Writer: Ray
Subject: My Sweet Christian Wife
Link: LS666 Comments / 28.08.2023
My Sweet Christian Wife
How would you like to come home early from work, and there’s no one in the house? My wife’s car is there. I call her name, but there’s no answer. I know she’s been really busy getting ready for the Halloween party at the church for all the children. I wondered if a friend had come by and picked her up, getting her stuff for the festival — but as I walked around the house I saw her purse was still there.
So I go out to the barn to see if she’s there tending the goats. She really loves the horned goats. She insisted we get male-horned-goats. She keeps them in the back portion of the barn. She doesn’t want anybody to bother them at all. Not even me. So I stay away and let her feed and clean them.
As I walk in, I hear weird sounds coming from inside. Not being sure, I tiptoe to the stale in the rear of the barn. The sounds are getting louder. They sound like moaning — coming from inside the stall — I am not sure what to do. A million things ran through my mind. Should I just go back to the house and wait until she comes back in? Should I not say anything about it?
I decided to creep a little closer to the stall door. It was barely open. I figured she was cleaning or something like that. Oh my fucking god — please help me — I see my sweet innocent Christian wife. She is naked. She has on platform heels that I never knew she had. The wall had a huge pentagram on it. There are two male goats. They were taking turns with my Christian wife, who is on all fours. One was on her back with this huge cock pounding her vagina, while the other one had its cock through its back legs and she sucked on the huge animal’s meat.
She was chanting to Satan and Lilith. She was begging Satan to give her a child of the devil.
I didn’t know what to do. Should I have stopped this blasphemy? Should I call the police and report this unholy deviant satanic act? She seemed to be enjoying the deviant pleasures. We’ve had these goats for a couple of years now — how long has she been serving the Lord Satan?
I look around. I see whips and chains. I see pictures of her with other women. I see an altar with black candles. There’s a large statue of Satan. The obscene statue has a huge twelve-inch cock. That appeared to be well used. I see other images of her with lots of other men — some black, some Mexican, some Asian. All of the men are naked. They are sucking cocks with others fucking her pussy and ass all at the same time.
Another woman being served by the goats there an old mattress on the floor. It looks like it has blood on it. Oh my god! What to do? She won’t even give me a blow job, but she sucks off hard thick goats’ cocks.
I decided to creep back to the house and wait.
About forty-five minutes later she came in and gave me a kiss on the lips like usual. This time with a little tongue. All I can think about is the goat cumming in her mouth. She’s wearing a loose house dress. I can see that she’s not wearing a bra or panties. You can just barely see through it as she walks to the kitchen.
I could see her clit sticking out hard between her legs. I could see a wet juicy spot on the front and back of her house dress — probably from the goat cum as it drips out between her legs.
What do I do? Something tells me that my sweet Christian wife is married to Satan. She worships the Devil. She serves those satanic goats. She’s a sexual predator. She loves to fuck lots of other men and women, all of the time — at the same time as being my sweet Christian wife in charge of the child care at the church.
Should I ask her? Should I call the police? Should I call the priest? Should I join her and suck goat cocks, fuck faggots, and cum in unholy, deviant sluts?
Satan is truly my master of all evil!!
Hail Ray,
My god-damned Satanic Wife, Tatiana, and I think your fucking Wife is awesome and you should be thanking God Satan for her!
You’re a very fucking lucky mother-fucker Ray!
Your stories are inspiring and so addictive. Thank you
You should join her. You should become her demon. You should turn the whole barn into a church for your Master Satan.
You both should work with the children and look for the one who want Satan and help them become his property.
Thank you xp for the help so much….
