Writer: XP
Subject: To those who target Hoku
Link: LS666 Emails / 13.12.2022
Jealous zealots target Hoku
Over the years I have gained a lot of appreciation for those who see the world differently. Writers who take the time to illuminate the way, that have a strong personal narrative, and that aren’t afraid to say what they mean — one such writer, is Hoku Lani.
We have published many of her words that are critical and cut to the bone. And she is greatly appreciated here at LS666.
And now, she has become the target of a malicious campaign on MEWE. Without naming names — these twisted individuals, seek to use the “reporting” capabilities on MEWE to have Hoku’s posts, profile and groups all systemically removed.
What are their motivations? Are they some kind of religious zealots? Are they against her believes and ideals? Are they simply jealous of her?
Please don’t allow these morons to try to silence her in any medium. We truly appreciate your writings and your bravery, Hoku. XP
Thank You My Brother Xpanther
I feel the same way you do about our Sister Hoku Lani.
I value her insights and Wisdom.
If someone does not like her posts
Don’t read them!
Block Her!
Please do not take away one of the few joys of my life.
Also it is far more nefarious.
I would expect this infantile behavior from christians.
I have grown to expect their Prejudice and Stupidity.
However this I feel is coming from our own Satanic Community.
Our family knows who this individual is.
We do not wish to escalate this stupidity.
Many will suffer and no one wins.
Let us
As Believers in Lilith and Satan take the higher Road
Live and Let Live
Good to go Brother John
Thank you Xpanther for this notice. I wish to support our beloved Hoku Lani as one of our most valued teachers of our path. I have only known her relatively recently yet know she is my teacher. I do believe there are other variations that differ but cannot understand this targeting of Hoku Lani to disrupt our way. I pray to Lilith that these souls realize how infantile this is and just go their own way. Hail Lilith and Satan. Hail Hoku Lani. May she be protected to continue her ways. Live and let live is the way of Az.
Hail Al Martinez — Live and let live — XP
Hokulani is one of the finest ladies I know of. I love her like a sister. I stand with my sister in telling the truths of our beliefs. We have a right to speak to as necessary.
Thank you Wolf Don — appreciate your kind support. XP
Aloha and thank you, for the kindness shown here.
Mother Lilith and Father Lucifer have provided an opportunity to enlighten those who are unsure of the path they are on.
To give in to persecution, is unacceptable regardless if it is from Abrahamic or Occult oppression.
Lilith provides my posts at times, so it is Lilith that they attempt to silence.
Hail Lilith Always and Forever
Hail Hoku — We all love you very much … XP
Hail Hoku — wishing you all our love and appreciation for your tireless energy — no oppression ONLY acceptance and enlightenment — XP
My Dearest Sister….Our lives intersect with others…seemingly random or by chance. But I believe in Destiny, as much as I believe that we all choose our own Fate. I am Blessed to have you in my life. That is NOT by chance. It is by Devine Intervention by our Mother Lilith. Our lives, yours and mine have always parraleled in many ways…including Astral Demensions that many do not understand. You have guided me through the darkness and into the light. Seeing the beauty that abounds in a world of Freedom, Empowerment and Lust. You have opened the door for me to others, Lucy Az and our family…a safe place where ALL are accepted and encouraged to be who they really are. How Amazingly Liberating! I will just say…Thank you my Twin…Thank you Lucy for seeing in me, what I did not…Thank you XP for your inspiration…and Much Love to Our Family. Hail Lilith…Hail Hokulani…Hail Freedom of Speech and Expression. Be Free…..Blessed Be, Tati xo
Thank you Tati for your support … She is so precious! XP
Hail Lilith Always and Forever!
Hail Hoku Lani Always and Forever!
Don’t Fuck with my Hoku Always and Forever!
Thank You My Brother Xpanther
Hail LycanRex
Thank you brother for bringing this top our attention — Hoku has a good friend in you! XP
It is I
Who is Lucky
To be Friends with Hoku Lani
Friends with Lucy Az
And friends with you
Brother Xpanther
We have known each other many years
And corrupted or should I say Free
Many pious christians
How many priests?
How many nuns?
Have joined our community through your portal of corruption
Thank you
My Brother
Cursed be the foes of our beloved sister!
Hail to our sister, whose name shall be praised among the high priestesses of the Creator. May the lust dry up in her foes, so that they become infertile and no longer pollute the honor of our mother and her daughters with their unholy, corrupted lust! May they never climax again, as their pricks, clits and nipples shrink to useless numb appandages. Their balls and wombs dry up and their cunts shall never get wet again!
Sinne I got acquianted to our beloved sister Hoku Lani she gives me divine inspiration. She’s my guide as I’m still an inexpierienced adept compared to her wisdom. We’ve shared some thoughts which at every time has enlightened my day!
So I hope that she will continue to enjoy my life with her wisdom!
Why don’t you name their names and out them?