Incubus and succubus – Non-Fiction


Feature Writer: Unknown

Feature Title: Incubus and succubus

Link: Unknown / No longer available


Incubus and succubus

“Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy”


Sex demons, incubus and succubus

The following excerpts are from Erica Joseph (me, before being married to Joseph Shepherd — I wrote this over fifteen years ago) I have been quoted around the world and misquoted by many ministers and ministries. Breakthrough Missions in a booklet titled Sex with demons — Nightmares, Incubus and Succubus.

Sexual experiences with demonic spirits are very real even in this day and age. Erica Joseph says, “I have personally taken both men and women through deliverance, that have experienced this and some became bound by the spirits of Incubus and Succubus.

I have personally taken both men and women through deliverance, where the witch or warlock has actually, through the use of astral travel, seduced them, having sexual relations with them as they slept, with them thinking it was only a dream and this is arranged through the utilization of familiar spirits.

Reverend Joseph continues, “In every deliverance situation of this nature the one thing that has been required is total and complete honesty from the person seeking the deliverance. I have taken some individuals through deliverance and the Holy Ghost has caused those spirits to manifest (reveal themselves).

“Some individuals have enjoyed the sexual experience with those demons. Thus, deliverance was not effective.” She goes on to say, “In some instances, I have found that those spirits have entered in through masturbation and fantasy lust. If the individuals renounce the fantasy lust and stopped masturbating, they were delivered.

“I have taken several individuals through deliverance from those demons and I’ve found that people have been violated (raped) by spirits, not actually wanting to believe it or not understanding what happened to them until deliverance revealed it. But they know that they had experienced something painful and undesirable.”

Amazingly, Joseph proceeds to write, “I have taken individuals through deliverance, that have felt the bed moving, felt their bodies responding uncontrollably, yet their rational, logical mind could not comprehend it. So they wrote it off as a dream. These demonic spirits that function in this sexually perverse way must be renounced and cast out, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Essentially, the incubus is a lewd demon which seeks sexual intercourse with women. It is also termed follet (French), alp (German), duende (Spanish) and folletto (Italian). The corresponding demon who appears to men is the succubus.

When associated with one particular witch or sorcerer, both incubus and succubus is known as magistellus, or familiar. Inasmuch as the nightmare dream is sexual in latent content, an incubus is often used interchangeably with The Mare Demon; in fact, the Latin word for nightmare is incubo (to lie upon). The incubus can assume either a male or a female shape. Sometimes he appears as a full-grown man. Sometimes as a satyr or in the form of a demon, and if it is a woman who has been received as a witch, the incubus generally assumes the form of an animal.

A succubus is a demon in female form, specialized in seducing men. Although feminine in meaning, in form this medieval Latis word, succubus, is masculine (because demons were supposedly sexless) the feminine form succuba (strumpet) is occasionally found.

If you have, or are having dreams or nightmares of a sexual nature that you know are as real as life, dreams where you cannot exactly distinguish the real from the unreal, please seek deliverance. Don’t allow Satan and his demonic hosts to degrade your body which is the Temple of God.


THE DEMON MARE: Works with the Incubus and Succubus demons. This demon is alleged to cause dreams of sexual content coupled with those evil spirits.

NIGHT SPELLS: Charms or enchantments by night, used by witches and warlocks.

NIGHTMARE or MARE: The demon or mare alleged to cause bad dreams. The dream itself is called a nightmare. MARE: The supposed demon which, during the night, sits on the chest and causes feelings of suffocation and choking. Causing a feeling of being paralyzed and that the weight is crushing the breath out of a person There are humans who have the ability for out of body experiences. These spirits are “visiting” you as you sleep. Cutting their silver cord, in the name of Jesus, will make them disappear.

If you are attacked by these demons, pray this way. In the name of Jesus, I bind up these demons, and I command them to leave me and my home. “I cut all ungodly silver cords and command all ley lines to burn by the power of the Holy Ghost.” (Wizards and witches that are soul traveling at night).

This is called astral projection. The silver cord is connected to the person’s body and
the person’s spiritual body. The person can live as long as the silver cord is connected to the physical body. A supernatural power will stay in effect and function, unless a superior power supersedes or overcomes it. Born again Christians are the only people who can use the name of Jesus to rebuke and deliver demons). If you are unable to speak, you can just think these prayers or the name Jesus. It works!


Incubus and Succubus demons

These are sex demons that attack human beings through the use of sex, buring lust, sleep paralysis lust. They are directed by Asomodeus and Osmodeus spirits and watcher spirits. These sexual spirits are very powerful and more common than you can imagine. So this information that I am sharing with you may seem incredible, I make a request that you prayerfully pray.

