pastor could have been left out. What she gave him to see first – z. B. perverted, säuischte, also cruelly sadistic girls children’s orgies with total lust and orgasms – to finish him off. If such little girls were raised like that with the intention of their parents and orgies with other adults – everything that is only feasible with their 3 holes – and total lust is one and everything – even gives something – you would have been even better in the story Can build in and describe exactly what they are doing.
I would have been fine with her. But she thought stabbing to death from sheer pleasure was better and right – the act and the sight and the splashing blood would prolong her wonderful orgasm. If only a story, but she would have been right about that. And not only there, there are several countries with huge slums where you can buy such little girls cheaply, because they do not have to be registered. Very popular for sexual purposes in the most brutal way – even in real life, as everyone knows. Even for the most wonderful orgasms to get there, painfully putting it down is no problem. And not only for Rachel and the others, horniness was absolutely the most wonderful. There are countless of them. But she and the little ones just as well, absolutely away from God and heavily blasphemed about him and full to Lilith and Satan. Always. And so it is also correct.
Then I like the three young women for whom their holes and horniness and orgasms are the most important thing – cunt and how it can be made is their one and only. She is much more important to them than their boring men. In order to be able to give themselves long and undisturbed to every horny perversity, they even wished that their men would die. They managed it differently with the fourth, but kept their daughters for pervertedly horny acts. And I like Rachel. Absolutely great. Total, extremely horny orgasms is her life. The little Filipino girl what she did to her – if she had died on her cunt and only then did her super orgasm
Switching in English via google often distorts the meaning of what you want to say. Conversely, you might be better off. But I’ll try. So – your Satan, Lilith and Demon stories are all super and totally really cool. Writing to individual comments would always be too long. But for some I will do it later in detail. Today – here – I want to confide in you everything that is particularly cool, particularly satanic and therefore wonderful. For example: Satan’s daughter. Where the little or very young girl wrote a diary – and she guaranteed it. Everything she had written there – and also what should be done with her siblings, with her father and with her mother – in any case she wished to kill them all and how. And everything else she wrote and wished for everything for Jesus, God, Mary and everything Christian – gloriously blasphemous, Lilith and demons in her wonderful little body.
I had it translated by google and then back to German. Fuck. Much does not fit the sense. Maybe better with you. But everything she wanted in the diary, she meant honestly, because it was right for her cunt and super hot orgasms. Horny cunt and lust in the young body, she wanted nothing more. As young as she was, nothing was more important than her little cunt, lust and orgasms in her little body. For this it should and would kill – babies and other little girls. You imagine something like that and you get really horny. Or the man who fucked the baby in the ass. The young mother – still a child herself, was against it at first, but then at the sight her satanic cunt reported and he liked it and became wonderfully hornier and hornier. Then she liked what the man wanted and she almost begged – yes, fuck it – fuck my baby in the ass. Let it scream as it wants in pain
I want his little ass to be fucked. But deep in his ass. I will help you with it. And she did. You gotta press harder his asshole is small. But I want your cock to be very deep in his ass and then fuck my baby firmly and spray deep inside him. It was too wonderful for her young cunt the sight and enjoyed total lust. She didn’t care about anything, only her cunt and lust counted. Her little friend and all the large and small viewers clapped and did it themselves. You also imagine something like that. There were times when all the things that are in your stories were done in villages. With Jesus. Mary and God – his ridiculous, holy spirit, was driven in every imaginable and feasible sour and perverse kind of rubbish. And that from a very young age. Only ridiculed, ridiculed and blasphemed about them at that. Satan, Queen of Demons Lilith and Demons should be theirs and even in the youngest ones.
