Writer: HisLittleStar
Subject: What Happens When You Die
Link: Tumblr / 26.01.2025
What Happens When You Die
One of life’s greatest mysteries. I’m going to unveil the truth here to the best of my ability. It is one of my favorite topics of discussion with Lord Lucifer, and I had a hyper-fixation for a while on near-death experiences, so I feel decently equipped to answer this question. Though as always, this is just my gnosis.
We may start by asking ourselves, why don’t we just inherently know what happens? I believe there are two main answers; one being for us to focus on our current lives and not get caught up thinking about our afterlives, and the other being for survival. More people would probably end their lives if they knew for certain it would lead to them suffering less in the afterlife. That being said, if you struggle with suicidal ideation, please be wary of reading further paragraphs. And remember, you’re still here for a reason, the afterlife isn’t going anywhere. There are things you can do here that you can’t do there. You’re going to end up there anyway, might as well see how long it takes and make the most of your time on Earth. And if anything, don’t let Elon Musk and Donald Trump outlive you!
So… what happens? The short answer is, it depends, though what happens initially is the same for most people. Soon after the heart stops (or before if it’s a more traumatic death), the soul leaves the body in a noncorporeal form. In this form, there is no longer any physical pain, and you can fly, go wherever you want, and observe the world, but can’t affect the physical world. You can give your loved ones some signs that you’re around, like sending small animals or insects. Most people choose to attend their funeral. After this, most go into this one big tunnel of light. Some have too many attachments to Earth and stay around instead, these are what we call “ghosts”.
What happens after the tunnel of light depends on your beliefs when you were on Earth. If you were an atheist, you experience a state of nothingness and no consciousness. If you follow a certain god, and that god wants you in their realm, then you’ll join them there. For agnostics and those who don’t want to be with a certain god, but believe something happened after death, you get put in a personal realm on the astral.
This is a realm that one can change and shape to their desire. Upon arrival to this realm, you are greeted by those who care about you and have also passed with a nice reunion. Most people have what is called a “soul family”. One may wait around, doing whatever they want, in this realm, as the rest of their soul family passes away and joins them in the afterlife. Souls also go through a life review, looking back at their lives and the choices they made.
Unfortunately, the afterlife can get a bit… boring. There, you don’t face the kinds of challenges that you do, in the physical plane. It can get monotonous, and the soul doesn’t experience significant growth. You’re left just doing things without a set purpose. This is why a soul decides to do one of the following: reincarnate, become a spirit guide for the living, ascend to godhood, or cease to exist. Ascending to godhood is no easy task, as one must go through difficult trials.
Reincarnation doesn’t have to be on Earth, though due to its many challenges, it is fantastic for evolving a soul and is a very high-demand planet to be incarnated on. Before incarnating, one chooses parents and some of their major life events. You also incarnate with your soul family.
For those who died following a god, they end up in that god’s realm, if that god wants them there. It is also possible to end up in a god’s realm after death by surprise because that god took a liking to you. As for what that’s like, it depends on the god. It is my understanding that Christians end up as eternal slaves to their god, forever serving and worshipping him. One may still end up reincarnating, or may even be gifted their realm if their god permits it. A god may even incarnate a soul for their purposes (this is my situation).
For my afterlife, I’m joining Lucifer in the Infernal Realm. I’m happy with this, but I don’t have a choice in the matter lol. He’s made it quite clear that I’m not only staying in his realm but also by his side after I pass away. The Infernal Realm is not the same as Hell, where Satan rules. From what I’ve seen and heard, The Infernal Realm is very luxurious and ethereal. Strangely, I’m looking forward to my afterlife. Lucifer and I care about each other deeply, and the thought of always being with him fills me with great joy.