Feature Writer: Unknown / Feature Title: Sexual Perversion / Story Codes: MF / Sexual Perversion It was the fall…
Feature Writer: FOXI & Gia1978 / Feature Title: Eve And The Serpent / Uploaded: 07.02.2012 Story Codes: MF/f, MC, drug,…
Feature Writer: Seamus / Feature Title: Visiting Uncle Timby / Uploaded: 13.11.2012 Story Codes: Mgg, MF, Fgg, cons, lolita, inc,…
Feature Writer: Horny Mommy / Feature Title: Pedo Recruitment Agency / Contact: [email protected] Story Codes: Pedo, / Author’s Notes: My…
Feature Writer: prazehim666 Feature Title: Obey the Master / Let him see you masturbate Link: TUMBLR / Actingright4Satan / Actingright.tumblr.com…
Feature Writer: Dicky Dick / Feature Title: My Twin Sister / Story Codes: Anal, Boys/Teen Female, Hardcore, Incest, Virginity, WS…
Feature Writer: Merlyn / Feature Title: Kinky Mom / Story Codes: Pedo, Incest, Mother-Son / Uploaded: 2012 / Polaris –…
Feature Writer: Falcinator / Feature Title: Satan’s Sluts / Story Codes: Erotic Horror / Synopsis: Back-stage gang-bang gets a bit…
Feature Writer: E A Grant Feature Title: A Mother’s Desire / Story Codes: Pedo, Incest, Lesbian, WS, adult female/girl sex…
Feature Writer: Elliejo61 / Feature Title: Lost Innocence / Story Codes: Young (14), Pedo, WS, Masturbation, First Time, Lesbian /…