Writer: wes420mantooth
Subject: I Used To Be A Good Christian
Link: Tumblr / 23.12.2022 / Reposted by goddamnedsoul666
I Used To Be A Good Christian
And then I got smart …
Christian men — use your brains — and understand you are being made to feel guilty for what all men desire and sexual perversion. Throw off the chains of Christ and surrender to Satan. He and He alone is going to provide what you truly want. I cast off Jesus Christ five years ago. Satan will provide every sexual perversion you hunger for.
Fucking right! It’s amazing the free will and sexual pleasure without guilt I enjoy now! Life began at my Black Mass.
I LOVE being in love with Satan!!! I love Him with all my fucking heart ❤ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘,
Mmmmm, once you open Pandora box you can never go back to Jesus Christ, once you have done perverted acts against mankind and you sexually pleasure from it you are hooked on it and can’t go back the truth is you don’t want to go back, addiction to Satan, addiction to porn, addiction to corrupting others to sin to see the devil in there eyes, the power you have over them to see your wickedness grow inside you as you find more and more sick perverted urges you can’t control
Men and women girls and boys once for what ever reason you have been chosen by the dark god to serve doing anything you want with no regrets no regard for Christian beliefs you grow stronger every day you get bolder in you unholy acts your cunt drips satanic cummm just thinking about what’s next, you can’t keep your fingers out of your fuck holes, just driving in your car you can’t resist the urge to touch yourself, sliding your skirt up no panties bald twat hard clit leaking satanic juice you slide two fingers in the birth canal whispering Satan’s name hail master god 🙏🙏🙏 Satan let me cummm hard o father beast let me bleed cummm out my filthy hole and lick the cummmm off fingers and hand while I drive to meet a married woman I meet shopping I told her she looked very sexy in the women’s dressing room and that if she ever wanted to meet for some wicked funnnm to call me sometime and she did, I told her once you open Pandora’s box you will never ever be able to go back mmmmmmmm she could see the evil unholy slut I am, she told her children and husband she was going shopping and she’d be back later, but this time she’s going to be gone for hours with me turning her into one of Satans whores not only will I rape my new fuck toy for Satan but I will have her licking black buck nigger boy cocks mmmmm when she done breeding she will go home trained brainwashed with no panties no bra makeup gone bruises on her legs her hair a mess her nylons gone her cunt dripping 💦💦💦 nigger boys satanic juice, this is what I love for unholy acts for Satan
Hail Satan
Hail Lilith
Hail filth
Wickr satanfucksmommy
Remember SIN AND PORN is the only true religion, don’t turn back asking for forgiveness once you have given into perversions your hooked your life is over your family becummm’s a sexual target for your cunt or cock you can’t let anyone escape they must all submit to your will they will be your feast they will try to talk you out of it but it won’t work your addicted your own by the unholy master god satan your mind is corrupt, take your mate to bed and whisper in there ear you want them to fuck a stranger, you tell them it will strengthen your love for each other you want them to bring a stranger home to our bed while the children are there in the house bring a total fuck toy male or female to fuck while you watch chanting to Satan and Lilith it once has to happen once then there hooked on unholy pleasure and they will do it all the time for you and Satan to watch and cummmm — then your home will be own by our god satan and Lilith a place of filth a place mommy and daddy bring other Satan worshipping sluts to film and fuck and blackmail into wicked bliss, it won’t take long and your circle of satanic new friends will bring there new found sexual depraved adults to the circle of satanic worship hahaha bring them to us faggot cock suckers cunt whores the beast needs it pound of sexual depraved flesh and your all owned by God Satan
Wickr satanfucksmommy
I was a good Christian once upon a time
Satan now rules my life fully turned me into a porn addict extreme sick perverted fucking slave to corrupt anyone I come across no limit to age or gender
[email protected]
Yes, hail satan the holy soul turn unholy before your eyes
I always get excited when the holy bitch opens up to perverted urges the word perversions has such a lovely ring to it, it doesn’t take long and there hooked it’s like fishing
Wickr satanfucksmommy
I have messaged you on wickr
As a Christian pastor, I haven’t gotten to the place where I can renounce my faith. But I was on Wickr earlier this week (I’ve had more email addresses and Wickr handles than I can count—guilt is a bitch) and all I could reply to a pic someone sent me was “God. Fucking. Damn.” Sounds trivial to most of you, I know, but to me that was huge. And it felt God fucking damn good to type it and then to say it out loud as I masturbated to the picture.
If I’ve ghosted you on email or Wickr, I’m sorry. This journey is a roller coaster.
[email protected]