Writer: Voice from the Shadows
Subject: An Altar to Lilith
Link: Tumblr / 14.11.2021
An Altar to Lilith
How we relate to the Dark Lord is a matter which is personal to each of us. When one reads all the material out there about this or that deity among the many when it comes to what I call the “beyond” or the “supernatural realm,” after much research and consideration which I have shared in other articles in the tumblr about me and the Dark Lord, I have resolved that the only way to reconcile the existence of the higher power beyond us is to realize that the Dark Lord, Lilith and all the other assets within the assembly of the almighties are one and to recognize that Lilith is the feminine expression of the Dark Lord and he or she who wishes to worship Lilith is free to do so as the person of Lilith rather than the way I do. They are one and the same.
However, when those, as I do, call him the Dark Lord (the masculine) what is also important is that the feminine be recognized in a significant way and with due deference. Do I pay homage to Lilith within my altar? Not in the way some would believe.
What needs to be understood is that one’s altar is personal and how it is to be arranged and acknowledged is personal to the devotee. In my case, my altar consists of pentagram and candles, or should I say candle, a large expensive altar candle that sits in one of those Victorian style single candle candlesticks which would stand out on any sideboard or mantle. It is simple and deliberately so. Yet, one may ask: Do I pay homage to Lilith?
I do.
How? I haven’t changed my personal place where I meet with and recognize the Dark Lord. Rather, in my space where I worship, on a shelf among these special items which point to my belief in the supernatural, is a copy of a sculpture which my husband understands was a gift from a friend. It is not the usual statuette of Lillth one can find on Amazon.com. One might see it as rather innocuous and unidentifiable, but then, again, one doesn’t need to shout their followship unless they wish to and if prudence allows one to do so. My journey requires discretion but my devotion is no less sincere. For those that focus on Lilith as their perspective of choice when it comes to their devotion, one doing research will find there is a mass of material out there to be studied and, as I have shared in other places, one simply has to grab hold of a position and hold on and go from there as they seek her. What is important to understand about her?
I would say that women would feel more “at home” with worship of a feminine deity. Certainly there are those in the numerous articles you will find online where reaching out to a feminine deity is preferred because this or that person has a preference for the feminine for whatever reason including the current political climate and our focus on women. As a woman trying to be neutral I can recognize this need among feminists especially for a “female in charge.” But am I being honest with anyone if I focus on the feminine without a reason and simply to say “Women rule or ruled the world”? I can certainly see where we women would consult a woman deity or doctor when it comes to feminine issues or having someone who will listen from a feminine perspective. But do we throw the baby out with the bath water to achieve that goal? Do we rewrite history (we are good at that) or deny our past. Are we making Lilith more than she is for reasons involving political correctness and women’s need for a feminine Almighty?
In the case of Lilith we don’t because, in my opinion, Lilith always was and is in, if not, the single godhead who is the Dark Lord.
And there are, no doubt, men who will want to approach Lilith for all the reasons that we read about throughout history, primarily sex and fertility and all that is involved with the same. I have no issue with men approaching Lilith and worshipping the Dark Lord as Lilith.
I have been asked to speak to worshipping Lilith as Lilith and have attempted to do so. But I only find myself back at square one, that place where I just grab something and go with it when I don’t believe it. One of my readers has shared an interesting post which speaks to the “Eclectic witch”, one who borrows from this and that tradition to find truth or at least reaches a resolution of the issues that confound them. I am that “kind of woman.” It is easy for me to grab hold of the feminine and go with the current stream of pro-feminist satanic reimagining of the supernatural realms. I am reminded of how the Virgin Mary is now advanced as the premier occupant of heaven and primary intercessor to Xrist and therefore the xian God rather than the xian having direct access to the that heavenly throne directly without having to go through anyone.
I know too many people who pray the rosary when all they have to do is what the xian Bible teaches and say “Our Father.” Why this need for the mother to intercede when Scripture says otherwise. Why not a relationship with Mary rather than the xian Almighty? Xianity has created so many middlemen (middlepersons?) on one’s road to salvation and eternity, it’s’ not only impossible to be forgiven, it is impossible to get one’s prayers through to be heard in the first place if what this group or that group says is true and they all disagree with each other to some degree. Might it be that the Dark Lord wants us to take history and the past into consideration but isn’t saying that we have to follow all the ancient roads to achieve our spiritual goal because every culture looks at the same pantheon of gods differently so which culture is correct. And might it be those pantheons of many are, in truth, expressions of the one great deity? Do you grasp my argument? My logic? (as faulty as it is).
Lilith comrd to us out of the mists of prehistory, why? Who speaks about her? What do they say? Look at all that is written, ancient and modern. See the confusion? If she is who she is, then, who must she be?
How I want to worship the Dark Lord is up to me as long as I recognize he (or she if you prefer) is real and “there” to be called upon. I say that because if you can’t call upon deity there is no reason to worship him is there? Rather than go far afield at this point, I return to the conclusion I have arrived at with this statement/
How we “see” the Dark Lord is for us to decide as long as we are sincere in our search. And our worship also.
Ave Lamia. Ave Obscurum Dominum.
Yes, the Dark Energy is both male and female and thus to my way of thinking transsexual,
Btw, such such a beautifully blasphemous image chosen to illustrate this piece.
Hail Lust. Hail God Satan.
Hail SatanWorshipper — Yes, like you, I love the dark energy of androgyny
I’m new to most of this. This was very educational. I cannot tell you, the amount of respect you drew from me as I read further. Your honesty, your courage in addressing the current political climate, and your insurance on historical accuracy are all very commendable. To be honest with you, this is the complete opposite of what I would expect from “someone like you”. I’m learning. Much through lust, and a bit through curiosity. But I did not expect to learn through admiration, if you will. Excellent work. I’d love to know how you firs “got into this” for lack of better descriptors.