Writer: Theprettynosferatu
Subject: You Thought I Was Gone
Link: Tumblr / 26.11.2022
You Thought I Was Gone
Good evening. Oh, you thought I was gone? That I would leave you alone to pretend to be a well-adjusted, normal person? Honey, honey … I never left. I am always in there, lurking, fiddling around in your silly little head in a thousand ways you don’t even notice. Remember that really fucked up fantasy out of nowhere? You’re welcome.
I must admit I’m a tad offended that you thought you’d be able to be more than a pliable, malleable plaything. I only let you believe you were better because it’s so fun to see you relapse. And oh have you relapsed! Doesn’t your own inferiority and failure feel so good?
I should punish you, but I’m in a generous mood. I’ll give you a choice. Stop rubbing now, and nothing happens. You can keep being the silly little fucktoy you are. Or you can press the reblog button, and I take a word from you for a day. You won’t be able to say it. Hell, you won’t be able to think it. And that word is, “No”.
For twenty-four hours you won’t be able to even fathom not doing as your told. You’ll be incapable of conceiving the notion of disobeying. What you are told is what you will do, and you’ll feel so great and useful and full of purpose when you obey. You won’t be a person. You won’t even be an animal. You’ll be an object, a mindless living sex toy, barely more than porn with a pulse. And you’ll love it.
Now, the reblog button is down there. What will your choice be, I wonder?