Writer: Polishpiggay
Subject: Commit to doing God’s will
Link: Tumblr / 09.05.2021 / Reposted by Demonworkshiper
Commit to doing God’s will
Set you cock free – Let Satan rule
I am committed to bring Hell into my life in exchange for the pleasure my dick gives me. I honor Satan the minute the Cock rise up, erect, get up. Hail Satan for CockGod. I invite the demons to worship cock, explore the dick, enjoy the pleasure of the cock. Demons pervert my brain for Satan. Demons take control of my soul, take control of my dick. Demons penetrate my soul and body as I surrender myself with godliness and lust to the cock.
Hail demons, the whores of Satan, you are princes in hell. Unholy spirits, purge my soul and body of the innocence. Infect my soul and body with evil, sin, debauchery and blasphemy. Fuck God! Fuck rotting Jesus. Fuck and reject Holy Spirit! Demons, fuck my soul and body in ritual of blasphemy. Use my soul and body to blaspheme, to reject, to deny, to desecrate — that made my cock hard, that made my soul sinful, made me evil, made me demon, made me condemned. Here’s to hardcore satanic orgy, helish ritual of blasphemy. Here`s celebrating of cocks. GodCock fuck me, wreak havoc on my soul and body — burn and destroy — Hail Satan. Hail cock.
I was thinking this was another view from the other side.
deliver me unto your satanic ridden hot stiff cock for my whore of Satan self to worship there upon…
Cock is a worthy object of worship, a True God: Hail Cock!
Hail George … you make me wank so fucking hard