Writer: evilgodfucker
Subject: You Choose Hell?
Link: Tumblr / 26.09.2021 / Reposted by Iamaworshipperofsatan
You Choose Hell?
I have made my choice and I have chosen Hell over Heaven. You all have the same choice to make. Don’t let that fucking prick God in heaven make the choice for you. Do as I have done and make your choice of either Heaven or Hell for all eternity with Satan and his demons.
Question — “Which do you choose, Heaven or HELL?”
Let us know … Hail Satan. Fuck Jesus.
My choice was Hell at a young age, although I didn’t realize I had chosen Hell at the time! It took nearly sixty years to realize that, and I made it official between five and six months ago! I choose Hell.
Who would want to go to that anemic heaven? Hell is the place of endless sin.
Fucking right George who wants go to a shit hole like heaven to kiss the ass of a false god instead to hell to kiss the ass of a real stud god and our savior Satan