Writer: Corka Boga
Subject: Why do demons often reveal themselves?
Link: QUORA / 09.07.2021 / Studied Demons (malicious preternatural beings) & Demonic Activity June 17
Why do demons often reveal themselves?
Let’s first understand that people don’t get a choice to go anywhere when they die; that choice is made when a person is alive. If they became saved and born again, they went to heaven—if they did not, they were prohibited from entering heaven. After death it’s either heaven or the abyss—people don’t reincarnate or turn into angels or ghosts (and there are no such things as ghosts).
Demons reveal themselves to people for hundreds of different reasons. Usually it is because a person has experimented with or in Occult activities, or it is due to a person not having a relationship with Christ (they have not been saved or born again) and are living an ungodly lifestyle. However, there are other reasons which include, if a person comes from a family that has a demonic attachment to it (called generational sin); forms of mental illness; abuse and addiction, sexual sins, etc. All of these are open doors for demons to walk into, whether a person knowingly or unknowingly realizes it or not. (Generational sin, mental illness, abuse and addiction doors are sometimes opened by other family members, not the individual). Usually when a door is opened they will hang around, but depending on the individual and the circumstances, they also can attach to a persons body part (including the brain or psyche, which would be mental illness). They can also attach to lands, territories, areas, neighborhoods, governments, countries, dwellings, objects, and animals.
Demons choose where and when they will manifest and how as well. They do this in a variety of ways; it can be subtle to aggressive. It can be invisible to assuming a human, object, or animalistic shape. The type of manifestation also depends upon the persons spiritual abilities (if they are able to see into the spiritual realm or not). Demons can also possess a person, however this is very rare — it’s more common that they attach to a person. Possession only happens with a persons consent, and the person would be heavily into occultism; eating breathing reading basking in every moment of it. This type of person would want to be possessed, and they would summon or ask a demon to possess them.
Doesn’t believe in Ghosts but believes in the existence of Demons. That an extra-dimensional being will come out and stop you from getting into a place where you can be ‘blessed and reborn’ because it’s evil.
And Xian leaders wonder why their numbers drop. It’s because of idiots like this who make stupid arguments like this.
Hail BG — never experienced a ghost ever … was told that if I eat lots of cheese before sleeping that I would have nightmares … so I tried it … nothing much happened … on another occasion I did however awaken once to find something was sitting on my legs … the pressure was obvious to me — but to be honest, I don’t know if I was dreaming or awake?
The latter experience has a name and isn’t really unusual. I can’t remember the name.
I’m not sure I have either but I’ve experienced enough things in my life that I can only explain with coincidence at best, from a scientific point of view. Since these experiences have led me to believe in the supernatural as real, why should I not believe that Ghosts can be real? By that extension, why should God, Devil and other greater beings exist? Once you start down the path you can’t say one thing is real but another isn’t. Otherwise, you invalidate your own belief structure and make a mess of your own mind.
So the moron answering the question denying the existence of Ghosts but wants another person to believe in God, Angels, Demons and other Deities is contradictory. While People, as a group, are idiots, individuals are smart. Deep down they are going to recognize the contradiction and this will lead them to question their own belief’s. Eventually it will bubble up as more and more contradictions are found that are only answered with general, half-hearted answers. Answers that are designed to slide past the question rather than be answered satisfactorily.
Then the person walks away because they can’t stand the lies and the contradictions. These are the truth’s that Lucifer, Lilith and others under Their command want us to see. To embrace. To be free.
Hail BG — what is the opposite to faith? Is it “disbelief” or is it a mind that seeks an answer rather than an assumption?
Typically, the opposite of Faith is Reason. Knowledge. The ability and willingness to use such information in a ‘correct’ way.
However, the two are intertwined. We know Gravity works because we can test Gravity’s effects easily. The Faith that we have is that this will never change. That we know that if we were to jump into the air we’ll come back down to Earth, maybe stumble as we land but definitely come back the surface. Wouldn’t your Faith, your Belief, be shaken should you leap up and suddenly find yourself flying through the atmosphere into space? Against all Reason?