Writer: Guardianwolff-666
Author’s Note: This piece of fiction has the power to make your cock hard by the lust demons that possess you as read this story. You feel in so many ways the Demons calling you, and embrace and fill you with satanic lust and possess you to call out to Satan to enter you, as I send my lust energy out toward you and fill you with darkness as the summer night air burns bright in your eyes the fire that takes you deeper, and deeper, and deeper, and deeper, and ….
Link: Tumblr / 01.08.2021 / Repostered by Itsalexander2
When College Boys Fuck With A Demon
I sat in my store and watched all the beds collecting dust as I put out all my signs, banners, and tags for the current sale. We don’t do the kind of business where we can bring in more sales associates or stock clerks to tie up the merchandise to customer’s vehicles. So we have to do it ourselves. I sat for awhile and realized it was going to be another slow day. I decided to proceed with my daily meditation. I didn’t have a candle but meditation was mentalism, such as going into my astral after doing my breathing exercise.
“Inhale, bring the energies from the root chakra and rise to the solar plexus just above the belly button. Hold and gently push down to the sacral chakra just below the belly button. And exhale forcing the energies rise up from the sacral, to the solar plexus, the heart chakra, up to the throat, the third eye, and up to the crown while squeezing the anus causing a light headed affect of going down in an elevator and feeling like the brain is moving up. That is how one knows he or she is doing it correctly. The pineal gland behind the left ear is vibrating fast. This is the process that opens the third eye which is what opens you to the unknown, and communication with the Demons and all abilities of extra sensory perception occur.”
I performed my meditation and waited to listen to the message or messages the demons had for me for to day. This is my intuition, my — me time — that brings me closer and closer to Father Satan.
The messages are generally life lessons, harmony, balance, and passion of love and concern for others. Love for my brothers and respect for the deities themselves. In a little while something strange did happen. The door to the store opened and in walked two college guys that looked to be eighteen to twenty years old. I asked them how can I help them. The taller of the two said that he was looking for a bed to bang chicks in.
I thought to myself, “What the fuck do we have going on here?”
The guy says, “I’m horny and I want a bed to fuck women in.”
I told him, “Yeah right! And who is going to pay for this bed?
He says, “My dad. Sometimes we bang chicks together.”
At that moment, he got up onto the mattress and started humping and thrusting his pelvis and crotch into the mattress in a sexy and provocative motion. He was turning me on but I could not have this going on with cameras in the store that was possibly filming us.
So I told him, “Listen, you’re going to have to go. You’re not buying any bed and I can’t have this going on. You’re going to get me in trouble.”
“Dude, the only reason I’m here is I thought you were cool. I was hoping you would want to bang chicks with us.”
I wallked toward them with a grimace on my face and said, “So you want to play. You are in for a ride. Young man, you and your friend. I don’t think you’d want this on a TikTok video. You don’t know what you’re messing with.”
At this time, they two were spread out on a bed not doing anything.
“So you’re horny. Yeah, well you’re going to get even hornier. It may even get hot in here.”
I sat down between them two and just focused my energy from deep inside me.
“I can sense that you are horny. Your dicks are making you uncomfortable.”
The young man was completely fidgeting in his seat. The other guy was fidgeting also.
“Fuck I’m even hornier now than when he was humping your bed.”
I said, “The demons like to play,” as I felt the rising bulge in my groin. I stared straight ahead as the two of them continued fidgeting with themselves.
“Fuck, what’s going on with me? I don’t usually feel like this. I know I’m horny, but this is ridiculous.”
His buddy chimed in, “I know. I feel horny like I need to fuck now!”
Without breaking my straight ahead gaze, I said to them, “Boys, look at your dicks. Look at them now. Do as I say! Unbutton your pants and look at your cocks. Feel your dicks pulsing, getting bigger. Getting harder. They are like pythons.”
“Fuck! Goddamn yes!” Said the second boy. “Fuck I can’t believe what is happening to me.”
The first boy replied, “I cant believe it either. Fucking Jesus Christ!”
I turned to the one boy and looked at him and said, “Kiss me. Kiss me now.” I reached over and pinched his nipple gently but firm. The taller boy leaned over. “I command you to kiss me.”
He had no will. With no hesitation he slipped his tongue into my mouth. The shorter guy had unfastened his pants and took out his now huge cock that was almost getting ready to shoot.
I said to him, “Why don’t you fuck your friend? You always wanted to, didn’t you?”
I leaned forward and slipped his jeans down below his ass. While his friend began to mount his ass. The guy that was about to be fucked was eye level to my cock that was still tucked away behind my dress slacks. His face was rubbling against my crotch that was getting harder and harder.
“Hail Satan and his demons that possess you now. Your only desire is to fuck and suck, fuck and suck, fuck and suck.”
And they responded with, “Hail Satan! Fuck and suck. Fuck and suck. Fuck and suck!”
The guy who’s face was rubbing against my cock pulled down my zipper and fished out my cock and took the whole thing into his mouth.
“Fucking Jesus Christ! Suck that cock. Worship that cock. You need this cock, you want this cock. So does your friend. Suck my cock.”
The young guy had my dick in his mouth sucking away when his friend that was fucking him leaned over as awell and began lapping at my dick. Seeing the two of them sucking me was amazing.
“You two, stop sucking my cock. Kiss each other. And you, the shorter guy, pull your dick out of your friend’s ass. I’m going to fuck the both of you.”
They replied, “Yes master, fuck us both.”
I got behind and slipped my hard cock into the shorter guy’s ass. Their lips never parted. With both of my hands laying upon both of their backs in a satanic hand motion, I chanted, “Upon the young bucks, their trickery TikTok no tell. Satan make their penises swell. They grow hard by the minute, satanic seed fills within it. Their bodies cum in pleasures from Hell. Take my Demon cock, pigwhores. We fuck all the way to Hell’s Moars. You will fuel your lust with my seed, in your holes will Satan breed. From your holes will Satan’s cum pours.”
“Oh fuck I’m cumming! Fuck! Fuck! My cock is blowing a huge fucking load,” they both called out while my mouth milked both of their cocks for all it was worth as load upon load was swallowed down my throat tasting the hot nectar.
I got my fill of pleasure and hot cum spunk from these college twinks that thought they were trying to get one on me. Their plan backfired.
“Before you go, whenever you hear someone say, “the demons want to play” your cocks will immediately get hard. The only way to satisfy your sexual needs is for both of you to satisfy each other. In the most powerful name of Satan. And come back next week. I am going to sodomize your asses again. Hail Satan!”