Writer: Satanside
Subject: Your Personal Demon
Link: Tumblr / 27.04.2021 / Reposted by Demonicuss
Your Personal Demon
“You’ve heard of patron demons, right? Did you know that everyone also has a personal demon? It’s true! While you are able to, for the most part, choose your patron demon, your personal demon is with you from the time your soul is created by Satan! In a way, your personal demon is also your demonic form, as it exemplifies the best aspects of you, the aspects that are most pleasing to Lord Satan.
Discovering your personal demon requires dedicated meditation. The meditative technique itself isn’t fancy or too complicated, but it requires stilling the mind, which some people find to be difficult. There is no set time frame on this: you might start discovering information about your demon after just a half hour of meditation. It might take you days and days to get anything. Don’t stress yourself about it! You’ll figure it out all in good time. Typically, you start out just learning your demon’s name, and as you meditate more and more, you’ll learn their appearance, sigil, qualities, etc.
Something important to know about your personal demon is that you should keep Their identity to yourself. Your personal demon needs to be a closely guarded secret. Many ancient cultures assigned people two names, one public, and one secret. The secret name was believed to have tremendous power, and the more you spoke the secret name aloud, the weaker and weaker it became. The same goes for your personal demon. Tragedy and misfortune won’t befall you if you talk about your personal demon with others, you’ll simply find that your connection to Them becomes weaker and weaker, and may eventually disappear altogether. I know that you will be excited about getting to know your demon, but you’ll want to exercise some self-control. Along with astral meditation, your personal demon can be your best link to hell.
It is important to go into this meditative process with zero expectations. Understand that it is very unlikely your personal demon will be a demon that you are already familiar with. Higher-ranking, more well known demons are typically patron demons. If you go into the meditative process hoping that, say, “Haagenti” will be your personal demon, you’ll not only wind up disappointed, but you will cloud and complicate the process. Don’t set yourself up for failure.
Let’s get to the meditation itself! Like I said, it is extremely uncomplicated. There are no special candles, spells, or anything of that sort required. One of the most important things to remember is to make yourself as comfortable as possible; you don’t want to be hindered by anything that will distract you. All your focus and attention needs to be turned inward. If you are very new to meditation, you might want to practice for a while without the end goal of contacting your demon.
Think of it as a college class: you wouldn’t skip every lesson, never do any of the homework, then show up for the final and expect to ace it! Ideally, you’ll want to meditate outdoors in a quiet setting (no audible traffic, loud picnicking, etc), but a quiet room in your house where you won’t be interrupted is just fine too. Candles and incense are entirely optional. If you find that the smell of incense helps you focus, go right ahead! If it tends to distract you, avoid it.
Sit cross-legged or in lotus/half-lotus, let your hands rest loosely on your knees, close your eyes and relax. Focus your attention on your third eye, which is located in the center of your forehead. (The third eye is an upper chakra. Having your chakras open/aligned isn’t necessary for this meditation, but it definitely will help.) All breathing should be through the nose, in for a count of six, held for a count of six, and exhaled for a count of six. With practice, you won’t have to mentally time your breaths, it will just feel natural. As you breathe and focus your attention on your third eye, you will feel yourself move from the mundane realm to the spiritual realm. Allow your relaxed mind to call out to your personal demon, inviting them to reveal themselves to you. Try to stay in a meditative state for at least fifteen minutes. If you rush through it, you won’t get anywhere. If you haven’t found any answers after fifteen to thirty minutes of meditation, allow yourself to come back to a wakeful state, and attempt to contact your demon again in a day or so.
Developing a relationship with your personal demon is extremely spiritually enriching! You owe it to yourself as a Theistic Satanist to get acquainted with all the spiritual tools and allies at your disposal. Lord Satan shows how much he cares for us by giving us these amazing gifts, take advantage of them! And remember, if you ever have any questions on getting to know your personal demon (or anything else!), please contact me.