Writer: Satan’s Devoted Spermpig
Subject: You Are So Right!
Link: LS666 Comments / 03.11.2023
You Are So Right!
You are so right! There is no way to fight against it! The Dark Lord offers us an eternity of perversion and degradation in return for our immortal souls. A fair bargain indeed, because becoming one of his perverted beasts is the true heaven, not the fake, sickly-sweet imitation that the Christian God offers us. Fuck him and his son Jesus! We embrace the perversions of Satan!
Squatting obediently at his cloven hooves, naked and hairless, our pasty white bodies decorated with drawings of giant penises, we will be marked as willing beasts with a 666 tattooed onto our foreheads. We are eager followers of the great Satan and worship him as obscenely tattooed sex animals.
Our cocks drip copious amounts of semen as we crawl through hell snorting like giant pigs, periodically squealing with unending lust and sexual desire. Our perverted need for sodomy and hot demon sperm is our eternal reward for giving him our souls and our devotion. We need to be fucked by Satan’s giant horse cock, and filled with his demonic seed.
I want to become a grotesque beast in his unholy service, transformed by my perversions into a subhuman thing that thinks true heaven is choking on Satan’s giant cock until he ejaculates, filling me with his evil seed until my stomach is swollen and distended like a pregnant woman, and I start puking out the gallons of hot sperm the Dark Lord has generously deposited into me. I am his willing vessel, and will then lick his hooves clean of the sperm I have vomited onto his feet. I will squirt and squirt and squirt as I revel in my perversions! All, hail Satan, our God!
I too will obey the great Satan, and revel in his filthy nakedness on the throne of heaven. Once he has tossed down and deposed the hated Christian God, we, his soulless servants, will ejaculate and squeal in joy! We know that Satan is our unholy God – his black cock the size of a stallion’s, and the volume of his foul seed measured by the gallon – and we have no choice but to serve him, and give him the sexual pleasure he deserves as the one true God.
His will is now our command, and we will hasten to do his bidding! His depravity will mutate our bodies until we are twisted in shape and mind and full of lust, transformed into naked and hairless beasts marked as his property. We will squat obediently at his cloven hooves and hold down the Virgin Mary as our Dark Lord urinates on her naked body. We will lick his piss from her nakedness, and masturbate like crazed animals until we reach orgasm and squirt our seed onto the mother of Jesus.
We will eat her flesh like cannibals, and then beg our Dark Lord for Jesus, so we might sodomize him and then eat his flesh as well. We will beg Satan to sodomize us, and experience true joy when He mounts us from behind and rams His black cock up our ass, pushing ever deeper into our body until the huge mushroomed head of his penis pushes out of our mouth, choking us with every mighty thrust!
This is our reward for our submission and obedience. This is our reward for giving him our souls. We are nothing but his sex animals, and we grunt and squeal as we serve him in wickedness and depravity. This is what we wanted, and this is what we deserve!
Sign me up for gallons of sperm to swallow!
Hail Perversion
Hail Depraved lust
Hail Cock
Hail Satan
Isn’t that what happened to the lead singer of “Soft Cell” (thinking of “Tainted Love”) — he needed his stomach pumped after swallowing a gallon or so of semen? XP
Grunt grunt!!