Wicked Church Girls by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Wicked Church Girls

Link: MEWE / 17.09.2024

Wicked Church Girls

German nuns in an undisclosed city received money for luring their understudies to predatory priests, other nuns and visitors who sexually abused them, a German news outlet reported from recently released court documents.

One victim, we will call John Doe, filed a court case seeking compensation from the Catholic church and alleging more than 1,000 instances of abuse over the ten years he lived at a now-shuttered children’s home.

The case was decided and documents were only recently released. John was awarded $18,000 for his suffering, about $18 for each instance. The Bishop has identified the primary abuser as a vicar named, who is now dead. The abuse is alleged to have happened in the 1960s and 1970s.

John said he was “literally dragged” by nuns to the priest’s home where he was abused. If he resisted, John alleged, he would be beaten. John also testified that influential visitors to the orphanage would abuse him and others at “sex parties.” The nuns earned money from it. The men who were present would donate generously, John claimed.

Don’t take this the wrong way, there were plenty of Jane Does available at these sex parties as well. Although the aforementioned article was obtained from a news post, there are literally thousands of articles accessible via the internet, to be reviewed and considered.

Many may not understand why I view nuns the way I do, yet read the many articles and it becomes self-evident that these are not the Brides of Christ, but simply Wicked Church Girls. According to this post of a priest or nun abusing you, it’s worth about $18.

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