I hope and pray to the dark master god Satan and Lilith you all love to read my sick perverted thoughts my world is Very dark and demented
I want you all to cummmmm hard using your wicked unholy deviant satanic minds to get off
Find like minded others that are open about sexual pleasures or the closest one’s that wait till everyone is gone then turn on the porn grabs his or hers vibrator, dildo, anal plug, femur from a goat and ram ♈♈♈ it hard ram it fast ram the sex toy in all your filthy cummmmm dripping holes
The more you read unholy filth the more your open to the sickest of all earthly perversions 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 hotttxxx porn from hell
When I write this I love looking down at my cock and seeing it dripping down satanic sperm juices, I love to see other boys and girls when there really turned on horny get so wet wet get so turned on they will do anything you tell them to do, they will even sell there children and parents for sexual pleasures
The sexual predators control the world in a small or big way the whole world is controlled by sexual predators from the beginning of time
I have a recurring dream I’m driving cross country it’s late I’m tired and hungry I see a cafe and I pull over there a few cars in the parking lot, I get out it’s raining I hurry in and two people sitting at the counter there’s maybe three couples sitting at tables there one older women waitress she is busy
I find a booth and sit down she bring the coffee and asks if I want as some, I said yes she pours a full cup and hands me a menu
I open the menu and I don’t know what I want but I open page after page looking for something hmmmm I noticed a man and women sitting in booth in the far back I can barely make them out there drinking whiskey I think not sure
The waitress cummmmms back and asks me what I want I tell her a salad with dressing on the side and a beer please she takes the menu and I can see she has no bra on and she has huge tits and hard nipples as she walks away I see her legs are nice and her ass cheeks in her outfit looks good for an older woman I’d say in her late sixty hmmmm
She brings my beer and a glass of water I take a sip of water and then the beer it makes me feel weird not sure which one made me start to trip like I’m high or something wow
I drink more of both and feel even more high wow, the couple in the far back booth walk over and stop by they are an very sexy couple mmmm
He asked me if I was okay, I answered yes I’m great his girlfriend was Very very very 🔥🔥🔥🔥 hotttxxx no bra huge hung tits hard thick nipples push through that thin blouse mmmmm his cock huge down his leg and I could see it was hard and a cummmmm stain bleeding through for some reason the lights inside gone really dim his girlfriend reached down unzipping his fly she pulled out his beautiful thick hard cock from between his legs and started stroking it looking me deep in the eyes her eyes and his turn coal red he started growing horns she pulled his pants down and a long thick tail popped out, I looked down at his feet and there were hooves she pulled her top open and let her milk filled tits out the waitress came back over stood on the other side of him while the other girl got on her knees waitress took his cock and fed it to her she opened her top up and let her huge milk titties hang out both of them hard nipples dripping milk from them the waitress when I looked up at her she also had horns I could see cummmmm dripping down her legs and a bulge pushing out her skirt she told me to get on my knees and lick the oozing cream from the master’s hard cock then between my lips kiss the beasts stiff shaft and drain all the satanic sperm juice out of his sack
I did and loved it so much mmmmm the waitress pulled her skirt up and a huge fucking black snake came out slithering tongue 👅👅👅 I knew what to do I pull my clothes off got on all fours legs spread apart and begged the waitress to snake fuck me deep as she can she mounted me I could feel the snake going up my body and it came out my mouth with a black head slithering tongue licking the other beast sluts cunt
I love this dream from Satan and Lilith mmmmmmm
Ray, your story & your encounter at the cafe are, indeed, ‘close to home’. I wrote a short story some time ago that has very similar elements to things you’ve described. I look forward to enjoying you more *s*
Thank you so much Phyllis
My mind is sick perverted thoughts 24/7 I can’t stop the madness
I thought of being on my knees mouth 👄👄 open tongue out slurping serpent’s head over and over and over and over the beast goat hooves tail horns 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘😈😈😈😈 a cock covered in scars 🔥🔥🔥 hotttxxx to the licking huge horse balls
Being singled out by the master god Satan to lick the dripping 💦💦💦 cummmmm milk from the serpent’s slit Lilith holding the snake laughing as she feeds me the huge animal meat
As Lilith kneeling down to taste some of the demons nectar with me I scream and scratch her face with my new long claws given too me by Satan Lilith laughing gets behind me and pulls her serpent cock out and feed the black snake my rotting pussy full of maggots it’s itching to be fucked hard by the snake Liliths huge black animal cock while I stroked and stroked and stroked and sucked off Satan mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Ray, your personal message to me, like all your writings, takes my breath away. Reading your words, I often imagine myself as your sweet christian wife in Satan
I read what you wrote to me, if you like [email protected]
I would love to think our thoughts really are that closely aligned. Look within XP for a story called ‘The Pastor’s Wife’ by Phyllis…yes, that’s me of a few years ago. I’d love to have your comments if you find time to read it. And of course, I hope you enjoy it. I feel I know you so, Thank you Father Ray *s*
So fucking hot!! Ray you make my faggot cock so hard!! Fuck I need dreams that vivid!! Actually I want that very goat footed demon to fuck me til I bleed for him!! I want him to breed me til I carry his demon child in my faggot body!! Oh to be fat pregnant by Demon seed!
Miracles do happen!!