The following are some sexual devils:

INCUBUS – A spirit or demon thought to lie on sleeping persons, especially women, with whom it sought sexual intercourse.

SUCCUBUS – a female demon thought to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.
The above definitions came from Webster’s Dictionary.

INCUBI – Demonic sexual attacks on females; possibly caused by sexual sins, witchcraft spells, curses of lust, inherited curses, can attack children.

SUCCUBI – demonic sexual attacks on males, may be caused by the same as Incubi above


Modern day

These demons are for real and active! Americans tend to think that these kinds of devils are just fantasy or imagination. I’m telling you that they are for real! They are supernatural evil spirits that are being invited into our homes through open sexual doors, and sexual perversion doors opened through television, movies and evil magazines. When they are invited in, they are very hard to deliver because they are “pleasure devils” that give joy to the flesh of their victims. You must remember, these are “feel good” devils and just as powerful as some one who gets hooked on drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. It is impossible to get them free unless the person is willing to stop receiving their pleasure from something unholy.

So it is with these devils

In the beginning they may give you pleasure but in the end, they will destroy your relationships and kill you! Try to find help before it is too late! These demons have sex with both men and women as the person sleeps, and some of you know it. It’s not a dream, and it is not your imagination, it’s an evil supernatural experience — sex with demons.

Demonic Targeting

This type of sex is usually reserved only for people who have been involved in the occult. However, a person heavily into pornography and prostitution can also experience this phenomenon. Witchcraft, Satanism, and eastern religions experience sexual intercourse of various sorts with spirits.

Spiritual Husbands and Spiritual Wives.

These spirits lay claims on their victims. These sex devils become very possessive of their dupes. They even give them spiritual marriage rings. These rings are invisible to the natural eye. You must break the sexual ties and take the spiritual ring and cast it in hell!
These demons also shape-shifters.


This term refers to an advanced form of voluntary demonic control in which evil spiritual forces temporarily and massively change the shape of a human body for a variety of purposes, lust being one of the most common. While not commonly known today, shape shifting was a well-documented tool in the hands of advanced practitioners of evil a few centuries ago such as the druids who taught this technique regularly.

As armies of Irish soldiers readied themselves for war, a druid priest would perform his incantations, and they would become demonically contorted like the Incredible Hulk in order to increase their physical powers and to create hideous visual effects. Although western European druids are the most highly documented group mastering this form of demonic power, most cultures have practiced it at some level.

Shape-shifting is not just sin and rebellion?it is iniquity. In order to achieve it, one has to overtly pursue submitting to demonic power. Iniquity warps spiritual DNA so that people many generations later are still affected by the evil of their ancestors. Ask God to cleanse your spirit, soul, and body of that defilement and to straighten out and bring into alignment what the enemy has twisted.

The history of seducing spirits goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden, where Satan seduced Eve into believing she was being cheated out of the best thing God had by not being able to eat from the forbidden tree (Gen. 3:1-6).

He seduced her to disobey God’s instruction to her. Such seductions are chronicled throughout Scripture, all the way to the book of Revelation. To be attacked by a seducing spirit is to be targeted as a potential victim. When under attack, insane choices can seem logical, even spiritually sound.

We understand that enemy spirits prefer to work under cover of darkness, hidden from view, much as termites working to destroy the foundation of a house. They do not want to be identified and will try to keep our attention drawn to the natural and visible realm. We can give all our attention and energy to the natural, visible surface and not see the hidden, spiritual root. In the midst of so much distraction, pressure, change, and challenge of the current times, we need to discern the motivating forces in the spirit realm. Whereas God is moving us towards maturity and Christ-likeness

Sex Demons – The Incubus

According to the church fathers, the incubus was an angel who fell from grace because of his insatiable lust for women. As a demon, the incubus continued with his carnal desires, preying upon vulnerable women, raping them in their sleep or provoking in them sexual desires that only the incubus (sometimes known as the demon lover) could satisfy.

Since demons, according to the traditional wisdom, were only spirits and had no corporeal form, the incubus was presumed to come upon his physical form in one of two ways: he either reanimated a human corpse, or he used human flesh to create a body of his own, which he then endowed with artificial life. Especially mischievous and clever incubi were often able to make themselves appear in the persons of real people — a husband, neighbor, the handsome young stable-hand. In one case, a medieval nun seem to have been sexually assaulted by a local prelate, Bishop Sylvanus, but the bishop defended himself on the grounds that an incubus had assumed his form. The convent took his word for it.

So how could a woman tell for sure if her lover was a demon or not? There were a few clues. If she freely admitted the incubus to her bed, it would have the power to put everyone else in the house into a deep sleep  — even her husband, who might be lying right beside her. Other clues were even more obvious — the incubus often proved to be a nasty lover, with a sexual organ that was painfully large, freezing cold, made of iron, or even double-pronged.

