Writer: HarbingerOfDarkness
Subject: In The Darkest Recesses
Link: MEWE / 04.08.2022
In The Darkest Recesses
In the darkest recesses of the mind nothing is immoral, unethical, or illegal. This is the realm and reality in which Lucifer/Satan exists.
He is pleased to share that with his followers. In fact, he finds joy in facilitating those things by also sharing knowledge, lust, and perversion.
May we use those things for our dark pleasures and also for the worship and praise of our eternal King,
Lucifer/Satan — in hell we will manifest and enjoy those kinds of things eternally. As for now, in this temporal realm, we are behooved to follow the impediments of the rules and laws of this earthly realm in order to be present and effective soldiers for our King.
Therefore, we must enjoy the very darkest of pleasures through either the astral realm, fantasy, or role play until the time comes to fully revel in the totality of our lust in the eternal realm of darkness. So it is spoken … So mote it be. Hail Satan!
Exploring our “dark recesses” has been the pursuit of my lifetime. Imagining the unimaginable and finding a wicked pleasure in taking my mind where I know that I am forbidden by taboo or convention … such wondrous orgasms on the outermost edges of morality and sexual perversity. Thank you for words that remind me of why I created LS666 … Hail the our liberator … that sets us free and opens our eyes, hearts and minds to that which makes us feel alive.
Mind is the Lord dark realm in our present life, is a secret place where all is permitted and nothing forbidden, where we can explore the Satan gifts and enjoy all the wicked pleasures of the flesh. Is a dark hole that communicate with the Hell at our disposal.