Faggot cock is so delicious … XP
That was so intense and more than a ‘little close to home’ *g*
I was totally absorbed in your story and I would love to read more.
Thank you all so much
Please all thank xp for our meeting area 24/7 our place of satanic perversions and worship a place to share all our filthy unholy deviant acts
Xp is a child of Satan and Lilith a child of bisexual cocks and cunts
Hail Satan hail Lilith Hail Mary the whore of God
WOW What a totally perverse and Satanic story. What a wife. Definitely join her. Thanks for posting Ray. Your mind is so wonderfully perverted.
I hope you expand on this . It’s difficult to find writers with such deviant imaginations who can tell a good tale , unless it’s your actual experience . Seems like the wife maybe knew she was being spied on , so how will she handle it ? Is she worried ? She has to draw him in , she cannot continue to lead her life as she wants to without hubby to assist , and be a part of it . With him she will be able to worship Satan more openly , ensnare others and corrupt more within the Church . She has already corrupted the priest , perhaps you could expand on what she and the priest do at the day care centre , and the filth and perversions they secretly indulge in . There is something really hot about an ” outwardly , God loving wife , ” who is secretly a sick , depraved pervert who is constantly pushing boundaries and ensnaring and corrupting others . Will she convince hubby they can still lead double lives , and still have as much cock , pussy , semen , piss , both human and animal as they want , and still appear as respectable , church goers , well she’s been fooling everyone for several years .
My sweet Christian wife:
Were I left off
“About forty-five minutes later she came in and gave me a kiss on the lips like usual. This time with a little tongue. All I can think about is the goat cumming in her mouth. She’s wearing a loose house dress. I can see that she’s not wearing a bra or panties. You can just barely see through it as she walks to the kitchen.
I could see her clit sticking out hard between her legs. I could see a wet juicy spot on the front and back of her house dress — probably from the goat cum as it drips out between her legs.
What do I do? Something tells me that my sweet Christian wife is married to Satan. She worships the Devil. She serves those satanic goats. She’s a sexual predator. She loves to fuck lots of other men and women, all of the time — at the same time as being my sweet Christian wife in charge of the child care at the church.
Should I ask her? Should I call the police? Should I call the priest? Should I join her and suck goat cocks, fuck faggots, and cum in unholy, deviant sluts?”
I had to think long and hard about everything that has happened, I even asked myself if I was seeing things, I’m sure I saw my wife with her goats, I’m sure I saw the stables, I’m sure I saw ton of pictures of my sweet Christian wife being fucked by other men and women all over the walls I’m I saw an satanic altar I’m sure I saw a beast like statue of a 12 ridged cock on the floor I’m sure there was a pentagram painted in the floor mirrors on the walls I’m sure so she can watch herself being serviced by the goats,
I’m just not sure what to do I think I should say something but I don’t know what to say after I admit seeing everything am I prepared to lose everything if I call the police I wonder if I just called the priest and meet with him and explain everything tell him what I saw I wonder if I should go take my phone and take some pictures so I can show it to the priest maybe that’s the best approach so I’m going to have to send my wife off to do something that’ll take a couple hours I’ll ask her if she can deliver some stuff to this job on this teller I’m so busy I can’t do it right now but I need her help I’m sure she’ll help me, so I’m putting a plan together I think this is the safest route,
So I bundle up some stuff that I have to send anyway it’s about 40 miles away I asked her if she said no problem I loaded it up in the back of her trunk and she took off, I went out to the barn and I went to open up one of the stalls and it was locked I couldn’t get in she must carry the keys with her it’s an interesting lock I can’t even look through the sides it’s all boarded up I can hear the goats inside but I can’t see anything? Now what do I do hmmmmm,
I’m sure she must have a backup key for an emergency in case she loses one let me look through the house I’m sure the name of the key is on the side that will match that lock I’ve never seen a lock like that I went through the kitchen I went through the living room I finally got into our bedroom I went through her drawers I found nothing everything looks normal, I slid the dresser away and behind it was a key taped to the back and that was it, I grabbed the key took off for the stables, I put the key in the lock it opened it I took my phone out and took photos of everything even the goats those goats are amazing standing there they must have had 30 inch cocks hanging down I took photos of all the walls the little statue the pentagram the altar I’m going to make sure I could show the priest,
I called up the church I wanted to speak to the head priest tell him I have a problem and I need to discuss it with him and ask him what I should do if he was available, he got on the phone I kind of gave him a little bit of an idea what was going on and he said please come over bring what you have, I jumped in my truck my wife is still gone I took off and went over to the church to meet with him I went into his Chambers and I gave him my phone and he proceeded to look at everything he knew my wife she works at the church, I told him I don’t know where she got all this I don’t know what came over her, he told me he wanted to take copies of this stuff I said go ahead not a problem,
