Why xians so afraid of sex and worried about physical chastity? – Non-Fiction

Writer: Demonseedworship

Subject: Why xians so afraid of sex and worried about physical chastity?

Link: Tumblr / 08.09.2021 / reposted by SatanicLiberty666

Why xians so afraid of sex and worried about physical chastity?

Human sexuality has always been severely regulated and frowned upon by the Christian Church. This is because sexuality and orgasm as the life force are essential to spiritual advancement and the raising of the kundalini serpent. Because the church could not supervise sexual activity, they enforced a doctrine of extreme terror. The populace, stripped of all knowledge and spiritual power (ignorance= fear) fell victim to lies. The word ‘Hell’ emerged on the scene so that with fear, human beliefs and thoughts can be controlled.

Humanity was led to believe this omnipresent and all-powerful god could know their every little thought and action. Through fear, people began to monitor their own thoughts and actions. The seven sacraments (another rip off of the seven chakras) of the Catholic Church enforced strict control over every stage of an individual’s life. The most control was exercised through the so-called “sacrament” of confession. Through confession, the church had even more control, that of knowing the deepest secrets of the frightened population. This enabled the ruling clergy to have power over kings, queens and other secular monarchy.

These so-called “religions” are built upon murder, torture, and lies and the only way any lie of this magnitude can survive is to create more and more lies to manipulate the ignorant population and destroy the peoples who know the truth. Christianity is nothing more than a program. There is nothing religious or spiritual about it!!

Concluding,let us never forget that humanity as a whole has been indoctrinated for centuries and not to question their faith … But behold humanity is in a state of constant awakening and  we are so overwhelmed and joyous that Satan’s lust captivates All men and All mortal flesh irrespective of their fanatic religions, because He is the One Truth …

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