Court Orders Eleven-Year-Old Az To Abort by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Court Orders Eleven-Year-Old Az To Abort

Link: MEWE / 28.10.2023

Court Orders Eleven-Year-Old Az To Abort

I must admit the juicy thoughts of an abortion piqued my interest. I always remain vigilant to bring the latest news regarding this sacred act. Imagine my surprise when it was linked to our Divine Mother as well as High Priestess Lucy Az.

Lilith Az as Babalon the Scarlet Woman is the foundation of the secret sexuality, the void, and reaching beyond good and evil. As many have sought to understand the role of the feminine in nature and Magick, the key opportunity for those practitioners of the Luciferian path is to understand the druj and the feminine within first.

Keeping this in mind, here are some of the thrilling details from a news article.

An IJK judge ordered an 11-year-old to get an abortion, ruling that termination was in the girl’s best interest. Court documents show that a 10-year-old girl only identified as AZ was raped by a 14-year-old boy she met online. She was reportedly raped a few weeks later by a different 14-year-old boy after her 11th birthday. I ask myself if her name is AZ, was she truly raped? She was about 14 weeks and six days pregnant during the hearing and told the court she was “happy” with the pregnancy, according to the Sun.

“Her views involved ‘naive magical thinking’ in her approach to the pregnancy,” the judge added.

AZ explained the pregnancy made her feel “special,” according to Arbuthnot, and her mother “supported AZ’s position.”

Unfortunately, the Judge claimed

“The risks to AZ are significant. I was particularly struck by the evidence about the impact of the size of AZ’s anatomy: whereas many adult women struggle with the pain of childbirth, a child of eleven is likely to have a much worse experience,” the judge said.

This is when I remind people that Mary had Jesus at the same age. Where was this Judge to abort that rape? AZ reportedly accepted the proposal of terminating the pregnancy, as Abortion is sacred and delivers the child to Lilith. “The mother made the telling point to the social worker that there was a risk that if AZ’s pregnancy was terminated, she would just go out and become pregnant again,”

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