Yes, My Lord … Yes! by Ynotsatan

Writer: Ynotsatan

Subject: Yes, My Lord … Yes!

Link: Tumblr / 30.12.2023

Author’s Note: Only those who have heard the calling and accepted our Lord can fully comprehend the passion and intensity of true worship.

Yes, My Lord … Yes!

Oh Lord, I am lost in my own evil and wicked thoughts and it feels so fucking good! I am on fire. Take me, take me … NOW!


Call upon your demons to violate my flesh and ravage me! I want my body to be a playground for their amusement and perverted desires. Oh fuck!


I am wild with insatiable lust. Possess me with your unholy spirit and feed me more depravity. I can’t control myself. I can’t stop … I won’t stop.


Oh Father, I can’t stop thinking about your “God Cock”. I need you in me. Penetrate my cunt and be one with me.


Use me as your whore and breed me with your blackened seed. I so want to bear you the Antichrist. Cum … cum into me!


You have brought me to the edge of the infernal abyss. I am yours! I want this feeling to go on … FOREVER!

10 thoughts on “Yes, My Lord … Yes! by Ynotsatan”

  1. Hello Everyone I was wondering what Year do Everyone think that in the future that People Everywhere that would Aloud Everyone from Every State and Every Country with out any Laws and Any age that We all can have our Perverted Fantasy to CUM true

  2. I am Satan’s slave i do his bidding i let men and women fuck me for his glory and to be with him to suck his demon cock and eat his demon seed

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