Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: Entering The Dark
Link: LS666 Email / 01.02.2023
Entering The Dark
It’s amazing as I think am finally making entry. We have talked about, “Crystal Meth,” being a road to, “Satan,” and have been asking him to send some my way. I was on a site and someone had about, “PNP,” and I asked how and played dumb. He said he liked, “Ice,” so asked what it was.
Almost lost him but then wrote back I knew and was curious. He told me he was nervous if I have never as it can be addictive. He also said he did not want to expose someone to it and then have them hate him. I again asked for help and told the guy I could not hate him as do not hate and after all it would be my decision as an adult. I think that opened it up a little and cannot believe did not scare him away as told him I believe my spirit brought me to this moment as have felt called to try it.
I even said I know some say its kind of a dark thing and he stayed. I asked him what the effects were and a few things but then wife come in. I figured that was that but this morning I looked and there was a message that said it makes you super horny and when you explode you explode big and usually cum again right away. The this was posted last night and he said he was upset cause he found someone new and now am gone.
I wrote this morning and said sorry and asked how long the effects last and made mention of things like wanting to see how much could take in my mouth and such. I even said a friend once told me if I did it and submitted it would be the best sex ever.
I just went back to check messages and while none I found he pinned me as if to not lose me. I cannot afford to be out of it for days but if a small amount can open me up to our lord am going to meet him and see. I actually do not know his position on things but last night had two dreams. The first was that we met; and we did a little though he did more; and we talked. I said something about his cock looking rock hard; and somehow we said something about anal sex being a sin — and called sodomy — and he asked if I wanted to sin with him.
I was sucking him while in this sort of trip; and when it came time, he had me sit at the edge of the bed with mouth open, and stroked and it was so hard he hit and missed my mouth and we both giggled. I looked at him as he said the second was almost there. I opened my mouth and he told me to close my eyes and he pushed me back and lifted my legs. He told me it was sinning time as he fucked me.
The second is a wild story that I called — haunted houses are real — and so is the evil. It is one where am talking to people as Halloween comes and they tell me to be careful as Satan and his minions can take many forms. They could be in animals or anything. Then there is talk about this haunted house — way deep in the woods that had been shut down — as they say demons lived there. After that guy saying the effects could last up to two days this one came to me.
i need to try this….any one HELP!…masturbating