Children screamed in agony in agony. Their screams of pain were a pleasure for everyone. The greater their torments as they slowly die, the more everyone was happy, including the horny children. Little girls were always the cruellest when it came to punishing other children and babies because they wanted nothing more than to have horny pussies and orgasms. Your piss and piss from girlfriends always played a big role. Piss from their young satanic bodies was almost something sacred for the little girls, especially when demons and the horny Lilith were in their young bodies. Whatever they prayed for. And with their wonderful, golden piss – but also great shit – they could also torment other, not so horny children and also kill them, which meant new orgasms. Their still small, but very beautiful, magnificent pussies were for so young
Girl her everything. Nothing was more important to them day and night than the lust and making their young pussies horny and constantly having new orgasms and their enjoyable, hot juices from their pussies. And pray to Satan and Lilith day and night, they may make her even hornier and have more orgasms. But they were very happy girls. And their assholes played a big role in everything, but always especially deep into their asses, because they were so wonderfully awesome. But the same applies to men and boys. Girls with each other their mouths down to their throats. With all the crap and filth that just went in. But all of these things, no matter what the young girls wanted to get horny about, naturally applied to older girls and women as well. As with older girls too little ones. And the worst blasphemies of all kinds in words and deeds every day were very important. And of course correctly. Today as well.
But even if these are “only” stories from you – which I have deliberately mixed up here – are super written as they are real and you can’t get out of the lust while reading. But, my friend, I’ve read a lot about the Middle Ages in my life, just don’t think it’s all wrong. as for Satan’s villages, orgies and agonizing child sacrifices for Satan – supposedly for better harvests, etc. And was made for pure lust. And as for the horny kids. But almost the same in the so-called Christian. But there in monasteries between nuns and monks. They also prayed to God and Jesus for even greater horniness in their perverse drinking and fucking orgies. Separate monasteries, but often intentionally close together, connected with underground passages. At 13-14 it was an honor for farmers and in the village when they went to the monastery. Nuns were highly regarded outside. Were immediately at desolate ogies.
Rested and shut up outside. Children were born massively, but were slowly tortured to death by the nuns themselves with lustful lust or others in horny orgies. First, much later, deep down in the vaults, mountains of baby corpses were found, but also somewhat larger ones, and secondly, there were or still exist, nun traditions – written. And that asshole from God up there supported you in your doings? But you can’t do anything about it either. The one where the world still rules today – as you can see every day – always did. And when it comes to girls – even young ones – I’m most interested in, more and more pissing and shitting on Jesus and God, the horniness of their pussies is more important to them. Anonymous surveys about it, in particular, have shown. And they are right. I hope for new stories from you in this direction. With all the bells and whistles.
Fornication and rape down to the very youngest – even with inbred parents to children. Excessive debauchery to the point of horny is no longer possible in short intervals with big and also children, no matter if and how much it goes and all the wonderful wishes of the young girl in the diary, for example, if something like that does not make and is wonderfully horny, what then? Of course, it is not so easy to come up with such great stories, and then to describe them so precisely down to the last detail of the little pussies or the crumbling of the little ones, that’s not just a lot of work, you have to be able to do something like that first. Many will be enthusiastic about your stories and especially girls, I guess. Thanks for the pictures and the many others on tumblr. Unfortunately, many girls, with clothes, signs and horns – and satanic things written underneath by men – pretend to be satanic girls. For money on photos. But they’re not real, unfortunately. But I know that in reality there are more and more real ones – mostly still secretly. Wonderful girls like that. Absolutely right.
Take care-Heinz.
HAH! So that’s why my friends keep telling me not to put ketchup on everything! I didn’t know it was evil! Stupid bastards don’t know what they are missing!
And why I liked Heinz ketchup over all other brands.
All hail ketchup!
In serious though, were all these comments about Lilith’s Blood or were they also about other stories? I’ll have to reread it again as I didn’t understand where some of his comments came from but it has been a while since I last read it. Could be my brain is faulty.
Hail BG — The comments from Heinz came in about ten emails — all translated from German — I also have a problem understanding some of the remarks — but I just cannot read German, so have to rely on Google Translate — which is always a compromise
Nevertheless, I think that Heinz’s enthusiasm for, and knowledge of, our particular areas of interest come through well. Thanks, Heinz!
Hail Ranulf – thanks for the encouragement for Heinz
Hail XP, many thanks and well deserved.
Hail Ranulf — I love it when it get emails like this