Feature Writer: sofar999 / carmillaravencraft
Feature Title: You’ve tried resisting
Uploaded: TUMBLR / 09.11.2018 / sotar999
You’ve tried resisting
You’ve tried resisting. You’ve tried praying.
But in that sweet moment of weakness, you felt the joy of hell.
Now you want more.
Repeat this over and over after prayer.
This will summons Satan.
Invoke the demons to enter your soul.
Verbally invite them in.
Xian men and women are so weak.
They love the images and gifs that appear on Tumblr.
It’s my belief that deep inside.
They understand their repression at the hands of an oppressive “god” and secretly desire to free themselves.
So many of them give themselves to the “demons” they fear.
To the God they secretly love… Lord Satan.