Occasionally, these unholy unions were thought to create offspring. Any children who were born with a deformity were automatically suspect. Twins were looked at askance, too. The magician Merlin was believed to be the fruit of demonic intercourse. And medieval records are filled with graphic accounts of half-human, half-animal creatures that were reputedly sired by incubi.

But even with all the attention that was paid to them, there never seemed to be a foolproof way of warding off these demon lovers. Sometimes prayer worked, sometimes exorcism and benediction, but in many cases, even these proved futile.

According to Ludovico Sinistrari, the seventeenth-century Franciscan friar who authorized Demoniality, incubi, “Do not obey the exorcists, have no dread of exorcisms, show no reverence for holy things at the approach of which they are not in the least bit overawed … sometimes they even laugh at exorcisms, strike at the exorcists themselves, and rend the sacred vestments.

“If they were sufficiently irritated by these attacks, incubi could respond with random violence and mayhem. When Sinistrari himself tried to free a virtuous matron from one persistent incubus, the demon gathered hundreds of roofing stones and with them erected a wall around the woman’s bed. When it was finished, the wall was so high, Sinistrari reports, “the couple were unable to leave their bed without using a ladder.”

INCUBUS: An incubus, according to Judeo-Christian legend, is a masculine DEMON sent to bring the souls of young maidens to hell through sexual depravity. Medieval accounts of such diabolical couplings claim that intercourse with these fiends is usually painful and unpleasant, yet women often find incubi irresistibly seductive despite the physical agony. Elders warn against such blasphemous carnal unions, declaring that to have relations with an incubus is the “quickest path to hell.”

Men are similarly admonished to avoid the succubus the female version of this notorious demon. They, too, have overwhelming sexual powers and could easily lead men to damnation.

Incubus (etymologically, one who presses upon or crushes) is generally described as a condition appearing while the subject sleeps, and is characterized by three main features: agonizing dread, a sense of oppression or weight upon the chest interfering with respiration, and the illusion of helpless paralysis. In antiquity, the incubus was thought to be lustful and was given various names — ephialtes (the one who jumps or rests upon, especially in dreams) and faunus (a lustful being).

By and large, the Greeks believed that the appearance of these beings in dreams was caused by over-indulgence in eating and drinking, epilepsy, and other diseases – in essence, the consequence of somatic disorders — and treatment was prescribed accordingly. In the Old Testament the incubus was viewed as a voluptuous being eager to mate with women. For Augustine, “Sylvans and Pan [lesser deities of field and forest], who are commonly called incubi, had often performed obscenities on women and attacked and sought congress with them” (De civitate Dei 15.23).

This view was perpetuated by the Church Fathers and acquired dramatic representation in the temptations of Anthony, the famous anchorite; it persisted in medieval literature, as in Isidore of Seville’s encyclopedic Etymologiae.

Although incubi were considered dreams and illusions by the “Canon Episcopi” (c. 900) and by Gratian’s “Decrees” (1140), the Church eventually came to accept their existence as genuine and by equating sorcery with heresy found a way through the Inquisition to exterminate those convicted of being involved with incubi. This position acquired official recognition in the Malleus maleficarum (1487) and was also accepted by Protestant leaders and by demonologists. In literature, allusions to the incubus appeared in Shakespeare and, later on, among representative Romantic writers.

In the mid-nineteenth century, a psychological interpretation of the incubus was first proposed by the Frenchman Moreau de Tours and by the German Spittberger. The sexual etiology of the symptoms already hinted at (e.g., Robert Burton in his seventeenth-century Anatomy of Melancholy [1.2.2]), became paramount in Freud, who attributed it to the expression of mental conflict over incestuous desire. In his book On the Nightmare, Ernest Jones, one of Freud’s staunchest followers, attributed to unresolved sexual conflicts the belief in nightmares, incubi, the vampire, and witches.

Incubus & Succubus

If you have not already, please read the post entitled “Incubus and Succubus – what do you know about them?” That post explains what these spirits are, how they operate, and what their purpose is. It is important for you to understand them in order to understand how to be delivered from these spirits.

Just as many of you have stated to me in the past or in your post, I too prayed and fasted for deliverance from these spirits to no avail. That is a very discouraging and frustrating feeling because it gives you almost a sense of hopelessness. “If prayer and fasting and binding and rebuking doesn’t work, then what will?” This is what I used to ask myself about the encounters. The Holy Spirit then led me to do some research on these spirits.

“…and with all thy getting, get understanding (Prov 4:7)”

It is important to remember that one of the first keys to deliverance from anything is understanding your enemy! As I prayed and studied, not for deliverance but for understanding of my enemy, that is when I finally was able to receive the revelation of what I must do in order to get total deliverance.

