Writer: Mark Lawrence
Subject: Morning Star
Link: QUORA / 08.09.2021
Morning Star
If the name ‘Lucifer’ in Ancient Greek means morning star, light bringer, etc., how come the name is used to describe the Devil?
The word Lucifer appears only once in certain translations of the Bible. It’s a translation of the words shining one, he lel, הֵילֵ֣ל in Hebrew, found at … Isaiah 14:12:
“How you have fallen from heaven, O shining one, son of the dawn!”
However, this does not refer to the Devil at all, but rather to, as we are told in verse 4, “the king of Babylon”. While the haughty and presumptuous kings of Babylon frequently reflected the proud attitude of Satan, and in the cases of Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar faced divine abasement as a result, this verse and indeed chapter is not addressed to or referring to the Devil directly. Incidentally it’s not ancient Greek, it’s Latin, from lux, light, and fer, bearer or bringer.
Hail Satan!
I don’t mean to start a pi$$ing contest here about the evils of the CV demagoguery, but this fully intentional manipulation by a few of a history, is as repetitive as it is pervasive, starting in the family – I just read the part in the ‘Uncle Randy’ story about the mother masturbating her little son and terrifying him about touching his penis, scarring him for life – and it never stops! We have now reached a point where the evils of misinformation is coming back to bite the carefully planned manipulation in it’s own ass – I believe they have lost control or will soon as the masses are getting so confused, it will have to blow up, blow up big!
Wherever we turn we are deceived, even science is being prostituted to fuck up our understanding and believes, and only the most docile sheep have not yet been radicalized as every moral norm is bastardized – how much longer can this be sustained? is it any surprise we do not accept any moral limits anymore? or has this been the plan all along…….??
Hail the BEAST, lets worship our Master and be free!
The Devil is never wrong.