Writer: Marisolmoon
Subject: What Kind of Witch Are You?
Link: Tumblr / 05.09.2021 / Reposted by Witchcraft?
What Kind of Witch Are You?
Often when considering a path of what type of witch you would consider yourself, you may wonder, what category of witch do I fall under? Luckily, you will discover there are at least 20 different types of witches. Here, I’m going to compile the main categories of witches and underneath if they have any subcategories, list them. Hopefully this list will help you narrow down what path you would like to move towards. Below each description I will add links to learn more about each distinctive craft.
Gardnerian Witch
Gardnerian Witchcraft is basically what started it all. Gerald Gardner, the founder of this type of witchcraft is known as the Father of Wicca and credited for creating the wiccan modern movement we have today. This type of craft is very secret, formal and structured through rituals of all kinds. If you were to look up modern Wicca today you would find that Wicca and Gardnerian witchcraft are one and the same.
Alexandrian Witch
An offshoot of Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrian Witchcraft was founded by Alexander and Maxine Sanders who happen to be students of Gerald Gardner. This type of Wicca focuses specifically more on rituals and ceremonial magick.
Corellian Witch
Correllian Wicca began as a nativist tradition as one of the founders, Caroline High Correll was of Scottish and Cherokee Descent. The practice was heavily influenced by Scottish Aradian Witches and the Spiritualist Church as well. In the 70s, Corellian Witchcraft began becoming widely associated with modern wicca as it had begun to adopt more eclectic styles of witchcraft and universalism. The Correllian Craft also is a very formal type of wicca. Attached I have an example of creating a Corellian Shrine for worship to get an idea of what this magick involves.
Dianic Witch
The Dianic Craft is a form of Wicca, but varies in the sense that only Goddesses are worshiped and men are completely excluded. There are some covens that sometimes allow men into their covens but stick to the Worship of only goddesses, but more often than not you will run into traditional covens that do not support that. Dianic Wicca is also known to have some transphobic tendencies by not allowing trans women into their covens.
Thelema Witch
Thelema Witchcraft was founded by Aleister Crowley in the 1900s and this type of path follows his teachings. This path is heavily ceremonial as well and focuses on Egyptian rituals. Many aspects of this magick is influenced by Egyptian traditions.
British Traditional Witch
This type of craft focuses specifically on British superstitions, spells and rituals. This path is heavily influenced by Gardnerian Wicca.
Celtic Witch
Celtic Witchcraft is based on Celtic and Welsh deities, mythology, superstitions, rituals and often involves Earth magick quite heavily.
Egyptian Witch
The Egyptian Craft is Wiccan based but involves the worship of Egyptian deities and their traditions. Attached is a link to a great book for beginner Egyptian Witches.
Hellenic Witch
Hellenic Wicca focuses on worshiping the Greek Gods and their pantheon. It also involves studying their mythology, and traditions. This is the path I have chosen and I find it to be personally quite fulfilling.
Nordic Witch
Nordic Witchcraft is a type of Wicca that is centered around Nordic traditions, deities and Mythology. Runes, a type of divination, is directly related to this type of craft. The link I’m providing has some great ideas for Altars and books to read to get started on this path.
Angel Witch
Angels Witches mostly base their craft on the communication with Angels rather than communing with deities.
Animist Witch
Animist Witches believe that there is life in every being. This includes plants, rocks and animals and there is no distinction between them and humans. Animists see that we are all connected through the universe and all of us have spirits.
Faery Witch
Faery Witches work with the spirits called the Fae that are from traditionally the British Isles. This craft is not for beginners; it is advised that you do extensive research before you commune with the Fae.
Luciferian Witch
This type of craft focuses on Lucifer as he was the “bringer of light”. Luciferians study Lucifer’s qualities both bad and good to seek enlightenment.
Secular Witch
Secular Witch
Secular Witches do not believe or worship spirits and deities whatsoever and solely practice witchcraft.
I would have to say I am a mixture of Lucifarian, Lilitharian, Animist, and Sea Witchcraft, being from Hawaii.
Many of my rituals and workings occur on the beach or in the ocean.
Hawaiian beliefs and ancestor passing into the Amakua, as well ass our own Polynesian pantheon, my workings with Lucifer and Lilith mak me quite different.
Hail Ascending High Priestess of Lilith
Hoku Lani