Ask XP — Hello, is there sex in hell? – Non-Fiction

Writer: XP

Subject: Ask XP — Hello, Is there sex in hell?

Link: LS666 / 03.03.2022

Notes from XP: Sometimes I am challenged with interesting questions that test and tease my mind;  that I spend days pondering over; questioning myself about the answer; trying to delve deep into my psyche for the truth that sometimes can appear to the contrary — this isn’t one of them.

Ask XP — Hello, is there sex in hell?


Hello, is there sex in hell?


Hail Vuk — thanks for your question – many Christian’s view hell as a place of eternal torture as depicted by scenes from Dante … where human are physically punished for their earthy sins … I think this is a totally bizarre concept and has been used for centuries as a form of control by the church … “be good or be punished” .. if one imagines a hell where we are granted eternal sexual pleasure … “be evil and receive sexual gratification” … wouldn’t that be a game-changer?


Explain to me what you think.


We all have our views … “Is there an afterlife?” … “Is there heaven and hell?” … “Is there sex in hell?” … I can only give you conjuncture as nobody has ever died, come back and said, “Guess what, it’s all bullshit”

Who am I to presume anything? I choice to believe that “what you see is what you get” … life is about living … why wait for sex in hell? Why not enjoy life today? Now.

The suicide bombers believe that by giving up their lives that there are 14 virgins awaiting them in heaven. Oh, 14 for guys, but only 5 virgins for women. Doesn’t that sound stupid?

So what do I think? Well, I’m a writer and I can imagine lots of crazy things (and do, in the fiction that I write) … but what I think and feel are not necessarily aligned to just make-believe … I think, fuck it. Enjoy sex on earth. Enjoy the pleasures that are here … and we’ll figure the rest out later.


Okay, but I read on your site how demons can have sex with people in hell, is this a lie or the truth?


Let me see if I understand what you are asking … you need to know if the content of this site is real — you need me to confirm the existence of preternatural beings and that currently, they are having sex with those sentenced to eternity in hell? If I said yes, it was true. How would you know if I was lying or not?


Can I ask you something? Who is Satan?


Satan was an angel cast out from heaven for rebelling against God — he is referred to as a “fallen angel” but is also know as the Devil, the Anti-Christ, the Serpent, the Ruler of Hell


What do you think of him?


Maybe at this point, I need to say that there is a difference between Satanism and Satan. If you think of Satanism as an approach to life … that is not based upon the Christian ideals and doesn’t necessarily have to be their opposites — just different … then Satan as a mythical character that was created by Christians, much like Father Christmas, the Easter Bunny, Cupid, Mickey Mouse and Yoda … then my thoughts on Satan would be that he is a “Symbol” of sexual freedom to many … hope that helps XP


4 thoughts on “Ask XP — Hello, is there sex in hell? – Non-Fiction”

  1. I hope so. I fantasize about it. Like getting gang raped by everyone present for all of eternity and remaining in an eternal state of orgasmic bliss, while having my ass filled with loads of hot, burning cum.

    1. Hail Stark Raven — we can imagine — we can fantasize — but we can also enjoy what there is in the “here and now”

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