He said he would get back to me and discuss this more after he looked at all this I asked him if this was normal if anything like this was normal he didn’t really say, I did notice when we both got up I shook his hand and said thank you Father for helping me, I thought it was looking down and I’m not sure but I thought inside of his habit I could have swore his cock was hard I might be seeing things,
Meanwhile I drove back home my wife wasn’t back yet I got a call once I got home from the priest and he said he wanted to come out and see it first hand, I said well I don’t know we’d have to do it sometime when my wife’s not there she’s not back yet, I could call her on her phone and ask her where she is? He said why don’t you do that I’ll start driving out I said okay,
I called her and she said she dropped off the stuff and she is at the mall she’ll be there for a couple more hours she’s picking up some stuff I said that’s great just let me know on your way back so in case you need to go to the market, this will buy us some extra time about then the priest showed up I took him out to the stables took the key and unlocked the stall and he went inside he looked at everything he took pictures of everything I took off and went back into the house I had left my phone there and I came back out he didn’t hear me coming I kind of creeped up to the door it was real quiet in there and I looked around the corner and the priest had his hand wrapped around the shaft of the beast and was jacking it off, I pulled my head back I could not believe what I just saw I asked myself what the heck is going on this is crazy this is totally crazy, about then my phone ring it was my wife she said she’s almost home if I needed anything I said no now I have to make an excuse up why the priest is there damn it, I walked inside the stall and told him that she’ll be here probably in the next 5 minutes he said that’s not a problem he wants to talk to her he’s going to he said that he will use the excuse of wanting to talk to her about the children in church he had some questions, I said that’s great
Meanwhile I lock the stall up we both headed back into the house he asked me if I could let him talk to her for a little while when she gets there I said no problem father is there anything you want me to do he says no just go ahead and why don’t you take off when she shows up make an excuse and let me spend some time talking with her,
So she finally pulls in I said hey I got to go do something but father’s here he wants to talk to you about the children at church, she says oh okay he’s in the house, so I went ahead and drove off I was gone for about 45 minutes I went into town grabbed a couple things came back his car was still there I came in the house and nobody was there, so I looked out to the barn the barn door was open I walked out there thinking he must have confronted her and asked her what was going on so I tiptoed out there being real quiet I told them I called before I came back but I didn’t I forgot to I walked down to the very back of the barn and creeped up to the stall door it was closed and I could hear the priest in there with my sweet wife and he sounded like he was breathing hard I could hear her saying to him that’s it baby open a little wider that’s it do it for Satan open your legs a little wider that’s it I almost have it all the way in you I had no idea what the heck they were talking about I couldn’t look inside I just stood there and he started to moan and he started to moan loud and she kept saying bend over a little more that’s it doesn’t that feel good don’t you just love that don’t you just want more of it and all I could hear him saying was yes yes I need more more than I heard him say fuck me more I didn’t know what to do I froze,
I figured I might as well open this thing up and go in and confront this thing head on, but I hesitated she kept saying we’ve got to get my husband into this we have to find a way for him to worship Satan the priest said yes this must happen we must have him with us I had an idea that he was thinking about calling the police but I’m so glad he came to me instead I think we can train him and Satan the dark master God will help us,
At that point I just went back into the house after hearing all this I didn’t know what to do I wasn’t going to take this to anybody else cuz I’m not sure how far this goes and who knows, about 30 minutes later the priest and my wife came back as if nothing had happened, he said he’d be getting back to me it was nice seeing him my wife told him thank you for coming by father I appreciate all the help with the children, and he drove off
Well it was an extremely difficult day not knowing what to do my wife was just absolutely normal no big deal, I did notice a couple times when she was walking around the house she likes to wear this house dress that has see-through if you’re standing in front of the light and I was sitting at the table and the light was coming through the door she stood there and I could look over at her and you could see her huge nipples and you could see a cock like things sticking between her legs she’d been in the bathroom for a while I just figured she was taking a bath, but now I think it’s more sinister I think it’s more sinful more evil when she’s alone with herself I think she prays to the dark master and plays with herself to please Satan to please Lilith to please all the demons on the dark side,
