Writer; Satanicwitchery
Subject: What Is Satanism
Link: Tumblr / 12.09.2022
Note from author: Curiosity is a virtue
What Is Satanism
Satanism is a religion and belief set based on Satan (The Devil). There are two main types of Satanism.
- Non-Theistic Satanism — Atheistic / Does not believe that Satan or God exists / Uses Satan as a metaphor / Does not believe in Magick
- Theistic Satanism — Theistic / Believes Satan exists / Believes in Magick and Dieties / Worships and communes with Dieties
I believe in Satan 100%!
He’s both my God & my Goddess; far Superior to ANY & ALL gods/goddesses. I love ❤ Him with all my fucking heart ❤ & I worship Him, daily
Hi Felicia, how right you are. Hail Satan and Lilith lust perversion and depravity.