Writer: Lobo Rex
Subject: Words have great power by Lobo Rex – Non-Fiction – Incomplete
Link: MEWE / 06.08.2022
Words have great power
When you allow Lilith to enter your mind and have control of your total being — words have greater power over you. Lust, sin, fucking, depravity, cum … all take on a whole new meaning for you. They become energized by Lilith — they become words on steroids for your soul. They make your mind drip with wanton lust at just the thought of them. You feel depravity wrap you in it’s blanket of lust and suckle you on its cock of degeneracy. It is such an another world of feelings. You wouldn’t trade it for anything. You are worshiping our dark mother Lilith — her Queen of FuckLust — @Lucy Az — and Lilith’s corrupter of Christian souls — @Hokulani — At that moment and you never want it to end,
Thank you Xpnther
I have to Thank Lucy Az and Hoku Lani
For my Dark Energy
Which drives me to Corrupt others
I am begging my satanic brother and sisters to come to me in satans name for hardcore sex of ALL kinds but seeking demonic possession first…..praise Satan……
To be wrapped in her arms is to know bliss
Hail Hoku — love speaks in many forms — XP