What’s Love Got to Do With It? by Hadit93 – Non- Fiction

Writer: Hadit93

Subject: What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Link: Tumblr / 18.02.2023

What’s Love Got to Do With It?

I will apologize now for the Tina Turner reference, but I feel it had to be done! When people read about Thelema or hear about it they immediately think about the following quote: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” This has become the hallmark of Thelema, it’s calling card. It is the most quoted line from Liber Legis and as such has received the most attention. But what about the other line that is used in all meetings, official communications, and within Liber Legis, what about “Love is the law, love under will?”

What has Love got to do with Thelema? I would say Love is the most important aspect of Thelema, some would say secondary to Will, I say you cannot have True Will without Love. If the word of the Law is ‘Thelema’ (Will) but Love is also the ‘law’ then surely Will and Love are synonymous or at the very least related. This is also reflected in gematria with Thelema equating to ninety-three and Agape also equating to ninety-three. Agape is a specific type of Love, it is the love for God and the love of God for humanity. This is the Love that is central to Thelema.

Love also implies union, and in the case of Thelema this union is between man and God. Some people will equate this to the union of the lower Self with the higher Self. I will simply use the ideology that the union refers to that union that is begun with the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. It is during this attainment, this key aspect of the path that the True Will or Thelema is also revealed. Union with God assures you act in sync with the Will of God, the Will of God is also your True Will. Therefore union, or Love, is the Law that is also the Will, Thelema.

By living in sync with God, you live in sync with the natural inclination of the universe. You follow your True Will. But it is only followed so long as you maintain the state of union with the true flow of life that is the Holy Guardian Angel. It is like being in tune with a specific frequency. This is the nature of the union at first. So long as you remain in tune you will follow your True Will. This is reflected perfectly in the following quote from Kenneth Grant in his ‘Magical Revival’:

“The word of the Will (Thelema) is the Name of the Angel who utters it at the climax of the magical rite; and when interpreted in terms of individual consciousness it reveals the secret and supreme formula of spiritual enlightenment.”

The Will is God itself as manifested to the magician in the form of their Holy Guardian Angel. The only way to know this Will is to become one with the Angel which is the vehicle or manifestation of God (Hadit). The Angel is a personal interface of the divine. An aspect of God we can communicate with or through below the abyss. Nuit manifests as Hadit which in turn takes form and enfleshes itself as the Angel of an individual. The path of manifestation is Nuit>Hadit>HGA (Ra-Hoor-Khuit)> human. The path of a Thelemic magician/mystic is to return up this path.

So what has Love got to do with it? Love is the mechanism by which we attain union with God/The Angel and by which we can live in a state of True Will. We cannot follow the True Will without union. Love is the law. Love under Will. Love is not under the Will of the magician, love is given under the guidance and Will of the Angel or God. This is also represented by the dual-force nature of the Thelemic current typified by Ra-Hoor-Khuit and Hoor-Paar-Kraat who form Heru-ra-ha when conjoined. RHK is speech, Will, projection. HPK is Silence, Love, Reception.

There are further mysteries to be had, but that is a post for another time. In short Love is the mechanism of Will and is where the emphasis should be placed but is often ignored in favour of the more active and dare I say ‘masculine’ aspects of the current. Because dare I say again? Thelema has become a little boys club instead of a current for all.

I shall crawl back under my hermit’s hut before I am attacked for these views!

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