We ate dinner is normal it was getting late I went and took a shower put on my pajamas she put on a nightgown obviously no panties no bra we climbed into bed she cuddled up behind me reached around and started rubbing my penis I didn’t know what to do my penis got so hard, she slid it out through the front of my pajamas holding on to it really tight and jerking it up and down whispering in my ear she said honey does that feel good I said yes, she said honey have you been out in the barn, I said yes she gripped my cock harder, she said honey have you been in my stall where the goats are tell me the truth honey tell me what you saw tell me what’s going through your mind right now as she jerks my cock really hard she says honey I need to talk to you about that you need to understand something and I need to talk to you about it now, she was so smart to get my cock hard,
She said there’s a lot of things about me honey you don’t understand there’s a lot of things about the church you don’t understand there’s a lot of things about father you don’t understand and I want to explain this to you I want to share this with you I want you to be part of this if I tell you these things I need to know that you’re not going to share them with anyone only me and father for now and then I’ll tell you about the others can you do that? She kept stroking my cock I had all this come gripping out the end she knew it felt so good she reached around wiped off the cum off the head and put it in her mouth and said honey pull your pajama bottoms off take them off sweetie that’s it kick him off that’s it then she took her left hand place it on the back of my butt and started rubbing my little fuck hole, she says honey does that feel good do you like it when I stroke your cock and I take my finger and rub your little fuck hole I can’t believe she called it a fuck hole,, she took her finger to her mouth sucked on it put spit on it placed it back up against my fuck hole she pushed it inside and said that’s it that’s my little boy that’s my little bastard child you keep doing this for Mommy that’s it sweetie you do it for Mommy push your little butt out that’s it open your cheeks up a little bit more and let Mommy get another finger in there that’s it sweetie doesn’t that feel good having mommy Jack your cock off have mommy fingering your little ass fuck you like that don’t you your mommy’s little bitch mommy loves little bitches mommy loves to share her little bitch with other people would you like that honey wouldn’t that be fun little bitch ooh your cock is so hard you like that don’t you I can tell by your cock getting so hard you’re breathing is getting really really rough and I can tell that you like my fingers in your ass cunt, I think it’s so important that I tell you right now that your wife is a whore and a slut and that she loves bestiality and that I fuck the goats all the time and that other men that worship Satan come over all the time so I can let them deposit all their cum in my ass in my cunt and in my mouth sometimes they bring their wives and I enjoy eating pussy and sticking a huge crucifix of the cunt of another slut that worship Satan,
Honey can I count on you to join us become one of us you can fuck all you want you can fuck anything you want whatever your little heart desires I’m there to help you do you understand I don’t care girl or boy or beast you can fuck them all and I will help you I will even bring them to you there’s a lot of them that are part of us and you should experience it you should experience the filth the perverseness perversion the evil the decadence the feeling of your cock exploding in the ass of another man and the feeling of your ass pussy being fucked by multiple men, I can even dress you up sweetie as a cute little fagot and let you enjoy sucking off satanic men that love the closeness of another man you could wrap your lips around his cock let him face fuck you let him blow his load right down your throat then you can turn him around have him bend over and you tongue fuck his pussy I know honey you’re going to love doing this just like I do that’s all I think about all I care about is fucking the feeling of lust the planning all the young boys and girls they’re perfect for Satan they are ready for Satan their mommies and daddies know exactly what they’re doing hail Satan hail Lilith no honey roll over let me put my mouth on your cock let me squeeze your balls really hard let me suck on it I want you to blow your load right down my throat it’ll feel so good and then when you’re done I have a strap on and I want to fuck your pussy I want to fuck your pussy for a couple of hours I want to fuck your pussy and I want you to call me Mommy I want to fuck your pussy until your little cock gets hard again and we’re going to do this all night you’re going to get used to getting ass fucked because you’re a little bitch, I’m going to call the priest and he’s going to come back over tonight he and I will take turns breaking you in and stretching your cunt hole for the dark master then tomorrow will go out to the barn and you can suck some goat cock like I do you can watch the goats fuck me okay sweetie is that okay,?
I’ve totally given in I want to be used I want to follow Satan I want my pussy fucked up everyday I want to watch my wife be taken by all kinds of men and women I want to be taken by animals I’ve decided I want to buy a dog a Great Dane with a huge fucking cock a red rocket with a big knot I’m so glad I gave in to Satan I gave into my wife I gave in to the dark side all I want to do now is feel all the wicked pleasures all the forbidden fruit and all I want to do is worship Satan worship the dark master