Whether the incubus/succubus spirit is living in you or oppressing you from without is not a major factor in how to go about deliverance. The process is still the same, although it may be a bit more violent and long for someone that has many of these spirits and/or for someone that has them living inside.

Remembering that the purpose of an incubus/succubus spirit is to impregnate you, the main key to deliverance is to abort and/or kill that which they have successfully planted in you. The casting out or sending away of these spirits will do nothing to tear down the strongholds that they have successfully built in your life. Therefore, after casting out/binding/rebuking/renouncing/sending away the spirits — do the same to all their offspring and seeds.

Incubus/Succubus wants to impregnate you with fear which will pervert your faith. They want to impregnate you with lust which will cause you to desire evil things to satisfy and fulfill your soul. They want to impregnate you with different spirits of perversion, especially those of a sexual nature. And they want to impregnate you with spirits of witchcraft which will cause you to be interested in and/or act out: rebellion, divination, sorcery.

  1. You must renounce not only the incubus and succubus spirits that have entered into your life, but you must renounce their works. You need to verbally destroy and renounce and murder everything that they have conceived within you and caused you to give birth to. If you fail to do this they will always have access to you.
  2. Depending on your level of bondage and what you are involved in sexually, this may take some time and effort, but while you are in the process of deliverance from all spirits of sexual perversion, if you do have an encounter with an incubus/succubus spirit – IMMEDIATELY ABORT WHAT THEY HAVE PLANTED YOU. Think of it as taking a “morning after pill”. (You will need to get a copy of my book, The Spirits of Sexual Perversion Handbook in order to learn how to get delivered from sexual sin.)
  3. Now that you understand how incubus/succubus attacks (from reading the first post), don’t let the attack carry on without challenging the spirits. When an attack begins, say verbally and out loud something like, “I know what you are and what you are here for and I renounce you in Jesus name! My body does not belong to you it is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I do not receive your seed into me and will not give birth to your offspring of evil!” As long as you don’t have any obvious open doors in your life, this will usually immediately subside any assault that takes place while you are awake. This includes those incredibly overwhelming sexual urges that come over you and cause you to have spontaneous orgasms or commit an act of perversion such as masturbation, pornography, or fornication.*Note: Don’t expect this to work if you are still willfully watching pornography, horror films, listening to sex filled secular music, watching soap operas, reading horoscopes, etc … Demons don’t like to be challenged they are seeking rest. You offer no challenge to them if you live a willfully carnal and sinful lifestyle — you become a place of rest for them!
  4. For those attacks that occur while you are sleeping, renounce these spirits before you lay down and purpose in your subconscious mind to wake up if you start to have a sex dream or nightmare. When you wake up, IMMEDIATELY ABORT ANYTHING THAT THEY MAY HAVE PLANTED IN YOU. This is so important. You cannot let their seeds grow in you. KILL THE SEED. And DO NOT repeat what you have dreamed about to anyone or rehearse the dream in your mind, unless you are in a counseling situation!!! Speaking it out gives birth to it. Cast down the very thought of it from your conscious and subconscious mind. This is so important (and remember this applies to nightmares too).
  5. It is very, very important that you concentrate yourself. Every spirit must be cast out of your life and every door closed as much as you are capable of doing. That means that you do not willfully involve yourself in anything at all that is sinful or ungodly. When you do fall or make a mistake you must repent and get up quickly. Not that you will be perfect — no one is — but every sinful and carnal area of your life must be challenged to the max! This is especially true when you are in the midst of a deliverance process. That means that you should fast and pray, but also that you need to omit every evil influence from your life — people, places, things, habits and especially the MEDIA.
  6. Lastly, please remember this: incubus/succubus are lust demons. Lust is a force that is ever present in the earth realm and therefore is not something that you can say, “I will never face this again.” (I explain about this in great detail in my book.) Everyone is subject to the temptations and pressures of lust because it is the passion of Satan’s heart and he is the prince of the world: Not everyone will fall victim, but everyone is subject. Anytime that you are spiritually weak it is possible (not likely, but yes it is possible) for you to have an encounter with incubus/succubus. If this does happen once you are delivered, just remember to implement the steps above and watch your level of concentration always. You especially want to be mindful of the media that you expose yourself to, the people that you are around and any subtle forms of witchcraft that may be in your life (like horoscopes or manipulation).

2 thoughts on “Incubus and succubus – Non-Fiction”

  1. Hail XP!

    Incubus and Succubus, sounds like fucking Paradise to Tatiana and I; why the fuck would any committed Satanist ever call out for deliverance from debauched sexual pleasure and damnation



    1. Hail Marcus — you two are legendary! Send me more pictures of Tatiana to wet my satanic appetite!

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